
In Boruto With a Perverted Customization System

A man beaten down by life and filled with hatred, died one day in an attempt to satisfy his vengeful needs and ended up in front of an evil god who was impressed by the man's display of free will. The god gives the man a gift and sends him into an AU of Boruto where almost everyone is the female version of themselves, the female population greatly outweighing the male... Watch as Akuto tips the scale of a female-dominant world using the power of his Perverted Customization System and becoming the King of Shinobi. ... Apologies if the quality isn't up to standard, this is my first time writing so there's bound to be some fuck-ups.

Stygrxn · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Talk to the Hand

Pun intended




Class: Mutate (Spider)

Bloodline(s): Uzumaki Bloodline, Hyuga Bloodline

Equipment: Doran's Ring, DP Converter, Symbiote, Titan Serum(Unequipped)

[] Akuto Uzumaki []

Age: 12

Strength: [50] (100)

Dexterity: [50]

Vitality: [70]

Defense: [55]

Intelligence: [55]

Charm: [48]

Sense: [60]

Luck: [40]

Intrinsic Skills: [Sensor] [Byakugan] [Jougan] [Spider Physiology]

Skills: [Slave Control] [Dark Determination] [Inspect] [Adaptation] [Love Aura] [Insight Immunity] [Biological Webbing] [Bio-Electricity] [Spider-Sense] [Invisibility] [Rasengan] [Eclipse Rasengan] [Wind Style: Gale Palm] [Bio-Venom] [Stingers] [Killing Intent] [Burn Resistance] [Wind Style: Breakthrough] [Fire Style: Great Fireball] [Fire Style: Flame Capture] [Genjutsu Resistance] [Drug Resistance] [Pain Resistance] [Lower Regeneration] [Mental Control Resistance]

Talents: [Fire & Wind Chakra Nature] [Sealing Talent] [Chakra Control Talent]

Symbiote Skills: [Symbiosis] [Parasitic Inheritance] [Physical Augmentation] [Bio Manipulation] [Body Storage] [Camouflage] [Psychokinesis](NEW)


Total DP: 1800


[Symbiosis: 55%]


For the past 30 minutes, I have just been staring at my status.

I knew the system had readjusted, but I wasn't expecting the system to change in such a manner. I just thought it was going to make more defences.

But apparently, the readjustment had done a lot. For example, for some reason, the system now displays my items as well as DP quantity.

Not to mention that my symbiosis had apparently increased-- something I was incredibly surprised about given the fact that it just tried taking me over. Though I suppose that the symbiote did bond with my body and mind due to Psychokinesis.

However, all of those previously mentioned pale in comparison to the actual thing that I was stuck on.

The fact that the skill that I thought was lost forever, is now listed under the symbiote skill section with everything else.

Which means that I should be able to use it...

Which is also... very, very weird.

This begs the question of why exactly the system allowed me to get a random item despite it obviously being aware that I could still use Psychokinesis.

It most likely knew that I had access to the skill, but for some reason, let me get an item...

'System? Why did you let me get an item? You obviously knew that I was able to use it so...'

[The skill is still the symbiote's so you will only have limited access to a weakened version of the skill. Hence the free item]

The system's message was disappointing to see, but it did make some sense since the skill was under the symbiote's control at the end of the day.

I guess it was simply wishful thinking to assume that I could just use the skill at its full power with zero limitations.

But that begs the question of how I can even use it since the skill is presumably a mind-based power.

It probably has something to do with me and the symbiote being connected in mind and body.

You know what, I'll just see for myself, 'Open the information on Psychokinesis.'



[Details: User can utilize the power of the mind to achieve a variety of psychic effects]

-Becomes stronger with more complete Symbiosis

-Higher Intelligence required for more extreme uses


There it is. So the higher my symbiosis with the symbiote is, the more power I can access from the skill.

I suppose this means that I'll soon have to fully commit to communicating with the symbiote.

But for now, I should try and see how it works.

Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, I began concentrating on using the Psychokinesis skill.

Soon enough, after a moment of concentration, I was greeted by the sight of the symbiote arm letting off a subtle aura before quickly flickering off.

I glanced disappointedly at the arm, 'Looks like I'll need a lot more practice before I can keep it up reliably... Probably gotta improve my Intelligence...'

