
In Ben 10 as Kevin Levin

A teen dies and is transmigrated into Ben 10 world as Kevin Levin after he escaped the Null void. He is confused on what to do as he had only watched few episodes of Ben 10 series. Find the teen as he makes his way in the omniverse with everything he got. I own nothing all characters belong to their respective owners. Warnings:- This fic will contain adult content so people with high morals may not like it.

Jerry153 · TV
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16 Chs

14) The oaths of Knights - 2

Kevin watched with amusement as the Forever Knights argued among themselves. He had lured all the rival factions of the human supremacist group to an abandoned warehouse, hoping to use them for his own benefit. It wasn't selfish. Afterall his own benefit meant ultimately the whole planet's benefit.

Ultimately it was easier said than done. As soon as they saw each other, they forgot about him and started to fight.

"You traitors! You have betrayed the true purpose of the Forever Knights!" shouted one of them, wearing a red cape and a helmet with a comedy mask.

"Ha! You are the ones who have strayed from the path of honor! You have allied yourselves with the alien scum!" retorted another, wearing a blue cape and a helmet with a tragedy mask.

They drew their swords and charged at each other, clashing with sparks and clangs. Some of them used energy weapons, such as maces, spears, and shields, that glowed with yellow light.

Kevin slammed his fist on the table, making a loud noise that echoed through the hall. The wooden table cracked in half, sending splinters flying. The Forever Knights, who were still bickering and fighting, suddenly fell silent. They looked at Kevin with shock.

Kevin sighed. He pressed a button on his gauntlet. Something which he had made for a specific purpose. A powerful magnetic pulse emitted from the devices on the wall, affecting the metal armors of the knights. They felt a strong force pulling them towards the device, immobilizing them. They tried to resist, but it was useless.

He recognized some of the leaders of the different factions, such as Sir Cyrus, Driscoll, Patrick, Urien, and Enoch. They glared at him with hatred, but they couldn't move.

"What is this Levin? Why did you called us to meet with these lowly pretenders?" Driscoll sneered angrily. Even though, he couldn't move, his pride wasn't lost.

"Who are you calling pretender? You disgrace of a knight." Patrick said with a sour face.

Kevin cleared his throat and tried to sound serious. He hoped that his plan would work. He had to convince the Forever Knights to join forces with him against the aliens. Also, there should be a truce between everyone here.

"Listen up, you medieval morons. I have some grave news for you. The whole Earth and probably everyone living here are in danger." He shouted loudly. Apparently his shouting did worked. It seemed to look like so when he witnessed the stunned faces of the knights.

"What are you talking about, you traitor?" Sir Cyrus spat. He was the leader of the faction that wore their goals proudly. He had accepted Kevin's invitation to the meeting, thinking he could use him as a pawn and get more weapons. He regretted that decision now. He hadn't realised that he would witness his enemies too here.

"I'm talking about the aliens, you idiot. The ones who sold you these laser lances." Kevin said. He raised his hands pointing at the weapons that the knights had bought from the DNAliens and were carrying with them.

"What about them?" Driscoll asked. He was the leader of the faction that wore blue capes and tragedy masks. He had opposed Sir Cyrus, claiming he had betrayed the true purpose of the Forever Knights.

"They're not your friends, you fool. They're your enemies. They're planning to take over the planet. They've already kidnapped one of the most powerful Plumbers in the galaxy." Kevin said seriously. He disable the magnetic propulsion devices as the Knights became free to move.

"Who?" Patrick asked with a frown. He knew about the Plumbers very well. He was the leader of the faction that wore capes. They remained mostly neutral, until something serious came in.

"Max Tennyson. The grandfather of Ben Tennyson. The wielder of the Omnitrix." Kevin said looking at them.

"The Omnitrix? The device that can turn anyone into any alien?" Urien asked. He was the leader of the faction that wore purple capes and knight masks. He had a fascination with alien technology. Afterall his faction was the smallest and the most he could do was to gain advantages for it.

"Yes, that Omnitrix. The one that you've been trying to get your hands on for years. Well, guess what? The aliens have Tennyson's grandfather. It was the reason they destroyed Sir Enoch's weapons." Kevin explained with a smirk. It was time for little flamboyancy.

"That's impossible. How do you know this?" Enoch asked. Kevin couldn't see his face but he knew from the voice that the man had tried hard to conceal the information. He had a mysterious and sinister aura, but he couldn't control everything.

"Because I'm a Plumber. And a Magistrate of Earth. Promoted recently." Kevin replied calmly. He took out his Plumbers Badge from his Suit pocket and showed them.

"A Plumber? A Magistrate? You expect us to believe that?" Driscoll said incredulous. Noone that young could become a Magistrate. He knew the management very well. He was too young and amateur looking to be made one.

"I've been gathering information on the aliens and their plans. And I'm telling you, they're coming. They're coming for you, for me, for everyone. And we have to stop them. Together. Let me show you if you don't believe. Look at the screen." As soon as his words left his mouth. A holographic screen appeared in the middle of the room. The screen showed the video footage where Ben removed the Xenocites from the hosts. The camera focused on the Xenocites. He showed how the ID mask concealed their faces via a 3d animation.

"Those little creatures change the DNA of the being whom they use as host. If my guess is correct, there are vast number of such aliens already in the world. They all are hiding and we don't know where they are." Kevin explained as the Forever Knights and their faction leaders looked at the Xenocite creatures with disgust and hatred.

"Stop them? Together? With you?" Driscoll said with a scoff. These things only proved that they were right in their stance.

