
In Classroom Of The Elite as a Tool with a system

COTE reincarnation with system

Rudeus_Greyrat_4315 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

World's Martial Arts tournament

I was able to return Kushida back into her room. Seeing that she's fully unconscious I sighed.

This floor of the dormitory building is where the girls lived. It would be really suspicious if a guy was in this place this late time of the day.

Especially since Kushida was so popular with everyone. A guy who was found coming out of her room would spread ridiculous rumors like a wildfire.

So I decided to jump off the balcony at the side of the building and was able to return to my room.

I dropped my sweaty clothes on the laundry and took a bath after that. I'm still in my post not clarity, so I felt really refreshed.

It's been a while since I had a sex with a girl. It's also quite enjoyable to let my childish desire to dominate them.

After a long soak on a hot tub, I got out refreshed.

I checked on my smartphone. There were some notifications coming from the group chat Ike made.

The message read, Satou's joining the group. Satou was a particularly high-spirited girl in our class. She's in the same group of friends as Matsushita and Shinohara.

"Hiya! Ike-kun invited me to join when we were talking earlier."

Satou continued.

"I heard about what happened today. Horikita is really frustrating, huh?"

"I was really pissed at her. Sudou was super mad. He almost lost it. I think he would've hit her." Ike complained.

"If I see her tomorrow, I might hit her. I was really annoyed with her today." Sudou said something violent.

"Aha ha ha, it'll be a big problem if you hit her lol. That would be overkill!"

"Hey, I have an idea. Starting tomorrow, how about we completely ignore her?"

"Ha, I've always ignored her (lol)"

"I kind of want to hit her with some payback."

"Bully her a little and make her cry, you know?"

"Do something like hide her shoes."

"Ha ha, what are you, kids? Lol lol lol but I do kind of want to see her squirm."

Soon after Satou joined the group chat, Horikita became the main topic of discussion.

"Hey, Seishirou-kun, you want in on bullying Horikita lol."

"Nah, Seishirou-kun is all obsessed with her, so he probably can't."

"Hey, whose side are you on? Ours or Horikita's?"

I think it was time to reply so I typed on my keyboard screen.

"Did she come to tutor you in the library? She must have said something nasty right? Ha ha ha! Your grades sucked after all(lol)."

I made sure to add the (lol) in my chat to made it seem like I'm a normie.

"Shuddap! I bet your score at the last test was all a fluke! You stole 20,000 points from me!"

Ike complained. Sudou snapped back feeling mad too. While Satou only was amazed for getting a high score.

"Well I don't really care if you bully her. I bet she'd even care about you lot. And if Kushida heard of this, she might hate you all(lol)."

After sending that message I closed my phone. There was an immediate response but left it alone. Those guys despite being morons would probably won't do anything stupid.

I decided to check the tool function column on my system.



1. The tools in your disposal won't be able to harm you as an individual.

2. You can use one of your Tool's skills.

3. You can lend your skills to your Tool.

4. You can check the conversation history logs of your Tool on the day.

5. You can order your Tool in a form of Quests. And if the Tool successfully completed the order, the Tool would be rewarded by the system.

6. You can freely distribute the reward from the Quests to and get reward from your Tool.





After reading it, I also found out that Kushida was a virgin before I fucked her. I was too preoccupied that time to even be aware.

And it seems the System has completely restored her virginity back according to Status displayed by the System. I don't really know how that makes sense, but if its the system then I could just stop thinking about it.

There were a bunch of uses of a Tool actually. This Tool Function seems like the ideal tool for creating an organization and stuff.

I could be a head of a cult with all the members was going all to be my tools. But it sounds like a pain.

I decided to be picky on the Tools I decided to have in the future.


I couldn't get to my sleep.

I wasn't the least bit exhausted even though I just did something exhausting.

So I got up and left. I bought some black canned coffee in the vending machine and decided to go outside for air.

This was quite the long day.

And there I saw Horikita coming out from the elevator. What is she doing this time of the night?

I hid my presence for her not to notice me.

Looking wary of her surroundings, she exited the building. After she'd vanished into the night, I did a coin toss and the results said to follow after her.

"It must be something good then." I say looking at the heads face of the coin.

However when I was about to turn in the corner, I sensed another presence with her.

I just realized that I'm going to witness the part where Horikita would meet her brother the student council president.

"Suzune. I didn't think you'd follow me this far." he said.

"Hmph. I'm far different from the useless girl you once knew, niisan. I came here to catch you."

"Catch me, hmm?"

Her brother snorted as if she was joking. He wasn't even taking her words seriously.

"I heard you were placed in Class D. I suppose nothing has really changed in the last three years. You've always been fixated on following me, and as a result you don't notice your own flaws. Choosing to come to this school was a mistake."

"That's... You're wrong about that. I'll show you. I'll reach Class A right away, then—"

"It's pointless. You will never reach Class A. In fact, your class will fall apart soon enough. Things at this school aren't as simple as you think."

"I will definitely, definitely reach—"

"I told you, it's pointless. You really are a disobedient little sister."

