
Upcoming Battle

He couldn't comprehend.... he couldn't understand how one man could out do him of all people, with every strike that was dodged and blocked he could tell the difference in their ability was great.

His knights fell and so did his mages as he was confused by the outcome of things as he watched the man cloaked in black slowly approach him as he shakily pointed his sword at him.

"Who the hell are you! I've never heard of a Knight who had a mastered magic this good" Everyone watched him as Spade still had his sword "Because you are weak and corrupt, you think that now that you're at you're peak of your career you can push around others...." He said while walking towards him slowly.

"Try pushing around someone who can push back" He said as the man swung his sword over and over trying to catch Spade off-guard but he matched his movements blocking them all while dust kicked up in the air from moving so quickly.

In all his years he never saw an opponent that could actually match him so well in every form, from brute strength to swift movements to practically everything else there is.

'This boy is wicked, I gotta get out of here!' The man thought as he backed away from him and quickly hopped on a horse and took off as fast as he could leaving his men and everyone else behind.

They watched Spade grab everyone and drop them at one spot "Here you go sir! Figured you might need it" A little boy said while handing him rope.

"Do you see that Gerald?" Kaitlyn asked him as he could do nothing but watch in awe "Yeah...but even so, there's no way he's joining us not after he was pushed out by us"

"Nor did I think I'd see any of you again either" They heard a voice say as they saw him hovering behind them as they jumped away in fear "You have saved us once again Spade, you truly have a heart kinder than most" Sister May said while slightly bowing to him.

"We came looking for you because we know you can help us" She told him flatly while crossing her arms "Oh? And is it a you think or they think I can help them? Seems to me that you're fine since they was easily able to turn away a new member" He said while walking away from them onto the street.

"Why does it matter what they think?!" She said while standing in front of him while walking backwards "All that matters is what we can do for you, surely you have you're own agenda or plans right?" She said as it stopped him in his tracks.

'You can make our dreams a reality kid, I know you can and I know you'll do it by any means necessary' He heard a voice in his head say and sounded all too familiar as he chuckled to himself quietly.

"And if I did?" He said to her as she was shocked silent "W-Well then we could help you reach whatever goal or agenda you're aiming to reach...at least then you'd have a family" She said as he scoffed at her.

"Family...it's amazing how someone related to us can bring us happiness and grief...which is why I have no use for family anymore little girl" He said as she looked confused as he stepped closer towards her.

"Family is the reason I am born the way I am also why I am here in the first place and so broken...you may cherish family but I don't" He told her while walking past her.

"Are you sure you're making the right the decision? He clearly just told you flat out that he has other things to do...his own agenda, is that safe?" Gerald asked as she nodded slowly.

"We'll be fine if he had bad motives it would've been obvious by now especially not with these good deeds he's doing" She told him as he frowned "Yeah but the way he talked and acted still doesn't through you off? Every sense in me is telling me to get as far away as possible from him" He said while she sighed.

"Yeah and the Golden Lions don't hold back in reminding all of us that they're superior, they practically have it all and we try so hard...." She said as she was balling up her fists "We all get stepped on by them and I want it to end, him hurting that lion jerk was like a sign that our time has come in my eyes...he can help us" She told him as she gestured to the area they was in.

"He did all of this, I refuse to believe that he's anything but a savior at this point Gerald" She finished while seeing him enter a small shack, heading towards it she could feel her anxiety build up until a hand landed on her shoulder.

"You're a wolf aren't you?" A deep and gruff voice said to her as she turned to see a man in armor as military personnel was taking their own men into custody "Uh of the Guild but not an actual Wolf" Kaitlyn replied as he chuckled.

"I was asking about you're guild child not your race, thanks for confirming that for me" He said while leaving as Gerald took her left side "We should leave too while we're at it Kaitlyn not chasing after him into his home" He said as he watched her head for the shack.

Stepping inside the home she looked right and saw a kitchen then looked left and saw a living room with a simple table and one couch but standing there was a man under a black hood as he faced us with a black featureless mouth-less face mask as his amber eyes stared at them- froze them in place.

