
In Boruto With a Perverted Customization System

A man beaten down by life and filled with hatred, died one day in an attempt to satisfy his vengeful needs and ended up in front of an evil god who was impressed by the man's display of free will. The god gives the man a gift and sends him into an AU of Boruto where almost everyone is the female version of themselves, the female population greatly outweighing the male... Watch as Akuto tips the scale of a female-dominant world using the power of his Perverted Customization System and becoming the King of Shinobi. ... Apologies if the quality isn't up to standard, this is my first time writing so there's bound to be some fuck-ups.

Stygrxn · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Planting the Seeds

'Ahh... The beauty of the system; a truly wonderful thing,' I thought to myself, 'Alright, system, open the customization tab for the symbiote.'

The system immediately followed my orders and a tab displaying the symbiote appeared before me.

I got to customizing the symbiote and then, after a minute or so, I completed everything I needed.

The previous description read as...

[Name: Specialized Symbiote]

[Details: A symbiote created by the system and bonded to Akuto Uzumaki. Mind has been corrupted, spawning a broken personality]

The customized description by me now read as...

[Name: Specialized Symbiote]

[Details: A symbiote created by the system and bonded to Akuto Uzumaki. Completely obedient and devoted to host, ambitionless with the only goal of serving and pleasing host]

[DP Cost: 1800/65]

'Huh? What are you writing on the system?' The symbiote questioned, observing the system through my eyes.

Better hurry up.

I swiftly clicked the confirm button and then watched as my arm spiked around with strange slimy movements before coming to a stop and reforming into my arm.

'Ugh...? Did something happen, I am feeling odd...' The symbiote muttered in a daze as I quietly shushed it.

'It's fine, you were just about to integrate into the rest of my body remember?' I lied as the symbiote hummed thoughtfully.

'Did you change my personality...?' It thought to me as I gained a wide-eyed look before sighing.

'Yep. Sorry about that, but you're more useful like this...' I spoke honestly as I strangely felt the symbiote get happy.

'It is fine. I will be able to help you better now that I'm like this. And it's what you want so I would never get upset at you!' It spoke within my mind.

Damn. Looks like the personality change was enough for it to excuse me even changing its personality.

Looks like I made the right choice here.

Just as I thought that to myself, my right arm's biomass absorbed back into my body, leaving me without an arm, the black lines that were previously on my chest and shoulder also dissipating.

"That feels weird..."

It was my first time actually feeling what it was like without an arm and it felt incredibly odd.

It felt as though I was supposed to be able to move my elbow, hand, and fingers, but I was completely unable to do so.

Not to mention the fact that my previous wound was now completely patched up by what seemed to be a thin layer of symbiote biomass.

I assume that if that layer was removed, I'd likely start feeling a lot more pain.

"Hey, so when will I--"

My speech was interrupted as I felt a strange wriggling feeling in my core that coursed all throughout my body.

Every part of my body felt like sludge was coursing through it, a sickly, almost puke-like feeling swelling within my chest.

My bones, my blood, my flesh, my skin, my organs-- everything was being integrated with the symbiote.

And I could practically feel everything the symbiote was doing, as though I was perfectly aware of every piece of my body.

Soon enough, the physically sickly feeling vanished and was instead replaced with a feeling of ecstasy.

"Oooof" I let out a shuddering breath as I attempted to shake away the weird warmth that was surging through me.

[Symbiosis level: 65%]

'It'll take a while to fully bond, but you should still be able to do whatever you want with me as I bond...' The symbiote said to me as I hummed.

"Alright. Good," I mumbled as I prepared to activate the transformation jutsu only to notice one glaring detail.

"Hand signs... right..." I groaned in annoyance before shrugging, "Whatever, I have perfect chakra control so I can probably just learn one-hand seals immediately."

Around 5 and a half minutes later and I had successfully managed to learn one-hand seals for the henge technique.

I immediately cast the jutsu and the same arm which was long gone, appeared on my stump.

