

"A few hundred years ago, during the beginning of the Nidaime Mizukage's reign, the first Seven Swordsman of the mist were renown for being able to bring down an entire country," a short sigh escaped my throat. "Naturally, the guys who made the swords were pretty proud of their work, save for the one who didn't get any of the credit. He came together with several of the Uzumaki clansmen who helped make the original blades, as well as some of the greatest weaponsmiths in the other four great nations, to create a weapon for each nation that could rival the Seven Swords, even all of them at once, just to stick it to the mist."

"A-Ano, they made weapons to combat the Seven Swords?"

"At least five of them, off the top of my head. Of them include the Ryūjin, which grants its user all five chakra natures, and there's that mace Kotetsu has that can shapeshift, and of course…" I motioned to the boy with the giant sword on his back. "Kyōaku Ha, which can send its wielder into a rage-like state if they activate its unique ability."

"It can also cut ghosts," the bored genin said. "I've tested it out a few times."

"It can really cut ghosts?!" I wheezed out.

"How do you test that? Ghosts aren't even-Ok, we'll deal with that later," Anko growled.

"Yeah, like the Konoha bitch said!" 'Senra' growled to his fellow genin. "A giant piece of metal on a stick isn't something to be proud of, it's just compensation!"

"You're just jealous that I have the ghost-killing sword, and you don't," the sword-wielder said teasingly.

"Isashi, that's enough," the blonde chided sternly. They turned to us with a nervous grin, their expression falling slightly. "Ah, you don't seem to have the prisoner with you…"

"We wanted to wait until you had the bounty," Kurenai said cooly.

"B-Bounty? This is just a prisoner-"

"Konoha never actually said it, Okashī," 'Keizan' growled spitefully. "Just as expected of the leaf. They see a chance to screw with us, they'll take it."

"S-So, we aren't bringing the prisoner back?"

"Not unless you have money~" Anko sing-songed.

"Gaaah! Dammit all!" the androgynous blonde cried out. "If we don't come back with that prisoner, the Tsuchikage will have our heads!"

The girl who was apparently called Kurotsuchi sweatdropped. "Really? You're saying that?"

"Be quiet!" they cried out, waving their hands at the girl in annoyance. "You have no idea how stressful this is!"

"Che, whatever…" Kurotsuchi cocked her head to the side as she glared at us. "Are you really sure you wanna do this, Konoha?"

"Oh, what are you gonna do? Come across the bridge to get us?!"

"Anko, don't taunt them!" Kurenai hissed.

Anko's response was to give the Iwa nin across from us the american style double hand symbol for 'Fuck Off'...then the french style...then the appropriate japanese style...then the italian. I was very confused as to how many different birds there were in this world.

"Yare Yare Daze...you're really mature, aren't you Anko-sensei?"

"Shut it, gaki! I'm negotiating."

"...Do you hear yourself? How the hell is that anything resembling negotiati-"

"Y'know what! Fine, we'll get your damn bounty!" Keizan shouted over to us. "If our village allows it, we'll pay up. But we have to get that prisoner back!"

"As long as you can pay~" the purple-haired woman sing-songed.

"Fine then!" the girl shouted over to us. "Have him here by tomorrow bitch!"

"Sure thing!" Anko called out cheerfully. A short giggle escaped her mouth as the Iwa nin skulked back into the trees. "I think that went pretty well."

"They'll probably send another few people down with the bounty...do you have all the insults prepared?" Kurenai asked.

"I have the whole book list we all wrote down. I think I can make a couple up on the spot," my Jōnin sensei turned to me with a smirk. "Oi, gaki! Think you can come up with some insults for the Iwa nin?"

"The only thing I can think of is the 'dumb as rocks' stuff," I said tiredly. "And I can't even think of a compensation joke for that one guy because there's a swordsman code about that."

"You're saying you can't make compensation jokes to other swordsmen?"

"No, I can, but we have to be fighting first."

"So swordfight banter is usually just bashing each others junk? Why am I not surprised," the purple-haired woman groaned. "What, at least tell me you have good comebacks. I'd be disappointed if you didn't."

"Reality is often disappointing," I said nonchalantly. "But I have at least one that I used on my rival about 'representation'..."

"Phew, good to know we weren't kicked out…" Anko looked around the motel lobby nervously. "We haven't done anything to get kicked out yet, have we?"

Hinata twiddle her fingers before discreetly activating her Byakugan. "They're still in their room, talking about...something, I assume boy talk," the Hyūga blushed slightly before flinching. "Akamaru is also growling at the prisoner. Not much else is going on aside from that."

"What about our…'hosts'?" my Jōnin sensei asked lowly.

The bluenette glanced around nervously before letting out a small sigh. "That poor girl...they're just hurling another round of abuse at her."

"How are those monsters her legal guardians?" I growled.

"Next of kin, shit like that. Doesn't matter what they do, they still have legal precedent over her and whatever estate she owns," Anko looked in the direction of the shouting sympathetically. "If she has anything left at all."

I clicked my teeth angrily as the shouting died down. "As if the creepy rapist wasn't bad enough. People like them make me sick."

"Hey, life sucks sometimes," the purple-haired woman blinked as we rounded the corner before our rooms. "The hell is this?"

Before us, Ichiko was furiously scrubbing the floors. The brunette flinched at our presence, but ignored regardless.

"What happened here?" Kurenai asked gently.

"The floors needed cleaning," Ichiko said blankly.

"Whew, didn't know there was a spill," Anko said nonchalantly. "Well, it's getting pretty dark...have a good night, it was nice meeting you...uh…" my Jōnin sensei tapped her chin nervously as she tried to remember the girl's name. "Uh...nice meeting you kid."

