
A great deal

"Here's the money for the job thank you for coming, now we're leaving so the teams to keep practicing"

"Ino-chan, dad has to go so go play with your friends ok"

"You too Kiba, just don't be late home or you see"

Finishing his words the four jonins and the 6 genins quickly retreat leaving the place, while shinku retreated with the genin, the other 3 were on their way to the hokage building.

Remaining Hajime, Kurenai and the children walking towards the village slowly.

"Dad you're going to do now"

"I'm going to make training harder than you consider an art itself"

Finishing talking all eyes turn to him with interest including Kurenai.

"With that training, you were able to make that cut with the kunai"

"Partly yes, but it's just one of the many workouts I did to achieve it"

"And what is, tell me"

Without answering Naruto Hajime approaches a tree near the river where he slowly lies in the shade.

"The training is, Sleep"



While the others looked at Hajime as if he was telling a joke Naruto and Shikamaru begin to lie down.

"This is the best workout"

While Shikamaru seemed happy to find such magnificent training, Naruto with a lot of concentration try to sleep.

Seeing the trio lying under the tree so peacefully, Sasuke loses all interest, had been following them as he was curious about Hajime as without using chakra he could easily cut 2 jutsus and wanted to learn it to be stronger and be recognized by his father.

"You're just lazy"

"I'm not lying when I said it was part of the training, what I use to cut off jutsus is an advanced sword art and sleep is a workout because as soon as you try to sleep various thoughts of different types begin to come in your head naturally, so the goal of this training is to move away from all those thoughts and focus solely on your environment"

Listening to Hajime's words, everyone starts to believe him no wonder they sound.

"But what sword art that is, I haven't seen a swordsman make such cuts without the use of chakra"

With Kurenai's doubt, everyone starts thinking of some swordsman who can do the same but gets no name, the samurai in Iron Country, imbued chakra to their weapons, while the 7 swordsmen of the fog were ninjas with rare swords.

"Of course you didn't find such a sword art around these places, you'd have to travel far to find one."

"And it's easy to learn"

This was an important question for everyone especially for Kurenai because if this sword art spread all over the world any civilian could easily defeat a genin and did not know if this was the limit, it would be chaos if this happened.

"Well if I write it, I'd probably only understand, but I couldn't practice it properly and get to the point where they won't be able to advance any further, unless I guide them didn't get very far"

Taking out a slight sigh Kurenai begins to think about how to report this to the Hokage.

"And you'll show, dad."

"Well I'll give you a basic workout so you don't overcharge your body so early and affecting your development"

"Yes! I'm going to be the strongest swordsman and Hokage Dattebayo"

Seeing the happy father-son interaction, different expressions appear at all, Kurenai shows a small smile, Sakura and Ino only show a poker face in the face of Naruto's and the childish behavior as the children are jealous of Naruto for learning something so great from Hajime including the slack Shikamaru, only Sasuke showed a face of jealousy and longing, but for different reasons, not because Hajime taught him such a powerful sword art, but because Hajime's dealings with Naruto were very different from the one his father gave him.

Since his brother proved to be a genius, his father was disappointed in Sasuke's progress and compared him to Itachi.

And being the leader of the clan and the head of the Konoha police gave him almost no attention or coexistence with which the other children had, his brother was no longer home since he joined the Anbu, only his mother was aware of him.

"Well while you're training I'll go buy a pair of clothes."

"Buy clothes! Kurenai-san we can accompany you"

While Kurenai and the girls retired Naruto got out of training and began playing with Kiba and Choji while dragging a tired Shikamaru leaving Hajime and Sasuke alone.

"And what are you going to do Sasuke"

"As you know my name"

"Your mother spoke to me yesterday"

"I'm going to go train in my jutsus"

Not knowing why, Sasuke began to talk freely to him about everything he cared about maybe looking for some attention from a father.

"Mmm I don't know much about fire jutsus so I can't help you in that, but I know different workouts that will help you for your chakra control, tomorrow I have things to do so you'll have to come the day after tomorrow if you want to learn"

Without waiting for an answer Hajime goes back to bed again to continue sleeping, while Sasuke walks away from the place as he thinks about his proposal.


Legando the afternoon Naruto bids farewell to others as he approaches Kurenai who reads a novel next to a sleeping Hajime.

When kurenai left I created two clones of leftovers, one was on his way to report to the Hokage while the other stayed to monitor Hajime from the shadows, after leaving Ino and Sakura return with hajime while carrying a few bags, sitting next to him, starting to look at the young man for answers.

He had appeared out of nowhere with a strength and skill that a civilian should not have, the more he saw Hajime, the more questions and doubts arose.

Sensing Naruto's presence, Hajime wakes up and they start walking straight to the apartment, because now Hajime and kurenai were with Naruto along with rumors that they were both a young couple who adopted him and that like Hajime he made several people fall out of their way without the Hokage and the police reprimanding him, people began to treat Naruto better not to appear on the bad side of them.

Arriving at the house Hajime went to bathe first so that while the others bathe he would start preparing dinner.

"Kurenai you know a publisher here in konoha with which I can talk and make a contract"

"Depending on the type of book you want to publish"

"It will be a gastronomy and a novel"

Stopping his food, Kurenai begins to see Hajime with amazement and curiosity.

"I didn't think you'd write like that, I was expecting a history book, children's stories or the art of the sword or something like that, I didn't expect you to write a novel, what kind it is"


"Seriously! Let me see it."

As if a switch were on inside her he began attacking Hajime until he gave in to his demands delivering the first volume of his novel.

Giving midnight Hajime charges Kurenai who fell asleep while reading the novel in the living room, leaving her in the Hajime bedroom she goes to sleep peacefully as if sleeping by the river was not enough.

Not realizing that Kurenai saw him leave the room with a strange look.


Waking up from the noise of the kitchen Hajime could see Kurenai preparing breakfast looking like an authentic housewife causing a variety of feelings in him.

"Why are you making breakfast"

"I would feel bad if your cooking every day for us so I decided to prepare breakfast, you should feel grateful as alone and cooked for my dad"

Waking Up Naruto the three began to eat breakfast quietly, when Naruto learned that breakfast was made by Kurenai was somehow glad to have Hajime doubt his own food.

As they watched Naruto walk away to the Hajime school, Kurenai headed to the publishing house they talked about yesterday, as they walked through the quiet streets Kurenai had his eyes stuck in the book written by Hajime without paying attention to his surroundings.

"Then what do you think of the story"

"He,, the novel is very good I've been reading it for, I think you'll be very good"

Leaving his passing as he reads Kurenai responds energetically by attracting the gaze of passers-by, with his red face for the different glances that gave him haste the way towards the publishing house.

Entering the Hajime building, she talks to the receptionist about her books which receives them and indicates that she will have to wait for the publisher to call him, spending just over half an hour a gentleman of approximately 45 years old appears before Hajime.

"Good afternoon I am Shin Komura the editor-in-chief, I have read your novel and food book, I would like to talk about the contract since I see a lot of potentials especially with our female readers, our publisher is willing to offer you 15% of the sales of the book that being your first book is the most that can be offered in this and in any other publisher"

Shin was extremely direct in this transaction as he did not want to miss this opportunity to dry a new novel as the number of female readers had begun to decrease because the novels they had taken out were made repetitive to them, so having this novel with a complete change to what its readers read would return.

"That was too easy, of course, I accept, it's not like I have a lot of options either"

Saying these last words in a low voice, Hajime closes the deal on his books.