
In Another World As Luffy!(Dropped)

Guy dies gets a note from a R.O.B responsible for his untimely demise, starts a journey in another world, maybe others later on. I'm not putting to much effort into this synopsis. All worlds mc will travel to will be original please give me ideas for original worlds if you can, or want to. Don't ask if this is a harem, I'll add one if I feel like it. Also this fic will get super dark at times so if your not into stories like 'Beserk' that hows it's going to be but slightly less dark. Also it's an original world I made on top of my head, it has no anime or manga. Cover by almy-art

ShaggyJoestar69 · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Chapter 11: Dungeon

It's been a few days since I Luffy has been training Dawn, Skipper has been helpig as well, we started training with gravity training at two times the planets gravity, instead of sword fighting, we decided it'd best to give her a strong physical body she's already skilled with the sword as is.

Plus she is completely incompetent without her sword, I easily beat her with a few love taps and her power level was 106 and I lowered mine to 89 and I beat her easily. We had alot of work to do, I also cooked food that should help her body development and lot of high level monster meat that gave her alot exp.

I blocked another punch from Dawn, we were both wearing a turtle school gi. She tried to aim another kick at face, to which I stepped back to dodge, she did backflip and landed right on her feet.

Dawn:"I still can't beat you."

Luffy:"I know but you've adapted to 2 times gravity, the progress you've made is amazing." It took her a month and a few days but she's started to slowly adapt to the gravity right now she's making great progress.

Dawn:"Thank you Luffy, for everything." she said as she collapsed to the floor, drenched in sweat.

Luffy:"No problem! I'm gonna go help out around town, see ya!" She nod as I ran off, she's been staying with us for the past month, as she didn't have any place to stay she's been camping on the outskirts of town, with the other adventurers.

*Normal pov*

Luffy:"Hey Anna what's this about?" said Luffy looking at poster of man with a hoodie on his face, it was a wanted poster.

Anna:"Oh! That's a priest from the cult of Darkness, their said to do alot of sacrificial rituals and have killed plenty and sacrifice plenty of innocent people for whatever stupid goal they have, they even worship demons!"

Anna:"They were seen around these parts lately which is why the guilds been closing a bit earlier than usual." Luffy used his hat to hide his eyes, but if you were to see them, even the demon king would piss his pants.

Luffy:"I see, I'll be taking this quest." said Luffy.

Anna:"An escort mission? You've never been on one of those have you Luffy?" he shook his head.

Anna:"Well they're normal take longer than your usual quest, normally it can last upto a few days or maybe even months but the pay is high upto 50 or so silver."

Luffy:"I already know all that, I'll be packing the quest says we leave at dawn."

Anna:"Ahh! Sorry I have a habit of lecturing adventurers, I was once an advisor for rookie adventurers!" She apologized with an embarrassed blush on her face.

-The Next day-

Luffy, Skipper and Dawn were in the back of a merchants carriage, their quest is going to take a few days to complete, as their destination is another town two or three days away.

During the second day they stopped to take a break as they usually do, the merchant they work with is a rather kind person, well from their interactions and sensing his ki.

Luffy went off to walk in the woods he was hunting food, when saw a some stairs rise out of the ground, it had. a large amount of magical emanating out if it, he knew exactly what this is.

Luffy:"Is this what I think it is!" Ifrit came out of the dagger on Luffy's hip.

Ifrit:"It is, it's a dungeon." Dungeons contains monsters, treasures and many relics, they are know to be challenges made my by the gods to entertain themselves, but to motivate people to take them on they added treasures and riches.

They are mostly monopolized by the country and the church, the adventurers guild only have access to a measly two dungeon, which has already been cleared out of all its treasures, but it's still give getter money than doing most quests, sometimes magic crystals may spawn there which they can mine, that and monsters dissapeared after they're killed, they drop items are a part of their bodies a common drop is their monster core.

Luffy:"I'm gonna seal it off, Skipper and I are gonna make a killing." said Luffy drawing some runes around it.