The doe-eyed girl responded with a small hum that the others barely heard as they walked off. Hinata lingered alongside me for a few seconds before darting after Kurenai. When I was sure they were gone, I turned to Ichiko with a concerned glance.

"Why are you really scrubbing?"

"...My grandparents...they think your presence is b-befouling. I'm supposed to clean up after all of you, e-even if there's nothing to clean up."

I facepalmed to hide my disgusted expression and clenched my fist. "Yare Yare Daze...Screw it!" my hands came down as I quickly made a familiar set of hand seals. "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!"

Two perfect clones of myself popped into existence beside me, and I motioned them towards the girl. Both of them grabbed the extra cleaning supplies and got to work, much to Ichiko's surprise.

"N-No, you don't have to-"

"None of that! I can't leave you alone like this...also," I pointed to my clones. "Once they dispel, I'll gain all their memories. You can use them to vent if you want...you look like you need that."


"Akamaru, quit growling at him! There's no chance he's getting out!" Kiba leaned back on his bed tiredly. "Ugh, I feel like we'll die in this place and people will eat our skin."


"Yeah, I know it isn't a seedy motel...there's that nice bit of eye-candy nearby too at least," the dog-nin sighed. "But still, you saw how those old bastards looked at us, right?"

"Arf…" the dog held his paws to his face worriedly.

"I'm more worried we'll be attacked by Iwa nin in the middle of the night," I said boredly.

"Oh yeah...you said the one had a famous sword?"

"Kyōaku Ha, one of the five weapons of the continental nations," Shino called out from the bathroom. "There are at least...what, two other swords among them?"

"Ryūjin's location is unknown...and I don't actually know the name of the other sword," I tilted my head in thought. "The only other one I know about is that mace."

"Mace? What mace?" Kiba asked nervously.

"Eh, there's this Chūnin back home that has this shapeshifting mace...I think he called it 'Shussebora' once."

"Huh, that's interesting...Oi, shino! You done in there yet?"

"N-Not quite…"

"I still don't get why you need to be in the bathroom to change. I changed into my PJs a while ago," the dog-nin sneered at the prisoner. "If you looked at-"

"I'm straight...and you're 12. Not a chance in hell."

Shino exited the bathroom nervously, flinching away from us as we stared. "I do this because of my hive."

"What, you're worried we'll see your hive holes?"

"Arf!" the little dog yipped in agreement.

"I cannot believe you two are calling them that," I said tiredly. I pulled off my coat and grabbed the ends of my shirt. "Well, since we're heading to be anyway."

"Woah, you're not pulling out your pajamas?"

"I sleep with my shirt off, alright," I made a shrug as best as I could. "It just feels more comfortable, alright."

"Okay then, that's kinda-EH?! What's with the tattoo?!"


"That fucking star up there!"

I pulled my shirt off completely before turning to Kiba. "You...you mean this?" I reached around my shoulder and palmed the star birthmark on the back of my shoulder. "This is my family birthmark. My mom had one just like it."

"Nu-uh! You're joking, right?"

"He isn't, I've seen the pictures in his wallet," Shino tilted his head contemplatively. "I saw it in one of the photos of his grandfather as well."

"Dude, that's just...wow…" the dog-nin shook his head. "If I've read enough manga, that's like some chosen one bull-OK, that one has to be a tattoo!"

I cocked my head to the side at the Inuzuka's remark. "You mean...oh, yeah, these are more like burn marks," I held a hand to one of the letters burned in a strange arrangement across my chest. "I got them...well, it's been about seven years now, I think."

"What do those even mean? What kind of symbols are th-"


I turned to Murasaki with a glare. "What was that?"

"They're letters from a western language, and together they translate to 'conscience'," the prisoner tilted his head curiously. "Although, I don't know why they're arranged like that."

"How do you know-"

"One of the Tsuchikage's aids, his parents were from the west. Somehow they emigrated to Iwa and had a kid," Eiki shrugged boredly. "I don't know how it all worked, since most people are wary of westerners and whatnot."

I hummed thoughtfully at this. "That's an interesting piece of information."

"Bullshit, everybody in your spy network already knows," the prisoner sneered at us darkly. "Just because I'm a criminal, doesn't mean I'm gonna give you anything like that. I can still hold out hope for better treatment, after all."

Kiba let out an annoyed huff. "What, you honestly think there's something out there that can save your ass?"

"...Who knows? I'm still not telling you anything," Eiki clicked his teeth and turned away from us. "It's not like it would matter anyway."

I furrowed my brows in confusion. "What do you mean by that?"

"...You'll see soon enough."

A few hours later

As Anko laid on her bed, she felt something rubbing her legs. Being barely awake, the woman thought nothing of it, even as the sensation traveled up to her thighs and stomach. The Jōnin let out an annoyed groan as she felt something moving close to her breasts.

"Hmmm...not tonight Iruka, I'm busy…"

A faint buzzing like white noise resounding through the air was the only response she received. The sensation of something groping around her chest and shoulders caused her to toss and turn in her sleep angrily.

"I said no...go away Iruka…"

Then something wet and slimy touched her throat. Anko's eyes snapped open in terror and she made to jolt upright. Her pupils dilated in terror when she found that she couldn't move an inch, even as she screamed within her own mind for her limbs to move.

All around her she could hear whispers and static noises, far off hissing noises and vicious wheezing, all accompanied by an unnerving chuckle. Her breathing grew ragged as she felt parts of her body going numb, and even though she couldn't move a muscle it almost seemed as though something was dragging her around by her feet. Staring above her was some horrid black face that seemed to be leering down at her with bright yellow eyes and pointed teeth.

'W-What is this?! I-I can't move!' the purple-haired woman let out a strangled breath as the slimy thing wrapped around her throat. 'C-Choking me?! I can't move a muscle, and something is choking me?! Damn it! Somebody, anybody, HELP ME!'