'Alright, that should work as a cover. But it still feels so weird to not have an arm...' I thought to myself as I sat up straight.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Akuto. Open the door."

Hearing Sayuri's voice through the door, I swiftly put the egg back into the system with a quick goodbye and ran over to the door.

I unlocked the door, "Hey there," I spoke nonchalantly as I opened the door to the sight of a dusty Sayuri.

The woman ignored what I was saying and entered the room with a frustrated expression.

"What happened? Found a snake in your boot?" I joked with a yawn as Sayuri simply stared at the corner of the room.

"I should be asking why there's a crushed cockroach on the wall," She responded swiftly as I shrugged.

"I don't like bugs."

"Hm..." She hummed uncaringly as she sat on the bed and leaned back tiredly, "Clean up your mess."

I rolled my eyes at her words and simply kicked the dead insect under a mat. Sayuri noticed what I did but didn't really care.

I seemed to be getting a little tired from whatever the symbiote was doing in my body so I began to make my way toward the bed.

However, as I was making my way toward the bed, I caught sight of the woman's eyes and began to cook up an idea.

If I was remembering correctly... I'm fairly sure that Klyntar can copy genetic information...

So, for the sake of argument, if I were to plant a piece of my symbiote into Sayuri and then reabsorb it later...

Oh, I just got an absolutely, downright brilliant idea.

Instantly responding to my thoughts, a small tendril of the symbiote formed out of my palm which I plucked a small piece out of.

I wasn't stupid though, and was not about to risk a Carnage type situation so I opened my system and took a picture of the small piece.

Its information and photo soon appeared before me as I pretended to be focused on the rain outside.

Though I was actually adding a little attribute to stop anything bad from occurring.

But system, this customization will affect all symbiote fragments that my symbiote will create, right?


Good then. I was worried I'd have to apply this to every single one

[Name: Symbiote Fragment]

[Details: A fragment of the specialized symbiote created by the system and bonded to Akuto Uzumaki. Cannot form a personality of its own or bond permanently to anyone. Follows the orders of the original symbiote and Akuto]

[DP Cost: 1735/85]

I quickly clicked the confirm button mentally and then finally walked over to the resting Sayuri.

She observed me closely as I sat next to her on the bed and appeared to relax unsuspiciously.

I thought about how to go about planting the symbiote on her, but then remembered one of the symbiote's skills.

'Symbiote, you have control over my body, right? I want you to increase the melatonin in my body until Sayuri falls asleep and then bring it back down.'

There was no verbal response but I could sense how happy it was as a feeling of drowsiness overcame me.

Not even a couple minutes later I fell asleep.


And then I woke up suddenly, a single arm wrapped around me as though I was a stuffed animal.

Dizziness overwhelmed me for a moment before I took a breather and then recovered just fine.

I glanced around where I was despite being locked into my position and noticed that my line of sight was directly over a shoulder, slightly obscured by hair.

It would seem that I was being held by someone, most likely Sayuri, with my head buried next to her neck.

Although I was confused about what was happening, I remembered what I was trying to do and began moving the hand with the symbiote fragment over to her body.

I wiped the symbiote fragment on the bare skin of Sayuri's shoulder as the symbiote part absorbed right into her body.

I slowly moved my arm back to me only to freeze when I felt my arm get grabbed roughly. I stopped myself from opening my eyes but could feel Sayuri gaze right at me.

She seemed to be a bit dazed at first, but then noticed where I was and what she was doing, then gained the slightest of blushes.

Curious as to how she would act, I leaned further into her hold with a comfortable smile and pretended to be completely asleep as though I didn't know anything.

Curiously enough, the woman didn't let go of her grasp on me and I decided to get comfortable as I'd likely be stuck here for a bit.

However, as I stayed wrapped in her embrace, my brain instinctively began cooking up some kind of idea.

Not even a second later, that idea expanded, it became a plot, and then a feeling of malevolence overcame me.