But still. Just the fact that I'm still able to use such a powerful skill is something to be thankful for.

The power to control things with the mind-- such an absolutely insane skill that its loss angered me. But now, I can use it.

I'm not going to properly use it unless I can raise my Intelligence and symbiosis, but just having access to it is enough.

Presumably, I should be able to easily move small objects in simple directions and slightly influence the minds of less intelligent animals like bugs.

Actually, speaking of animals, I should probably deal with the one right in front of me.

With that thought in mind, I closed the system and once again began to focus on the matter at hand.

Resting on the bed right in front of me was an icy-blue egg that was currently desperately absorbing some of Mitsuki's blood.

'I feel kind of bad that I left the egg in the system for this long...' I thought to myself as I closed up the container holding Mitsuki's blood and rested my hand on the egg.

Immediately, I activated my Dark Determination and, mixing it with my chakra, began feeding it to my egg.

"Poor thing's absorbing everything I give it..." I muttered in a relatively sad tone of voice as I brought it close and leaned back against the backrest of the bed.

It's been around 3 hours since the whole fiasco with the symbiote and right now, I was at some kind of a hotel in the village we were trying to reach.

We got here a while ago but had decided to stay here for longer than expected due to the whole thing with me and the symbiote.

When we got here, I had to sit through an hour of interrogation from Sayuri which was incredibly fun to experience.

I got away without revealing anything of much importance, but the downside is that she knows a BIT about the arm.

She's now aware that the arm is some kind of weird amputation and I managed to make her think that the arm causes some very harmful side effects to me, but that I can't remove it because it is keeping me from just bleeding out due to armlessness.

That managed to explain what happened a few hours ago with the symbiote while also garnering some sympathy from her.

She was still suspicious of me due to me saying that I didn't know where the arm came from, but it was not like she could or would do anything to me.

And her lack of trust in me resulted in her making me stay in this room to wait for her to come back from god knows where.

I'd been using this time to practice but I was beginning to get really bored.

At least this new free time will provide me with the opportune time to train my new skill.

"Let's get back to training. Are you ready, Eggward?"

The first thing I wanted to try out was influencing the minds of others. I doubt it'd work on humans at the moment so I intended to try it on bugs.

There was a cockroach walking around on the corner of the floor which would serve as an adequate test.

Closing my eyes to concentrate, I stretched out my arm towards the cockroach and activated the skill.

I felt my mind open up and my chakra vibrate with each thought in my mind. It was as though an invisible limb was reaching out to grasp at blobs of energy.

This invisible limb of mine obeyed my mind and reached out toward the unknowing cockroach.

And after my Psychokinesis reached the bug, I felt my mind be abruptly met with chaos and buzzing sounds-- a result of a barely-sentient being's thoughts.

It seemed to be pushing back against my influence, causing me to get an odd headache as I tried wrapping my Psychokinesis around the bug's mind.

The mental noise got even louder as I tried taking over the cockroach.

However, I managed to shut out the noise and then noticed everything calm down.

When I opened my eyes, I was met with the sight of the cockroach standing still with an aura that seemed to only be visible to me.

It seemed to have succeeded.

"Alright... Go up on t--" I couldn't even finish my sentence before the bug immediately crawled onto the wall.

It had reacted the instant I thought of it doing such a thing.

It hadn't moved exactly like I wanted, but it moved. It would seem that I wasn't controlling it, moreso influencing its decisions.

As I was getting excited, I attempted to control the bug even more than just influencing its mind.

I concentrated even more on the mental limb and tried forcing my way into its mind. I wasn't attempting to direct its mind and influence it like I just did, I was forcefully trying to gain control.

"C'mon...!" I whispered as my chakra swiftly began to drain.

However, just as I was about to achieve something, I felt the connection go dark.

When I opened my eyes, a disgusting sight lay before me, "Oh fuck..."

Before me was the crushed and splattered body of the cockroach, its head completely eradicated.

[Chakra levels low] The system warned.

"Shit. I think I pushed a little too hard..."

Did me trying to force my way into its mind cause it to essentially explode? I have to be careful with that.