The Jōnin's pupils darted around wildly, searching anywhere for help. From the corner of her eye, she noticed Kurenai's sleeping form in a similar state, the dark-haired woman raggedly breathing as some unseen thing ran around her body. Anko's hands clammed up as a tear ran down her cheek.

'I'm...I'm going to die…' the woman thought. 'I can't believe it...I'm a ninja, I shouldn't go out like this, feeling so...helpless…' her breath hitched in her throat as the pressure around her neck increased. 'M-My breathing is getting cut off. It's not doing it like a snake where it would try to cut everything off as quickly as it could without getting hurt...it's doing this because it knows I can't fight back. This thing...it's enjoying this…'

Then, whatever the thing that was choking her was moved much of itself around her body. The kunoichi let out a horrified squeak as something coiled around her breasts and groped at her crotch. She went ghost pale upon realizing that death was the least she had to worry about.

'No! No! Stop! Get off! That's not for you! Ple-e-e-ease…' tears flowed freely from her eyes as something began propping her body up and pulling her limbs into different poses. 'Somebody make this stop! STOP!' a shudder spread through her body as the thing groping her darted beneath her clothes, running its slimy form over her skin before grabbing at her clothes and tearing. "N-NO!"

"Mmmmm...Anko-sensei, it's too late…"

From the corner of her eye, the purple-haired woman noticed her friend's pet kunoichi groggily leaning over to her. Anko desperately tried to lift an arm out to her, to no avail, and only let out a terrified whimper in response. Upon hearing this, and seeing the state of her sensei's friend, Hinata became fully alert.

"W-What the hell is that?!" the bluenette jumped off her bed and pointed at the terrified woman. Upon seeing her sensei, she went ghost pale. "K-Kurenai too?! It's...it's g-groping them! What is-EEEP!"

Anko's eyes widened in terror as a long white tendril snapped forward and wrapped around the young girl's hand. Instantly her eyes became lidded and she sagged to the floor, a loud whimper escaping her throat as more tendrils beset her. Her horrified protests were cut off as one wrapped around her throat.

The Jōnin let out a wild gasp as her body reflexively bucked beneath the thing's unwanted ministrations. 'STOP! SHE'S A GENIN, YOU CAN'T DO THIS!' another shudder of disgust went through her as her clothes were completely removed. 'I can't...no...why is this happening…'


Her eyes went wide upon hearing the little Hyūga's voice. The thing pawing at her body had propped her up just enough that she could see the girl from the corner of her eye. The bluenette was weakly reaching out to her, desperately trying to get away from the tendrils holding her down.

"H-Have to save...A-Anko-sensei...I can't give up…" the poor girl winced and whimpered as a tendril strangled her arm and pulled at her throat. Her voice grew hoarse and feeble as she attempted to pull herself towards the woman. "My...Nindō...I can't...run...away…"

Anko froze as she saw the girl's eyes go dull and her face falling to the ground limply. The only sounds she continued to make were the strangled gasps from the thing choking her to death. The Jōnin could no longer take it.

She screamed as loud as she could, to the point that she would lose her voice and could feasibly rupture her vocal cords. It didn't matter as long as somebody heard her, whether it be the disgusting human beings that owned the motel or the other genin they were with, as long as somebody knew she needed help, she'd be saved.

Her scream was cut off several seconds later as something forced its way into her mouth and thrust itself into her throat. The woman gagged as the thing wormed its way in further, cutting off more of her already scarce air. The taste was familiar, but instead of being a metallic, bittersweet taste, it was an overly salty and foul tang that made her nose curl up in disgust. As two more tendrils grabbed at her neck and made a slow turning motion, a whimper escaped from her again.

As the thing grew closer to snapping her neck, she knew the next few tears would be her last.



There was a loud, inhuman screech, and Anko was suddenly falling back onto her bed as the thing was pulled off of her body. As soon as she regained the ability to move, she leaned up to see her lone genin throwing some white thing into the wall before pulling two similar entities off of Kurenai and Hinata. The boy's Stand (She had forgotten its name somewhat) began pummeling the thing as soon as it tried to move again, allowing the purple-haired woman to get a better look at it.

It was some sort of amorphous white blob, with long tendrils emerging from its body that were slowly retreating back into it as Joushirou pummeled it into the wall. The thing let out a loud screech as the Stands fists crashed into it, portions of its slimy body splashing off of it as it took more damage.

"H-Holy shit…" the Jōnin blinked in confusion as the boy's stand fell back a bit, only to flinch as he slammed a Hamon infused fist into the creature. "That's just...intense…"

"What the hell is that?!"

I let out a small huff at Kiba's exclamation. "I don't know, just that it's white, ugly, and it doesn't seem to be that solid."

"I mean the big purple person floating by you!" the dog-nin cried out. "What the actual fuck is that thing?! Are...are you possessed?! Is that some sort of Yōkai that's possessing you?!" his eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Are you even the real Joushirou?!"

"Shut. up!" I growled. I turned around just as a strangled gasp resounded behind me. "Are you guys…" I quickly held a hand up to my face to cover my sight. "Oh man…"

"What just happened?" Kurenai asked tiredly. "Joushirou...Kiba...Shino...Why are you in our room? This isn't-eh?" the dark-haired woman blinked in shock upon seeing Star Platinum. "Is that what it looks like? Holy shit Anko, you weren't jokin-wait a minute, why are you naked?!"

"K-Kurenai, you w-were asleep for the whole thing…" Anko said weakly, clearly fighting back a sob. "Also...y-you're...well…"

Kurenai looked down at herself and turned beet-red. "W-WHY AM I NAKED?!"

"I'm guessing whatever this thing is," I motioned to the slime creature I had pummeled into the wall. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Kiba's growing grin. "Oi! Quit staring at them you jackass!"