He was very well built like a champion as he moved toward them slowly like a hunter with full eye contact to the prey, his outfit a black vest with a white button up under shirt, black dress pants with shoes to match as he stopped in front of them.

"Why did you walk in here?" He said to them but words couldn't form out as they stood there unmoving "Speak" He said flatly while crossing his arms "W-We wanted you to c-come to the guild, let them know who you are and that you stand with us" Kaitlyn said to him as he chuckled.

"You're brave for walking in my home without permission but not only that you're serious about it...." He started while turning away from them "But I fear that I'm more of a problem than what you're bargaining for" He said as he sat on his table.

His hands covered by black leather gloves as they gripped the table slightly "At least that's what your friend thinks" He said as she looked at him while he was wide eyed and shocked "Because we have no clue to who you are! So of course I would think you aren't worth the trouble" He said while not making eye contact.


They all heard as they watched Spade immediately stand "What was that?" Kaitlyn asked as Gerald was processing his thoughts but Spade grabbed them as they found they self outside of their guild on the streets where two groups faced each other.

One side held sigils on their left shoulders of a golden head of a lion, ten to twenty of them at least staring down the Shadow Wolf guild and from what Spade could see they got rid of any civilians in the area.

"You think you can lay hands on our members and not answer for it?" A guy said as he was in front of them all, black shoulder length curly hair and blue eyes as they held a disgusting look in them while standing at five foot ten.

"Take your little group and leave boy you know the rules between guilds, if you leave now I won't report you for breaking them and our front entrance" The Guild Master said to him as the man only looked to his guild mates.

"I think we can find a even better solution to our problem Guild-master Ronald..." He said while smirking as he faced him and the Shadow Wolf guild members "One of our best against your best- if you even have that" He said as his guild mates laughed.

"If you win we'll drop it but if you lose..." He said while getting close to his face "This guild will be under our control or shut down one or the other, something that'll make you all despair" He said while shrugging his shoulders "Pick your savior because when we come back...it's to duel" He finished while walking away with everyone.

"You all are a bunch a cowards!" Everyone watched Ryan shout at them as Kaitlyn and Gerald looked at him wide eyed as did the guild "Ryan shut up before you get us killed" A member shouted at him but it fell on deaf ears.

"You only pray on the weak because you're a bunch of spoiled brats who's pockets belong to their parents! You didn't have to work as hard as the rest of us and deem us weak, we ARE NOT WEAK" He shouted at them as his face held rage while his fists was balled up so tight that his knuckles could rip through his skin.

It seemed like forever since he finished what he said both sides were shocked and eyes were all over him but within that next five seconds the man that dropped the negotiations was a few feet from him a sword in hand as lightning covered it.

This man was gonna kill Ryan right there in the street and no one was fast enough to catch him and all they could do...was watch.

"I don't think so" Spade said as he also had a blade of lightning a regular blue like his but the sound was different, after pushing him away it became a stand off.

'How did he beat me to him?! And where exactly did he come from?' He said as he took in his outfit and how he stood, a man under a black hooded cloak with a featureless and mouth less mask while also wearing a black vest with a white button up under it as his black dress pants and shoes all looked brand new or really clean.

He couldn't recognize him and he thought he knew majority of them that could pose a slight challenge so how come he didn't know this lightning user in front of him that could push him back 'A fluke maybe?' He thought to himself as he got rid of his sudden surprise.

"Don't get cocky, I highly doubt you can do that again" He said to Spade as they all heard a chuckle "You must think highly of yourself...I wonder if you think you're at the top of the food chain too" He said as he stood in front of Ryan twirling his sword covered in lightning.

"It's him my lord! The lowborn that dared to hit me" A man said as he looked at Spade with disgust in his dark brown eyes as he was huge with light brown skin and bald but with a patch of hair that formed a ponytail in the back.

He wore a golden brown suit like everyone else with the lion emblem on their shoulder to show what guild they was apart of as all eyes now was on Spade even more so his opponent.

