
Understanding one's situation.

Linley felt like he had a lot on his mind here. Especially the whole info-dump the System just gave to the Host. Well, it was well-needed. It's good to get most of it out the way, to begin with.

It had been one day and one night since Linley has now reincarnated.

Using the random draw ticket to connect to a world and then utilizing the system to further enhance oneself does sound like a smart idea. But that's only if there is only one person with the system here.

After all, imagine seeing a guy shoot a Kamehameha ki-blast at a dragon. If there were other system users to see this, they would know what's up. Just thinking about it for a second, would a system-user allow a potentially threatening other system user live especially if in the future they can reach planet-busting power levels. Of course not.

With a system, it is no doubt essentially unlimited potential at person's fingertips. Is there any point of keeping potential enemies with that same potential?

Using a foreign power system has its benefits and its downsides. Linley would rather at least first adapt to his native power system at first. Thus he would have a disguise, a cover-up at least.

If push comes to hand. He would then use the random draw ticket and hope for the best.

Now that it is morning. Linley is still in bed covered in bandaged thanked the previous owner's body's fighting desires. Melarue, the elf maid, should be coming soon into his room.

"Greeting, Young Master!" Melarue strolled into Linley's room with a service cart that is normally used in hotels in Linley's past life.

"Young Master, I have personally cooked some of your favorite meals." Melarue held herself with a radiant smile. As she then waves one of her hands in the air. The air was following her rhythm. It was if she was maestro leading her musicians. Which in this case was probably the very air itself.

The metal coverings that was in place to cover the foods and assorted related items to prevent the most of the heat and warmth to escape the food has begun levitating into the air. Melarue's performance simply didn't end there. As she waves her other free hand, specifically her index finger in a spin. All that piping fresh steam that was coming out of it's hot and piping dishes were still relatively contained in a dome-shape fashion of air.

"This is." Linley knew this was a mere act of wind magic. But this was his true first time of witnessing such a thing. Acquired memories and knowledge can be considered theoretical information, but seeing it firsthand, can be considered to be magical to his own eyes. After all, who didn't in his past life wished to at least possess the wonders and mysticism of magic of itself.

As Linley's interest wane away. He then realized as he looked at the food.

"Isn't this too much food for an injured person?" Linley saw there was literally a full-course meal for at least a few people on that cart. Like that's ridiculous for one person to eat.

"Young Master, I thought you would at least say the opposite. Warriors like you and your father are massive eaters after all. You two do exert a lot of energy when it comes to fighting. Thus eating helps one recover energy and heal up faster." Melarue explaining for the amount of food. Then she continued. "Besides the amount, I cooked up all the owlbear meat I could acquire within this household. I especially made the owlbear steak, brisket, and soup with appropriate seasoning."

"Wait. This is all owlbear meat. And it's my favorite?" Linley was stunned. After all in his past life, he had never tried owl meat nor the bear meat, and now he's going to try owlbear meat. Also, it is the first time he had heard that previous Linley's favorite meat is owlbear meat. In Linley's assorted memory, he never knew that at all about himself.

"This owlbear's meat specifically came from the same one you fought, Young Master. Do not worry about if it's dirty, the meat itself was without a doubt cleaned extremely well before cooking." Melarue tries to reassure her master and then she nervously said. "Owlbear's meat may not be your favorite, but if I remember your words exactly, you once told me any meat is your favorite as long as it was cooked well."

"Beside the point, I need to know something Melarue. How long have I been passed out from my injuries?" Linley should at least acquire a timeline of sorts. If he has been knocked out for too long, then Linley's social contacts might appear and show their concerns.

"Only a day," Melarue spoke as if she was reminiscing. "I was quite shocked to see you Young Master sleeping so well as a baby after being injured so badly."


'Did original Linley passed away from his injuries so calmly? What a freak?!'

[Host, System feels the need to clarify something before the Host further misunderstands.]

'Wait, System, can I just talk to you in my thoughts and please do clear up any misunderstandings.'

[Yes, you can respond and ask questions with your thoughts to the System. Host, when it comes to reincarnating, the previous soul merges with the new soul thus forming a mutated soul which can house the system. The previous host of your body was just in the dying-like state, not actually dead. While you in your past life is confirmed dead. This state of death, allows both of your souls to combine into a new one, thus forming the new you. The System itself is merged along with your soul. So it can be considered as a part of your soul as well.]

'Hey System, do you know what's the current world's power system?'

[The System lacks the fine and complete details. The System is currently trying to form a database based on the information the host acquired throughout his experience in this world. The System recommends the Host to ask questions to his maid/slave about the power systems to gain further related-information while consuming said meat-related foods.]

'Good suggestion for once.'

Over the course of Linley speaking to the system, Melarue was setting up a bed table on top of Linley's body along with silverware and assorted tablecloths. Linley was sitting up straight while this was happening.

"Melarue, as I begin to my eat meal, can you explain to me the general rankings of Warrior and Magician cultivation at least in your own understanding," Linley spoke casually.

"I would gladly do so Young Master, but let me set up your meal first." Melarue doesn't mind explaining in her own words after all. Melarue treats this as a type of testing since Melarue's choice of words in explanation were quite similar to past Linley's words.

As the food was set up. Linley begins to eat. Since Melarue won't probably start explaining till he begins eating or finished. This was a subtle feeling in the air that Linley felt.

What was weird when Linley begins to eat, was that he ate a single whole Owlbear steak in two bites. And there was a stack of 20 of them. It took less than half a minute for him to finish. The Owlbear brisket which was in similar quantity was consumed in a similar time period. It was the same for the soup. Linley eating this meal, felt really satisfied and refreshed.

Linley felt this has something to do with Melarue. Linley couldn't buy the fact that warriors are big eaters at all.

"The most popular professions in this continent are warriors and magicians. There are others, but they are rare to encounter. There are ranks from 1 to 20. But explaining the latter half would take too long and unimportant for us right now. So basically from Rank 1-9. For every 3 ranks, there is a title for them. These titles are the novice, student, and scholar." Melarue begins explaining in a relatively simple manner.

Linley nodded his head at such a good and simple explanation.

"The difference between novice, student, and scholar. In my opinion, would be akin to an infant, a child, and an adult. If I remember your words right, you once said it was like the difference between a man, a wolf, and a bear. That's the easiest and simplest explanation I think I can describe." Melarue said while nodding her head as if she was proud of herself.

"..." Linley felt that was too simple and vague as heck. And Linley wondered what past Linley was smoking here. Like what is the difference between a man, a wolf, and a bear in terms of linear progression.