I assume something like this wouldn't happen to mentally stronger creatures, but this is still something I hadn't expected.

It took a lot of chakra to do something like that so it seems that causing this accident was a result of a lack of control in the face of me just brute forcing my way through it.

'It might also be that I accidentally did some telekinesis and crushed it instead of mind control.'

'Or...' Another thought occurred to me, 'Are you fucking with me again, Symbiote?' I thought in question.

I was expecting absolutely nothing, but I was surprised to hear a giggle echo out within my mind.

Alright, alright, alright, alright, alright! I am officially fucking sick of this asshole.

'Symbiote, we need to talk. If you don't start talking then I'll pump you full of 100% pure fire chakra.'

After my angry words were thought, not a moment passed before the symbiote started to speak.

'You wouldn't do such a thing...' It growled within my mind as I smiled at its words, 'Well look who can speak...' I thought.

'Now how about you tell me what your motive is?' I asked the symbiote with annoyance in my tone.

'Motive? I do not understand...' It spoke in a weirdly affectionate manner as I gazed oddly at the symbiote.

Okay... Why is it acting all nice?

"I mean, why the hell do you keep trying to fuck with me, and yet help me when I need?" I asked exasperatedly.

This thing had such contradictory behaviour.

At times it was completely obedient, allowing me to use it however I wished.

And then a minute later, It's stealing my things and trying to take over my body.

Just a few hours ago, the symbiote was presumably trying to consume me, which ended with its biomass spreading further up my arm. At this point, the symbiote was all the way up to my bicep.

I'm simply so confused as to what the hell the motives of this alien slime are with such weird behaviour.

'I have done nothing wrong. You were the one who did something bad!' It spoke angrily as I gained a deadpan look of annoyance.

"What way? I have never even spoken to you-- I barely knew you were conscious till now!" I spoke out loud.

"I hope you realize that I can just get rid of you--"

Suddenly, I stopped speaking as my right arm shot up and the symbiote began to stretch out and mould into a blobby shape.

A second later, a sharp-toothed, alien face was staring directly at me.

It had a large grin-like mouth full of hundreds of long and sharp teeth, two pairs of sharp white eyes, a black tongue, and a purple-black colour scheme.

"Why would you ever do that? I need you and you need me."

I narrowed my eyes, "Not really. I could probably survive just fine without a psycho slime living inside me that constantly messes with me..." I muttered.

"But that was all to help you! Aren't you so much better off now that I have bonded with you?"

"Sure, but I despise the fact that you, a foreign creature, are taking control of MY life. I despise you for that," I spoke in an upset manner as the head reared back.

"Despise...?' The symbiote asked, tilting its head, "I have been helping you! We are together and I am protecting you!"

"Protecting me? Then why did you take my skill and then basically try to take me over?"

The symbiote immediately responded, "I was trying to protect you from that disgusting woman who was trying to take you away!"

I gained a bamboozled expression, "How in the fuck did you think torturing me would protect me!? Also what the fuck were you protecting me from?"

"You were being manipulated by that filthy creature so I was teaching you a lesson so you wouldn't leave."

A feeling of deep unease crept into me as I heard this creature's disturbing words.

'Holy shit, this thing is crazy. System, what the hell happened to it?'

[Its mind must have corrupted as a result of bonding to you and your mind directly after its creation. It seems to have developed an unnatural attachment as a result of it as well.]

Oh, that is just lovely.

So, what? I have a psycho symbiote bonded directly to my body who cares about me so much that it hates me?

[It would appear so]

"I was trying to make it so you couldn't leave me. So you couldn't break our deep bond. Everything done is for your sake Why aren't you happy? You should be happy about my help."

Happy? Does this thing even know what that word means?

"Happy my ass. I want to do things my way, not what you think I should do. You are nothing but an accessory-- a tool for me to use to get stronger. You don't get any say in how I do things or what I do. And if this so-called 'deep bond' results in you causing me trouble, then I have no need for you."

My words were spoken with complete honesty as I stared dead-eyed at the symbiote head before me.

"Trouble...? No, you don't understand... we're supposed to be together! We're meant to be together... We have an eternal bond. You need me with you!" It growled in a frenzied manner.

My face displayed nothing but distaste as I stared disgustedly at the head of the desperate creature before me.