Horikita's brother stepped closer to her. It was the student council president Horikita who gave his speech on the club fair the other day.

He displayed no hint of emotion. It was like he was staring at an uninteresting object. He grabbed his younger sister by the wrist—she offered no resistance—and pushed her against the wall.

"No matter how I try to avoid you, the fact remains that you're my little sister. If people around here learned the truth, I would be humiliated. Leave this school immediately."

"I-I can't do that... I will definitely reach Class A. I'll show you!"

"How incredibly stupid. Do you want to relive the pain of the past?"

"Niisan, I..."

"You possess neither the abilities nor the qualities needed to reach Class A. Get that through your head."

He moved forward, as if about to act. The situation looked fraught with danger.

Seriously why am I even in this situation? Where is the guy that was supposed to be here?

I acted fast and grabbed his right arm, which he was about to use to pin down Horikita.

"What? You..." He stared at his arm and slowly turned to me with a sharp gleam in his eye.


"That won't do student council president. Even if you're siblings, little sisters are meant to be protected, you know? What you're doing is blasphemy."

"Eavesdropping is not an admirable quality."

"But harming a little sister would be much worse."

I firmly said standing up to my beliefs. Once again I'll introduce myself. I am Seishirou Akane, an Otaku. It's a universal rule wether it is an anime, manga, light novels, or even reality, little sisters are meant to be protected.

Though both the elder and the younger Horikita doesn't understand Moe culture. They looked at me like I was saying nonsense.

Thinking about it, it's indeed kinda embarrassing saying such cringe lines with full conviction. But I do not waver.

"Let go."

The elder Horikita warned me with an overwhelming pressure, but I wasn't the least bit fazed.

"True that it was my bad that I am eavesdropping. And I'm sticking my nose in a sibling fight~."

They looked at me as I gave my long winded speech.

And the... my face turned into a Jojo's reference.

"...But I refuse."

Menacing~ Menacing~ Menacing~ Menacing~


Despite the student council president not knowing of that reference, he perfectly was able to deliver the perfect line of the next dialogue.

And it sets up my next line...

Menacing~ Menacing~ Menacing~ Menacing~

"One of my absolute favorite things to do, is to tell someone 'No' to people who think they have the absolute advantage."

We glared at each other in complete silence.

"Stop it, Seishirou-kun." said Horikita, her voice strained.

I wanted to refuse again, but the tsukommi has been overused now so my hand softened.

The moment I did though, the student council president tries to backhand me in the face.

[System automated self-defense online.]

[Activated Skill: "Martial Arts IX"]

[Basic Quest: Survive the attacks of the student council president.]

[Reward: +1 Athletic ability]

I ignored the notifications coming from the system and I evaded the attack narrowly missing me.

For a nerdy looking guy, he seems to have his own share of fights.

He then aimed a kick on my unguarded spot.

"Whoops, that was close."

I once again narrowly evaded that attack.

Looking slightly confused, he exhaled deeply, extended his right arm, and opened his hand.

I positioned my feet beside him when I dodged his attacks once again. He tried to grab me but I moved too fast beyond a human's perception.

"Boddhisatva's Palm."

I did a palm strike straight towards his face, but I stopped inches before coming down on his face for real. The wind pressure coming from my attack messed his neat hair a little bit.

[Congratulations for completing the Quest!]

[You have neutralized the target from continue attacking.]

[Reward: +1 Athletic ability]

[Bonus Reward: Level-up skill: "Martial Art IX" to "Martial Art X".]

"Please stop it president. I don't want to hurt you."

I ignored the series of notifications as I gave a slight smile at the student council president. The younger Horikita does seem surprised too.

"The way you move, it should be a Martial Art variant that originated from China. Tell me, were you taught?"

"Quite cocky for someone who got his ass beat aren't ya president?" I commented.

"Well to answer your question. Yes, I was taught piano and calligraphy. Amazing right?" I said.

I always wanted to say those lines! It was the most iconic meme in my previous world because of Ayanokouji said those!

"You're in Class D, too, aren't you? What a unique boy, Suzune." He turned towards his little sister.

He doesn't seem fazed my my remarks, which made him a really formidable one.

After he let go of his younger sister, he turned to face me.

"No way~ You're just overestimating me. You won't get anything from me for flattering me you know?"

"Suzune, is this boy your friend? I'm honestly surprised."

"He's... not my friend. Just my classmate."

"You continue to confuse independence with solitude. And you, Seishirou. With you around, things might get really interesting."

"Hey, listen to a person was saying. I'm just who's kinda smart, knows how to fight a little bit, lastly knows piano and calligraphy. Anything aside from that, I'm just a completely ordinary student." I objected saying that I am not an interesting person at all.

"You know, you just contradicted what you said." Horikita shut me down.

After that both of us decided to went back on the first year building dormitory.

"Very well then, let's see each other again in school." I said goodbye.

Seriously what is wrong with me getting involved with the main plot? I simply just want Ayanokouji and Horikita carry me all the way to Class A. I know it's already destined for Class D to win because of the main characters. There's no need for me to do all the hard work.

Never would I thought at this stage that would be already impossible.