"What? Their boobs are on display, obviously-"

"They're not meant to be you idiot! Do you honestly think a woman would rip her own clothes off?!"

Kiba's expression fell at this and he turned away nervously. "I...I'm sorry…"

"WOULD SOMEBODY TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON ALREADY?!" Kurenai's wrath was cut short upon hearing her friend's quiet chuckle. "A-Anko, what's going on?"

"K-Kurenai-sensei...when I woke up, I saw that thing…" Hinata motioned to the white slime creature pathetically writhing on the floor. "It was...groping both of you, but you were asleep. It..it grabbed me, and I couldn't move."

Anko's chuckle turned into full on mad laughter. "Hehe...Hahahahaha! You...you were being grabbed at in your sleep, Kurenai...and you didn't even know...hehehhe…" she turned to the dark-haired woman with tears falling from her eyes. "That thing, it was doing something...making it so that I couldn't even move. I was being groped and choked to death, and you were too. And your first reaction is to get pissed at some brats? You have no fucking idea what was even going on!"

Kurenai went ghost pale and turned to stare at the slime creature. "Y-You're serious? I can't wrap my head around this…" she quickly covered up her chest and shied away from everyone. "I don't know how to process this-Agh!"

I sighed at the small shout she let out upon being hit by a blanket. "Listen, I know it's a lot to unpack, but I think you should cover up first," I turned to my Jōnin sensei and took a tentative step towards her. "A-Anko-sensei...are you-"

"Alright? No, never better…" the purple-haired woman let out a few sobbing chuckles before turning to me with a strained smile. "I...I think I'm gonna need a minute to cool down though, heh...oh, you have a blanket for me?"

"Yeah, I figured you'd want to-" my eyebrow raised as she took it from my hands. "Alright then...Hinata, are you alright?"

"I-I'm just a l-little shaken up," the bluenette said nervously. "But n-nothing was ripped."

"Good, if we had seen anything then Naruto would have kicked our asses…" I noticed Hinata's momentary blush and frowned. "What? What's wrong?"

"Uh...have you a-always had strange s-symbols burned into your chest?"

"Agh! I knew I should have gotten a shirt on," I flinched upon seeing Shino approaching the slime creature. "Hey, how's the prisoner doing?"

"My Kikaichū are updating me every minute. Murasaki hasn't left the room since we left," the bug-user tilted his head as he scrutinized the slime. "Curious...it looks defeated, but it's still here. It obviously isn't a summon...perhaps and effect of your…?"

"Stand, and I'll explain that later. Now-" I froze as the blob pulsated slightly. "Shino! Get out of the way!"

The Aburame didn't even need me to yell out to him. The moment a sharpened white tendril speared his way, he had already jumped out of reach. I charged forward while willing my Stand from my being once again, throwing forth another barrage of punches towards the disgusting blob.

I felt my eyes widen as the thing caught both of my Stand's fists in two tendrils shaped like amorphous arms. The rest of the creature soon followed, transforming into somewhat worm-like shape that undulated and waved as it held SP back. Soon, eye depressions appeared on its head, as did a mouth that was formed into a wild grin.

"What was that thing you said before?" the thing asked, much to all our shared surprise. It coiled upward as a chuckle emanated from it. "What you called that before...so, you're a User too, huh?"

"What?!" Anko cried out. "You...You're a..."

"No fucking way…" I said lowly. "This is...the work of an enemy Stand?!"

I know, I know, wrong time wrong place...but I never got to say it last time.

"Well, I'll be damned! You're pretty slick, kid, interrupting my 'fun time' like that," a white tongue lolled out of the slime creatures mouth. "To be honest, I was just here to off Murasaki, but I couldn't resist having some fun with these lovely girls."

"You're here to kill our prisoner? What the hell is this about?"

"None of your damn business, obviously...but since you know why I'm here, I guess I gotta get rid of you lot too, huh?" the Stand sneered at all of us with a dark chuckle. "Damn shame too, those bitches were hot as hell, and the purple-haired one is feisty, kept fighting back even while my Stand ability was affecting her...say, you're Mitarashi Anko, right? As in Mitarashi Toaki's daughter?"

Anko stiffened at this, and her eye became shadowed. "What the hell would that have to do with this?"

"Oh, if I wasn't so giddy about killing you, our fun would have been poetic...seeing as how you came about in the first place. History repeats a lot, after all," the blob monster smirked. "I would have really enjoyed continuing certain trends, I mean they do say that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree-"


My Jōnin sensei pulled out several kunai and threw them haphazardly at the creature, barely missing me by a hairwidth. The enemy let out a barking laugh before attempting to stab her with its tail, a strike which I easily blocked with my own Stand. Several lightspeed punches later, and the blob was once again stuck to the wall.

The smirk on my face faded when I heard it chuckling again. "What the actual fuck?!"

"Surprised? Your Stand is really really fast, I couldn't even track it all that well. And I can tell it's pretty strong too, way stronger than mine, kukuku…" the enemy nonchalantly removed itself from the wall and smirked at us. Then it immediately pulled back every piece of itself it had lost within the last hour. "My Stand is called 「Sweet Dreams」, and nothing you do will put a stop to it...you on the other hand…"

Sweet Dreams lashed out with its tail faster than I could react, striking Star Platinum's shoulder. I clutched the deep gash it had left as the enemy Stand let out a bout of mad laughter at my misfortune.

"Looks like I was right on the money! Anything that happens to your Stand also happens to you. I really lucked out, didn't I?!" the worm-like creature jumped up the wall, then began slithering towards a nearby vent. "Good luck getting any sleep tonight~"

I let out a seething hiss as the thing slithered into the vent to make its escape. "SONUDA BEETCH!"

