
In Another World As Luffy!(Dropped)

Guy dies gets a note from a R.O.B responsible for his untimely demise, starts a journey in another world, maybe others later on. I'm not putting to much effort into this synopsis. All worlds mc will travel to will be original please give me ideas for original worlds if you can, or want to. Don't ask if this is a harem, I'll add one if I feel like it. Also this fic will get super dark at times so if your not into stories like 'Beserk' that hows it's going to be but slightly less dark. Also it's an original world I made on top of my head, it has no anime or manga. Cover by almy-art

ShaggyJoestar69 · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Chapter 10: [Dun Da Da Daa! ??? has joined your party!]

It's been two weeks since Luffy, made his card game, he ironed out some of the flaws in the game, and it was a hit. He named Unit Smasher! Everyone in town enjoyed the game young and old.

Though he couldn't release the darkness deck, the reason is simple The church of Light, they are a fanatical bunch of people, they've killed and slaughtered people who even slightly questioned their religion, not only that they burn people alive who are even thought to be a heretic, even the king have to bow to them, the religion spans over multiple kingdoms and they have multiple A-rank and higher fighters at their beck and call. So they would literally burn and kill anyone with a deck, plus it doesn't help that the deck contains vampires and undead type monsters inside of it along with demons.

While sitting and reading a book in the adventurers guild, Luffy eyes became dark as a void, no one noticed except for Skipper and Anna, who was a bit unnerved.

Skipper:"Whatcha thinking about?"

Luffy:"Nothing much. Let's go on quest!" said Luffy his smile returning to his face as he got. He and Skipper were looking at the quest board. When a girl with long hair tied in a pony tail walked upto them, she was wearing white armour with golden and back accents and she had a sword at her hip.

???:"H-hello my name is Dawn, I'm a swordsman are you Strawhat Luffy and Raging Fist Skipper?" she said with a nervous look on her face.


Skipper:"Raging Fist?"

Anna:"Oh those are your nicknames or we'll titles, almost everyone have those, you've ever wonder why they call Dale, Arrow Knee Dale. He has a habit shooting guys in the knees."

Luffy:"Oh! Then why do they call Bucky, Broke teeth Bucky."

Anna:"He broke all of his teeth on his first ten quests. He saved up a crap ton to buy a high grade healing potion, but it wasn't enough and now he's in debt."

Luffy:"Oh poor guy!"

Dawn:"Anyway it's nice, my name is Dawn I'm a huge fan!"

Luffy:"You already introduced yourself though?" Luffy turned his head in confusion. While Dawn silently scolded herself.

Dawn:'Dawn keep yourself together, don't embarrass yourself infront of your heroes!' she thought with a blush.

Dawn:"Anyway may I join your party."



Luffy:"We're about to deal with a herd of Griffins let's go!"

Dawn:"Wait a herd of what now! Those are B-rank monsters!" She shouted while Luffy grabbed her and ran out of the guild building, with Skipper in tow.

-Capital City-

Inside a huge hall were people sitting on multiple chairs looking down at Rashian and Maria, one of these figures were the head of the main adventurer guild himself his name was Sabbath, he was wearing a floral pattern shirt and short shorts along with sandals, this was very wierd for this world.

Sabbath:"So you've not just one but two potential AA-ranks in one place?"

Maria:"Yes sir, we fought at full power and they completely overwhelmed us, and it even seems they were holding back. Not only that, their strength were similar to yours, it felt as if I find stood infront of you when I met them."

Rashian:"I can second that, it felt useless fighting as if I was fighting wind are trying to cut water."

Sabbath:"I see, we'll hold a a rank test for the two of them in a few months, we'll need more time to prepare, as we'll be busy."

Rashian:"I don't get it, why not a hold it two or three weeks from now, what's going on."

Sabbath:"That information is classified, you two are to return to doing your quests as usual." Instead of arguing the did a short bow and walked away

Sabbath:'After all, how could I say a Demon General that has infiltrated our country! What a pain in knew I should've listened to my father and became farmer instead of an adventurer!' He could only lament at his fate, his father was against him becoming an adventurer, he sighed and discussed some of the other issues in the guild.

