
In Boruto With a Perverted Customization System

A man beaten down by life and filled with hatred, died one day in an attempt to satisfy his vengeful needs and ended up in front of an evil god who was impressed by the man's display of free will. The god gives the man a gift and sends him into an AU of Boruto where almost everyone is the female version of themselves, the female population greatly outweighing the male... Watch as Akuto tips the scale of a female-dominant world using the power of his Perverted Customization System and becoming the King of Shinobi. ... Apologies if the quality isn't up to standard, this is my first time writing so there's bound to be some fuck-ups.

Stygrxn · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Partnership With Onoki

Everyone was stricken with disbelief.

"You heard me. If I win, Kurotsuchi will become my loyal, subservient, lovely, obedient wife!"

Nothing would anger the cocky woman that was Kurotsuchi more than me telling her to be the opposite.

'She also seems to be a bit more of a bitch in this timeline so that's something,' I thought to myself.

The council members had gaping jaws, Sayuri looked at me with a saddened and confused look, and Kurotsuchi was simply gazing in awe at my audacity.

"Become your wife!? What kind of fucking degen--"

Kurotsuchi was beginning to go on a raging tangent with her fist at the ready but just a few sentences from my conniving mouth stopped her in her tracks.

"Man, everyone back in Konoha would go crazy to hear that not only did the Tsuchikage get so easily triggered by a child but was pussy enough to refuse the challenge. Imagine a mighty Kage not having the courage to fight someone she has proclaimed she could beat the shit out of... Or was all that yapping just for show and you're actually pretty weak...?"

"I'd believe it honestly, none of the other Kages would refuse such a blatantly easy challenge from a little boy."

The atmosphere was tense as everyone held their breaths for Kurotsuchi's reaction to those insults.

Kurotsuchi seemed about ready to burst into a rage but instead seemed to have gained a grin. The anger evident on her face.

"You know what, you're right... kid. There's no way in hell that I'll ever be married to you so why not publically beat your ass for the whole village to see. You and Konoha will never hear the end of it when I'm done with you!"

I raised an eyebrow, "So?"

"So I accept your challenge."

"In two days, we will fight in the middle of the village for everyone to see. If I win, I ruin you..." She said.

"And if I win, you become my wife."

Soon enough, with events concluding there, the room was emptied of almost everyone but me and Sayuri.

Sayuri approached me, "M- marriage...? Is that really what you want...? And such a dangerous challenge..."

Oh great, now I gotta deal with this... Whatever, it could be a perfect opportunity to complete my manipulation of Sayuri.

I swiftly ran up to her and placed a finger over her lips, "It's alright! This is all for the good of Konoha, I assure you!"

'Damn... I feel even more disgusted than usual at acting nice...' I thought, restraining a grimace at my having to act lovey-dovey.

Sayuri looked at me with her dark eyes opened wide, "Are you sure you aren't doing this for yourself as well? You essentially gave yourself up for w--"

'This is the perfect chance for the final step of love!' I noted, preparing to finish this long mission.

I grabbed her by her slim waist and pulled her in closer before cupping her chin and gazing deep into her eyes.

The sudden action managed to bring out a reaction in the girl, causing a blush to appear on her cheeks.

'Symbiote. Just like we planned, start the love machine!' I commanded as the symbiote within Sayuri manipulated her body through the incredibly complicated and various stages of love.

"I would never do such a thing," I spoke earnestly as I brought us closer.

"Bu--" I interrupted her, "No buts! You are the only thing I could ever want in my life..."

Ah, shit... I am physically suffering from having to act like this... Just continue, Akuto! Summon the shoujo within you...

"The only woman I could ever love is you, my Sayuri," I announced to the shocked woman as I locked lips with her and initiated a deep kiss with her.

'Ugggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!' The cringe was crippling.

Finally, the symbiote completed the process.

Sayuri's wide eyes displayed horror and regret for a moment before they drifted closed with nothing but desperation and affection within them, finally fully accepting my embrace and engaging in a slow, loving, passionate kiss.

Thoughts of how morally wrong this was, considerations about how awful it was for an adult woman like her to be making love to her best friend's teenage son, and so many more ideas tried worming their way into her mind.

But none of them made any headway and were simply left ignored, dying off in the corner of her mind.

For she no longer cared about any of that. She was entirely focused on nothing but the incredible feeling of being embraced, loved, and kissed by the man before her.

Because she was now fully under my spell-- my control. She was in love with me.

She was mine.

And soon I would have another one to add to my collection.

'That declaration of love was a bit embarrassing to say though...' I noted to myself.

'Good thing no one was watching me say that shit.'

I stared into the deep empty void of the unknown and unseen, stopping in fear of what I may see beyond my existence.

Soon enough, the two of us pulled apart, finally ending our long kiss with a line of saliva connecting our mouths.

