
Realizing One's Potential

Sunlight pierced through the dorms as the day was almost ready to begin after spending a while at the school everyone had adjusted to living there.

In each dorm there can be up to two to four people in each dorm room, signing up together for a room makes more sense than sticking random people together in a room.

On the fifth floor in the dorms the first to wake was Jack as his bleach blonde hair was wild from how he slept, while looking outside he could see it was almost time to get up.

When he completely sat up at the edge of the bed he saw a head full of blood red and black hair doing push-ups on the floor and keeping a silent count.

"Why am I not surprised that you're awake Silas" Jack said to the Dragonkin as he looked up at him "Don't blame me for the discipline that you don't have" Silas said while getting up.

Jack raised an eyebrow at his comment and began to stand as well "Discipline huh...if you're the embodiment of discipline then I definitely don't wanna be a warrior" Silas stared Jack down for only a moment as a smirk started to appear on his face.

"Hey...are you...challenging me?" He said as it became a full blown demonic smile as his sharp canines started to show while Jack started to sense his bloodlust 'Is he insane?!' He thought inwardly while staring him down not backing off.

'I get the feeling that he actually wants to kill me off right here and now' Jack thought to himself as chills went down his spine still feeling the intent to kill then suddenly a playful tap on the shoulder snapped him out of it.

"Relax man I don't actually wanna kill you and besides you're the only challenge I have in this little group of ours *said while chuckling* even then that's not enough" He finished while turning his back to Jack.

"Even if I am or not enough to sate your battle hunger...." Jack said while smirking evilly "There's always someone somewhere stronger than you" After that comment he turned back around as his hazel eyes were now slits.

"I'd advise that you watch your mouth, keep in mind I'm the strongest one in this damn room and I have the means and the skill to make you vanish...." He said now facing him "Just like I did to Indra" He finished saying to Jack and in that same moment a right fist was inching towards his face.

Within that same second bodies moved across the room and had grabbed hold of Jack as everyone in the room was now awake and face to face with him was now Jason now known as the crimson warrior.

Silas began to laugh as he watched them hold down Jack "How weak minded you've become" He said while locking eyes with Jack "You shouldn't openly bash Indra like that, you know that's one joke that won't fly with any of us Silas...no matter how strong you are do not forget it's plenty of us and only one of you" He finished while making full eye contact.

All Silas did was scoff and walked out the room in his tank top and basketball shorts disregarding what Jason had just said to him and when he was gone Jason looked at Jack who was held by Zack who was holding him in a full Nelson.

"I know I had just arrived shortly after Indra's departure and didn't know him that well..." Jason began to say while nodding to Zack to let him go "But you are the most level headed among us and powerful enough to help us put him in his place"

"But not strong enough to shut him up for disrespecting Indra" Jack interrupted while heading towards the window seeing the trees and the buildings outside school grounds "Indra was strong and talented but new to his own abilities, he is the one that's supposed to stop Silas...not me, I'm

not a Dragonkin" He finished sounding defeated and tired

'I wish he was here to help us right now' he thought to himself while remembering how they met and how close they became before he was taken from them.

"Dragonkin or not you're our ace and that speaks volumes" He said while looking down at his hands "I'm half elf and half vampire and if someone finds that out from either sides I'm a dead man at least until I'm stronger" He said while attempting to cheer himself up.

It was Friday and today was a free day for the student to pick which teachers they wanted to see to help brush up on their skills or if you are in a guild you could handle that as well.

Even though all of them were on the East coast they wasn't too far East where they was in a kingdom that didn't accept anyone that wasn't human.

Right now they was in the 5th Kingdom called Avilon, it accepted non-humans but it was the last kingdom that would before they ended up west where they wouldn't be accepted.

After reaching for his phone Jason's face scrunched up slightly and began chuckling grabbing Jack's attention "What is it?" He asked while the Jason showed his screen of what looked like a article.

The article labeled...

{Noble guild Golden Lions defeated by Shadow Wolf guild

The Golden Lions guild challenged Shadow Wolves to a duel and lost, reports says that every member could not match the talent of their new S-Class member.

A personal report came from Jacque Lions himself saying "I was killed over and over and he brought me back to life, he is a man I do NOT want to face again" since the defeat of the Golden Lions the Shadow Wolves has now risen in the ranks.}

After reading more parts of the article a small smile was etched onto Jack's face while shaking his head "Serves him right... privileged bastard" He said while chuckling.



Shiela and Nyla were doing their daily routine and talking to each other while Kira sat on the bed at the top bunk drawing in her book.

While she drew she would occasionally take glances down at them to see them talking about different topics and now the recent one was about two guilds further East in the first Kingdom of Aida.

Something about a guy had destroyed a nobleman in battle 'At least somewhere the world all is going well' She thought to herself while drawing a picture of a cloaked man holding her with a symbol of a spade on his back.

Lately for some reason she keeps having visions, when talking to her mother about it she thinks they could just be dreams if they were visions it was her desperately trying to reach out to someone.

'But why a cloaked man with a spade symbol on his back?' She thought to herself confusingly knowing soon her mother would call her back soon.

"Hey Kira! What's your plans for today? Maybe do some training?" Nyla asked and as if on cue knocks were heard at the door and in came someone they least expected except for Kira.

She stood at five feet with almost pale rosy cheeks and emerald eyes as her curly Blonde and red hair hung flawlessly to her shoulders while wearing a maiden outfit.

"I thought you'd at least call before you show up mom" Kira said while hopping down from the top bunk "I was already on the way here so why bother calling when I can just knock it's Friday and you were expecting me were you not?" She said while eyeing her daughter up and down.

"Yes ma'am" She said while looking away but still hugged "So you think you're having visions now?" She asked while shutting the door as the other girls looked at her shock on their faces.

"That means you're getting stronger doesn't it?" Nyla asked excitedly as Shiela smiled a bit as Kyla could sense the genuine happiness from them both.

"For our kind it depends on how you use your foresight and depending on the person they could use it more ways than one" She said while grabbing the chairs from the desk.

"Most visions starts off in the different forms such as, Dreams, sights and smells and drawings" Kyla began to say as she watch her daughter grab a book and flip the pages.

Her friends looked as well as they was in awe with the drawings until the last one she just recently drew "Hey....Howcome you drew that guy from the news?" Nyla asked as Shiela nodded slowly.

Confused faces filled the room as they looked at the drawing, what could this man possibly be doing in her visions?

"Whenever you do cross paths with him promise me you'll tell me" Kyla said to her daughter as she nodded slowly while looking back to the drawing wondering more about the man who has now caught her attention.