
In Black clover with Grimoire of Omnitrix

Shiva was a 28-year-old teenager who died in a car crash and was reborn with the power of Omnitrix the Black Clover world. . . . Arthur's Note: My grammar may not be the best, but I'm working on improving it. I don't own any of the characters, only my original character (OC). the cover image I got from Google. so I do not own it. I would appreciate feedback and support if you enjoy the story. I will be updating it three to four days a week.

Sanjay_K_L · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 22: Echo Echo.

After completing his mission to teach Noelle, Ben left the Silvia house under the determined gaze of Noelle.


'I underestimated the illusion affinity I got from the system. Sensei Itachi, I made you proud, right?'

Ben looked at the clear blue sky with a small smile.


[Mission: Teach Noelle Silvia About Mana Control.]

[Mission Reward: 200 FP.]

[Mission Status: Completed.]


[Reward Being Issued...]

[FP Bar: 440/500.] --> [New Alien: ???]

After Ben exited Silvia's house, he opened his system to see if he had completed the mission or not.

'There were still 60 points needed to unlock a new alien. Huh...'

Ben closed the system and mounted the broomstick to depart to the Blue Rose secret base.


While Ben was flying in the sky using the broom, he was attracted by the large disturbance in the forest before him where a huge amount of smoke was rising.

He could feel a tremendous amount of mana from the place where the disturbance occurred.

Ben moved closer to the smoke to take a closer look.

When Ben arrived at the place, he saw a group of three Magic Knights from the Black Bulls fighting a group of six mages.

'Black Bulls? Isn't that Luke, Magna, and Finral? Who are they fighting? They seem to be having difficulty handling the fight.'

Ben was surprised to see the Black Bulls causing the commotion here.

"Shit. Luke, we need to finish them quickly. They have the number advantage."

Magna looked at his friend with a heavy expression.

They took a mission to investigate the forest, but their bad luck led them to a group of wizards who started to panic when they noticed their Magic Knight robes and attacked them.

"Hehe~ Let's see who takes them down faster."

Luke had a huge smirk on his face, with an expression that clearly said he was battle-crazed.

"You fool, even before you, I will take them down."

Magna, affected by the battle-crazed aura of his best friend, declared with a wide smile, holding a baseball bat in his hand.

'These guys...'

Finral looked at his friends nervously, who clearly wanted to fight the group before them.

"Guys, let's go. We are at a disadvantage."

Finral, with panic visible in his voice, asked his friends, trying to convince them to retreat with a bitter smile.

"Let's fight... Let's fight... Let's fight..."

"Lightning Magic: Thunder God's Gloves."

Luke's grimoire started to flip rapidly, and he cast a spell.

A huge amount of mana condensed in his both hands.

The lightning started to flicker and covered both his hands with sharp claws like gloves.

While they were fighting, one of the mages they were facing used oil magic, which completely neutralized Luke's attack, making it hard for him to control his speed.

Another one had fire magic and was pushing Magna back.

While the other four were grinning at Luke and Magna like predators.

Finral was watching the fight with panic, not knowing what he should do since he didn't have any offensive magic.


'It looks like bad luck on their side. Luck is enough to take care of these guys, but oh, their bad luck, one of the wizards was the user of oil magic.'

Ben, who was looking at the Black Bulls fighting with a little interest, had pity seeing their bad luck.

"Boss, let's finish them off, shall we."

One of the guys who were watching the fight yelled at the one who was facing Luke.

"Sure, now shall we end this play."

The boss said with a wicked smile, his grimoire turning a page.

"Oil Magic: Fountain Blast."

The boss, who was fat with red hairs, casted his spell. When the spell was casted, the ground started to shake, and a crack appeared, and oil spouted out of it like a fountain, drenching Luke and Magna.

Who were near the crack while Finral escaped through the portal and appeared some distance away from them while two portals appeared below Luke and Magna and took them with him.


Seeing this, the boss laughed loudly at the trio.

"Hey! Finral, I want to fight him."

Luke declared loudly while running towards Ben.


"Next time. Sorry, I need to go."

Ben took off while picking up his broom immediately because if he stayed Luke would force him to fight him.



[Mission: Help Black Bulls.]

[Mission Reward: 100 FP.]

[Mission Status: Completed.]

[Reward Being Issued...]


[FP Bar: 540/500 FP.]

[Reward Being Issued...]


[New Alien Obtained: Echo Echo]

[FP Bar: 40/500 FP.]

Ben looked very satisfied with the reward he obtained and continued his way towards the Blue Rose base.

Blue Rose Base...

Charlotte was looking at the letter she was reading and turned her gaze toward Ben, who was standing before her.

Ahem... Ahem...

"Ben, according to the letter, Nozel has written that you trained Noelle using his and his siblings' portrait as a target."

Charlotte asked with a weird gaze, looking at Ben. She knew Ben is not the person who would easily do such things.

Hearing their captain's statement, both Sol and Peggy looked at Ben, shocked.


Seeing Ben not replying, Charlotte looked at him for an answer. To her surprise, Ben nodded his head.

"Can I know the reason?"

Charlotte's expression turned serious while looking at Ben.

'Did they do something to Ben? Damn, Nozel, did you not heed my warning seriously?'

The atmosphere in the room started to turn heavy.

"Actually, Captain..."

Ben stopped, organizing his thoughts on how to tell the story of Noelle to her.


Seeing all three pairs of eyes in the room looking at him for an answer, Ben continued.

"Actually, Captain Charlotte, Nozel and his family are treating their sister very badly. They bully her every day, which has caused a huge trauma. They even physically assault her..."

"I used their portrait to help her overcome her trauma, but before I could see results, my mission was completed."

Ben started explaining to Charlotte about Noelle's situation in Silvia's house as pitifully as he could.

When Charlotte heard the story, she became angry and disgusted at Nozel for treating his sister that way.

'I knew it. Ben wouldn't do something like that simply. How pitiful. But somehow, I feel happy that Ben is the same as when I met him, helping others without expecting anything.'

Charlotte's chibi form looked at Ben with two big, beautiful eyes filled with admiration.

"How dare they treat her like that. As expected, men are disgusting."

Sol declared with narrowed eyes, slamming the table in anger.



(Author's POV)

Thanks for reading the chapter! please give a review and power stone!!!