'He was the one that threw him through a building? He may be interesting' The man said to himself as he got out of stance confusing his Guild-mates "It seems like he will be your champion Guild Master Ronald, I hope he's as good as I think he is or else" He said while pointing a lightning blade at Spade.

"I look forward to our battle you masked menace, remember the name Jacque Lions and I will be the one that defeats you in the name of our Guild" He finished while getting rid of the lightning and sheathing the sword at his left hip.

Once they was gone Spade got rid of his lightning and to their surprise there was no sword at all in his right hand "You didn't have to do that" Ryan said to him as Spade didn't bother to glance at him "A simple thank you would be enough, but then again your pride and arrogance is enough for me" He said while walking away from him as Ryan Scrunched his face up.

"And what does that supposed to mean exactly?" He said as Spade stopped in his tracks "It means you jeopardized your guilds safety over your selfishness and if it wasn't for your own selfishness it wouldn't rope another person into the fray" He said while Ryan was gritting his teeth.

"I am a S-Class mage! *Shouted Angrily* I prioritize my families safety above my own all the time!"

"For a S-Class mage period you've displayed actions of everything but in the S-Class category, you may have earned the title somehow but that doesn't mean you've lived up to its standards" He said while pointing a left index finger at him.

"I've seen people who wouldn't have lost their cool the way you did today, all because of your honor if that's what you really fight for" He finished while looking at Kaitlyn and Gerald.

"I'm staying here in the area just in case they decide to come back and I will also occupy a room here in the Guild Hall until tomorrow-"

"What? No way, Guild Master Ronald would never-"

"Agreed and thank you young man" Guild Master Ronald said while cutting off Ryan as his face changed into disbelief while looking back at Spade "In the meantime I'm going to go eat....haven't ate since this morning" He finished while turning his back to them all.

"Wait! We'll come with you!" Kaitlyn said quickly but he was gone in a blink as she puffed her cheeks like a child and crossed her arms "I think you need to relax, he's here and maybe now Master Ronald would accept him" Gerald told her while ruffling her blonde and blue hair.

"Yeah I guess" She said with a downcast frown as she walked inside the Guild with Gerald and the rest of the members "You have a lot of faith in him Kaitlyn" They heard a familiar voice say as it was the Guild Master.

"I believe he can help us and if we're supposed to be different from other guilds then why aren't we letting him in with open arms?" She said as he was silent for a few moments "I understand your way of thinking but now he has the future of our family your guild-mates the very guild itself in his hands...." He said as he sighed with a slight frown.

"Do you think he'll win? For our sake?" He asked as she nodded firmly "I've seen him fight before Uncle Ron and believe me when I say this...." She said while looking at everyone in the Guildhall "They couldn't have picked a better opponent to save our ass than him" She finished as he nodded as everyone began talking amongst themselves.

"I hope so" He said while heading for the stairway to his office "Because we all need him to" He said to himself as he walked up the steps and closed the door behind himself.


Spade walked inside to see no one was around but his senses knew better as he could feel a heat signature a few feet in front of him "A normal man believes what he sees...lucky for me I'm not a normal man" He said as a man stepped out of the darkness.

Brownish Red hair and a beard was what he saw with a black cloak with the Shadow Wolves guild emblem on it as his steel black eyes stared "I can see that especially after the way you spoke to one of my kids" He said back to him.

"Your face is calm but your eyes hold questions..." Spade said to him as there was a short silence "You wanna know if I'm gonna actually attempt to win the match or if I'm a dangerous man" He said while taking a seat at the bar.

"Or maybe both and maybe you telling me who you are, I've never heard of the name Spade either until you showed up" He said as Spade reached into his pockets and threw something to him as there was clinking of metal.

Once he caught it he saw black dog tags with a black ring that held a ruby as the designs on the sides were the Guilds of the Aida Kingdom "You were a apart of the elite" He gasped while holding onto the trinkets.

"I cannot tell you my story now Master Ronald but one day I will" Spade said while heading for his room past the bar after the trinkets were returned to him 'I hope you know what you're doing kid maybe everything would be fine after all and maybe one day I'll get to hear your story' Guild Master Ronald said while heading out and home.