Stand Name: 「Sweet Dreams」

User: Unknown


Destructive Power: ?

Speed: ?

Range: ?

Durability/Persistence: ?

Precision: ?

Developmental Potential: ?

Abilities: Unknown

"Ok, so...what am I supposed to grab again?" Kiba asked nervously.

"The medical kit. It has all my supplies, the antiseptic, the bandages and gauze, stuff to get stitches ready, all of that," I let out a loud groan as Hinata helped stifle the bleeding from my shoulder. "Speaking of which, it's a good thing I'm shirtless for this."

"...Is that a Tattoo on your shoulder?" Hinata asked curiously.

"It's his family birthmark," Anko interjected before I could correct the girl. The woman glanced at me meekly from the corner of her eye. "Y-You look like you're in a lot of pain."

"I've had worse…" I lied.

This was one of the many times I wished I had Gold Experience instead.

"...Oi! You can't be using that blanket the whole time. Go and grab my coat."

"E-Eh?" Anko blinked at me in shock. "You want me to wear your…"

"It should fit, and I have some weapons stored in my pockets. It might be a good idea to wear clothes if we want to handle this," I winced and hissed as the bluenette began to clean my wound. "You said that you couldn't move, right? That it only happened when the Stand was touching you?"

"Y-Yeah, it touched me and…" my Jōnin sensei swallowed nervously as she went to grab my coat. "Please don't ask me more, I can't think about without-"

"Anko-sensei, we need to know exactly what that son of a bitch did if we want to fight him off effectively," my fist clenched as I thought about the enemy Stand...also because Hinata had begun stitching. "If we figure out his Stand ability, we can figure out a way to fight around it."

Anko bit her lip as she fiddled with the buttons on my coat. "I...just give me a few minutes, alright…"

"I won't push it," I said gently. "Whenever you feel like you can stomach it, please tell us."

"Hey, can we get an explanation now?" Kiba asked. "Y'know...the freaky talking slime monster and your purple ghost dude? You called them Stands, what are those?"

I let out a pained hiss as Hinata worked a needle into my wound. "Stands are unique abilities connected to one's soul, and they take on a visual appearance. They don't run on chakra, just the user's life energy and willpower," I cupped a hand to my chin in thought. "Each Stand gives its user a unique ability, and their appearance and power is usually based on the user's psyche."

"So, yours looks like a buff ghost that punches stuff," the dog-nin tilted his head as Star Platinum floated above me. "Sounds about right then...that look on your face...there's more you're not telling us, isn't there?"

"Yeah, there are a bunch of rules attached and everything, and I doubt I could explain them all at once...plus, some of them might not even apply," I let out an annoyed groan. "Like the one where Stands usually transfer any damage they receive to their users."

"So, we can't even go off of what you know about these things?"

"Everything else should still apply," I said worriedly. "Depending on the type, they all have a certain range they can't leave. Star Platinum can only move about two meters away from me without losing its speed and strength."

"Ok, let me just go over this again…" Kiba held his hands up and set us with a fierce expression. "You have a weird ghost thing created by your soul and powered by your life and stuff that you command, and it has a special ability. We are also fighting somebody else's slime monster thing created by their soul and powered by their life, and they have a special ability. Is that the gist of it?"

"Basically, yes," I let out a small sigh as the bluenette finished up the stitches. "Thanks a lot, this should heal up in a few hours."

"W-What do you-Oh, your Hamon…"

"It wouldn't have healed right without this though," I walked over to my bed and grabbed my shirt. "Right, Stands...so, mine would probably be used as a basis for everything you'd need to know. It's a close-range power type, meaning that it's really strong and fast, but if it goes past two meters it loses a lot of that."

"What of the enemy?" Shino asked quietly.

"Long-distance operation type," I said grimly. "Based on how he's hiding, it'd have to be like that. That means it has a much longer range than mine."

"I think I get what's up here," Kiba hummed thoughtfully. "I still don't get everything about this, but if you're saying that slimeball has a longer range, that means he'll try to set up ambushes and surprise attacks."

"And since the user can't be damaged by me indirectly, he doesn't have to worry about taking risks," I clicked my teeth angrily as I finished putting on my shirt. "With this bum shoulder, I'll need to take it easy for a bit too, so fighting back is gonna be a bitch."

"...How long have you had it?"

I turned to Hinata with a nervous look. "Since I was 6...I got it at the same time my parents…"

Her face fell slightly at this. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"It's fine, I'm not bothered about mentioning it, just about thinking about it."

"Have you been using it since then?" Shino leaned forward curiously.

"Oh, yeah...remember how you always tried to tag me with your Kikaichū during the first few years of the academy."

"W-What? I don't...Oh!" the bug-user shook his head. "Your Stand was-"

"Yeah, he does a lot of things without any command...like...keeping me from getting killed," I glanced to the side nervously. "I've had more than a few things like that happen."

"Good to know…" Kiba blinked as Kurenai emerged from the bathroom, wearing his shirt. "I feel like we should have brought a change of clothes."

"Honestly, we should have," the dark-haired woman said tiredly. "We could have been here for days waiting for them to bring the bounty...the bathroom is safe by the way. No vents, only a window."

"He could get in through a window. Even if he wasn't silent enough, it'd still be a moot point once he strikes," I turned to Anko with a concerned expression. "Are you-"

"I-I'm fine…" my Jōnin sensei let out a tired sigh that almost edged into being a sob. "So...when it first started touching me...well, I was asleep, but I could still move, because it was only grabbing through my clothes. When it actually touched my skin, I…" she swallowed a lump in her throat and screwed her eyes shut. "I couldn't move or, and it felt like something was pressing down on my chest. I was hearing fucked up noises, seeing freak shit, I...I thought I was gonna die."

"...Sleep paralysis."

