
This was wrong.

"This. Is not what you think." Linley defended himself rather poorly and quickly.

"So why is there a little girl here?" Melarue asked.

"Because, I found her lying on the floor when I went outside for some fresh air." Linley explained with hand gestures.

"Did you take her back to your room without her parents or guardian's permission?" Melarue asked.

"Yeah..." Linley knew where this was going.

"Then it's a kidnapping. Okay, young master. Have you prepared your escape plan yet?" Melarue asked something surprising to Linley here.

"Uh, no. It wasn't premeditated. It just happened all of a sudden." Linley said.

"Sigh. Not even your father the Baron was this sloppy. He'd at least does his research on his victim's family and made preparations beforehand to ensure his escape route and minimize most problems that could possibly occur." Melarue explained and then said. "Alright, young master. It's time to pack up our luggage and things and then leave immediately before the guards catch up on their clues to our crime."

"I see. You're experienced at this." Linley complimented as he was packing his stuff up.

"Indeed, I have accompanied with your father and assisted him many times when it comes to this. So I know the proper steps to be doing this." Melarue stated.

"Where do we go from here?" Linley asked out of curiosity.

If the little girl was a typically novel plot line, then normally Linley would offend a random young master by now and had to fight against their family beginning from son to father, grandfather, ancestor and whatever. Of course if Linley wanted to run away not wanting to fight, he would do so if could.

"Normally, when kidnapping on a boat, ones need a escape route by water or by air. But we'll probably lack such a thing. Thankfully, we're on a wealthy ship. Naturally there'll be spare ships used in case of emergency such as the ship collapsing. Not only that, thanks to my wandering for my security checks. I found a few flaws to exploit. Young master, the plan would be rather simple. I will handle most of it and you'll follow along." Melarue said as she took charge of this escape plan.

"What about the little girl?" Linley asked wondering what's going to happen to her.

"Young master, you kidnapped her therefore you're going to keep her at least. It's like when a thief steal something, they would at least keep their stolen goods do they not?" Melarue explained in an analogy to Linley.

The little girl who paid attention to this had felt the need to clarify something at least.

"Um. I have no parents nor guardians. I have no one who care for this body of mine." The little girl said the blunt truth. She was exhausted from speaking like this. It was possible to speak one proper sentence right now, but it would have taken too much from her to continue speaking like this.

"..." Linley was speechless. He had thought that the little girl was just messing with him before and knew how to speak right from the get go.

"Oh. Then what is your name little girl? It is proper to introduce yourself first." Melarue stared at the little girl. Especially those red eyes of her.

Melarue knew that red eyes were possibly the sign of a demon possession. But judging by the fact, her young master hasn't been thrashed around nor punched through a wall yet. It could just mean this little girl just has a rare recessive trait of having red eyes.

In actuality, this little girl was possessed by a demon.

"Cthulhu." The little girl told her name.

Linley cringed at that name as he thought, 'Why is there a little girl named after a famous eldritch abomination?'

"Judging by Cthulhu's circumstances and her clothing, she probably have nowhere to go and now wants to hold the young master's thigh to greatness. Well, I have no opinion in opposition if the young master were to desire another maid." Melarue looked towards Linley.

Linley was given an excuse that he can take advantage of now. So he had then taken it.

"Hey Cthulhu, would you be my maid?" Linley asked while holding back his strained expression due to being unable to take the words he just said too seriously.

The little girl nodded. It was such an easy and trivial demand to accept, compared to what she needs to do according to Linley's desires that she misinterpreted.

Linley wanting her to be happy, is basically asking for her happiness. Happiness and love was essentially the same thing to demons. So she had believed that Linley was asking for her love. It was a weird wish to respond to.

If Linley knew what she was thinking, he would have coughed blood of how much this would reminded him of certain romantic-comedy situations that happened in Japanese harem anime.

"Now we got roles settled, it is time to let the young master decide the sleeping arrangement here." Melarue spoke of this, because there was only two beds in the room.

"You two girls can go take the two beds, while I can go sleep on the floor." Linley suggested casually.

"No! Young master, I refuse to let you devalue yourself and cause damage to your pride." Melarue spoke seriously, even Cthulhu nodded her head at the elf maid's words.

It was actually understandable why in context on why would they both disagree with Linley's suggestion. Both Melarue and Cthulhu were subordinates of Linley. If Linley were to sleep on the floor that would make him on par with trash, and therefore his pair of maids would be considered even lower than trash. It was not an act of kindness that Linley had believed, but it was an act of self-shaming which most people of this world believed it was. It was a matter of principle here.

Eventually how they take their beds was decided upon by Linley.

Melarue was pouting in her bed by herself. She had felt this was wrong. Her young master simply chose someone younger than her to accompany him in bed. She was envious, because of the fact that she wasn't smaller and younger to fit her young master's desires.

Cthulhu was nervous as she was hugging tightly around Linley's waist in his bed. She had felt this was wrong. She would preferred to be on floor by herself. Since after all, she was used to being lonely and bathe in the blood of her enemies. She was nervous while next to Linley, because she could snap Linley's spine in two by accident if she rolled around in bed. That's why she had grasped onto Linley.

