
In A World Full Of Women…And Zombies

“Uh…what the hell?” Unknowingly, a 19 year old ex-soldier, Taehyung Kim, aka “Tae” is transferred to a modern world where…well…it’s nothing but women. And on top of that, different levels of very strong zombies are popping up all over the place from the ground or hiding among the women in cities. After an event, Tae encounters strong women with mana filled weapons, who are apart of an Association who takes down these zombies whenever they show. Tae gets mixed up in a lot of things involving the women, random women, zombies, and everything else. (Baby making…) (Romance..) (Comedy..) (Action..) Anyway! Everyone is already fascinated that Tae is a man in their world, but their also fascinated with his power to summon modern weapons and artillery of any kind, and how he can form into a half zombie with horns at the same time.

TheRedRedHoodie · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Glowing Rope

Still in the house, Yura was tied up more, thinking, 'That damn woman! Running off with that monster, and hat If they actually do something lewd?! The thought of them doing that makes me want to slaughter everyone! Wait…is this jealousy?! No! I'm not jealous!'

Running into the room, was Aria and Cupid and some other female soldiers that were in Yura's Sword and Blade division.

"Captain Yura!"

"Captain Yura!"

"She's bound!"

Aria knelt down to Yura, saying, "That was awesomeeee!"

Cupid said, "Tsk Tsk Tsk..how wonderful a display this isss…it'll be perfect for my new ideasss of torment."

The other girls released Yura by breaking the rope, and Yura exclaimed, "HOW THE HELL IS EVERYONE GETTING INTO MY HOUSE?!"

Aria replieed, "Hmmmm Esther left it open."

"I need to go after them."

A voice from the door said, "No use, dude."

Everyone looked towards the doors, and standing there was Captain Yayan, who was eating a bag of chips, and Captain Vivienne, who was standing there yawning.

The other girl soldiers said:

"It's the captains! Two of them anyway."

"Where's the third one? Captain Miriam?"

"Probably off training in her homemade gun range again."

Captain Yura said to Yayan and Vivienne, "…You two."

Yayan ate mroe chips, and she responded, "Oi, bro. Look, you broke the rules. Your little easy job was to kill that hybrid while he was unconscious, and then take him to the professors office so his body can be studied. It's best to just let their asses go with a happy face, right?"

Vivienne added with a tired tone, "We..figured…Commander Esther would…take Tae away to do something…so we figured that…you would step in to try and do something…so we figured that maybe..we should come to the Commander's aid to keep you from reaching them…so we can get a raise…"

Yayan slightly shoved Vivienne's arm with her elbow, saying, "Yo, don't be saying that around other people."

Vivienne stretched in a tired way, "Sorry.."

Captain Yura responded, "I'm not letting them go off anywhere alone. And you two shouldn't be allowing that either. All of Tae's zombie abilities are still unknown, what if they end up fighting?"

Aria answered, "Ohhhh that'll be bad!"

Cupid added along with it, "Tsk tsk…if the Commander kills Tae, can I have his body?"

Aria responded to Cupid, "Of course not! That's very inappropriate!"

"Hehhhh? Youuuu wanna study his body as well, don't youuu?"

"Of course I do! I wanna look at his di-."

Captain Yura interrupted, "THAT'S ENOUGH OF THAT TALK."

Captain Yayan said, "So like, you're gonna have to stay here and stuff until Esther gets back. I'm pretty sure she knows what to do with that hybrid boy."

Vivienne added, "Indeed…the boy is strong, handsome…and interesting…but it's too much of a r-risk to keep him alive around us…knowing what the scientist Mura Carmine is doing…manipulating zombie blood to try and control the population of humans for whatever reason…what if Tae…is a spy for Mura..? I'm so sleepy.."

Captain Yura thought, 'I never thought of it like that..but..'

Yura said out loud, "Even if that hybrid zombie boy is a spy for Mura Carmine, even if he is on the side of the zombies, there's a chance that he's not. And I took that chance. I saw his strength, speed, and ability and his human side, and believed he could shift the world and possibly save it. I came into the ZBA as a rookie, my mother had just made it to the rank of a commander. Before my father disappeared, he showed me the way of making certain choices that would make an impact on myself and society. He was great man, a man who believed in miracles and shit. He told me to trust my heart rather than my mind, so that's why I did what I did."