Sabbath:'But still Monkey D Luffy and Monkey D Skipper, I wonder where they are from?"


In the mountainous regions a bit away from Nachala, was Dawn was looking at a herd of dead Griffins with Luffy and Skipper cooking their fifth Griffin over a camp fire both with drools running down their mouths.

Skipper:"Luffy hurry up!"

Luffy:"You can't rush art Skipper and plus this is our fifth Griffin!"

Skipper:"Hey I wasn't the one who forgot to pack the food!"

The continued to bicker until Luffy finished cooking took a piece of the meat gave it to Dawn.

Dawn:"Thank you!"

Luffy:"No problemo! Anyway let's dismantle these corpses." said Luffy as he looked over to their haul.


Anna:"And that comes to 30 silver." Anna handed the coins to Luffy who split equally and gave Dawn half.

Dawn:"I can't take this it's took much!"

Luffy:"It's fine your an E-rank right?"

Dawn:"Um! Yes." she nodded E ranks usually have a hard time getting money, some can't even afford to stay in inns, normally these are adventurers who doesn't live in this town.

Luffy:"Just take I know your not from town either."

Dawn:"Damn my swordsman pride!" She clenched her fist while trembling.

-The next day-

Luffy:"Alright since your a party members now, I'll need to know how strong you are." said Luffy with a practice sword resting on his shoulder, infront of him stood Dawn also with a practice sword she had resolute look on her face.

Dawn:"Understood." she dashed towards Luffy at speeds suprising for her rank, she aimed downward slash at Luffy who easily parried her attack, Luffy took a step back as she aimed a kick at him. This suprised Luffy again, as she's rather skilled for her rank.

She recovered again, she released a long breath and then she inhaled, before getting into stance.

Dawn:"[Rush Slash]" In a burst of speed she he dashed towards Luffy as her blade glowed a bright blue. Luffy parried her slash, she however pivoted her body and spun around and aimed another attack at Luffy who caught her blade mid-slash. This shocked Dawn to her core.

Luffy:"That's enough, your stronger than most adventurers probably high B-rank in between A-rank. You've had to have been training since young to be so skilled, you would've give Rashian some trouble, but not much. Who are you?"

Dawn:"I...I it's best if we talk some here else." Luffy nod.

Luffy:"Let's go to our place."

-A while later-

Dawn was sitting on a couch with a cup of on a table with Luffy and Skipper on the other couch infront of her.

Dawn:"My name is Morgiana Laxinia. I'm from a noble family of Knights known as the Laxinia family, I ever since I was a child, I've dreamt of becoming a knight, but my father and entire family laughed in my face, you see I was always the laughing stock of siblings they are all A-class or AA-class, they have even more potential than my father who's a general in the Yedina army. I tried to apply to be a knight without using my last name but...my family used their connections to kick me out of the combat academy. Which is why I ran away, if they can so easily stomp on my dreams then they aren't my family!"

Luffy:"I see, but that doesn't explain why your so strong." She smiled softly as she hugged her sheath sword tightly.

Dawn:"My Grandfather taught me everything I knew, but he died when I was thirteen, but I kept training that was when a month ago, I applied to join the combat academy but, they used their to influence to expel me." she said sadly.

Luffy:"You know your awesome!" said Luffy with a smile on his face, this suprised Dawn.


Luffy:"Well even though your not as talented as your siblings your so strong, you have the talent to become atleast AA-rank maybe higher."

Dawn:"Luffy please don't flatter me! I don't think I'd be able to surpass them! Plus AA-rank is so far away for me I don't think I'd be able to accomplish it." She said quietly looking down at her sheathed blade depressed.

Luffy:"Then let's rely on work hard instead of talent!" said Luffy with an even bigger smile.

Dawn:"Hardwork?" Luffy gave her a hand.

Luffy:"Luffy let's train together from now on." Dawn stared at him wide eyed and grabbed his hand.

Dawn:"Thank you." she grabbed his hand with a smile.

Luffy:"ALRIGHT LET'S PARTY!!! We gotta celebrate getting our new party member!"