
In Classroom Of The Elite as a Tool with a system

COTE reincarnation with system

Rudeus_Greyrat_4315 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

A doujinshi hentai development(R-18)

When we arrived at the cafe, the place are flooded with girls, girls, girls, and even more girls in it.

"This is seriously insane. I'm glad you invited me out for lunch, Matsushita. I can't see myself going here alone by myself. If I try, I might get myself a heart attack."

"This isn't really a place where boys come to eat. Well should I say you're welcome?"

"Perhaps... Let's go on the cafeteria after all? I feel kinda uncomfortable here."

I hesitated looking at a new ecosystem dominated with females in front of me. I remembered reading in a book somewhere that female insects eat the males after mating, that's the kind of feeling I'm getting right now.

"You'll be fine once you get used to it. It seems like Kouenji-kun comes here every day. See?"

Matsushita pointed at our classmate Kouenji surrounded by girls. From what I'd guess from their body structure, they would be third years.

"He seems really popular."

Matsushita was surprised, too. I overheard some of the conversation between Kouenji and the older girls.

"Here, Kouenji-kun, say 'Ahh!'"

One of them said. Kouenji pompously opened his mouth as he was being fed by a girl. Shit, what an enviable situation.

"Ha ha! Just as I thought, more mature girls are the best."

He certainly didn't act shy at all around the third-year ladies. Rather, he ate his food while they practically pressed up against him.

"That guy is really something else." I muttered.

"His name seems to be going around lately. People are talking about him."

I see. So, were those girls after his money? If I told them I'm some kind of a rich kid, would girls also flock at me? I also wanna try, if only I could withdraw my cash on my bank account...

"What a sad world."

"Those girls are just being realists. You can't afford to eat on dreams alone."

"Are you a realist, Matsushita?"

"I'd say I'm a bit of a dreamer. Something like a knight in shining armor would be nice. But we have to face reality sooner or later."

"A knight in shining armor, hmm..."

We sat as far away from Kouenji as possible.

"What about you, Seishirou-kun? What kind of girls do you like girls like?"

"Girls I like huh... Nothing really comes into mind."

One girl came up to my mind. Though I haven't even asked her name yet. I'm pretty sure she's a second year class B.

Matsushita does seem to be disappointed to my answer though, sorry.

After we ordered our food, we found ourselves a place to seat. It was only a single table that only gives spaces for two people. In other words it's a table for couples... usually that is.

"Know something, Seishirou-kun? You've caught the girls' eyes for a little while now. You're on a first-year students' ranking chart."

I guess that would only be natural.

"Girls have those? What the hell kind of ranking?"

Apparently, we men had been rated without even noticing. Was it like the ranking we'd made for the girls breast sizes? I guess that would mean we're even now huh.

"Well, there are lots of different rankings, you know? The hot guy rankings. The rich guy rankings. The creeper rankings. And—"

"Okay, that's enough. I don't think I want to hear any more."

Seriously girls in this world terrifies me. They're like a completely different creature. Though if you tapped in their weaknesses, they easily give in.

"Don't worry. You're ranked a respectable third place in the hot guy rankings. By the way, Satonaka-kun in Class A is in first place. Hirata-kun's in second. I feel like Hirata-kun gets lots of points because of his looks and personality."

"That, is really something huh."

It's all thanks to my skill "Charm VIII"-sensei. With this skill I'm pretty sure I can work as a model of some kind. But being a celebrity sounds like a pain...

"Are you not really happy about it? You're ranked third you know?"

"Of course I do. It's just kinda weird that Hirata wasn't even first. I always thought he's the kind of guy who would get the top."

"That's your problem?"

Matsushita chuckled realizing that I made her worry about something else.

"Well in my case, I'm not really seeking for popularity. Standing out kinda sucks."

Matsushita paused a little like she's thinking about something. I don't know what's in her mind though, I'm not an Esper.

"From my point of view, you're definitely attractive enough to be a hot guy. You're also really smart, and was incredibly athletic. I even doubt the reason why someone like you was placed in Class D."