"Yes, with me. Look, I know we've all had our differences. I know you don't trust me. I know you hate me by now. You hate Ben Tennyson. But this is bigger than us. Isn't the Forever Knight's goals are to protect humanity from such threats. If my guesses are correct we may see a planetary level invasion in coming months. Where will you go if you don't help us? You all probably wouldn't have realised anything if I hadn't told about this you now. If we wish to proceed and you all want to protect and stand for what your motto is. If you're a true Forever Knight, then you may take your seats. We have a lot of things to discuss." Kevin proclaimed looking at the Knights infront of him.

His speech did seemed to have made some change. Sir Cyrus was the first one to sit. Patrick followed next, who was followed by Enoch. Uriel went next and Driscoll sat not before sighing angrily.

"Now we have some guests. They will join in the meeting. Please welcome Magister Labrid, Ben Tennyson, Carl Tennyson, Ken Tennyson, and Frank Tennyson. They are here to join us in this meeting." Kevin said. His hands gestured to the newcomers who arrived from the door.

The Forever Knights gathered looked at them with suspicion and hostility. The guards or other Knights, accompanying their leaders, immediately became more alert. They recognized Ben as the wielder of the Omnitrix, and the others as his relatives. They also recognized Magister Labrid as a Plumber, and an alien. They did not like them for a moment.

"What are they doing here?" Sir Cyrus asked calmly. He was ready to hear the words of this new Magister. Kevin had never double crossed them. As far he knew, he was a honest supplier as such he was willing to give him the benefit of doubt.

"They are here to help us. To work with us." Kevin said, trying to sound confident.

"Peace? With them? Are you kidding me?" Driscoll said with a scoff. He already had a deep history with Ben Tennyson. It brought bad memories and a sour taste.

"No, I'm not kidding. Listen, I know you don't like them. I know you don't trust them. I know you hate them. But we have to put aside our differences. We have to work together. We have to fight the real enemy. Ben Tennyson's a jerk and a pain in the ass sometimes. Your methods may differ but he also lives for the same principle as you. To protect the mankind and humanity." Kevin spoke passionately. It was necessary that they were on the same page, even if they were on different paragraphs.

"The Tennysons. We have no feud with them. Besides the boy's actions may have been against us. However we are not without honor. We do not attack on families like the aliens did." Patrick said eyeing the Tennysons disinterestedly.

"Yes, it is true. Our actions don't meant that you go after our families. It is the reason I like you all. You all have a honor, even if that honor is with purposes and ulterior motives." Kevin praised gently with a smirk.

"The Aliens are a threat to the Earth and the galaxy. Whoever they are working for. They are using the Xenocytes to infect humans and turn them into DNAliens. They are behind many of the attacks and disappearances that have been happening lately. They must be stopped." Magister Labrid said as he looked at the armoured Knights there. He had been strongly opposing the meeting. However after seeing them agree even if half heartedly, he could see what Kevin meant when he proposed this meeting to him.

"That sounds bad. But why should we trust you? You're an alien too. How do we know you're not one of them?" Enoch asked.

"Because I'm a Plumber. And a friend of Max Tennyson. And a friend of Kevin. And a friend of Ben. The Plumbers have a noble goal. And I serve it." Magister Labrid said, extending his hand.

The Forever Knights looked at each other, unsure what to do. They were still wary of the Plumbers and the Tennysons, but they were also curious about the DNAliens and the Highbreed. They wondered if Kevin was telling the truth, or if he was playing them.

Kevin looked at the Forever Knights with a friendly smile. He had a proposal for them. A proposal that would benefit both sides. A proposal that would help save the world.

"Listen, I know you guys have a noble goal. You want to protect humanity from the alien menace. You want to preserve the Earth's heritage and culture. You want to honor your ancestors and their legacy. Well, I have an offer for you. An offer that will help you achieve your goal. An offer that will make you allies." Kevin said, appealing to their pride. It was the easiest way to make them convince.

"What kind of offer?" Sir Cyrus asked curiously. He wanted to hear this so called offer.

"An offer for some of your people to join the Plumbers. To become part of the intergalactic law enforcement organization that protects the universe from various threats and attacks. To use high-tech gadgets and weapons to fight the DNAliens and the Highbreed. To have access to a vast network of information and resources. To have the support and respect of the other Plumbers and the alien races." Kevin proposed with a smile. He knew they wouldn't cave in instantly. He had to work on it.

"The Plumbers? Why would we want to join them? They're a bunch of alien lovers. They're the ones who let the aliens invade our planet in the first place." Driscoll said skeptically. He had been a Plumber once. However their ever peaceful goals didn't connect him.

"Driscoll is right. This is our planet. They have been allowing those filthy aliens here. This is our planet. They have no business here." Enoch said in agreement. Earth was their home. Their should be no alien activity here.

"Technically this is neither your planet nor those alien's planets. By the laws of Interstellar Possessions, this whole solar system along with the nearest solar system, are all rightful properties of mine." Kevin pointed out to the two Forever Knight leaders.

"Blasphemy. You can't buy a planet." Patrick argued instantly. He couldn't believe it.

"You can. Interstellar laws are not like normal government laws. You can own a solar system if you can pay for it. And it shall rightfully belong to you." Kevin replied with a smirk.

"So can't you simply enforce your laws and remove those aliens as this is your planet rightfully?" Uriel asked cynically.

"It could. But the whole world as we know would flip apart if I start to do so. Imagine this, you all people will have to pay the taxes to your governments. Those Governments would have to in turn pay me as you all are in my planet. Every mountain, river or natural resource you use. Those belong to me. You understand the gravity of the situation now." Kevin elaborated with a frown.

There was too much to consider.