
In A World Full Of Women…And Zombies

“Uh…what the hell?” Unknowingly, a 19 year old ex-soldier, Taehyung Kim, aka “Tae” is transferred to a modern world where…well…it’s nothing but women. And on top of that, different levels of very strong zombies are popping up all over the place from the ground or hiding among the women in cities. After an event, Tae encounters strong women with mana filled weapons, who are apart of an Association who takes down these zombies whenever they show. Tae gets mixed up in a lot of things involving the women, random women, zombies, and everything else. (Baby making…) (Romance..) (Comedy..) (Action..) Anyway! Everyone is already fascinated that Tae is a man in their world, but their also fascinated with his power to summon modern weapons and artillery of any kind, and how he can form into a half zombie with horns at the same time.

TheRedRedHoodie · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Circus Clown

As soon as Shiyu left, Xianha turned around and went back into the house. She ran to the couch, and she reached under it, grabbing a small pocket from the bottom, and pulling it down; She then grabbed a black earpiece.

She put it to her ear, attaching it, and she said, "Doctor Carmine?"

It wa silent for a few seconds, and then a woman's voice on the other line said, "Xianha."

"Phew! I got worried!"

"Worried? For what?"

"Of you leaving."

"If I leave, I can't get anything out of you, and you won't be able to get anything out of me."

"Oh, right! So there's something you want me to do today, right?!"

"I like your eagerness to my cause, which is led by your motivation of your own goals for working with me. I do have an assignment for you. Go to your backdoor, and there should be a package waiting."


"For an 11 year old, you're pretty smart."

"I know! Big sister Shiyu and my parents used to say that all the time!"

"Why doesn't your older sister not say it anymore?"

"She…doesn't trust me. That's why I'm working towards bringing our parents back, so we can be a happy family again."

"And that's where I come in."

"Yep! You help me, I help you!"

Xianha opened the backdoor, and there was a small box waiting for her. She kneeled down, picked it up, and went inside to her kitchen table, and sat the box on top of it.

"I got the box!"

"Good. You can open it."


'I'm so nervous! What if it's a bomb?'

Xianha gulped, and she opened the box, saying, "Here goes nothing!"

She gasped; Inside the box, were black brass knuckles with spikes at the knuckles. And there was also a small baggie in there as well, and also black metal shoes with glowing white lines on them.

Xianha said, "Cool! Are these mine?!"

"I promised you gear, gear that even my closest subordinates worked hard to earn."

"This…is for me…? I can keep it?!"

"Just for you. You're…special."

"Thanks Doctor Carmine! Shiyu never really gets me anything but food. Sometimes I feel like she doesn't even like me."

"Mmm. I like you. You're talented for your age, you deserve nothing but good things. That's why I'm helping you while you help me, you want your family back, and I want a new world with the opportunities that lie before me. Ever since this zombie apocalypse started, I found it as a way to further my goals. While I do find myself fighting against them like the ZBA and everyone else, I'm still trying to use them."

"Use them? To do what?"

"…Are you ready for your assignment?"



"Equip the shoes and the brass knuckles. Since I worked with the ZBA I have people on the inside who can make me custom equipment for a price."

"That's so cool! So do you still work with the ZBA?"

Mura Carmine replied, "Yes, but do not tell anyone. Don't tell anyone about me or what we do, it'll kinda ruin our fun. Do you want that?"

"Of course not!"

"Good. Let's get going."

"Okay! I need to get my ant farm!"

Xianha ran to her room, went to her dresser, and grabbed her small ant farm box, picked up a red backpack, put the ant farm in the backpack, zipped the backpack up, put he the backpack on, and ran out.

Minutes later, Xianha was leaping from building to building with her metal shoes. The shoes were like boosters, that would help Xianha jump higher or run faster, or both.

Xianha looked down and saw all the females who were loading onto helipads for the ZBA exams, and she exclaimed, "Ohhh, I think big sister Shiyu is on one of those! So many girls are participating!"

On the earpiece, Carmine said, "Do not expose yourself, move towards alleyways, ZBA soldiers will think it's weird an 11 year old has this kind of equipment."

"Sorry! I got carried away!"