"Hmm?" I turned to the Hyūga in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"When it touched me, I started having the same symptoms. I heard all this buzzing, and I thought I was looking at...well, it was some sort of illusionary monster…" Hinata shook her head and gave me a fierce stare. "I knew it was sleep paralysis because I've had it before."

"...You've had sleep paralysis?"

"When I was younger, alright," the bluenette twiddled her fingers nervously and furrowed her brows. "C-Could that be its ability? To cause sleep paralysis?"

I clicked my teeth and cupped a hand to my chin in thought. "I've read about it, but not much...still, it's not something I'd rule out," a snort escaped me as my lips turned up into a sneer. "Really makes his Stand's name more on the nose then."

"There's also the other issue," Shino motioned to the nearby corner.

I sighed as I faced Murasaki. Somehow the idiot had managed to sleep through...well, everything. I had to give the guy props for being able to sleep while sitting up and being bound in chains...Welp, time to wake him up.

"Oi! Murasaki! Get your ass up!" I kicked the man's leg as gently as I could.

Eiki let out a tired groan as he opened his eyes. "Ugh...what time is it?"

"It's still the middle of the night, and we're under attack."

The prisoner let out a snort. "Let me guess, my village took exception to you demanding a bounty?" Eiki chuckled darkly as he leaned back. "They were probably gonna kill me right in front of you anyway so that you wouldn't have gotten it. Now they'll just get rid of you too-"

"They're not Iwa nin," I sent the criminal a dark glare. "Why the hell would a talking slime monster want to kill you?"

Murasaki stared at us for a full minute with his trademark blank expression, then he went ghost pale and began hyperventilating. "I-It's here?! Oh kami, nonononono! You have to get me out of here, you…" the man quickly curled up into a ball on the floor. "He's really going to kill me...I'm gonna die…"

"Uh, hello! What the hell is going on, Murasaki?"

He swallowed a lump in his throat before craning his head to look at us. "I...I didn't do it…"

"Do what?" I asked anxiously.

"The women, I didn't do anything to them, I was framed…" Murasaki let out a mad chuckle at our incredulous looks. "I know, I know, sounds so cliche and shit, and it would have made more sense if I went on about it from the start."

"How were you framed?"

The man gave us a shocked expression. "Y-You...you believe me?"

"We just got attacked by a talking slime monster who said he wanted to off you," Kiba growled angrily. "If you have anything to say, fucking say it!"

"Alright, Alright!" Eiki sat up shakily. "I...I was just walking around one night a few months ago, to clear my head, and then I heard this scream from one of my neighbors. I...I went to check and they were dead, and this ugly white slime thing was there," he shivered slightly as he continued. "It...it said something, I can't really remember, but then it took off, and the next thing I know I'm being pinned to the floor by some of my friends and cuffed."

"And then? You were brought to trial, convicted...what happened?" I asked.

"I got out. I escaped, no idea how, but I did it. I hid around in the Land of Fire for a bit before some of your ninja figured me out and captured me," the man furrowed his brows in confusion. "I still have no idea why a slime monster would do all that, and I don't get why it wants to kill me."

"The slime monster is actually a Stand, which is essentially one's soul weaponized," Star Platinum floated next to me. "This one is mine, and it looks a lot different. There's a bunch of things I can't go over, but the gist of it is that there's a person commanding that slime monster."

"It's...their soul?" Eiki looked between my Stand and I in awe. "So, a guy was using some weird soul power to kill people?"

"That's the essence of it, yeah," I cupped a hand to my chin in thought. "My guess is that he wasn't worried you knew what was really going on until he heard you were captured by Konoha. He must have assumed we got a Yamanaka to look into your mind."

"That's...ridiculous! I was just kept in a maximum security place with one or two visits every other week," a sour look spread across the man's face. "There was this guy in the next cell over, really annoying, talking about a blonde with wood and punching."

I snorted at this before shaking my head. "If our enemy had just waited, you would have been executed and we'd have been screwed out of a bounty. As it is now, he's screwed himself over by showing up," I turned to stare at a nearby vent. "I got through an entire ninja academy by bullshitting my way through it, and I can get through this the exact same way."

"Bullshitting? Are you saying you were just fucking around?!" Kiba cried out.

"Bullshitting is an art form, Inuzuka," I made a flourish with my hands. "And if the Joushuyas...no, the Joesars have anything going for them, it's the power of bullshit!"

"J-Jōsutā? The hell is that?"

"My mom's family...t-they're westerners."

"Ah, that explains a bit...ok, so what else is there?"

"We've figured out the enemy's power, and their attack strategy," Shino tilted his head thoughtfully. "I'm worried about the slime itself. If it was able to...violate our comrades in their sleep, it must have a physical presence. It could be some poisonous substance."

"It's not," Anko said flatly.

"...You know what it is?"

"It was pretty familiar. The texture, the color...the taste," the purple-haired woman cringed as she turned to me. "C-Could a Stand attach itself to an object?"

"If the way it manifests requires it to do so, then yeah," I scratched the back of my head nervously. "I don't know what that has to do with-"



"The Stand, it's made out of Semen," Anko's nose curled up in disgust. "Probably the user's own. That just...just makes things worse…"

"Anko, it's alright," Kurenai said gently. "He...he didn't-"

"No, but the way he spoke about my mom," my Jōnin sensei clenched her fists. "I'm gonna wring that bastard's throat."

"Y-You're saying that the t-thing that attacked me…" Hinata looked at her wrist nervously. "EEP! I feel like I'm gonna puke!"

"I mean...it's definitely not pleasant, I guess," I deadpanned.

"Hey! Mind getting me out of these chains?" Eiki flinched when we all set him with nervous stares. "Listen, I know how everything started out, but I want to help. This guy, he hurt a lot of women, some of them were my friends, and he even killed a few. I have to be there to bring him down."