I am completely fascinated by its erratic and fanatical behaviour while also simultaneously disturbed.

'Wait a goddamn minute...' I thought to myself, a smile slowly appearing on my face, 'This thing has a dependency on me... It likes me, huh?'

"Hahahaha!" I laughed out loud, the symbiote gaining an odd look due to having heard my thoughts.

"Haha-- You--! Y-- Hahaha! Are you a y-yandere? Hahahaha!"

The symbiote headbutted me, "Stop ridiculing my devotion! I don't want to but if you keep ignoring me, I'll--"

"Don't worry. I'm not going to get rid of you..."

Even before my sentence finished, the symbiote's expression seemed to brighten.


Its expression immediately darkened despite the smile that remained on its face.

"...We have to come to an agreement. A set of rules if you will," I explained in a calm manner as the symbiote head tilted, "Of course. Anything."

Well, this thing seems compliant at the very least.

"First, I do things my way, with no interference from you. Second, anything you do must always be to my direct benefit with my permission. It doesn't matter what you think is best for me, but if something is CLEARLY to my benefit, then act on it. And finally, we will do this together; You help me and I help you. You devote yourself to helping me get stronger and such, and I'll let you live in my body."

I laid out a simple set of rules for the symbiote. A set of rules that wouldn't be too imposing but still were to my benefit.

And thankfully, the symbiote didn't seem to mind any of the rules much at all.

"I agree. But I just want one thing," The symbiote stated in a low voice as I beckoned it to continue.

"I would like to bond myself closer to you," It spoke its desire, my face gaining a confused look.

Sensing the confusion, the symbiote explained, "I am mostly concentrated and bonded to the flesh of your missing right arm at the moment. I wish to be closer, and bond to your entire body fully."

"Wait, so we aren't bonded that closely? Didn't the system make you specialized for me?"

"We are bonded as closely as could ever feasibly occur-- trust me. It's just that most of my physical mass is in your arm, not your body."

I considered it carefully, 'Something like that would most likely increase the symbiosis level a lot... And I should be able to do a lot more with it bonded to my whole body rather than concentrated on my arm...'

"Would I lose you serving as my arm?" I asked as the symbiote responded, "Temporarily. I need to bond myself to the rest of you before I can transfer my biomass to your arm."

'Hm... That shouldn't be a problem since I can just use Transformation Jutsu to make it look like I still have the arm. Plus [Insight Immunity] would stop Sayuri from noticing anything.'

After taking into consideration everything that was said and talked about here, I came to a conclusion.

"Alright then. I'll allow you to integrate yourself into my body fully. I assume we have a deal then, symbiote?"

"Yes!" It shouted excitedly as its head gradually morphed back into the shape of my hand.

[Symbiosis level increased]

[Symbiosis: 60%]

'And the results are already showing themselves,' I thought to myself, a smile on my face.

I didn't really see any downside in doing this or having this agreement with the symbiote.

If it fully integrated its biomass into the rest of my body, I could most likely utilize more symbiote abilities as a result of increased symbiosis.

I could also probably gain a further boost to my stats as a result of its amplification reaching not just my arm, but my whole body.

And there's also the fact that I can now communicate with the symbiote and therefore make it do things for me that I couldn't do before.

Overall, I couldn't see many negative things coming with this decision aside from having to deal with a psychotic symbiote more closely than I like.


'System, block symbiote from reading my thoughts.'

The symbiote felt confused, 'Huh, where'd you go, Akuto?'


I said the symbiote could remain with me, I just never said it could keep its personality.

Everything I said before about the agreement and deal and such was just so the symbiote wouldn't try to kill me.

I don't actually intend to follow through.

Personally, such a closely bonded thing having such a volatile personality as a yandere is not the best thing I could want.

I feel a personality more fitting for this symbiote would be one of devotion, one without craziness, one that cared for me but did not have any dangerous ambitions or thoughts.

So I fully intended to customize the symbiote to not have this terrible personality and instead one that served me better.

This symbiote was like an insecure child whose afraid of its crush rejecting it.

So might as well just make it better than it is at the moment and change that brain!

'Ahh... The beauty of the system; a truly wonderful thing.'