
Chapter 13

Shizune looked at the bizzare scene that was happening in front of her.

What was so bizzare?

The fact that one of the legendary Sanin, Tsunade Senju was being carried in a sack like a bag of potatoes was unimaginable yet it was happening right in front of her.

"Akira-san... are you sure you should be doing this?" Shizune asked nervously.

Akira misunderstood and gave her a thumbs up. "No worries Shizune-san! This sack is no normal sack! I have placed a strong seal on it so she doesn't escape and just in case I also cast a repetitive Genjutsu on her. The moment she is even on the verge of regaining her consciousness, she will be knocked out by the Genjutsu."

Seeing Akira say something like that so proudly, Shizune couldn't help but sweatdrop.

They were now currently on their way to Hidden Leaf at steady pace.

"So Shizune-san, tell me about yourself." Akira said hoping to know more about the black haired apprentice of Tsunade.

"Me!? Well... after my uncle died, it's Tsunade-sama that's been looking after me so well... there's nothing much to say." Shizune said sadly.

"Ton! Ton!" Her trusty piglet cried out to cheer her. The piglet's name was Tonton and was Shizune's pet as she always carried it around.

Akira scoffed. "I think you mean the other way around. Aren't you the one taking care of her?"

Shizune quickly tried to support her Master. "It's just that she has lost a lot of people who are close to her. That is why she acts this way."

Akira wryly looked at her. "What makes her so special?"

"Eh?" Shizune exclaimed in surprise.

"Many have lost their precious people but yet they endured and bettered their life. Yet here she is, the supposed legendary ninja nothing but a drunk and a gambler." Akira said with disdain.

Shizune looked at the ground in depression but suddenly felt a comforting hands on her shoulder. "It just means that we will have to show her how to get on with her life, right?"

Seeing Akira give the comforting smile at her, she felt some hope as well for her Master.


The scene would have been nice if only the person in question was in a presentable condition and not in a sack.


Hiruzen Sarutobi knew he was old and needed retirement.

Now? After seeing the scene in front of him, he definitely knew that he was getting too old for this kind of shit.

"Akira-kun... can I ask what that is?" Hiruzen asked but he knew what it was or let's say who she was.

"It's Tsunade Senju." Akira said bluntly while Shizune at the side was fidgeting with nervousness.

Hiruzen massaged his forehead tiredly. "Why did you bring her in this kind of... situation?"

"The mission was to bring her back so that's just what I did." Akira said like he hadn't done anything wrong.

"You know that I didn't mean for her to brought like this!"

"There was no such thing stated in mission parameter." Akira said stubbornly not backing down.

"At least free her from that abomination and wheres that good for nothing student of mine?" Hiruzen asked since Jiraya was nowhere in sight.

"He should be on his way. He was too busy playing around after all." Akira said nonchalantly since he had already sent his Shadow Clone to get Jiraya.

Akira unwrapped the sack and got Tsunade out.

"Why isn't she waking up?" Hiruzen asked in confusion.

"Oh! She's in a Genjutsu." Akira said as he released the Genjutsu from her.

Hiruzen nearly fainted when he heard that. 'You put her in a Genjutsu!? Are you trying to get me killed along with you.'

Tsunade slowly woke and immediately straightened herself up and looked at her surroundings. To say she was happy would be an understatement.

"Sarutobi-sensei... I had not expected to be brought back like this." Tsunade said with lips flattened. She had immediately realised where she was and she was not in a good mood. She was in a mood to beat up the one who made her come here to this village.

Hiruzen sighed. "I myself did not expect you to be brought back in this manner."

Tsunade instantly knew that the Hokage had not ordered her to be brought like this so she decides to vent her fury on the one who was responsible for this.

"YOU! HOW DARE YOU?" Tsunade roared in anger as she glared menacingly at Akira.

Akira merely looked at Tsunade with bored eyes. "I knew you wouldn't comply peacefully so I had to resort to this."

"Tsunade-sama! Please calm down!" Shizune tried to calm her Master down but she was shoved away as she angrily stomped down towards Akira and gave a strong punch at his face.

Akira stood there as he took the punch head on without flinching.


