
In Bleach as the Spirit King's Son

The world of Bleach is already full of stories, places and characters that we all know. Of course if you were to add a little something to it, nothing much would change, right ? Not if you change some important aspects of the main story, and, introduce a completely new character that know way too much about this world. This is the story of a human who will go from an infamous vigilante, to the son of the most powerful being in the entire universe......A fictional universe of course.

Glasgow · Anime & Comics
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Karakura Town here i come !

After getting over the shock that nearly made me faint again, i gradually started to accept the fact that the Spirit King just literally said that i was a Sosuke, most likely the brother of Aizen. I actually could be anyone for Aizen, a father or even an uncle....But it was a lot less disturbing to think i was just his brother. Well i would like to think it was less disturbing, but my brown long hair, my brown eyes filled with warmth and my handsome face, just told me that i wasn't just his brother.....But hus twin brother.

" I know that this is confusing my son, but you should just go to the human world. You won't meet any of your siblings yet, i can assure you of that." Said the Spirit King with a kind smile.

" Siblings ?! As in like....I have other siblings ?!" I asked, and i think that you can understand my distress. I mean my two brothers were literally the biggest villains of this world, i couldn't even begin to imagine who the others were.

" Indeed. You have three brothers and two sisters. Though contrarily to Yhwach and you, your other siblings aren't aware of their true heritage. Even if i suspect that Aizen do have some memories about me and the royal palace. " Said the Spirit King taking a thinking pose. Well this could explain how Aizen was aware of the Spirit King being a dude in a crystal. Though it's obvious that he didn't know about the human form of his father.

" * Sigh * You know what ? Just send me to the human world. Honestly i can't take all those revelations." I asked with much more fatigue in my voice than i thought.

" Very well then. See you soon, son " Said the Spirit King as i blacked out.


( Human World, Karakura Town )

" Ugh, next time i'll tell him to just open a portal or something like that." I said as i opened my eyes and immediately looked around in panic, noticing where i was. Because i was actually on a roof. So yeah i literally woke up on a roof, dressed in a kimono, a sword strapped to my hip, while hearing a bell ringing. A bell that just sounded like a school bell......Fuck !

Getting up i walked over to the edge of the roof, and saw that i was actually in a japanese school. Which was quite obvious because the Spirit King wouldn't send me to America or something like that. Now the problem was the following....How do i get the hell out of here without being spotted ?

I was a pretty sneaky guy, stealth being something that i mastered during my years of tracking and assassinating criminals. However i simply couldn't get out of the building without being seen. But before i could even start to make a plan, a piece of paper literally fell in my hands. But i couldn't see from where it could've come from since there wasn't anything in the sky.

I just grabbed it and started to read what was written on it.

" Dear son.

Since you will start a new life, i decided to help you a little by giving you a starting point. Starting from now on you are Kururugi Arata, a transfer student at Karakura High School. You live alone in an apartment close to the school ( I wrote the adress on the back of the paper ), and you had a perfect record despite living alone. I know you might worry about something, but the humans in this town won't notice anything happening as long as it's related to you. So if you just randomly disappear for a few years, they won't notice. You can know live a calm life, learn to connect with your zanpakutou and observe the Hollows and Shinigami that comes to this town. And trust me they're quite numerous. That's all i had to say, so good luck. " I read aloud as the frown on my face gradually changed into a smile. Well atleast i won't have to worry about anything. Plus school isn't really a problem for someone like me, i could've had a bright future if i didn' become a vigilante.

'Well i guess that now i need to go back to class. Problem is, i don't know which one is-' My thought were interrupted as i turned the paper and saw the informations that were written on the back. Namely my class, my adress and a number to call if i had any trouble. It's quite amusing how the Spirit King acted like an overprotective father.

Now that i had all i needed, i entered the building and walked to my class. I saw that the lesson had already started so i just stood in front of the door and knocked, before the teached saw me and smiled. She was a slender and very youthful woman with fair skin and long, black hair adorned at the back by a golden hair clip. She also had black eyes that looked at me intensively, nearly making me bmush. Which was normal since she was a very beautiful woman, i mean i couldn't see everything with her clothes on, but the little i could see was enough to make me blush a little bit, but just a little....I'm not really weak to female charms but she seemed to be an exception. Though for some reasons i had the feeling that i had already saw her somewhere.

She said a few words to the students in the classroom, before making her way towards me. As she opened the door, my eyes widened a bit....Now i really feel like i know who she is !

" You must be Kururugi Arata, the new transfer student ?" Asked the woman. But i wasn't really focused on her question, because i even recognized her voice ! Now i'm sure i know her, but who is she ?

" Well i'm pleased to meet you Arata-Sama" Said the woman, even though i didn't actually heard what she said because of the incredibly loud roar that i heard. And if i wasn't mistaken, it was the roar of a hollow. I was really curious about how they looked like in real life, but i wasn't curious enough to get myself killed, so i turned my attention back to the woman, just in time to hear what she said.

" You may not know me, but i'm Senjumaru Shutara. I hope we get along !"

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