
In Another Life with a Sign In System

A man dies and is granted a chance to be reborn into a new life. In this new life, he lives as he pleases with a goal of collecting a large harem of beautiful women.

LegendaryChaos · Anime & Comics
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93 Chs

Chapter 19

True to his words, they did take the next day off from adventuring, not that they minded much. It was more of a hobby to them than a career. With Leo on the team they could earn a bathtub of gold coins in a day's worth. That was without selling the monsters he gained from the depth of Forsaken Forest.

So as they were sitting at a table awaiting lunch or more specifically Sicily and Konou waiting. They were discussing what they should do and a place to live. They couldn't continue living out of inns forever after all and especially the future as Leo continued signing in.

"Oh, my fox fire leveled up." Konou looked at her id card.

[Name: Konou

Age: 14

Race: Nine Tails Fox

Job: Shrine Maiden

Abilities: Fox Fire, Kitsune Physique, Immortality (Due to Blood Servant status)

Skills: Etiquettes (Level 5), Fox Fire (Level 4), Transformation (Level 3)]

"Really? That's pretty good." Leo praised her a bit.

"Did any of your skills level up?" Konou asked them.

"Umm, it appears my wind magic level is up to five." Sicily pulled out her card.

"Collection leveled up to six." Leo said off handedly.

Due to picking up all the magic stones and harvesting a few corpses in his storage. His skill level has indeed level up to level six. It just wasn't very important to him as he didn't really care what his skill levels were. To him strong or weak, he just wanted to have fun.

"Oh, I guess it wasn't anything special." Konou sighed as she put her card away.

While Sicily did the same, Leo just sent a soul shivering glance at the men who looked over at them. The lewd faces they had when they watched the girls putting away their cards annoyed him. It was fine if one took one or two glances as they were indeed pretty but opening staring with desire. That was too much and has a high possibility of breaking a few bones.

"So I was thinking about buying a house in the near future. However, the issue is where to buy or build it." Sicily stated. "I think we should look for one a bit away from the city so we will have room to expand in the future. It would also give us privacy."

"I have to agree. It would be good to build it on a ley line but that is more my personal wish then a necessity." Konou commented.

"Do you know how to find one?" Leo asked her.

Shaking her head as she didn't know. It put an end to such thoughts for the time being. Since none of them knew how to find one nor anyone who could. The option wasn't available for the time being.

"Well, even if we don't build on one for the time being. It's not like it will be the only house we have in the future." Leo shrugged as he comforted her a bit. "The better question is, do we live around Dungeon City, Novice City or Fort City?"

"The capital isn't out either, but we would probably end up dealing with some bratty noble kids." Leo said after a thought.

"I don't really feel like living in the capital." Konou said her piece.

"Well, I wouldn't mind living in the capital, but if you're against it. I guess we can rule it out for the time being." Sicily said softly.

"Why not just get something in this city? The dungeon expands with no end and it has connections to quite a few bigger merchants." Leo suggested. "Not to mention it has plenty of interesting things."

"I don't have a problem with it." Konou nodded.

"Ok, then now we just need to look at what is available and get some funds." Sicily finished the topic.


The next day at the guild building as Leo was selling a few magic stones they collected before noon. He tossed the gold coin into his storage space without care. After thanking the receptionist before turning around.

Leo felt his head run into something elastic and soft. It had a nice well shaped curve to it. A flame like in his heart as a smile bloomed as he looked at what he ran into. A nice set of large but not disproportionate breasts, with a nice body attached to them.

'I think I found paradise.' Leo sang to himself.

"My eyes are up here." a gentle voice said.

'Wait, this voice sounds familiar.' Leo thought quickly as his eyes drifted upwards.

There with pure blonde hair and fox ears on her head. Leo felt his heart skip a beat as he saw who he ran into. It was the one that escaped his hands and the first woman he fell for that wasn't summoned in by his sign in system.

"Yuki!" Leo smiled as he hugged her, but didn't forget to take advantage of the situation.

His head laid in her breasts while his hand seemed to find a way to her butt. She still wore her very skimpy and tight outfits much to his delight.

"Still the same as ever. One of these time I will report you for sexual harrestment." Yuki sighed. "I guess I should have expected as much since it's only been a few days."

"Did you miss me too much? How about you join my party and become my third harem member." Leo asked happily.

"No…third member? Wasn't it the second one a few days ago?" Yuki said firmly, rejecting before saying in shock.

"Indeed but that was a few days ago, but now it is the present. So will you agree? I promise I will take great care of you forever." Leo smiled happily.

"No, you're a bit young for me." Yuki rejected.

"Age is but a number when it comes to love." Leo countered.

Yuki sighed, but felt it was her duty to help him move on from her. There was quite an age gap between them, but she couldn't do it like she normally does. Normally she would say they would need to be stronger than her, but she knew Leo could beat her without breaking a sweat. Then she remembered that he seemed to have trouble managing his money.

"I will only join for a hundred gold coins." Yuki smirked happily in her heart.

"Is that so? Well, it's a bit cheap for your beauty, but if that's all it takes for you to become my third woman." Leo whispered to himself as he pulled out most of his allowance.

Yuki ended up rooted on the spot as she felt the weight of the gold coins in her hands. She looked at the bag and back at him speechless. How and why did he have so much on him, didn't Sicily say that he was a broke man who couldn't keep money?

"Does your lover know you had this much?" Yuki asked as she rapidly counted the coins.

"I may not carry around wagons full of gold coins, but I never said we lack them either. She was just mad I gave so much out hence the allowance." Leo rubbed his ear. "Welcome to my harem and party. You might as well come and join us for lunch."

Leaving her rooted in the spot, Yuki who was nearing her twenty ninth birthday was left stunned by a fourteen year old teen. How could an experienced adventurer like her make such a mistake, but she had to hold up her end of the deal.

"Wait harem? I thought we were talking about his party." Yuki said as she chased after him.

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