"..Your mission is to collect a sample of blood from a level 2 zombie. The ZBA is held up outside of a circus that inhabits the level 2 zombie, along with some level 1 zombies inside. I have an insider who's a part of the ZBA that's there, showing me live footage. It's a mess. You'll have to sneak around the ZBA soldiers. You're small, so it'll be easier for you than my other subordinates."

Xianha leaped in an alleyway, and started running forward, asking, "What are the ZBA doing exactly??"

"Helping civilians escape. It was during a show that the zombies appeared, not a lot were able to escape."

"Ohhh that's sad! What do you need the blood for?"

"For your family of course. The blood of a level 2 zombie will help towards that. Trust me."

"Ohh okay. Hey! Have you ever tried recruiting the zombie human boy for missions? He's so strong and cool! I loved giving him that plate of food me and Shiyu made!"

"He…is special indeed. But..he can be of other uses instead of being my hunter."

"Oohhh secret stuff! We're kinda like spies! Hunter spies!

"Yes, that's right. Hunter spies."

Xianha reached the circus, it sat in the middle of an open field, with a small outlet behind it. There were ZBA trucks around, and female soldiers helping wounded civilians to nearby ambulance trucks.

"Got three more on my end!"

"Where's that girl with the red hair?! Did anyone grab her?!"

"I got her! Her and her daughter!"


"Move it! Move it!"

"We have some civilians bitten! Cut off the body part they were bitten at so the infection won't spread through the entire body! We're going to save them no matter what!"

"Leaders, show the rookies how it's done!"

"On it!"

Xianha was hiding behind a wall, and she watched, thinking, 'That's a lottt of patrol soldiers!'

Carmine said on the earpiece, "Too difficult?"

Xianha replied, "Not at all! This is fine. How strong are these metal boots by the way?"

"They pack a punch. Or a kick if we're speaking literally. They're strong enough to put a large dent In a level 3 zombie's head."

"That's perfect!"

Xianha ran out from the wall and Carmine yelled, "Xianha!"

"I got this! The ground is filled with dirt as well!"

Xianha spun and kicked the ground, and dust flew all over the place.

The ZBA soldiers coughed and asked:

"*Coughs* what is that?!"

"A dust cloud!"

"Someone's making it!"

"Turn on heat vision! The dust is getting thicker!"

Xianha thought, 'Gotta be fast, gotta be super fast!'

She continued to kick dust all over the place while moving really fast.

Inside of the circus, there were level one zombies surrounding a level 2 zombie, snarling and drooling. And there were human dead bodies on the floor, or some humans getting turned into zombies.

The level 2 zombie was a clown, its face rotten and disproportionate, with rainbow hair, and a clown nose. It was even wearing a clown suit.

The clown zombie spoke, saying and singing, "Theyyy disruptttt our showwww. I do not like that at alllllll. They are so rudeeee they do intrudeee, oh how I hate them allll!"

The level 1 zombies continued to snarl around him, and the clown zombie sang, "Weeee shall gooo outside to the huuuumnas and-."

Walking in, was Xianha, and she sang, "Thatssss a really good sonnnnng! That's, a really good sonnnnnnng! I will cut of your heads and will make you so dead, oh howwwww I hate you allll!"

The clown zombie and the other zombies looked over at Xianha.

The clown zombie sang, "Whaaaat are you doing here? Dooooo you ask for your death?"

Xianha replied with a song, "Ohhh no I don't thoughhhh, I only wish for yourssss!"

Xianha dashed forward, and the sharp black brass knuckles on her hands had black flames oozing from the needle points.

She jumped into the pile of level 1 zombies, and she started punching away. She punched one zombie in the head, stabbing her knuckle needles through their hands, and making their heads explode, with black flames flying all over the place.

Every time she would punch a s zombies head to make it explode, she would flip off of them, and land on top of another zombie, punching down on their head with the needles coming out, spreading more black flames.

The zombies tried chomping and slashing at her, but Xianha dodged them, laughing, "Hehehe, awesomeeee!"

In the earpiece, Carmine said, "You must've seen the footage of the zombie human boy fighting."

"Hmmm? How come you say that?!"

"You're acting like him."

"I can't help it! Sorry! He's cool!"

"…How much time do you have left?"

"30 seconds to kill the clown and take his blood!"

"That's right. So why are you fooling around with small fry?"


Xianha did a 360 flip off of one zombie and she darted through the rest of them in one lunge, twisting at the same time with her brass knuckles, making body parts of the zombies explode.

