
In Black clover with Grimoire of Omnitrix

Shiva was a 28-year-old teenager who died in a car crash and was reborn with the power of Omnitrix the Black Clover world. . . . Arthur's Note: My grammar may not be the best, but I'm working on improving it. I don't own any of the characters, only my original character (OC). the cover image I got from Google. so I do not own it. I would appreciate feedback and support if you enjoy the story. I will be updating it three to four days a week.

Sanjay_K_L · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 23: Sis... I Have Good News For You.

While Ben was explaining the situation of Noelle to Charlotte and how they treated her, Sol became enraged and started cursing angrily.

"How dare they treat her like that! As expected, men are disgusting,"

Sol declared angrily while slamming the table with one of her hands, demanding an explanation.


'Why is she giving me that look?'

Seeing the look directed at him, Ben was speechless.

"Sol, Ben is not like other disgusting men,"

Peggy said, seeing the atmosphere becoming tense.

She comforted Sol by supporting Ben.


Without answering, Sol turned her head with a sullen look evident on her face.

"I think you misunderstood me. Noelle is not only bullied by her brothers; she is also bullied by her sister too."

With a raised eyebrow, he clarified to Sol about who was involved in it.


Hearing this, Sol was stunned for a moment.

She didn't know how to reply after Ben corrected his statement.


She just clicked her tongue.

"Captain, one of Noelle's brothers named Solid mocked me and later attacked me."

To change the topic, Ben reported that Solid tried to assault him.


Suddenly, a huge amount of magic pressure descended from Charlotte when she heard that he was attacked.

Feeling their captain's mana pressure, the magic knights in the whole Blue Rose base stopped whatever they were doing and turned towards the location of the captain's office.

'Isn't she overreacting?'

Ben looked at Sol, who kept her ground while Peggy was having a hard time.


Ben called Charlotte while placing his hand on Peggy's shoulder to support her.


When Ben called her, Charlotte noticed Peggy's situation and immediately reined in the mana pressure she released.

"Sorry, Peggy. I lost a little bit."

She apologized to Peggy and turned to Ben with narrowed eyes.

'Damn it, Nozel, you let your ugly monkey attack my Ben. Wait and see, you will pay for it.'

Outside, Charlotte was smiling, but in her mind, she was cursing Nozel.

"Ben, are you all right? Are there any injuries? Should I call a healer?"

Charlotte asked Ben with concern, which touched Ben.

"No... no... I am not injured, Captain, but with the power of the spell, he aimed for the kill."

Ben shook his head in denial.

After explaining about the incident, he also reported how he met magic knights from Black Bulls while passing through the forest and helped them to catch a group of criminals.

After meeting with Charlotte, Ben went straight to the bathhouse to take a bath.

He was covered in dust and sweat due to traveling and fighting.

Liberator's base...

In a dark room where the candles were the only light source, six people were sitting at a circular conference table.

"Clover Kingdom started to smell us,"

an old man said with a kind smile on his face.

He looked to be 60 to 70 years old, with a long white beard and wrinkles visible on his dusky skin.

"I already told you guys not to believe in those trash bandits, Xavier,"

an old woman replied with a little bit of a shaky voice.

She looked to be around 50 to 55.

"Mira, should we stop the process and lie down for some time until everything returns to normal?"

Another old man with a long beard gave his suggestion while touching his long beard with twinkles in his eyes.

"No, even if they catch the bandits, they won't be able to catch us seriously,"

Xavier replied and stated his decision to continue doing their mission, to which others also nodded their heads in support.

Wizard King's palace...

The Wizard King was reading a book while Marx entered the office with a bunch of documents.

"Not so soon. Come on, Marx, let me have some free time."

Seeing the documents in Marx's hand, the Wizard King whined and begged Marx to give him some free time.

"Sorry, my lord. There is already some pending paperwork from yesterday."

When Marx heard the Wizard King's plea, he didn't hesitate and shook his head in denial.

'Hehe~ Let's see. Today I will escape from you, Marx.'

The Wizard King closed the book he was reading, took one of the paperwork, and put his seal on it.

"My lord, the terrorist group calls themselves Liberators and consists of old wizards."

Marx explained the new information about the Liberators that their intelligence department had collected.

Hearing this, the Wizard King's demeanor changed to a serious one.

"Even though we are capturing the bandits continuously, they seem to have no idea of stopping whatever they are doing."

Marx gave his summary to Julius, who nodded his head.

'Who gives them this much confidence?'

This was the only thought in his mind.

"Even though they knew we were aware of them, they continued to do whatever they were doing using the kids. That means only two possibilities: one is they have complete trust in their ability, and the other one is they are near to completing their target."

The Wizard King nodded his head and looked at the report, saying that they consisted of old people.

"Who got this information?"

The Wizard King asked Marx, who pointed his finger at the name on the mission completed list.

"Fuegoleon, huh..."

The Wizard King was surprised to see the mission was completed by Fuegoleon because those old people escaped from one of the strong Magic Knight captains.

"My lord, and Black Bulls seem to have caught a few bandits who turn out to be a spy from the Diamond Kingdom."

Marx took another report and passed it to Julius, whose eyes were twinkling like stars.

"Yes, you should have seen it; that kid Ben from Blue Rose transformed into a crystal-like monster and started to defeat them with ease."

Hearing about the Black Bulls' mission, he started to explain while mimicking Ben when he captured the bandits with a wide smile.


"Don't tell me, Lord, you have once again skipped your work today and this time went to stalk Ben."

Hearing Julius, a thick nerve came on his forehead that once again the Wizard King abandoned his duty.

Cough... Cough...

"No... no... don't put it like that, Marx. It's for research purposes."

Seeing the dark aura emitted from Marx, who was smiling at him kindly, Julius started to come up with excuses to appease the angry Marx.

Silva house...

Nebra came to Silva's house after completing her solo mission to divert her thoughts from thinking about Ben.


'Why can't I get his face out of my head? Ahhh~'

Nebra screamed internally while sitting on one of the couches and massaging her temples.

"Here, my lady."

The maid, who finished brewing tea, poured it into an exquisite cup that had Silva's family logo on it.

Nebra took the tea and took a few sips to cool her mind.

"Baka~ Why did you have to choose Blue Rose? If you had chosen Silver Eagle, I would not have this headache."

She blamed Ben while murmuring to herself in a low voice.

While a chibi Nebra was rolling on the ground, screaming, "Not fair!"

Seeing Nebra, who had been acting weirdly for the past few weeks, the maid sighed internally and left Nebra's room.

Noticing the maid left, Nebra lay tiredly on her bed, thinking about what she should wear today to see Ben in the garden.

'It's just to look nice as a royal, that's all.'

She consoled herself for her decision to wear a nice dress.


"Let's forget. As long as he stays here, women will be able to spend time with him. I have a chance."

Debra got up from the bed energetically with a big smirk on her face, like she cracked some riddle.

"Sister... Sister... Do you know what happened today?"

Solid entered the room happily to share the good news with his sister.

"What happened, Solid?"

Looking at Solid, who looked very happy, Nebra asked in confusion.

"Today, I sent that trash who came to teach Noelle back to his squad."


Breaking the news to Nebra, Solid started to laugh loudly in happiness because he made Noelle's teacher leave again.

So, he came here to break the happy news to his sister.


"Sis, what happened? Hey sis... Hey sis..."

Seeing his sister in a trance of shock, Solid urged his sister to get her attention.



(Author's POV)

Thanks for reading the chapter! please give a review and power stone!!!