
Making a move

With a Hajime in tow, they reduced the speed with which they advanced.

This was the best job he had ever done, with almost no effort and even being charged he would be paid, unfortunately, this peace did not last long, as they walked an attack from underneath the Kurenai it caused Hajime to be shot out while Kurenai was being held by her attacker.

Going from being carried by a beautiful young woman to being pulled out of the conflict by Kuromaro who was dragging Hajime by the back of his clothes going through countless stones and branches in the process.

If he did not die from the attack of the enemies, it would be because of this dog.

The attackers were not planning to fight directly and when they saw Hajime get away from the three by the dog they ran directly after him, except for one that was retained by Shibi the others ran after Kuromaru.

At the rate in which they were rushing, they would not be able to arrive on time and they would fail the mission.

"Hey we have to hurry or this old witch is going to catch me!"

Shouting these words to her companion who was ahead, in order to these words a scream full of anger suddenly approached the boy.

"Who are you calling old damn brat!"

With a strong blow from Tsume the Younger, he shot towards

Kuromaru, while passing Kurenai and his partner made stamps.

"Raiton: Jinraisen no justu"

Shooting arrows of electricity to stop the advance of Kurenai and Tsume gives his partner the opportunity to gain ground against Kuromaru while launching all the jutsus he knew how crazy to slow down at 2.

Launching a wind jutsu along with his kunais managed to get Kuromaru to release Hajime, remaining at the mercy of the enemy, successfully completing the mission.

"Damn dog had to have the same temperament as Tsume"

With his dirty and bruised clothes, Hajime stands up from the ground while the others arrive.

Receiving a look of satisfaction from Shinku he begins to give his assessment to the team.

"With this, we finish the first part of the practice, then the roles with you will be reversed protecting Hajime from the attempted murder. As an excursion in the training camps will take place in 2 hours the two groups will unite to defend until now Tsume has only successfully occupied taijutsu and Shinbi has only defended against attacks, in this part how will the 6 of them be they will raise the level so don't trust "

Leaving the plan the 3 groups retreat to different places, an awkward silence begins to be generated since none of the groups knew the others since most of the classes were divided between civilians and those of clans only the most prominent of the civilians. They were sent to the classes along with the clans so they had almost no contact between them.

"Hey I admire your courage to call Tsume-sama like that to gain momentum and win"

"You are not far behind either, openly challenging your clan leader"

The first to break the silence was the Inuzuka clan member who seemed to admire the bravery of calling Tsume an old witch.

"Well, I hope you continue with that same courage since now it will be Tsume-sama who will attack and you two will be your targets"

As if an ice bucket were falling on them their expressions changed from one of pride to terror and panic, with this in mind both began to design their protection strategy not only for Hajime but for themselves.

With a hexagon formation, they surround Hajime and slowly advance through the area.

While they were walking through the place Tsume appears with his partner Kuromaru from the front, knowing his destiny 2 people are going to face her, these being the cause of Tsume's anger on this day, the young man of the clan had made a fight proposal that showed clear insubordination towards their leader and the other had the courage to yell at him old.

While they were fighting a swarm of insects attacked from behind the group dividing them into 2 groups of 2 ones to face Shinbi while the rest took care of Hajime of the possible attack by Kurenai.

Since it was unrealistic that they would win the fight against Tsume or Shibi was defeated by them they were given a 15min flight time, if they were unable to attack Hajime in that period they would have to withdraw from the battle and only had 2 chances to attack.

Five minutes after the fight, Kurenai attacks, separating the group again, leaving Hajime in the care of a ninja, another 7 minutes had passed and when it seemed that they would have the opportunity to win, Tsume and Shibi used their first jutsu being a Tsūga combined with Kuromaru to form two tornadoes that left the two targets almost unconscious of Tsume's enemies, on the part of Shinbi, insect walls surround both his enemies as well as Kurenai and his opponent.

/ With Inochi and Shinku /

"It is not Kiba's mother and Naruto's father who are there!"

As they watched as the fight heated up a shout behind Shinku and Inochi bringing the attention of these 2.

A group of children could be seen approaching Naruto, Kiba, Shikamaru, Sakura, Chōji, even Sasuke could be seen among the group, being the little Chōji who shouted when seeing the fight.

"What are you doing here at this time, children?"

"Several of the places we visited changed because they thickened to remodel at the last minute so we got there earlier"

Answering Inochi's question, Shikamaru watches the fight with interest.

"Lord where Ino is, she hastened to this place because she said she wanted to see her dad working"

"He! We didn't see it "

With Sakura's question both Shinku and Inochi quickly head to where the practice fight occurs.

Before something bad happens

/ With Hajime /

Seeing Tsume as his greatest enemy, both the Uchiha and the young ninja perform justus to help their companions.

"Katon goukakyuu no jutsu"

"Fūton: Toppa no jutsu"

With the Fire Jutsu in front, the attack is directed directly at Tsume or so it should, from the bushes a small platinum yellow head belonging to Ino comes outputting in the path of the jutsus.

With no one foreseeing this development and no one being close to it, everyone's despair was great as Inochi was the greatest terror that made her chakra circulate at full speed.

Seeing the impending danger, Ino's face pales as she freezes.

As if time slowed down for everyone, as the fireball slowly approached Ino.

"I'm going to need to ask for a raise after this."

When all seems lost for the little girl, a figure appears in front of Ino while speaking calmly, this figure belonging to Hajime who with reinforcement magic and gravity magic to lighten his weight could quickly appear in front of the girl with a Kunai in his hand Taken from the purse of one of the Hajime ninjas, he cuts vertically in front of him, dividing both jutsus easily as if he were simply cutting a leaf.

Dividing themselves into two different paths, both righteous pass by Hajime and Ino's sides, while the latter looked puzzled at the situation in front of her.

Seeing the incredible feat in front of them they all stand still in place as he tries to understand how a person without a chakra was able to move faster than them and even with a simple movement of a kunai so perfectly cut two jutsu without taking any damage.

"Amazing, that's my father dattebayo!"

With a huge scream, Naruto celebrates his father's feet as if it were the same one that did it by pulling everyone out of their trance.

Hajime could simply get Ino out of the attack without the need to cut the jutsus but he wanted Naruto to feel proud of him, a bit childish, but who did not want his children to look at them or speak of them with admiration as if they were talking about a superhero

Arriving with Ino her father hugs tightly while Ino lets out a huge cry in her father's arms.

"Dad, dad, show me what you did"

Without paying attention to the environment, Naruto approaches his father while shouting and making cutting movements with his hands.

"I will only show you if you are a good child all week and do not receive complaints from your teachers"

"Yes, it is a promise"

Seeing the strange behavior of the father and son with different looks, everyone starting to walk in silence towards the exit of the training fields since with the little ones here they could be dangerous as now.

I hope you enjoy another chapter.

I have a question about how I should handle the name of the jutsus, should I use the name in Japanese or directly in English to make it easier for others, write your opinion in the comments.

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hinnk_uricreators' thoughts