She made eye contact with zombie clown, and the clown said, "Dieeeeeeee disruptive kiddddd!"

The clown zombie pointed his hand at Xianha, and it's rotten zombie arm stretched out far, and it's hand formed into a large spinning drill made out of zombie flesh and rot.

Xianha said, "That's wild! A zombie Drill hand!"

The drill came close, Xianha stabbed her brass knuckles at it, stopping the hand from piercing through her.

Xianha started to slide back at the same time, with the zombie drill hand pushing her back.

"Heyyy, Doctor Carmine! I didn't know level 2 zombies could do weird tricks with their bodies!"

"That's why level 2 zombies are called smart zombies. They were the first human intelligent-like zombies that the world has come across, until the level 4 and level 5 zombies with higher intelligence came about, plus being much stronger. But the level 2 zombies were the first to figure out how to manipulate the shape of their bodies and use it as weapons. It's still a mystery as to why they have this intelligence, along with many more mysteries relating to the zombies and their abilities, and where they come from. And how to cure those who had been infected.."

"Ohhhh! We'll figure it all out one day!"

"I hope."

Xianha had steam coming from her metal shoes, and she jumped into the air, still connected to the drill hand. She started to spin, twisting the drill hand the other way, with its arm being twisted as well.

'20 seconds…'

She planted her feet on a pole that held up the circus tent, and she pushed off of it, leaping onto the next pole.

The clown zombie asked, "Whaaaaat are you doinggg?"

The clown zombie stretched its other arm out and formed a drill in its left hand, and blasting it towards Xianha.

Xianha kicked the drill with her metal shoe, and a large blast of wind shot out, sending the drill hand back.

Xianha jumped to the next pole, and Doctor Mura Carmine asked her, "What are you planning? You do not have a lot of time. ZBA soldiers could be swarming in any minute."

"I have this crazy big plan! So like, I'm trying to get my feet on top of the other arm! But if I can't get it up there, I'd have to kick it away so I won't get hit! Trust me! The zombie human boy did something like this during his fight with Vice Captain Big Mertha and the level 3 zombie! He used his own head to fight! I wanna do something similar…."


Xianha leaped to another poll, with both her brass knuckle spikes still stuck into the other drill hand, holding it against its will with all her might.

'15 seconds…'

The other drill hand came again, and Xianha leaped to the other poll, thinking, 'Here it comes…I just really really need to wait for it to aim towards my stomach, and I can jump. The zombie human boy used his own head to beat up the level 3 zombie and Vice Captain Big Mertha. I want to use this clown zombies drill hands…on himself! 10 seconds..'

Xianha jumped upwards on the pole, and the clown zombies other drill hand pierced through the pole, smashing it into pieces. Xianha smiled and she jumped above it, and she landed on the drill arm, and she started running down the clown zombies long arm, and she was still locking onto the other drill hand with the spikes in her brass knuckles, with the black flames burning the arm and hand of the clown zombie.

The clown zombie snarled, "What are youuuuu doinggggg?!"

Xianha smiled, "Gotcha!"

Xianha used her metal shoes to boost forward, and she slung the other drill arm at the clown zombie with her brass knuckle claws, and it stabbed straight through the clown zombie, ripping it to shreds, splashing blood all over the place.

Blood rained in the air, and some was landing on Xianha, covering her in blood.

Xianha kneeled down, and she said, "SUCCESS!"

Doctor Carmine said, "Collect the sample, and leave. Head back to your home and take a deep shower, for if zombie blood is stained dry on human skin for more than 1-2 hours, It causes skin disease."

"Yes ma'am! Did I do good?! Did I?"

"You did amazing, Xianha. Perfect job."


"And after you are done with your shower, make sure you clean and disinfect your entire bathroom. Then get your clothes back on, I have another assignment for you."


(ZBA Base Airship)

(Helipad dock)

Dozens upon dozens of helicopters were landing on the giant helipad dock. At least 100 females were getting off, heading to the exam area, talking with each other and everything.

Tae was among them, and he was sitting in a locker room, wearing a tigh black outfit for the exams, with a towel around his neck, and his hair wet.

'This shit is way too tight. Does everyone have to wear this too?'

Suddenly, walking into the locker room, was Shiyu, she and Tae locked eyes with one another.