Ifrit:"Okay but do you know which rank it is? Because that's a determining factor on how harsh it is" Dungeons are ranked the same from E to SSS class.

Luffy:"It's a A rank which means this could be good training for Dawn."

Ifirit:"You like that Dawn girl alot don't you."

Luffy:"Yep, but I hate when people step on the dreams of others." said Luffy stoic as he finished the rune.


Luffy:"Done let's go." Luffy then returned to the camp and went on with finishing his quest.


Luffy Skipper and Dawn just finished their quest were running on a path back to Nachala.

Dawn:"*Huff!*...Why *Huff!*... are were running, instead of renting a carriage!" said the knight her armour weighing her down.

Luffy:"Simple training, that and I found a newly spawned A-rank dungeon."

Dawn:"You what!? Then why didn't you report it to the church or the country? They could've sent an A-rank party to deal with it!"

Luffy:"And let a perfectly good dungeon core go to waste no way!" In every dungeon there's a Boss monster which normally guard the core. Each factional runes to the core to turn down the spawn rates of monsters, there were a time when they would destroy them, but that destroy the dungeon.

Dawn:"This is wrong."

Luffy:"So what don't you want to get stronger." Luffy stopped at Indian began walking into the same forest. The three then reached a set of stairs and started to walk down despite Dawn's protests.

Dawn sighed and eventually gave up, they were then met with a hall only lit by torches. They walked further and saw skeletons walking about with various weapons.

Luffy:"Dawn your the vanguard, we'll support." she looked suprise as Skipper drew her giant sword and Luffy drew Enma. Dawn sighed and drew her sword and rushed the skeleton who blocked her attack, to her suprise but it was easily overpowered.

The other skeletons came rushing in, while the archers fired from affar, Skipper launched a [Earth Bullet] at the archers ending them. Dawn dodged and weaved her way through multiple attacks.

Dawn:"[Smasher Slash]" she swung her glowing blue blade horizontally, destroying the Undead creatures around. And so the three of them went through all ten floors of the dungeon, looting all the treasures and secret rooms, the traps weren't even a problem, they easily dealt with them the monsters became moreof a problem for Dawn, but her levels started to increase and she started to have a easier time.

Luffy:"We're here the Boss room!" Skipper looked excited while Dawn looked worried.

Dawn:"Hey Lu-"

Luffy:"ADVENTURE!!!!!!" Luffy already ran in along with Skipper before she could even speak.

Infront of them was was skeletal creature wearing a magicians robes with a staff made of a skull and rib cages with a gem in the forehead of the skill. This was a Lich an AA-rank monsters Dawn got really scared as she tried to run out but stopped when Luffy punched it in the face blowing it's body to bits.

Dawn:"W-wha!" Here eyes were went wide.

Dawn:"B-b-b-b-b-but t-t-t-thats an AA-rank monster!"

Luffy:"Okay so what?"

Dawn:"So What!" 'I knew they were strong but this is just insane. Could they be S-class!'

Luffy walked upto a pedestal where a red orbs was floating, Luffy walked upto it and placed his hand on it before inserting his mana on it. Lines then ran across his entire body along with the dungeon. This awed Skipper and Dawn who looked around in wonder.

[You are now owner of the dungeon]

[Welcome Dungeon Master]

Said Luffy's status card as a window popped up, he smiled and a little girl showed up, she had blond hair green eyes and an ornaments on her forehead. She was wearing a white robe, she bowed to Luffy.

???:" Greetings Master."

Dawn:"What's going on?"

Luffy:"Girls I'd like you to meet this dungeon."

Skipper:"Whaddya mean?"

???:"Master has become the dungeon master, as we Dungeons are living beings created by the gods to for entertainment purposes. Master used his magic and the familiar ritual to well capture me. Nothing like this has ever happened in the existence before."

Luffy:"I see well I'm gonna name you Clara. How does that sound?" she smiled and blushed.

Clara:"Thank you my lord!"

Dawn:"Eh! What the hell is going here?"