Captain Yayan replied, "Uh huh. You came in with brawn, full of seriousness and all that good stuff, determined to figure out the disappearance of men including your father. You climbed the ranks pretty fast, and even outshined the old captain, which made her retire super fast. The Commanders and the General saw potential and determination in you, just like they do in every soldier in the ZBA. You act like none of us are trying to make a difference also; why do you think we do this? We worked hard to get here too, bro. But taking precautions comes first before taking risks. Which is why..we cannot let you go after the Commander and the hybrid zombie boy."

Captain Yura walked back and forth, nodding her head slowly, saying, "Mhm. Mhm. Fine then."

She had her sword out, and she dashed towards the door, but Yayan and Vivienne zipped up in front of her and stopped her blade.

Yayan was grinning, saying, "You made me drop my chips. I loved those chips. Guess I can spar for a few minutes with you."

Yayan was holding Yura's wrist, and Vivienne was wearing green metal fingerless gloves that had a white medic cross on them, and it was pressing against Captain Yura's blade.

Vivienne yawned, "Now..this is very….unnecessary…"

Captain Yura sucked her teeth in, and she jumped backwards as Yayan and Vivienne dashed forwards themselves.

Yura thought, 'They're on the offensive this time….'

Aria said to Cupid and the other Sword division girls, "Guyssss I think we should move."

Cupid answered, "Great idea."

The other girls moved out of the room as well.

Yayan and Vivienne swung at Yura, but Yura slid under both of their attacks, and she turned around with a wide swing. Yayan pulled out a set of grenades on both hands, and they had glowing red lines around it. Vivienne was throwing a punch with her gloves, and green with white electricity spikes began to blast out from it.

All of them connected, and a large boom went off, shattering many walls around them, even making Aria and Cupid bash through walls.

Smoke was everywhere, and Yura was downstairs sliding backwards from the explosion, with blood leaking from her head down her face, and her bloody hand gripping her sword.

'That blast hit hard…if anything, those two weren't that much effected by it. Besides, they're captains.'

Blasting from the smoke, was Vivienne, and she slammed her fist down towards Yura.

Yura jumped backwards out of the way, and Vivienne's fist hit the floor, blasting wood and dust all over the place with electricity ripping more walls apart.

Yura was soaring backwards, and Vivienne rushed forward at fast speeds. As they both were zooming away, Vivienne started to throw multiple punches over and over, and Yura was holding her sword sideways and diagonal to block the attacks.

Vivienne asked, "Why….are you making us fight…with your decisions…? That's not…polite…"

Yura replied, "I know what I am doing."

"Risking…your title…?"

"My title means nothing if I don't fulfill what would possibly change everything for the better."

"….Still…" Vivienne said, throwing more punches.

Yura thought, 'Vivienne, captain of the Medic Division. A shy girl who's always never getting enough sleep because she stays up all night trying to create new medicine. The gloves she wears contains nanobots that can manipulate and attract electric currents of surrounding energy, and release them back out with a stronger force. Even though the Medic division specializes in creating medicine, aiding and patching up soldiers from any division on the battlefield, they also have body gear that will help them defend themselves if needed, but they're fully advised to not engage in combat. It doesn't mean that they're weak…they're really strong.'

Vivienne threw one last large punch, and it hit the sword, knocking Yura back, but at that same moment of the punch, Yura cut Vivienne across the cheek, and Vivienne started to flip sideways, so she turned around, saying, "That…really really…hurt.."

She yawned again, and she slammed her fists together, making more electricity blast off, and she slammed her fists into the floor, and the electricity blasted against Yura, and she was hit in the stomach, falling back and rolling all over the floor. She sat up, saying, "That all you fucking got?"

Suddenly, a red electric glowing rope wrapped around Yura, and she was slung through the air. She was getting bashed through multiple walls, and controlling the rope at the other end was Yayan, who was wielding the rope and eating a chocolate bar with her other hand.

She said, "You've become like, hella faster since we last sparred."

Yura was getting slammed through more walls, and she replied, "Shut up!"

Blood went down her head, and she thought, 'This bitch..'

Yayan continued, "Maybe…like, you've fallen for the hybrid zombie. It'll be a shame if Commander Esther is actually taking him out to kill him elsewhere-."

Yura gasped, and her eyes went dull. She started to spin diagonally downward with her sword, wrapping herself into the rope even more.

Yayan thought, 'Kinda weird, not gonna lie. As soon as I mentioned the hybrid boy, she started going berserk and began to wrap herself in the rope even more. What is she planning-.'

Yayan was yanked forward hard.

