
Debt Collected

The Kingdom of Aida was one of the ten kingdoms that was okay with non-human residence, this kingdom has three regular guilds and one mercenary station or "men for hire" for whatever wild jobs that the guilds just won't do.

In the city of Troy, the guild Shadow wolf had a issue with another guild the Golden Lions, they were looked down upon as a weaker guild since they had more nobles and royalty while the Shadow Wolf guild had none.

Two of the guild members made a recent discovery and it's been weeks since the incident with the Golden Lion member, and today was the day that another meeting would happen.

Coming through the doors was the same cloaked figure the two guild members told everyone as they watched him scan the room and stopped at Kaitlyn and Gerald's general direction as he started walking towards them as the man Ryan stood up and tried standing in his way.

"Who are you?" He said but he was talking to air as the figure already passed him as he and everyone else was shocked as he stood at their table "You two owe me a drink, I came to collect" he said as they nodded slowly and got up and started walking with him to the guild hall bar.

Once he got to the counter the girl there was in a white button up with a skirt as you could tell she was nervous as a woman next to her stared at him hard as he sat down "A mug please" He said as they was surprised at how he was polite as they made it quickly.

He started chugging his drink slowly and eventually put it down "I appreciate the hospitality, for a group of mages that are looked down upon in this kingdom you sure know how to give a warm welcome" He said as he finished his mug while getting up.

"I've collected on your debt, I'm leaving" He said while heading towards the door as a girl raced towards the door and stood in his path "Kaitlyn?! What are you doing?" Her partner asked as she stared dead at the figure in front of her.

"I don't know who you are...or what you are...but we need you here"

"Kaitlyn!" He said cutting her off to make her stop but she ignored him completely as she still stood in front of the figure "Our guild is strong, we may not be nobles or have high names but I think you can help us make a difference" She said as there was complete silence.

"And the requirements?" He asked as she was shocked beyond belief as she was at a loss for words "You have to be able to prove that you can handle yourself in some sort of combat but since you defeated a Golden Lion member I don't think you have to" She said as there was silence again.

"Okay...I'll join on one condition, I do whatever task or mission requirements alone if there's no problems on that then I'll join" He said as shocked faces was seen around the guild hall.

"No" They heard someone say as it was Ryan the man that looked after Kaitlyn and Gerald as he crossed his arms staring at the figure as Kaitlyn was shocked "We appreciate you for saving our people but what you're asking for can't be given, we're a family here just because your gifted doesn't change that" He said as nothing was said as the figure only started walking towards the door and headed out.

Off to the side there was a girl with blood red hair and dark wine red eyes as she watched the scene unfold with confused and horrified eyes 'His soul....who the hell is he?!' She thought as she seen him leave out the double doors.

"What's the matter Eva?" A girl with Silver hair and blue eyes like an ocean or gem asked her friend as they sat at a table alone "Lani....that guy....I think he's one of us" She said as Lani looked at her oddly as she stopped eating her steak.

"That's impossible we're the only ones from there on this side of the map, all the Royals and nobles is on the East side at that new high school we're on the West side four Kingdoms away and in one of the five kingdoms out of ten that'll accept anyone none human" She said in a matter-of-fact tone as she crossed her arms.

"Lani I'm telling you I know what I saw and he was far past human, with that power he damn sure couldn't have been one what if he was a council spy or something out to get us?" Eva said as Lani sighed and grabbed Eva's hands "I know we don't get along a whole lot because of our differences but if he was out to get us or do anything to us he would've ripped this place apart to get us and everyone here would be dead" She said as Eva looked away sadly remembering harsh memories of her past.

"Like majority of our family?" She said as her eyes started to tear up as she tried to hold them back as much as possible as she then took one deep breath and calmed herself down "How about this...lets track him down and see why he's here, how does that sound?" She said as Eva nodded slowly as Lani smiled.

"Lani! Eva!" They heard someone familiar call out to them as it was someone on a balcony as it was their guild master as his serious black eyes stared at them from a distance.

Everyone there knew what they were and where they was from so when they walked up to him everyone was on guard for what they might say to him "Well?" He said as everyone went silent even Kaitlyn as she stared at them.

".....He's dangerous, he's not human- at least I think he can't be with how dense his power surrounded his soul" Eva said as Lani frowned a bit "I didn't get a chance to look at him but I don't think he's from the dimensions we're from it could be a possibility-"

"A possibility that what Lani?! Why are you trying to convince yourself that I didn't see what I saw? What if he's actually from the damn~" She paused as she remembered there was humans in the guild hall too.

"You know where" She said hinting about the council as she crossed her arms frustratedly as she looked at her friend "And if he was he would've ripped this place apart Eva!" She said angrily as they was in each other's personal space foreheads nearly touching.

"Stop it!" The guild master said as he sighed as he looked down at Ryan his black eyes looking over at his guild his family as rubbed his brownish red beard while in thought "All S-Class front and center" He said as there was three bodies standing before him including Ryan.

One of them was a man with black hair that reached his shoulder blades as his brown eyes Looked lazy, there was a stubble around his lips and chin as he he a pistol on his right hip and a sword on his back while wearing a black long sleeve

The other was a woman with long pink hair and eyes that were ice blue as she wore black cloth that covered her breast and stomach as another wrapped around her waist with white lining and a white string as her forearms had a thick white cloth with brown leather straps covering it in the shape of X's as she held a dagger and a katana with a black sheath.