"I love you, Sayuri," I made my statement clear as she looked down at me and hugged me tightly, "I love you as well, Akuto..."

I enjoyed the feeling of my face being squeezed against her breasts for a moment before pulling back and grabbing her hand.

"What do you say we find a hotel so we can 'train' before I have to fight," I said in a suggestive manner as a certain look appeared in the older woman's eyes.

However, just as I was about to have confirmation to get the greatest achievement I could ever achieve, a sudden sound rang out.

*Cough Cough*

'Fuck me right in the dickhole, Jesus Christ...' I thought in frustration.

'You really like those hyperboles don't you...' The symbiote commented wryly.

"I, uh, don't mean to interrupt..." An old man's voice spoke up from behind us.

I rolled my eyes and turned around to face the old man as the embarrassed blush on Sayuri's face betrayed her stoic expression.

As my eyes finally landed on the old man before me, I realized just who that familiar old guy I originally saw was.

"I knew it. You were the legendary Onoki weren't you!" I stated unembarrassed, 'Good to know he's still a dude.'

"Um, yes indeed... Anyways, young man, could I have a word for a moment?" He asked as I shrugged.

'I mean, I am trying to marry his family so I suppose it's normal to want to talk...' I thought to myself as I turned to Sayuri.

"Why don't you just get the hotel room for now, I'll catch up in a bit," I told her as I gave her a peck on the cheek.

She felt the spot I kissed, seemingly happy, "Alright then... Spike your chakra if something happens..." She muttered as I began to approach Onoki and she started walking away.

"Oh, almost forgot, Sayuri!" I called out to her as she turned back for a second, "We only need one bed," I told her as she smirked slightly and walked away.

"Alright so where were we, Mr. Onoki?" I spoke like nothing happened as Onoki sighed in annoyance and beckoned me forward.

"Follow me..." He ordered as I shrugged and he led me out of the room.

'Let's see where this goes...'


[A Few Minutes Later]


"So, uh, mind telling me why you brought me here, Mr. Tsuchikage?" I inquired confusedly, gazing over the village from a rocky cliff.

"I'd like to address this... situation of yours," He stated gruffly, staring at me with a strange look.

"Alright then, what do you want to know, old man?" I asked calmly as I walked up to him with a curious look.

He turned to me, "Why did you actually come here, boy?" He inquired with a focused expression.

Sensing his suspicion and strange hostility, I thought of exactly what to say in response to his question.

And then I realized, 'Onoki is a prideful bastard. His village is the most important thing. So all I got to do is...'

"I'm here to help your village," I proclaimed swiftly as Onoki's expression shifted into one of surprised confusion.

"Do you expect me to believe that? You have challenged my granddaughter, the current Tsuchikage, to take possession of her. There is no other way to see this than you intending to destroy my mighty village!" He accused.

I rolled my eyes, "YOUR village?" I questioned as Onoki froze, "It hasn't been yours since Kurotsuchi took over and as far as I can tell, she's been doing a better job at ruining this village than Konoha ever has," I mocked

Onoki seemed about ready to snap but I quickly raised my hands in surrender.

"Listen. Your village is on track to crumbling down pathetically. No big bang, nothing grandiose, just a wet fart. Your rule allowed your village to thrive, Kurotsuchi's is destroying it. If nothing changes, you will all become a feeble dot in history."

"Why you damn--"

"Which is why I am here. I will save your village," I told the old man as he lowered his arm in realization.

"You're intending to seize control of my village by marrying Kurotsuchi, aren't you?" He pointed out, getting slightly upset.

"You are correct, but don't be a fool, Onoki. You and I both know that the only way for this village to survive would be for someone with the leadership skills, intelligence, and strength necessary to be leading this village."

"Oh? And you believe you are this person?" He snorted at my words.

"I'm your guy. Trust me, Onoki, I am on your side. Your help would be appreciated in this, but I am more than capable of doing this shit myself."

The older man stared at me with a threatening look, knowing full well that I was intending to take over the village with or without his cooperation.

"And plus, I'm sure you're sick of all these incompetent fools ruining everything you built up. I doubt Kurotsuchi's given much of a shit about you either. So come on, Tsuchikage-Sama! Live up to your legacy and work with me to bring your broken village to even greater heights!"

Me and the old man had a bit of a staring contest before Onoki sat down on the edge of the cliff and sighed.

"Have a seat, young man," He beckoned me over as I complied and sat down right next to him.

"You know... I'm still old enough to remember when things weren't like this..." Onoki whispered to me as I shifted closer in curiosity.

"What do you mean...?"

"This... this way of life. The status quo... Everything. Things weren't always like this. Everything was better before these women took over this world. All because of--"

"Wait, there was a time when they weren't in charge...?" I interrupted, genuinely surprised by this information.

"Are you daft? Of course, there was, how would any of this be possible if it wasn't?" He said incredulously.

"I guess... I just never really thought about it but you're right..." I muttered, cupping my chin curiously.

