
In Bleach as the Spirit King's Son

The world of Bleach is already full of stories, places and characters that we all know. Of course if you were to add a little something to it, nothing much would change, right ? Not if you change some important aspects of the main story, and, introduce a completely new character that know way too much about this world. This is the story of a human who will go from an infamous vigilante, to the son of the most powerful being in the entire universe......A fictional universe of course.

Glasgow · Anime & Comics
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Meeting the Spirit King

"Son ?" Asked a voice as i groaned. I was gradually waking up, and i had a killer headache. I would've liked to think that this whole business with the Reaper was just a dream, but i know it isn't. And if the Spirit King calling me son was of any indication....Well i was the Spirit Prince. Atleast now i know that i won't have to worry for my protection. I mean the Spirit King is the strongest entity in this universe so i should be good.

As i opened my eyes i found myself confused. Because i was laying in an expensive looking couch with emeralds inlaid on it. It's crazy how everything looked expensive here. But it's even crazier to be in a room filled with furnitures from various eras and countries. Traditional french, british and japanase furnitures everywhere.....It's quite creepy actually.

But what was crazier was the man sitting in a couch right in front of me. As soon as i saw him, i was reminded of a character from Bleach, one that i appreciated more than the others...Yhwach. i always loved this character for his personnality and how he seemed to control everything. But to be looking at a somewhat younger version of himself...It's uncomfortable to say the least.

" Does my appearance makes you uncomfortable son ?" Asked the Spirit King, my father. Oh i was never gonna call him father, that's for sure.

" Well sire, you kinda look like-" And once again i was interrupted. I swear people can't wait for me to finish my sentences before saying theirs, it's annoying. But i better shut my mouth and keep this to myself, if i don't want to be erased by the overpowered being.

" Yhwach ? " Asked the Spirit King, clearly amused. Which i can understand. Given that i know the appearance of someone i never once saw...Someone who's actually my brother now that i think about it ! Now i'm really happy to have become a cold-hearted and calm guy, or else i think i would've become a stuttering mess by now. But damn, those revelations are too much, especially the fact that the Spirit King doesn't seem to be surprised by the fact that i know about his other son.

" No i am not surprised, son. I'm aware of who inhabits this body right now. The death God did told me what was going to happen, before it even happened. And it's normal that i'm not surprised. I created the body that you now inhabit so that it could become my son. Usually i just create a body and put a soul in it, but this time the soul came on it's own. Even though you were not the soul i had chosen to become my son, you're still my son." Said the Spirit King. So basically the mere fact that i inhabit this body makes me his son ?

" Well i can understand that, but what i can't understand is that you don't seem really perturbed by the fact that, well....You know fictional world and all that. " I said awkwardly. I mean it was quite weird for me to tell him that.

" Oh but i already knew this. What you don't know is that, this world isn't fictional. It existed before your earth even existed. But like many of your 'fictional' worlds, it was merely used to make a story on your earth. It has been many times in the past. It is much easier than having the authors think about new stories on their own. That is also why those stories are so popular....Because they are real." Said the Spirit King.

" Real.....I think my brain is still unable to comprehend how those worlds can be real. But honestly i don't care, i just met the Reaper itself, so nothing can surprise me for the time being. Now i have an important question...What am i supposed to do ? " I asked the Spirit King. I actually was serious, i mean was i sent here to fulfill an important goal ? Do i even have a goal to fulfill, or a mission to complete ?

" It's simple....Live your life. That is what you're supposed to do. Right now you have another chance at life, and given that you're my son....I would say you have the potential to have a perfect life. " Said the Spirit King, but i still wasn't convinced.

" Yeah ok, but i don't know what to do. This is a world where people have some powers, but i don't have any. I don't know when in the timeline i was sent, and i don't even know what i can do. I mean do i become a shinigami or a normal human ?" I asked. Because i wasn't prepared for this type of thing. I didn't know what to start with.

" Let me tell you something son, you can do anything. Basically you are a human with an asauchi, a sword that will become a zanpakuto once you can connect your soul to it. As a human you could literally become anything. You could become a human-shinigami-quincy-hollow hybrid. And your asauchi could also become anything. So if you want to know where to start, you have just one can question to ask yourself. Human World, Soul Society or Hueco Mundo ? This question can be easily answered. As of right now, you don't have any power, so you can only go to the human world. I could ask my royal guard to train you, but that would expose your existence to the shinigami which isn't a good thing for now. Because if they found you, they won't let you go anywhere and you wouldn't have any freedom. So here's what i think you should do....Go to the human world, get a somewhat stable life, train with your asauchi all the time, and once you unlock your zanpakutou, i will come and tell you what you can do next. As long as you get a little bit of power, everything is possible for you. But i won't let you do anything as long as you're a normal human being." Said the spirit King. And i need to say....He really helped me on this one. There was just too much things to do, and i couldn't choose. Plus this is perfect. I will get a little stronger and then just live my life like i want, going with the flow and just accepting whatever life throws at me. Because in the end, i don't have any goal or objective and it's normal....You don't have a goal just as you magically appear in a new world. Only an incredibly poorly written character would instantly have a goal and know what to do.

" Well before i send you to the human world, i just have one thing to tell you. Given that you're now a new person, you also have a new face and a new name. So i'll let you discover them." Said the Spirit King as a mirror appeared out of nowhere. Grabbing it with shaking hands, i brought it to my face with barely hidden excitement and trepidation. But when i saw my face....

" ...Wait a second ! I look way too much like-"

" Welcome to your new life, my son...Sosuke Arata"

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