Oh baby, the plans just keep on coming, don't they?

'Hey, symbiote, you're able to control the symbiote fragment within Sayuri, right?' I asked, a plan stirring within my mind.

'Indeed... Oh-- I see what you want to do!' The symbiote spoke within my mind, reading the plan I was cooking up, 'Well, get to it, symbiote.'

The plan I had in mind was a rather devious idea involving deception, manipulation, and you could call it a bit cruel.

But I would call it genius.

This was a plan that would require the symbiote to be constantly working and one that could potentially harm Sayuri.

It could harm her mentally on a chemical level, but the risk was far too little for the reward.

Exactly what was the plan?

I intended to force artificial dependency on Sayuri and make her think she is in love with me.

By depriving her of dopamine, serotonin, and most of those other positive brain chemicals, I could make her feel like shit.

Of course, I would only do that whenever she isn't near me or doing anything intimate with me.

But when she is around me...

Well, I could pump her full of all of those happy juices, thereby making her think that she feels all this positivity when around me, and feels like shit when I'm not around.

She would associate HER happiness with ME.

In Sayuri, I would manufacture a dependency for me-- make her truly believe that she loves me.

It was a cruel plan that would take advantage of Sayuri's obvious deprivation of affection and the symbiote fragment within her.

But It was a great plan that would benefit me in the long term. One that excited me.

Instead of just having sex with her and getting it over with, I would keep her as a stable resource.

She would be forever stuck to me, forced by nothing but herself to be devoted to me and my life.

She'd be a slave to her own emotions.

Emotions that are manipulated by me.

'Symbiote, right now is perfect. I want you to give her all the chemicals she needs to have the best goddamn sleep of her fucking life!'

'Also increase the blood flow near the surface of my skin to make me feel warmer and make Sayuri really cold...' I commanded the symbiote.

I seemed to be getting rather excited by this manipulative plan of mine.

'I have already begun!' The symbiote assured me happily as I grinned rather widely.

The moment the symbiote finished its sentence, Sayuri shuddered coldly and pulled my warm body in closer, snuggling up to me as I wrapped my arm around her.

I couldn't really describe it, but coming up with such a good plan and employing it so smoothly, and it WORKING, was giving me an incredible feeling of ecstasy.

It may take a while for the plan to take full effect on Sayuri, but I was sure it would be worth it.

'Yo, symbiote, put me back to sleep now.'

And it did as I said.




[Symbiosis level increased]

[Symbiosis: 69%]

'Looks like it's gradually increasing...'

As I had done once before, I woke up with a pleased expression on my face, once again finding myself being held like a pillow.

'Looks like the plan is working just fine...' I thought to myself as I put no resistance to Sayuri's hold on me.

'Hm? This is... kinda cozy...' I thought to myself, feeling Sayuri's breath brush next to me and her chest rhythmically swell against mine.

Strange as it sounded, this so-called hug that Sayuri was holding me in was admittedly rather comfortable for me.

'Whatever...' I mumbled in my mind, 'Symbiote, mind giving her a dose of serotonin to wake her up?'

The symbiote complied with my command and I soon felt Sayuri's heartbeat pick up pace and a confused hum escape her lips.

Soon enough, the woman's eyes cracked open and she glanced around the room with confusion in her eyes.

"Good morning, Ms. Sayuri," I spoke with childish joy into her shoulder as she looked down and swiftly took back her arm.

I watched amusedly as Sayuri moved away from me and sat up straight, what seemed to be shyness displayed on her face.

"Hm..." She hummed in response to my greeting as she stood up, "Nothing happened, alright?"

"Okay. I had a good sleep though!" I spoke happily as I turned to the symbiote within me, 'Give her a shot of dopamine.'

If I gave her some positive reinforcement or said something intimate and then gave her a boost of dopamine, she would associate me being happy with her being happy.

Dopamine has motivational properties as well so it would also assist with her wanting to feel that same feeling of happiness once again-- thereby making her even more devoted to ME.