I also wonder about that. The anime hasn't even explained why an excellent student like Horikita or Hirata was placed in Class D either.

"Hey, Seishirou-kun. Did you have a girlfriend in junior high school?"

"...I don't."

"You don't? Did anyone confessed their feelings on you?"

"I... haven't. Would that be bad?"

"Um, no, not really."

Matsushita looked at me confused. She must have wondered why.

"Rankings, huh? What would the girls think if the boys did something like that?"

"They'd probably consider them the lowest of the low."

Yeah... Girls are terrifying...

After that we ate our lunches together chatting among ourselves.


I left my room number 501 after eating my lunch.

I thought it would be good to practice my Qigong on the rooftops in a cold night sky watching under the moonlight and the stars.

Gazing at the top of a a building over 30 meters tall, I did my warm up.

"Let's see, where should I go today? Heads for the Keyaki Mall rooftop, and Tails in the school building's rooftop."

I activated my "Luck X" skill while I did a coin toss. When I try deciding for my choices, I had a ritual to let my "Luck X" skill do the job for me.

It was because of this actions that I was able to grind the skill to such a very high level.

Still the skill isn't omnipotent. I remembered the times in my childhood the troublesome times because I heavily relied on it too much. It was still such a low level back then.

After doing so, I readied myself and activated my skill "Qigong IX".

After a few minutes of exercise, I thought it would be good to stroll somewhere.

"On the school rooftop we go."

I jumped over the safety fence as I let my body get pulled by gravity downwards.

I ran at the walls of the building using it as a platform. And use the muscles of my legs to propel myself at a great speed.

I glided through the air and landed at the walls in the building and started calculating my next steps.

I jumped from buildings to buildings until I reached the rooftop of the school and landed softly.

The school building was only three floors tall with a rooftop.

Just like in a typical school building in an anime, there's a water storage on the top of the entrance of the rooftop door.

I decided to rest here for a while. My skill had a cool down, so this place would be a good stopping point before going back home.

I was standing on top of it while gazing below.

Checking on my smartphone, I found that it's already six in the evening. Students with club activities are the only people usually in here.

I asked permission to the senpais in the volleyball club that I had to go home early, that's why I'm here.

Just as I'm enjoying myself with the night view as the breeze brushes through my skin, I heard the entrance doors opening.

On alert I made sure to hide my presence so that I won't get detected.

A familiar girl came out from the door.

From what I could tell from her body structure on the silhouette, it must be Kushida.

What was she up to? Is she waiting for someone? A rendezvous at such a secluded place... Could she possibly be waiting for her boyfriend?

Kushida set her bag slowly down on the ground.

And then...

"Ahhh, so annoying!"

Her voice was so low that it didn't sound at all like Kushida. In fact despite knowing that she had a dark side, I'd never thought I would be able to witness it like this.

"She's seriously annoying! God, how irritating. It'd be better if she just died..."

She grumbled to herself, as if chanting the words to some kind of spell or curse.

"Ugh, I hate stuck-up, snobby girls who think they're so cute. Why is she such a harpy? A rotten girl like her couldn't possibly tutor me."

Was Kushida annoyed with... it must be Horikita, right?

"Ah, she's the worst! She's just the worst, the worst, the worst! Horikita, you're so annoying! You're so damn annoying!"

There she goes.

I tried sensing any presence but I didn't detect any. That means Ayanokouji wasn't here to witness this scene.

Anyway at this rate it would be really bad. I tried leaving quickly preparing myself to jump.


But then before I could even start, I fell down the ground. My fall made a louder sound than I anticipated.

I completely forgot my cool down time hasn't ended yet.

While I was still easing the pain from my fall, Kushida tensed and stopped breathing. I'd instantly become her enemy. Turning, Kushida set her sights on me.

After a brief awkward silence, Kushida coldly said.

"What... are you... doing here?"

"I decided to ditch club activities to take a nap here. The breeze here is really fresh you know? Anyway I'm sorry for interrupting you, I'll be going now."

Kushida looked straight at me, clearly seeing through my obvious lie. I'd never seen such an intense gaze before.