"Do you two agree with Ryan?" He asked as they looked at him briefly "I think he might be right, someone like that has to be dangerous if he can make demands like that all willy nilly" The woman said as she shrugged her shoulders.

"I disagree" They heard the man say as they was shocked, normally he'd say he doesn't care but to give an actual response was rare "Why do you Clive?" The guild master asked as the guild hall was still silent.

"I think he could be a asset...any asset is a good asset, lone wolves are troublesome but they are strong and if he can bring us out the rut we're in then we'd get recognized more, after all...you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover" He said as no one didn't say anything.

"But the girls are terrified of him! How can someone like that be of any use?! We have to think rationally" Ryan said as they looked at him "Well I wasn't afraid" they heard a feminine voice say as heads turned to Kaitlyn as she looked determined.

"I think we should've given him a chance and we was wrong for sending him away because he wanted to operate on his own especially since S-Class mages do it" She said as everyone began agreeing.

"You're practically saying let someone who may or may not be S-Class free roam without supervision! What if he isn't who he says he is and gives us all a bad reputation" Ryan said as everyone went silent "We all work hard everyday to get where we are and my family raised me in this guild and I won't let someone who defeated a Golden Lion member just walk in and do whatever he want because of one simple accomplishment that we do for each other every time we put our life on the line" He said as he then faced the crowd.

"If we let anyone in that could be strong and free roam without a care in the world what about the members that has been here longer? We're the representation of family and order without a system that shows favorites so how does one man get that claim when we've all done things deserving of his claim" He said as everyone agreed and Kaitlyn couldn't fight that argument.

Everyone started arguing as the guild master jumped down and once he landed he released some of his power to shut everyone up "Until I've come to a decision on what to do no one is to bring him here! Is that understood?" He said everyone nodded.


No one had seen him anywhere, Kaitlyn purposely tried finding him despite her Guild Master's decision while Gerald was venting his objections on what she was doing every time she went looking.

They was in the poor part of the Kingdom as they saw people waking around, it was some what isolated from Troy City as the orphanages was being rebuilt to their surprise.

"When did this place get so many people?" Gerald asked as kids ran around happy chasing after each other as farmers and some of the residence was talking with happy smiles "I heard someone had came through here protecting the poor but I didn't think it was like this" Kaitlyn replied as she stopped one of the nuns.

"Hi! I'm from the Shadow Wolf guild, can you tell me what happened here?" She asked as the nun looked at her confusingly "What do you mean? Do you not know of our savior?" She asked as she grabbed her cross.

"What savior?" Gerald asked as she walked them to the church where the other Sisters was while one was cloaked in white with a gold cross "Ask Sister May, she can tell you the full story of how this place turned around by the generous man that saved us" She said while waking away.

"Sister May?" Kaitlyn called out to her as she turned away from the cross alter as she looked at them with her piercing brown eyes "And who might you children be?" She asked as she turned fully to face them.

"We was passing by and we wanted to know what happened here" She said as the woman nodded slowly "There was constant trouble here along with poverty...that was until Spade showed up and dealt with it all" She said as they looked confused.

"Spade? Who's Spade?" Gerald asked as she chuckled "He's the strongest mage I've ever came across...the way he handled the threat was fast and efficient like a seasoned warrior but more of an animal....his combat sense was nothing I've ever seen" She said as she started to walk outside as everyone could be seen smiling and laughing.

"It's a funny thing since it was the military he thwarted from here and gave us hope again" She said as they looked shocked beyond belief "The military? Now you must be mistaken Sister May" She said as she looked at Kaitlyn frustration written across her face.

"Right so how about you tell me how did a separated part of Troy city manage to prosper then? When Spade saved us he made sure we were also taken care of, and even now we thank him very much for his actions" She said as she held her hands behind her back.

"WHERE IS HE?!" They heard a man shout as they went outside and couldn't believe their eyes as it was military men a couple of their battle mages as it was three of them dressed in white cloaks and six knights.

"Tear this damn place apart and find him...NOW!" Their angry leader said as battle mages readied their spells, then there he was the mysterious man in black as if he somehow blinked into existence.

"Are you the one responsible for hurting my men?!" A man shouted among them as he stepped forward with a sword in hand as they recognized him as Felix one of the Military's leaders a First Lieutenant who climbed the ranks with sheer brute strength.

A buzz cut blonde with brown eyes with armor covering every part of him as he held a angry expression on his face "I know you're no mute! SPEAK!!" He said as the mysterious man never said anything still.

"This Kingdom......" Everyone heard him say while sighing "Has a corruption deep in the core and you're one of it's many problems, you come here swinging your sword like you have power with people who's power are even weaker than yours as well" He said while slowly walking towards them.

"What will you do in the face of someone with power that surpasses yours?" He said as all five of the Knights rushed him only to see him wield a sword shrouded in black "Hidden Fifty Vanishing Strikes" he said as the men still kept coming but once they reached him they all dropped at his feet as he walked past him a black blade still in his hand.

"Is that the best you have at your disposal Lieutenant?" He said as the Battle mages walked up to him confidence all over their faces as they watched him put the sword in the ground "We don't know what you did to those knights...." one said while taking his right side "Nor do we care...." Another said while taking his left "But you meet your end here!" They all said together as a torrent of flames, lightning and water came at him.

"My end? You're full of yourself...." He said as the spells reached him "You don't even realize how outmatched you are...." He said as their power was thrown back at them but bigger "Even in the presence of a King" He said while staring at the Lieutenant.