But I probably shouldn't overdo it with the dopamine since making someone have too much dopamine will eventually render the dopamine useless.

Though... there is a positive side effect to that. Well, a positive for me.

I could eventually overuse the dopamine which would probably give Sayuri an addiction to dopamine.

Drugs give you a big high, which makes you chase for more, but you never achieve that same high. After a while, you get addicted to it.

Even if you can never achieve the same high, and even if you can't even get high anymore, you're already addicted to TRYING to get more of the high-inducing substance. You rely on it for life.

Dopamine is also a drug.

If I need to, I could forcefully give Sayuri an overwhelming addiction to achieving the dopamine gained by pleasing me.

As I said prior, she would associate this dopamine and happiness with me and therefore get addicted to me.

The more I think about it, the more I begin to think that this is a good idea.

"I see... That's good then..." Sayuri drawled her words, an expression of shocked happiness flashing on her face before she shook her head in denial.

She looked as if she was contemplating her own feelings, as though confused by the joy she was feeling.

She shook her head, "Anyways... You get ready, we have to leave soon..." She spoke sternly, pointing a finger at me.

"Oh? Why? Where are we going?" I inquired curiously, a bit annoyed by how vague she's been for the past while.

"I only booked this room for the night so we have to leave anyways," She explained calmly as I nodded, it made sense.

Sayuri grabbed her cloak and wrapped it around her as I made my way toward the washroom.

When I entered the room, I took off Mitsuki's clothing that I put on before and asked the symbiote something.

'You can camouflage as clothing for me. Mind giving me a shirt and some pants?' I requested as blotches of symbiote biomass popped out of my skin.

After a moment of the biomass exiting my body, it began to wrap around me and take on a form resembling fabric.

Not a moment later and I was gazing at the mirror which displayed myself wearing a rather tight purplish-black shirt and similar pants.

"Oh, that feels pretty cozy..." I mumbled to myself as I felt the substance covering my body, 'Thanks, symbiote.'

The symbiote shirt felt like some kind of squishy spandex that also held some sort of cotton-like feeling.

It was a weird imitation of clothing made by the symbiote that would serve adequately as a pair of clothing.

With that thought in mind, I reached out toward Mitsuki's clothes on the ground and allowed the symbiote to absorb them into its biomass.

'The symbiote's body storage is also just as useful. Practically an inventory for anything I need,' I thought to myself as I exited the washroom and caught Sayuri's eyes.

She was about to question where I got the clothes but then remembered that I could use seals and ignored it.

After a moment, Sayuri put her possessions into a seal and made her way up to the door, "Come. We're leaving now."

I nodded at her words and walked up next to her, "So, um, where are we going anyways?"

She glanced at me for a second before sighing and beginning to walk, myself walking closely next to her.

"I have business to attend to on behalf of your mother in a hidden village," She muttered quietly to me as I gained a surprised look.

"Hidden village? Really-- Which one?" I inquired, genuinely curious as to where we were going.

Sayuri stood before the receptionist and handed back the keys to the room before walking outside the hotel.


My eyes widened in surprise as we began walking forward. But soon, that expression of shock shifted into one of devious nature.

'Iwa, huh? Looks like I get to have a nice chat with Kurotsuchi...' I thought, a sly grin stretching across my face.

'But I wonder exactly what she needs to do in Iwa of all places. Arguably the place that hates the leaf the most...'

"Hurry up, we have to be out the town by sunrise..." Sayuri spoke as she beckoned me forward.

"Alright, alright, I'm coming," I complied, 'But first...' I thought to myself as I began walking behind Sayuri.

Before we truly got going on our journey, I decided to make a single request to the symbiote within me.

'Symbiote, do you mind increasing my growth hormones and testosterone and such?'

We would most likely be walking for a while so I didn't want to waste the opportunity for growth as we went.

Man, this symbiote is truly the single most convenient thing to have obtained. Oh well, off to Iwagakure now.