"Did you hear?" Kushida asked.

"Would you believe me if I said I didn't?" I replied.

"I see..."

Kushida briskly walked onwards me. She placed her left forearm against the base of my throat, and pushed me up against the wall.

I had the urge to scream like a maiden after being kabe-don'd by a girl. I felt like a shojo manga protagonist.

"If you tell anyone what you just heard, I won't forgive you."

"And what if I do?"

"In that case, I would tell everyone that you ra.ped me." she said.

"That's a false accusation, you know?"

"That's okay. It wouldn't be false."

Her words had heft and power, leaving me unable to reply. As she spoke, Kushida grabbed my right wrist and slowly opened my hand. She pushed my palm up against her soft breast.

"Hey. What the–" I asked.

"Your fingerprints are on my clothes. That's evidence of my claim. I'm being serious. Understand?"

Did my "Luck X" skill betray me this time? This is the first time it had failed. What's the use of knowledge in the future? I guess no matter what, humans can't go against the attractor field(steins gate reference).


[System automated self-defense online]

[An Emergency Quest has been generated.]

[Detected hostile intentions that would affect the player's entire life.]

[Emergency Quest: Make Kushida drop the false accusations]

[Reward: ???]

[Penalty: Prison Sentence of 5 years, 90% less chance of being employed in the future...]

In there listed several more penalties if this quest ever end up in failure.

It's been a while since I have recieved quests like this. Throughout this current second life, I heavily relied on Quests to rapidly increase my Skill levels aside from just grinding everyday.

This is one of those instances. I sighed resigned to my fate.

I activated my "Qigong IX" skill.

I pressed on a pressure point on her groin and used the skill.

[You activated Skill: Qigong IX.]

[Kushida's Yin essence stimulated.]


Kushida's face turned ugly as when she felt her groin was being touched. I could feel her skin trembling as I could feel the fluid slimy substance on my fingers.

Kushida with her heightened sensitivity and stimulated Yin essence aroused her.

Having your Yin essence stimulated for a female was an equivalent to get them in heat.

"Wh-what did you do to me you jerk!"

She said to me with an accusatory look. She wound up her hand coming to my face for a slap, in which I caught mid air.

I grabbed her arms forcefully and this time I was the one pinning her down on the wall.

"Do you think you could arrogantly threaten me with a false accusation? Who do you think you are?"

I say with incredible pressure as I even more moved my fingers on her nether regions.

"Know your place you damn woman."

My hand slapped her in the face


Kushida flew away on the ground she quite the distance. She looked up at me. Somehow I don't really detect as much hostility as before she even noticed me earlier.

If I had to guess she was too aroused to be thinking about the pain of my slap. She sprawled in the ground carefully lifting up herself.

A childish, sadistic desire that had locked deep within my heart took an opening glimpse of freedom.

I could feel my mind thinking on ways to make her pay for revenge.

False ra.pe accusation is a serious issue against men. Especially if the court judge that held the trial would be a feminist who discriminates men's chastity because we are males.

Countless men had been victims of false accusations and it destroyed their lives. And yet even if when they were proven innocent, the woman gets away with it without as much as punishment for destroying the accused life.

"You look so high and mighty earlier, just look at you right now."

I looked down on her with cold blooded eyes.

"Please... Save me."

Kushida spoke a little silently only for me to hear.

I knew what she wanted. For someone with a stimulated Yin Essence, they would search for a Yang Essence resources nearby to balance the Life force in her body.

And I with an abundance quantity and quality of Yang essence because of my Skill "Enhanced Physique X", she felt like finding an oasis in the middle of a desert.

Knowing that it would be fatal if not acted immediately, I just couldn't left her be alone by herself.

I stripped her of her clothes. The red blazer, the shirt, the tie, the skirt. Next I removed her bra and lastly her panties.

She's basically bare naked in front of me right now.


She looked at me with a little anger in her eyes still clinging at me not wanting to let go.

Not waiting a single moment even longer, I the tip of my dick from the entrance. Playing it around a little made her legs tremble a little bit.