Yura's sword sliced down fast, cutting a small line in Yayan's forehead, with the tip of the sword only cutting her head because Yayan reacted at the last second, and her chocolate bar was cut in half.

Then, Yura cut herself free from the rope, and she pointed her sword at Yayan, with blood dripping down her head and mouth.

Yayan was in small shock, and she spit blood to the right, saying, "Cool, cool. You wrapped yourself further into the rope to yank me forward to try and get a good swing on me. Due to my astonishment, my shock made me loosen a small grip on the rope, which allowed you to be loosened up within the rope, enough to swing your sword and free yourself after. You've never gotten that close to killing me before."

Yura answered, "Those who have never tasted a hint of near death will be hesitant to reform into steel when the time comes. You taught me that, Captain Yayan."


"Reforming into steel when near death is shone…meaning those who've never experienced it will be hesitant to act precisely. Which is why you loosened the rope."


Yayan thought, 'Captain Yura, pretty young to be a captain in the ZBA, only at 19 years old. Commander Esther paid me extra to train Yura every day, wanting me to make her a deadly weapon. She came a long way, she used to be so damn weak it was embarrassing even on my end. I wanna vomit all over this floor just thinking about it. But, she grew and grew, faster than all the other rookies in the ZBA. I'm impressed. And this hybrid boy that showed up in this world outta fucking nowhere is now her new fuel and adrenaline to get stronger.'

Yayan started laughing, saying, "I SEE. I SEE. I see that look in your eye, that fierceness. It's like you're protecting that hybrid brat. If Commander Esther is getting her a little taste of him, I might want one too."

"Shut up. Fight me."

Yura thought, 'Captain Yayan, Captain of the Artillery Division, specializing in tanks, fighter jets and choppers, armored vehicles, and trying to create new weapons that come to their imagination. She was compared to being as strong as my mother. Many of her soldiers witnessed Yayan wreck level 4 zombies back to back, and defeated a horde of level 3 zombies.'

"Uh huh, there's that look again. Scary as hell. Alright, let's do this, kid."

The both of them dashed towards each other, but bullets started to patter near their feet, making them stop.

Yayan said, "Alright alright, we get it."

Yura said, "It's Miriam."

Captain Miriam of the Gun Division was flipping down toward them from a large hole in the roof, and she landed feet first between the three Captains.

Miriam had shotguns and rifles with glowing green lines on them strapped to her back, she wanted to use them badly.

She looked at the three of them, and she started to perform sign language, which said, "This is truly pointless. What if you kill each other? I know this is about the hybrid boy, and I was one of the ones who agreed to not have him killed. So I will say, whatever Commander Esther is doing right now, then we should leave it at that. Even though I don't agree with the hybrid boy needing to die, if we rebel over this one hybrid zombie, it won't be worth it going against the entire ZBA."

Yura sighed. "I guess you're right. A little. Maybe I was in over my head. But at the same time, I know what I did was right. I was planning on pleading to the Commanders and the General as to why we can keep Tae alive."

Miriam replied in sign language, "I do not disagree with you. But what we can do for right now, is wait."


Miriam bent down on the floor and started picking up the bullets, saying in sign language, "I can't believe I wasted my precious bullets to stop you two."

She picked up her bullets, and began to hug them, smiling and chuckling softly.

Yayan and Yura made disgusted faces. Yura thought, 'Captain Miriam. Captain of the Gun Division, they specialize in all sorts of guns, training to perfect their gun aim. And like how me and my Sword and Blade Division sometimes spend time creating swords and bladed weapons, the Gun Division specializes in creating all types of guns and ammo. Miriam is a wanna-be ninja, which suits her. She can't speak due to a curse from a level 4 zombie. She's obsessed with her guns and weapons and ammo, treating them like her little babies.'

Yura turned around and called out, "Aria! Cupid! Come with me."

Aria and Cupid came walking out of the rubble, Aria said, "Y-Yes ma'am! Whatever you say!"

Cupid added, "Letsss go."

Yayan asked Yura, "Where ya goin'?"

Yura stopped, saying, "To try and get in contact with the General. I want to ask her a question. Just one."

Yayan laughed.

Vivienne said, "B-But…It's nearly…Impossible..especially if she's on a business trip…"

Yura answered, "Yah. I know. But she was a close colleague to my dad. I want to ask her one thing."

In the cities walking between large colorful buildings, cars, and civilians talking and laughing on their phones, Esther was holding hands with Tae, and people were looking at them.