
In Boruto With a Perverted Customization System

A man beaten down by life and filled with hatred, died one day in an attempt to satisfy his vengeful needs and ended up in front of an evil god who was impressed by the man's display of free will. The god gives the man a gift and sends him into an AU of Boruto where almost everyone is the female version of themselves, the female population greatly outweighing the male... Watch as Akuto tips the scale of a female-dominant world using the power of his Perverted Customization System and becoming the King of Shinobi. ... Apologies if the quality isn't up to standard, this is my first time writing so there's bound to be some fuck-ups.

Stygrxn · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Operation Infestation

"That is quite the ability you have... Not as powerful as my particle style but very useful..."

Onoki's words echoed out as he admired my symbiote arm which was stretching about and making various shapes.

Sayuri sat on the bed next to me, also admiring my arm's malleability, "I knew that arm of yours was strange when I saw it, but I didn't expect it to be quite this strange."

"Yeah, and this arm is the key to winning the civilian's favour," I explained, the other two raising an eyebrow.

Earlier, I had explained to Sayuri that my plan since we decided to come to Iwagakure was to take over the village, but I hadn't explained the method behind it.

"The arm will spread its parts throughout the village and place itself on every civilian. With that, I can influence their opinions of me," Upon saying that Onoki gained an oppositional look to which I raised an arm.

"No, it causes no pain nor will it be permanent, Onoki. Just so my plan to defeat Kurotsuchi won't stop me from being liked by the villagers after taking control. Here, let me show you," I said, resting my right hand on his shoulder.

I discreetly allowed a bit of the symbiote to leak into his body and concentrated on making him more energetic, "I can make you feel excited, see?"

Onoki took notice of the change and despite feeling a bit weirded out by it nodded and pushed my hand away.

Sayuri had a hesitant expression on her face but Onoki simply sighed, 'Whatever it takes,' He thought.

"However, this plan to infect the civilians will be pointless if you can't defeat Kurotsuchi. So how are you going to 'humiliate' her?" Onoki inquired as I smiled.

"Oh, leave that to me, buddy. It'll be a fun surprise at the time of the fight," I chuckled as I stood up and cleaned myself off.

"I think that should conclude our meeting for now, Onoki. Tomorrow, I'll need your help with something but for now, let's rest," I told the old man who nodded and began walking towards the door.

I said goodbye to Onoki and, after closing the door, turned back to Sayuri with a deep sigh of relief.

With a grin towards the woman, I walked up to her and fell onto the bed directly next to her.

"Are you sure you'll be able to win against Kurotsuchi, Akuto?" Sayuri questioned blankly as I leaned back and closed my eyes nonchalantly.

"There is quite literally no way I couldn't win, Sayuri. Just have confidence in me," I suggested, Sayuri sighing.

"Why don't you go to sleep? I'll need you to help me train with a sword tomorrow..." I said, wanting her to pass out already.

After a few more minutes of speaking and such, Sayuri finally fell asleep with a little push from the symbiote within her.

With Sayuri finally knocked out, I was now able to finally act freely and do what I needed to do.

'Symbiote. The fragment inside Sayuri should be finished copying her genetics so bring it out now and get ready to reabsorb it,' I commanded the symbiote excitedly.

Finally, after days of work, I will finally take back the symbiote fragment and obtain the Sharingan!

Soon enough, a blotch of black goop creeped out of Sayuri's skin and began to inch its way closer to me.

"There you are... Come to Papa..." I mumbled to myself as I grabbed the symbiote fragment.

I held the fragment within my left hand as I had a short conversation with the symbiote residing within me.

'All you must do is reabsorb it into your body and I will integrate the information the fragment gathered into your body. It shouldn't hurt much,' The symbiote informed me as I raised an eyebrow.

'Much? Not exactly filling me with faith here,' I joked as I gazed curiously at the fragment in my left hand.

'You'll be fine. Just mentally prepare yourself for a LOT of information being processed, alright?' The symbiote warned as shrugged.

'Alright. But, uh... how do I absorb this...?' I asked myself.