[You used Skill: Sex II]

[Heightened stamina and Yang essence. Increasing Aphrodisiacal effects to all females. Enhanced testosterone activities...]

The soft sensation was great and the her vagina seems to be suck my penis in.


After a while it slid right in balls deep.

"W-Wait! Stop!"

Kushida jerked a little bit and clutched my penis in like a boa constrictor. Despite her words, she's the one who kept sucking my dick into her. It must be an involuntarily movement.

"What's wrong Kushida? You were talking some big game earlier aren't you?"

"Shut-up! You suck at this!"

"Is that so? But you already came a few times."

"I have not! You're being to rough with me!"

"Well then let's have a talk with your 'mouth' down there directly."

As I worked my hips and plunged it with all my weight. I'm roughing her up even more.

"Wait... Don't joke around!"

"Hurry up and pull out already!"

"If you don't pull out, it will be too late!"

She threw me up with multiple complaints but I merely ignored her. I continued moving my body acting out of hateful grudge against this woman.

"Stop! Pull out already!"

"Why? This is what you wanted didn't you? At least if I'm going to do it for real, it would be true that you're the victim. I'll make you regret for ever trying to mess with me."

I directed my hateful glare at her with intense ferocity. Kushida looked at me with fearful eyes like a toad being discovered by an Apex predator.

I don't care if I'm going to get in prisoned now. I'll fuck her up so badly, she would have nightmares about me if she ever think of it.

I covered up her mouth as I kissed her deeply. She's been noisy for a while now so I decided to shut her up. Though her screaming in agony and despair, made a really pleasant experience. That's my sadistic nature is showing.

After a while, her pussy twitched and I could tell she climaxed.

It's the biggest one since we started.

I also did my own and thrusted my hips in one last push into her balls deep and climaxed.

I could feel the weird sensation of Kushida's sexual bodily fluids mixed with my semen inside.

[Congratulations! Emergency Quest complete!]

[Reward: Kushida's memory will be wiped about this event, Wiping all the possible evidence in the event, +10 Academic ability. +10 Athletic ability, +10 Charisma.]

[Congratulations! A new tool acquired!]


Tool name: Kushida Kikyou.


Academics: 81

Athletic Ability: 68

Charisma: 95


Social Communication IX

Charm VIII

Social Mask X


[Congratulations! "Skill: Sex II(Bedroom Arts)" Leveled-up to Skill: "Sex III(Bedroom Arts)"]

A series of system notifications came to me.

I removed my dick from her pussy. And like a clogged pipe, it bursted out a large volume of mixed body fluids for both of us.

It dropped into the floor, and yet it disappeared like nothing out of thin air. Even the lingering weird scent from our sweat and fluids are gone like a smoke.

It even dressed up Kushida the way it was before. Even the destroyed buttons of her shirt when I violently undressed her were sewed back up.

The system really did wipe out all the evidence. It's actually so perfect like it had manipulated reality itself.

Feeling satisfied by the successful venture, I decided to clean up.

I dressed myself up.

I don't want to do this kind of thing if possible. But we, of the Seishirou clan members had a duty to do.

Maybe this is why I'm in Class D. I found out that the Seishirou clan also committed heinous crimes in this world's version of World War 2. My ancestors also did something similar to what I've done today.

Though in my defense it was an act of revenge for a false accusation that could possibly mess up my entire future. My ancestors on the other hand did it out of their vile intentions.

Kushida was unconscious girl in front of me, I could tell she was in deep sleep. Though I told her that she will have nightmares about me, but the system wiped her memory of what happened.

Looking at her cute face sleeping like an angel, I had the urge to smack her.

I restrained myself though.

Now that I made a tool out of her, I wonder what I should do? I thought about it but I hadn't any plans yet.

I guess I'll just had to leave this to my future self...

"I guess it's time we should go back."

I carried Kushida in a princess carry and got her bag hand on my shoulder.

[You used the Skill: "Qigong IX" and "Enhanced Physique X"]

[You get Superhuman Abilities. Increased speed, power, mind, endurance...]

And just like in an American manga superhero, I jumped off the building in the night sky.