Kiba's mouth turned into a snarl. "How do we know you're not the use-"

"He isn't," I said flatly.

"How do you know that?!"

"Because I would have sensed it. Stand Users can sense other Stand Users," I walked over to the man and glanced at the chains curiously. "I think I can handle these...just hold still for a bit."

"W-Wait, what are you gonna-"


Kiba and Akamaru leaned out the door slightly with nervous looks, eyes darting up and down the hallway as they searched for danger. The little dog's ears sagged as he let out a small whimper, prompting the inuzuka to look down to him.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Arf! Arf!"

"Akamaru," I cut in gently. "Bad people often like doing bad things to animals. Are you really sure you wanna be out in the open like that?"

"Arf! Arf!"

"I'm sorry, can you all understand dogs?" Eiki asked in shock.

"No, just Kiba, but Akamaru can understand everybody else," Kurenai tilted her head at Kiba with a concerned expression. "Do you really think this'll work?"

"Believe it or not, we know what Semen smells like-and no, it's not why you think. We have to breed the ninken somehow," the Inuzuka sighed at our shrugs. "Plus, if it's moving around like a living thing, it'll sound like some weird slime snake or something."

"Alright, just be careful."

"We don't plan on biting off more than we can chew, Kurenai-sensei," Kiba scowled as he leaned forward. "Alright, let's go!"


Both of them jumped out the door to our room, the dog-nin rolling across the floor to gain distance while his partner skid to a stop next to him. Kiba jumped back a few feet and crouched into a low position, head turning at any sound he registered. In our room, I prepared the glass of water I needed to sense our surroundings.

"So, what do you have?" Kurenai asked quietly.

"Just Kiba and Akamaru...oh, and Ichiko and her grandparents," I frowned as I felt another shape moving before it faded. "I...I'm having trouble sensing it. I've wondered how Hamon interacts with Stands, but if this thing is moving…"

"It's not...technically alive, is it?" Anko asked nervously.

"Well, it's made out of...you know…" Eiki clutched his shoulders and shivered. "So it might be sort of alive. If you're supposed to be sensing a living thing though, it might not always tip your...weird sun sensory power...you Konoha guys have really bizarre techniques."

"Just his clan, actually," my Jōnin sensei deadpanned.


"That's the all clear signal," Kurenai said. "Come on, let's go!"

Kurenai hesitantly opened the door to our room and signalled us to cling to the wall as we walked out. Further down the hallway, I saw Kiba and Akamaru crouching low to the floor, the dog-nin holding a finger to his lips while his partner covered his ears.

"Kiba! What's the situation?!" Kurenai hissed.

"Those old bastards are up, probably from...well, Anko-sensei screamed earlier, and those chains didn't exactly break quietly," the Inuzuka shied away from my Jōnin sensei's deranged glare. "W-What?!"

"Oh, I'm sorry for not being quieter while I was being raped!"

"Anko, calm down," Kurenai said quietly. "This isn't the time for this."

The purple-haired woman let out a tired sigh. "Alright, alright...I'm sorry Inuzuka."

"Kami, you're using our names too…"

I flinched as a particular noise further away drew my attention. "Ichiko is awake."

"Really? How did you know?"

"I heard noise coming from the broom closet," I said grimly.

"...Ya think we could use the old bastards as distractions for the guy?" Kiba asked seriously.

I stared at him blankly for several seconds before tilting my head. "We'd have to gag them first, otherwise he'd be too annoyed to kill them."

"Good point…"

"Can we not?" the dark-haired woman growled. "We need to come up with a plan to fight off the user."

"I have one...we need to get the Iwa nin over for it though," I clicked my teeth at their shocked expressions. "Yeah, I get it, it sounds crazy...but I think I have something figured out."

"Ok, so how do we get to the Iwa nin?"

"Shadow clones," I held a finger up and cocked my head to the side. "If we do convince them to come over, we'll know because we used shadow clones. We can also make extras as bait for the Stand User."

"How many can you make?"

"...About 3, if I really push it. But that's only if I don't use any jutsu beforehand, then it's just 2."

"I can make about 5, Anko can pull out six...Ugh, Hinata," Kurenai turned to the bluenette with an exasperated expression. "How many can you make?"

"I-I don't know the Kage Bunshin!"

Kurenai and I both looked at her with expressions that said 'really?', causing her to shrink in on herself further and twiddle her fingers. Finally, after several seconds of stuttering nervously, she held up a single finger.

"Alright, that's good enough."

"I...how does your kunoichi know the Kage Bunshin?" Anko asked exasperatedly.

"I'll tell you later, now let's-"

"Oi! You shitty shinobi, what the hell is going on here?!" the old hag cried out from the lobby.

"Son of a...great, we have to deal with this then," Kurenai motioned for the group to follow. The dark-haired woman entered the lobby with the best 'customer-service smile' she could muster. "I'm very sorry, we're just having a little problem-"

"We don't give a damn!" the ugly bastard growled beside his wife. "You know what, screw it! You have 10 minutes to get your shit together and get out!"

"Ojiisan, Obaasan, what's going on?"

"Get out of here you useless gaki!" the hag cried out to his granddaughter. "Better yet, get to cleaning whatever stench they'll be leaving behind! Don't even think about going back to sleep!"

"H-Hai, Obaasan…" the girl said dejectedly.

The old man's mouth turned into a wild snarl, foam forming at the sides of his mouth. "If you freaks don't get out in the next five minutes, I'll-"


I blinked in shock as the man's head fell from his shoulders and rolled onto the floor, blood spraying out from his neck stump. Behind him, the old woman hadn't even reacted to her husband's decapitation. When her head fell apart into diced little bits, I realized exactly why.

"Agh! Shit! He's here now?!" Kiba cried out.