The symbiote was about to answer my question when I suddenly threw the symbiote fragment into my mouth and swallowed it.

"Tastes like shit..." I mumbled, practically being able to sense the disbelieving expression on the symbiote.

'Because you weren't supposed to eat it!' It shouted in concern as I hummed casually.

"It's fine, man. Just start integrating the information, I'll be fine..." I said, rolling my eyes at its concern.

'I mean, yeah, but I don't know if directly ingesting the fragment was the safest way to absorb it... Nor the effects that'll have...'

"I'll be alright, so just get on with it," I said irritatedly as the symbiote sighed, 'Okay, okay... Brace yourself.'

Upon telling me that, I felt every individual cell of my body vibrate as the symbiote began the process.

A rush coursed throughout my body and gave me a sickly feeling, slight pulses of pain stabbing at my body's innards.

Soon enough symbiote processed all the information genetically absorbed by the fragment and spread it throughout my genetics.

Though not explicitly painful, the feeling was truly awful, as though my very soul was being reconstructed and tampered with. It felt disgusting.

However, not a moment later, the strange tingling that was coursing through my body finished and I could feel an unfamiliar chakra stirring within my chakra network.

I let out a sigh of relief as the awful feeling dissipated and took in a deep breath, "Ugh, that felt terrible..." I mumbled.

As I recovered from the mentally jarring experience of the fragment's integration, I heard a notification sound ring out.

[Status Updated]

Oh? Let's see the fruits of my labour. Go on, system, show me everything.

[Host has gained: [Sharingan (Locked)] intrinsic skill]

Nice. This is what all that effort has led to. Now all I need is a super stressful situation and a little hate and I'll be good.


Hm? One more, huh? This better not be another situation where the second surprising reward is absolute dogshit.


[Host has awakened: [Lightning Chakra Nature] and [Yin Chakra]]

Oh hell yeah, an additional chakra nature is genuinely an incredible addition to my abilties. And lightning nature at that.

That and the Yin Chakra are likely the sources of the unfamiliar chakra brewing within me.

The lightning chakra is obviously because I copied Sayuri's genetics and the lightning nature is very close to her, but the yin chakra is likely due to needing it for the Sharingan to even function.

Unfortunately, though, the fact that my body has to generate the new chakra natures means that lightning would be a bit weaker and my Sharingan wouldn't be as strong as normal.

But that doesn't really matter since I still have a brand new chakra nature and a Sharingan.


Let me guess... Three, two, one... Surprise final notification!

Huh... Guess I was wrong this time. Looks like nothing happened this ti--


Damn, just a second off. Alright, tell me what it is now, system.

[Symbiote Skill: [Technological Assimilation] Acquired]

What!? Why the hell did my symbiote unlock this skill right now?

I'm well aware of some versions of the symbiote having the ability to assimilate technology but why did I only now unlock it?

[It only became usable when your first piece of technology was absorbed by the symbiote fragment-- the Asura Arm. You simply weren't able to access it before reabsorbing it]

'So this means that my symbiote is indeed an amalgamation of all the symbiote's I've ever read about...?'

And if that was indeed the case, then that meant that my symbiote had a lot of potential.

But, back on topic... looks like I can integrate technology into my symbiote now...

And if I can integrate technology and I have the Asura Arm from Sayuri in the symbiote's storage right now...

'I have the perfect ingredients for a brand new upgrade for my right arm,' I thought to myself as I turned to my symbiote arm.

'Yo, symbiote, you heard the system, right?' I asked the symbiote who hummed in agreement, 'Yes I did. I think I get what you want.'

"Bring out the Asura Arm then, Symbiote," I ordered with a bit of excitement on my face, 'Of course.'

The moment the symbiote replied to my words, I watched my right arm shift swirl out the thin arm of a woman which seemed to look slightly mechanical.

 I grabbed the mechanized copy of Sayuri's arm and observed it curiously, restraining the depraved ideas that briefly flashed within my mind.

"Nope, not doing that. Right now, I gotta get an upgrade..." I mumbled to myself as I turned to my arm, "Symbiote, activate technological assimilation."