Linley himself realized he did something stupid. He had felt this was wrong. He could have made the two maids sleep together in the same bed. He could have even just push the two bed next to each other and make it a large bed for all three to sleep upon. But for some stupid forgettable reason, Linley had ended up sleeping next to a little girl that was hugging him.

For the rest of the sleeping arrangements of each night until they reached their destination. Linley had simply put his two maids on a rotation basis.

In an another part of the ship, like below the residential areas. There was a large auction house. This ship was made for rich people at all.

Melarue knew about it already, but Linley didn't know because Melarue didn't feel the need to tell her young master about it at all. Since the main attraction was buying slaves. Melarue herself believe her young master did not need a slave, when he had her. She could already do all of the essential maid stuff and other things as well.

Truth be told, if Melarue told her young master about this, they would have been attending this auction right about now if Linley desired, which he probably did. Since attending auction house parts in Chinese novel were always a thing.

A short stubby slave trader was talking with a fat rich merchant with a cigar in his mouth.

"Have you dealt with her already?" The merchant asked curiously.

"Yes, I have disposed of that worthless slave girl. She should be sleeping with the fishes as she should be at the bottom of the sea by now. After all, slaves like her didn't how to swim." The slave trader responded.

"Good. Good. She deserved it for breaking my collector's item. A vase of clay crafted by the legendary sculptor named Weed. A genius seen once in a thousand years." The merchant spoke.

Of course this good time came to an end abruptly. When several purple otherworldly portals appeared within the auction hall. Then giant menacing tentacles suddenly appeared through it.

If Linley was here, he would have commented with famous words, but a person there did say these words: "I know enough hentai where this was going."

Everyone in the auction house, didn't know what was going on. Everyone in this situation felt this was wrong.

"Battle slaves, go, stop these foreign attackers." The slave trader spoke immediately. And at his beckoning.

A hundred man force of men and women appeared equipped with weapons and armor.

As a hundred of these slaves were each great and powerful warriors. At least of the master-level. Such a force to be reckoned. Not even Linley could fight against one at his current level and ability.

They jump fast and hard across the auction house. Striking and cutting every tentacles they could see with their full might in hand.

It all didn't matter that much, these battle slaves barely leave scratches on these tentacles. These tentacles which was barely scratched, was now spurting blood everywhere. Do not misunderstand, these battle slaves were truly weak in comparison.

As soon as a single drop of blood contacted with any living being in the auction, in mere seconds, their head exploded and forming tentacles out of it.

No one was strong enough to be immune to this, not even master-level warriors or magicians as well. Not even the rats, the insects, or even the random piece of grass that was here for some unknown reason on this ship was not even spared.

Beheading the infected did little to nothing, as their entire body were transformed into a bodily mass made of tentacles. Some of these infected were muscular-shaped beings made of tentacles that fight one to one against a master-level warrior, while some others were fat-shaped beings that exploded near a group of uninfected people. Making them into inflected like others.

The nobles, the rich, the slaves, and others were easily infected. Everyone panicked in mass hysteria besides the slaves. The slaves already felt like they had crappy lives and didn't really care about their well-being that much, so having this happened to people who wanted to buy and sell them made them felt like there was a god in this world that does justice for the weak and the bullied.

There were 10 reincarnates here as well each with their own different and special cheats that was different from Linley and Rudy who both had the same cheat which was the system. The author was too lazy to make up stuff right now and felt that this was wrong for an author to do. After all, authors should be pounding their keyboards, repeating words here and there, and making an obscene word count in the end.

Each and every one of these reincarnates all felt this was wrong. Normally, auction house parts are purpose to be about destroying people's face and reputation by pounding money at it. Or sometimes the main character bust in and steal the main attraction.

Instead, they were getting slaughtered like trash by a random powerful being.

Mostly everyone ended up dead. But with two exceptions right now. It was the slave trader and merchant before. Now hugging each other in fear and crying tears.

Two giant tentacles separated the two from their tight embrace. Each tentacle squeezed them so hard. Their eyes and visibly organs were popping out when they shouldn't be. The two eventually received a painful and excruciating death as they exploded into pieces of meat chunks.

No one in this auction house survived. All of them became pools of blood at least. It was a kill count within the thousands.

It was very fortunate for the ship captain and his crew members weren't there in the auction house, otherwise the ship might have crashed sooner or later. The ship captain's job and his subordinates were to sail the ship. The rich people who had rented out a compartment and large room could do whatever they want as long it's not overboard, since they had money.

Meanwhile back in Linley's bed.

Cthulhu who had been hugging Linley's waist and staring at Linley with her red eyes. She had placed her head softly and begin rubbing on Linley's chest. She then closed her eyes and begin resting.

Linley who already felt this was wrong, then had felt this was even more wrong.

I had felt this was wrong for me to write about myself, the author, in this novel, ruining the atmosphere and setting.

Dolphin_Tweedcreators' thoughts