"Over there, on the ceiling corner," I pointed.

Leering down at us from there was what looked like a lizard or salamander made of white slime. The enemy Stand let out a wild chuckle as we glared at it, and crawled along the wall to circle around us.


"Like it? I figured you'd try to use the Inuzuka and his ninken to ferret me out, so I added legs. You would have thought it was just a rat or something, kukuku…"

"You bastard. How-"

"Oh, don't act like saints! I heard you going on about using them as distractions, it wouldn't have been any better...can't disagree with you about them deserving it though. This cute little thing on the other hand…" the Stand jumped forward with its new limbs outstretched. The creature landed on poor Ichiko and coiled around her, threatening to strangle her to death with its tail. "If you don't hand over Murasaki right now, I might let this one live, kukuku!"

"You son of a bitch!" I cried out. "She's just a civilian, and she's not like her shitty grandparents! Leave her out of this!"

"Oh, I know she ain't a shitty person! I've been listening in for a while now~" the slime monster coiled around like an ugly snake before chuckling. "So make the choice, Konoha!"

"You said you were gonna kill us anyway!" Shino growled. "What difference does it make?!"

"The difference is that one less innocent life is snuffed out if you do as I asked. You have my word, I'll kill your asses all I want, but I'll leave this cute little thing alone," the creature stroked the girl's cheek with its slimy tail. "Go on then, make the right choice…"

"Dammit!" I growled. "I didn't think it would have to come to this…"

←To Be Continued

Alrighty then, donezo! If you noticed the change in rating (from T to M) I think it should be pretty obvious why. Let me also address a few things...

*Stands can actually go outside their effective range, as seen in the beginning of Stardust Crusaders when Star Platinum was grabbing things from way outside Jotaro's cell. Shuckmeister actually debunked the fallacy of Araki forgetting that in one of his videos. The gist is that Stands can leave their effective ranges, but they loose a lot of their physical abilities as well as their special power weakening slightly (I. E, Star Platinum or The World can leave 2 meters, but if they try to stop time it'll go for about a fraction of a normal stop).

Another thing I feel is going to be a problem is the 'C' in Stand Stats. 'C' is always 'comparable to a human', so in stands like Hierophant or Chariot they roughly have the same physical strength as their user's self. But the problem with making Jojo crossovers with series like Naruto, Bleach, or even RWBY, is that even the closest thing to an average human in those casts would still be ridiculously stronger than a majority of humans in the real world, and that's not taking into account that most Stand Users are always buff macho guys in homoerotic poses. So a Stand with a C in it's speed/precision/destructive power in this fic is definitely going to be strong, enough so that I'd be personally worried about people going 'ayy, that's a C in stat, it can't do that!'.

Alright then, let's get down to the reviews. (Note, I won't address the ones asking 'where are you?' cause I'm right here XP)

dannyrockon122: No, that's not planned at this point in time.

timelesstrix00: Time Stop will increase in length. Just for a comparison, Joushirou's current max is 5 seconds, and he'll be able to increase it through training since humans in Naruto have stronger constitutions than in Jojo.

Gen3sian: Don't worry, it's just Pearl Jam.

Draegoon: Like I've said before, Tokyo Ghoul is up there as one of my favorites, so there'll be one or two references to it. I'll leave the actual series proper to my main fix-fic though. Naruto isn't going to get a Stand, but I do have a few of the main characters in mind for them...

RysingEmbers: Hope I delivered :D

RobinRuken: Araki only used that once...*poses dramatically* and so will I!

coldblue2015: Thank you again for your review, I always love seeing you in there. Teuchi, obviously, has another version of Pearl Jam as his Stand, and his past as a civilian is pretty set. Jojo's found scrolls and supplies for training Hamon, but he'll have to find an oily cliff to climb all on his own. Gato...Gato is just gonna be the same fat turd in canon, and I'm still debating on whether Zabuza should die or not, to give Haku a more tragic backstory than he already has. As a guy who regularly tortures his first OC, and often injures his own self-insert, you know I'm a sucker for making my characters suffer Xp.

Guest: Oh...I haven't really watched Boruto all that much. That time travel just sounds like another Asspull...I might use a Stand that does it in a later chapter though *shrugs*

dova117: I'm glad you enjoyed it, and thanks for the review/follow :)

Guest: So many songs and bands! So many to pick from...I have a list already that Imma add these to. I'll post it on my profile later, but 'Get Lucky', 'Rocket Man', 'Blue/Eiffel 65', and 'Back in Black' are definitely in.

GlassedGamer: Perfect guess too. I know how to be vague about things based on my TG fic, but the fact that you pinned it long before I even put it in is impressive.

princess peach (Guest): Joushirou, like Jotaro, is a power bottom. I mean, that's how Jotaro beat DIO in the first place, and same with Joseph and Whammu, so its not really on the nose.

Aiden Ho: And thank you for favoriting, following, and reviewing. I really do appreciate it.

xxANIES: No publishing schedule, I just sorta...summon up all the willpower I can to not procrastinate for a few hour of the day, and I follow the layout I made during that time.

rileyhopskinsholt: No, this is Patrick.

MagmaMan999: No! This. is. Patrick.

stixpix: You mean like it would be, in art form...3.5 pages? Maybe...7 pages?

The Shadow 750: Chapter 10 when?

manny0101: Hehe, yeah, totally wouldn't do that...*shuffles nervously as he hides his next Xover plans* wouldn't even dream about doing it, lol.

Hazem Rekhaies: ...yes?

thetyrant67: Yeah, about like 90% of the ones already in are gonna be deconstructed/parodied/subverted...somebody gimme a TV Tropes page already T-T.

Thank you all for the followings and reviews. For everybody interested, please leave any thoughts, questions, and constructive criticism in your reviews.