The punch was so strong that the shockwave created by it shattered the surrounding glasses.

But Akira was still rooted to the place looking at Tsunade in disdain as his right side of the face was bruised.

He spit out his blood and grabbed Tsunade's collar as she was brought face to face with him.

"Are you done?" He asked simply still holding Tsunade.

"What!?" Tsunade was surprised at the abrupt action.

"I said, are you done being a whiny little bitch?" Akira said, his eyes intensely looking at Tsunade.

"Watch your mouth! Do you know who you are speaking to?" Tsunade retorted in anger.

"I know who I am speaking to alright. I am speaking to a whiny little bitch who drinks and gambles her life away just because she has a tough life." Akira said mockingly.

Tsunade grabbed Akira's collar as well and roared. "WHAT DO KNOW ABOUT ME? ABOUT WHAT I HAVE BEEN THROUGH, HUH?"

"I might not know everything about what you have been through but don't involve others with you. Do you even realise how much Shizune-san is suffering because of your selfishness?" Akira asked as Tsunade flinched back.

"What? I..." Tsunade didn't get to finish as Akira pressed on.

"All this time, with you drunk and running away from those debt collectors, who do you think was taking care of you? You wouldn't even be alive till now if not for her. And do you think you are doing justice to her by making her always clean up your mess?"

Tsunade froze. She had never even thought about it. How could she have been so blind to it?

She looked at Shizune and saw that she had a guilty expression. Tsunade looked away in shame.

"In the end you are just a spoiled woman. You never cared for anything but yourself." Akira said in finality.

"ENOUGH!" Hiruzen yelled as he had have enough of this.

Akira shook his head. "Tsunade... There's still time to make up for your mistakes. It's never to late. Clean up your mess... not for yourself but at least for Shizune-san. She deserves this after all she's done for you."

Akira looked at Shizune and smiled after saying that.

Shizune felt her heartbeat increase.

'No one had ever cared about me this much. Even Tsunade-sama only cared for me because I was related to my uncle.'

She felt happy that there was somone who thought about her so much.

Tsunade closed her eyes. "You... you are right." Tsunade looked at Shizune in shame.

"I am sorry. I never even realised what I have putting you through. Forgive me Shizune."

Shizune smiled. "It's alright Tsunade-sama. As long as you do something meaningful with your life, like saving people you originally wanted to do, I will be happy."

"Thank you Shizune." Tsunade smiled and looked at Akira. "You... too."

Tsunade was a bit awakard facing Akira since no one had berated her so badly, not even her father or grandfather!

"No problem. Now I will be going since my job is done." Akira said as he opened the door but collapsed instantly after that.

"Akira-san!" Shizune cried out in worry.

Tsunade quickly checked him out and sheepishly smiled. "It seems the punch I did finally affected him."

All of the present people sweatdropped at the late reaction Akira had.

"I will take him to the hospital." Shizune said as she quickly carried Akira leaving Tsunade and Hiruzen in dust. She was too worried about Akira to wait for any of them.

Shizune looked at Akira with a soft smile.

"Thank you Akira-kun." Shizune whispered as she took him to the hospital.

After Shizune's abrupt departure with Akira, both Tsunade and Hiruzen spoke about what this was all about.

"Ahem! So anyway, Tsunade I have a proposition for you." Tsunade already knew what it was.

"Sarutobi-sensei, I need time. Time to prepare myself." Sarutobi perked up at that. Normally she would have outright denied it but now she had said that she needed time to prepare, he had his hopes up.

"Very well."

"Alright sensei. I am going to go and get myself straightened up. After this god knows that I need a drink." Tsunade said as she left the room.

Hiruzen smiled. 'I guess the boy can be trusted.'

"Yo!" Hiruzen looked at the familiar scene in front of him.

It was Akira or should we say Akira's Shadow Clone with a sack.

"Here, this is for you."


With that he disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

Hiruzen carefully opened the sack and face palmed.

"I am too old for this shit."

It was Jiraya inside the sack and on top of that he was completely naked.

Someone said that I need to give more interaction with characters without skipping so I will be doing that from now or will try. Anyways, comment on what you think!

HentaiGodcreators' thoughts