The symbiote swiftly complied and the arm spread out into many tendrils that seemed to be shifting around in a liquid-like manner.

Quickly, I held the Asura Arm towards the symbiote, allowing it to wrap around the mechanical arm and gradually push it into its centre mass.

I could practically see the arm dissolve as it got absorbed by the symbiote, being essentially disassembled and integrated into the biomass of the symbiote.

Finally, after a brief moment, the arm was completely absorbed by the symbiote's biomass.

And then, as I grinned at the sight before me, the biomass collapsed back into the size of my arm and began rumbling and shifting its form.

'Wait! Symbiote... Let me do this myself, I got an idea...' I told the symbiote as I took control of manipulating the biomass.

If I was right about this, I could combine the perfect symbiosis, technological assimilation, and my new [Anatomical Manipulation] ability to literally create an actual perfect replication of the Asura Arm which will literally become a part of my body-- becoming a real limb.

If this works... My-oh-my will I be excited for the possibilities...

With that thought in mind, I focused on my arm and began the process of creating my new limb.

The flesh around my stub contorted disgustingly, a strained expression filled with exhaustion on my face.

Before something is created, something must be destroyed.

I have to use Anatomical Manipulation to reopen the wound in my arm to the point where it was just like when I was fresh off of getting my arm cut off.

Then I could create my new arm using the assimilation of the Asura Arm.

The symbiote's biomass twisted, collapsed, and transformed in a grimy manner, flesh and goop twisting and morphing together.

Technological pieces formed from the biomass and mashed together with my flesh painfully.

Soon enough, the twisted amalgamation of flesh and mechanized goop came together in an artful composition, finally completing the generation.

I heaved a deep breath through my deathly coughs as the human-like mixture of alien, tech, and flesh settled down and finally fused to my stub.

"Ghaagh... Fuck that hurt..." I mumbled, waiting for my arm to gain feeling.

In place of my previous beast-like limb was a brand new mechanical arm which was an exact copy of my original hand before getting cut off

You could barely tell it was made of the symbiote if the arm didn't have vein-like purple-black lines, the same hue as the alien.

It was a mostly technological device that was fully implanted onto my stub. The only difference from it being an actual enhancement added to my body was that it was made by the symbiote's biomass and its own independent creation that was fused to my arm.

"Damn... This feels great...!" I whispered to myself as I clenched my mechanical fist, 'The symbiote operating as my arm always made it feel as though I was working through a wall of static but this... this is all my own limb...'

I hopped in place and shadow-boxed the air for a little while before grinning at my arm, 'No thank you, Akuto?' The symbiote asked.

I narrowed my eyes, 'You don't need a thank you, just keep working hard, symbiote,' I refused the symbiote.

Ignoring the symbiote which I could feel get sad, I concentrated my focus on my Asura Arm.

Soon enough, the outer plates of my arm split open and the technological parts shifted satisfyingly into a mechanical construct that didn't look like it belonged in a ninja world.

Soon enough a purple glow charged up within the center of the weapon that I generated and I giggled ecstatically.

My right arm was now a goddamn Chakra Cannon! Among other things of course.

In fact, since this arm was mostly mechanical, I could probably alter and modify it much more than an actual flesh construct.

New weapons, gadgets, abilities... The possibilities were limitless...

"Oh fuck yeah...! This thing is going to be fun to mess with," I muttered to no one in particular as I shifted my arm back into its normal shape.

Suddenly, as I was about to stop messing with the arm, a rather curious idea wandered through my mind.

My symbiote can now assimilate technology but exactly what counts as technology...?

Immediately after that thought, I pulled Doran's Ring off my finger and placed it onto a blotch of biomass which appeared on my shoulder.

'You know what to do, symbiote,' I ordered as the symbiote pulled the ring into its biomass and began to assimilate the tech.

I waited in anticipation to see if it would work, staring at my arm with unblinking eyes for quite a bit.

Then suddenly, I saw a blackish-purple ring with a green center spawn on my right arm's finger, causing me to grin widely in excitement.