That was quite the interesting thing to hear. I knew I could learn some valuable info from Onoki.

Suddenly, as I monologued in my mind, Onoki spoke up once more.

"I don't trust you very much... You remind me too much of a certain someone... But..." He began his sentence.

'Probably Minato... or someone else. But probably Minato,' I guessed inside my head as Onoki continued.

"You were right... Everything I worked so hard to build and accomplish is being torn apart before my very eyes and here I am defending the ones who did it," He spoke in a determined manner, gazing at me with a fire in his eyes.

"I'm too old to lead this village, to make the changes I see fit... But you..." He said, turning to me, "You might just be the key to saving my village."

"So is that a ye--"

"No. You must explain something to me first."

I nodded at his words and beckoned him to speak.

"How am I supposed to trust that you of all people could lead this village back into greatness and prosperity?" He asked, the voice of a Tsuchikage overcoming his old man tone.

"A fair question with an easy answer," I smiled, "Because I have a plan."

"Alright, I'm listening... Exactly what is this plan of yours then, Hokage's boy?" He asked.

I chuckled lowly, the Tsuchikage narrowing his eyes as he noticed the cunning look on my smiling face.

"Iwagakure will be a beginning for us, Onoki. A mere base of operations. I will not only lead your village to greatness, but we will become greater than any conceivable force in the shinobi world."

Onoki seemed a bit allured by my presumptuous words 

"Alluring promises are all well and good, but once again, why should I trust you with leading my village?" 

My expression shifted into one of seriousness, "Because you have no other options, but mostly... because I have already demonstrated my usefulness by taming the last Uchiha. You yourself saw that she was wrapped around my finger. I trust you can recognize the use in an ability like that. Not to mention my connections with the Hokage."

Onoki rubbed his chin while humming in thought for a couple moments before groaning.

"You may be right. But none of that will matter if you are unable to defeat my granddaughter in combat. How do you expect to beat her? I severely doubt you are at the level of a Kage."

"Oh, you misunderstand, Onoki!" I proclaimed proudly with a wag of my finger as he raised an eyebrow in question.

"I'm not planning on defeating her at all."

"Huh? Then how are you planning on winning!?"

"Simple," I drawled, "All I gotta do is humiliate her into defeat and mentally destroy her."

Onoki considered my statement for a moment. He seemed hesitant for a second due to his connection to Kurotsuchi but then gained an expression of dark determination.

He had already let his village fall into mediocrity at the hands of those weaklings and he no longer cared what it took.

He would do anything for his village.

"Simple indeed. We have a deal, Hokage's boy."

We both grinned maniacally as we shook hands. Today was the birth of a wonderful partnership.

"We'll make a good team, Onoki."

The old man looked at me with an intense look in his eyes.

"Akuto. You must win against Kurotsuchi! No matter what happens you must destroy her in combat and take control of Iwagakure with me by your side! And lead the Stone Village into a mighty, bright, powerful future!"

I replied with a tightening of my grip and a smile, silently agreeing with the old man who also smiled slightly, understanding my implication.

"Hahhh... To think the day would come when I would be helping a Konoha shinobi become the ruler of my village... How far I've fallen."

"Trust me, Onoki, I barely qualify as a Konoha shinobi myself. The only alliance I have with anyone right now, is you, my friend."

The two of us chuckled lightly at the statement as we let go of the handshake and turned back to look over the village.

"What do you say we head to my hotel and discuss some plans, Onoki?" I inquired.

He hummed, "Yes, that would be wise. Let's go now."

With that final conversation, the two of us started walking back into the village, heading toward Sayuri's chakra signature.

However, a thought occurred to me and I decided to get some information from Onoki.

It hadn't crossed my mind while talking to the former Tsuchikage, but I only just recalled something from Boruto.

As far as I could recall, Onoki should have quite the impressive artificial human stuff hidden away.

It would be very useful in conquering everything and it wouldn't hurt to learn more.

I wasn't going to just ask him since that would be too dangerous, but my newly perfected Psychokinesis would be the tool to learning.

With thought in mind, I focused on the power of my mind and reached out to enter Onoki's mind.

Sweat dotted my forehead as I fully concentrated on getting into his head and grasping for information.

Soon enough I settled down and managed to get a firm grasp of his mind, beginning to search for any clue about the Akuta.

After a few more seconds of searching, I froze.

I stretched out the search even more and concentrated harder.

I shook my head and tightened my grip, utilizing a bit of chakra in desperation.

However, I soon gave up and stopped walking.


It wasn't there.

There was no memory of the Akuta.

There wasn't a gap in his memory... It just... It...

It didn't exist.

"Akuto? Is something the matter?" Onoki asked, a confused expression on his face.

And then I myself gained a confused expression, a tinge of fear within my eyes.

Fear. Because things in this universe may be more different than I'd initially thought.