
In a mage world

"You talk about fairness?? The world isn't fair. Everything is about privilege in the end.The fortunate feed on the misfortune of the unfortunate. Think of the beast you killed for reward, ever thought it was unfair?" Alex snorted. What would you expect from a cultivator in a mage world? Alex dies while trying to breakthrough into the immortal realm. He is later transmigrated into the body of a teenager who had just died on earth. Witthout his cultivation, Alex , with the help of his immortal system, creates his own mage path that makes him defy every logic of magic. Doing the impossible, facing all alone, undying, gaining lovers unintentionally and also enemies. Alex now has to survive in Niniola, the realm where all mage reside with his family (siblings and girlfriends/wives), protecting them from all danger while at thesame time fulfilling the promise he made to a certain guardian, traveling different worlds in search for the chaos orbs to revive his parents Please join our discord to connect more with author:https://discord.gg/2rNbwtyNAh

Vee_High · Fantasy
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323 Chs

don't be shy, answer me loudly

Just as Alex had expected,the one behind him was the first to make a move, intending to grab Alex from behind and immobilize him, turning him into an easy target for the rest.

Alex didn't feel like getting their hopes high,so he wanted to show them what total domination was about.

He took a step to the side lazily, just in time for the boy who was coming from behind him to miss his target,Alex reached out and gripped the boy's hand before the latter could go any further because of his momentum and yanked him back.

Alex looked at the boy for just a split second and flung his hand, throwing the boy towards his friend who had fainted earlier.

The force of the throw wasn't strong enough to break his bones nor make him fall unconscious immediately,but it sure was enough to make the boy marry the hospital bed for a day or two.

Alex did not bat an eye before acting,he wasn't scared of being reported, because everyone here was involved in the case and reporting would only get them into trouble, probably, since the school no longer took interest in students affairs,it was difficult to say whether they would react or not.

The boy crashed on the wall before falling on top of his unconscious comrade. He didn't lose consciousness but was in so much pain that he wished he was unconscious.

He just laid motionless on top of his friend,not daring to get up, breathing was already painful enough for him,no more,he didn't want more suffering.

The rest four were once again shocked beyond their wits, frightened by Alex's prowess, Alex just threw a boy of the same size as himself with one hand like he was throwing a doll, monster!!

They turned stiff out of shock,not daring to attack Alex anymore, scared of suffering the same or even pain worse than that of their two brethrens.

Alex swept his gaze across the four,this action made them shiver as Alex now looked like a demon Lord appreciating a herd of sheep he was about to slaughter.

Alex just grinned and attacked the next instance, since they weren't going to make a move anymore, maybe they considered it to be his turn right?

He rushed towards the boy on his left, completely catching the boy off guard,he didn't expect Alex to target him so quickly,he instinctively tried to surrender and apologize but Alex did not give him the luxury to speak,a fist landed on his right cheek before he could voice out the first part of his surrender.

A tooth followed by a mixture of saliva and blood flew out of the boy's mouth. One had to know that Alex had reduced his strength greatly,if not,he might have blown the other party's head off.

The impact of Alex's punch sent the boy flying,he landed heavily beside the rest who were already out of commission and twitched slightly.

The rest didn't get the time to examine their friend when Alex pounced on another one,,he kicked the boy's legs off the ground and ran his foot into his chest before the latter could even touch the ground.

That one was also blown away towards the other three, they all just laid on the floor and groaned in pain.

The boy who was being bullied earlier was shocked,it hadn't even been three minutes yet but Alex had already eliminated four out of the six bully's,he felt he was dreaming,a very pleasant dream.

Alex continued his hunting,he quickly moved towards another and landed a kick on his waist,the boy was equally lifted off the floor but Alex grabbed went after him,he picked the boy up from where he landed and punched him twice in the face, turning his face into a mess before throwing him towards the other four.

This particular boy was the one who had slapped the kid earlier, that's why Alex gave him a special treatment.

The last of the group of six now realized he had no chance of escaping, speaking less of fighting back and fell into despair,he fell on his knees as Alex slowly approached him,he started begging for Alex to spare him.

He was already crying seriously like a three year old with tears and Filth all over his face,he even turned to the kid they were bullying earlier for help.

The kid did not pay him attention and just kept staring at alex with eyes of worship,he had earlier doubted the possibility of Alex defeating six boys,he had thought that Alex was going to get his ass handed over to him just like himself,but the result of their fight,no,one sided domination was completely unexpected,he felt he was looking at a God (Alex 'god of war' jeaga)

Alex paused his steps and looked silently at the last one who was crying and begging while on his knees.

Alex spread his arms wide open and asked the whining boy "I will give you a chance, just one question and I will let you go....

How do I look?"

Alex looked at the boy with playful eyes, waiting for his response.

He waited for some time but the boy just looked at him in confusion.

"Don't be shy, answer me loudly" Alex said to him, this time,in a commanding voice.

The boy jolted back to his senses"ah! You look so handsome and strong,we don't stand a chance against your power,you are supreme" the boy hurriedly said,he really thought Alex would keep his words and let him go,but sadly, Alex was just playing with him,he had no such intentions of letting him go Scot free.

"Sigh, you failed your only chance,I asked how I looked, you were supposed to answer with cool or handsome, but you instead started spouting more than needed, you went out of point, so you failed" Alex smiled evilly at the boy while he slowly moved closer.

Though he had to admit that this boy had great bootlicking skills,but sadly,Alex wasn't interested in lackeys or followers,at least not yet.

The boy's eyes went wide in horror when he heard Alex's words,Alex suddenly turned into a huge bloody shadow that loomed over him like a nightmare.

His face paled as his body trembled,he had really believed that Alex had given him the chance to redeem himself but it only turned out to be a big black lie.

What failed?

You never intended to pass me from the start


He was in despair,he glanced at his friends who were on the floor twitching,he could easily measure the amount of pain they were passing through and he honestly had no intentions of experiencing the same thing as them,thus,he refused to give up on begging for his life.


He hit his head on the ground heavily and shouted at the top of his lungs"please forgive me, spare me honorable master,I swear to follow you from now on,I will forever be your dog, please spare me"