If this was any clue as to how the new skill worked, it would seem anything with some semblance of technological aspects could be assimilated.

And that was some great news for me-- someone with a system that can make practically anything.

Overall, today was quite the productive day for me. Strength, skills, abilities, everything was steadily improving from my efforts.

Come to think of it, my new class isn't going to let me sleep so why don't I take advantage of that and customize the skills I plan to use during my fight.

With that thought in mind, I sat down on a nearby chair and opened the system to get to work.

'Oh, while I work, symbiote, can you go through my new arm and work on a blueprint? I'll need it for the future.'


[The Next Morning]


"Exactly why did you ask to bring me here, Akuto...?" Onoki inquired with a confused look as I smiled at the sight of the numerous farm animals scattered about.

There were cows, sheep, and other animals peacefully grazing out in a contained grassy field next to a wooden barn.

"I need some of these guys to help me out. You don't need to stay, I just needed you to bring me here," I told the old man who nodded and turned away.

"Well, okay... Be prepared for tomorrow though. I suggest visiting the arena you'll be fighting in before the fight day," Onoki advised before walking away from me, leaving me alone.

I did nothing for a couple of moments to make sure no one was nearby before walking up to the animals.

It was officially time to test out one of the things I unlocked from my perfect bond to the symbiote a bit ago.

I was admittedly pretty tired but it wasn't like I could sleep anyway so who really cares in the end?

So right now, I will begin the plan I refer to as 'Operation Infestation'.

The plan consists of consuming a bunch of animals to provide my symbiote with enough biomass and spreading it all throughout the village's populace.

Which is what I was going to do now.

The method in which I would devour all these animals would not be in the normal way. Instead, I'll be utilizing my new transformation.

As far as the symbiote has informed me, all I have to do is call out to it and we'll transform together.

With that thought in mind, I concentrated on our biomass and focused and bringing forth the transformation.

After a second of concentration, I lurched forward as an intense power swelled within my body.

A second later, a wave of purple-black biomass spread out from the middle of my sternum and back.

After a moment of strength spreading throughout me and biomass coating my form, my transformation completed.

A pulse of chakra and malice reberated out as I exhaled in relief.

However, I froze as I spotted myself in a pond's reflection.

'Huh? What the hell?' I thought to myself, staring in confusion at myself.

Instead of being a massive monster, I was just myself in what looked to be a Spider-Suit.

'I was trying to go full on monster, not super-suit. What happened?' I asked the system which responded swiftly.

[There are stages to the transformations depending on how much power your body can handle. First is a full-body enhancing power suit with stealth abilities and increased intimidation]

'Is that so? How exactly would I go about accessing further stages?'

[Simple. Get stronger.]

'Alright, I can work with that. That was the end goal anyways,' I thought to myself shrugging as I turned back to my reflection.

I basked in the feeling of power this 'suit' made of symbiote gave me and the comforting feeling full of confidence that it filled me with.

It was incredible to feel. It was no normal 'suit'... It was an extension of myself and the symbiote.

Fused to my muscles, skin, bones, and flesh-- this suit was quite literally my physical force in the form of a suit.

Such a thing felt so very freeing.

The suit itself was a skin-tight, webless, black Spider-Man suit, with a purple tint to it, and a large silver emblem emblazoned on the chest and back.

The most fascinating part was the eerily disturbing, life-like, white eye lenses which seemed to gaze with a lifeless horror that was inhuman.

Such a thing was just what I liked.

Not to mention the near-silence every one of my movements made. This would be useful to strengthen my invisibility and intimidation.

Not exactly useful for what I was intending to do tonight but a nice thing to have in my possession.

Speaking of, I should probably get back to my infestation of this pitiable village.

With that thought in mind, I leaned forward and braced my muscles before bursting forward in a sudden boost of speed.

The sheer speed boost when compared to my usual self caused me to tumble to the ground right in front of a grazing cow.

"Woah... That kinda hurt..." I wheezed in pain as the cow above me tried taking a bite off my scalp.

Noted. Fast enough to hurt myself.

Now back to the mission.