
In Bleach as the Spirit King's Son

The world of Bleach is already full of stories, places and characters that we all know. Of course if you were to add a little something to it, nothing much would change, right ? Not if you change some important aspects of the main story, and, introduce a completely new character that know way too much about this world. This is the story of a human who will go from an infamous vigilante, to the son of the most powerful being in the entire universe......A fictional universe of course.

Glasgow · Anime & Comics
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Little question ( not a chapter )

For this fiction i have many ideas, but of course i need to choose one to go with and start the story, sadly i'm unable to decide a simple thing.

I wanted to know if i should make the MC a shinigami, a vizard, a quincy, a normal human with powers or a hollow ?

The story won't really change because of that, as i can make my ideas works no matter what the MC is. But i wanted to know what you think would be the best.

So, which one should i pick ?