
Improvise, Adapt, Evolve (Multiverse) (Now on DxD)

So basically this is just a SI, a concept, not a very good one, and I’m probably not gonna continue it, maybe if i get support enough but i just have ideas and they aren’t very good for long novel because you end up op pretty fast and that’s not good for novels but if you like the wishes o have an idea of how to improve them comment, i will read it… Harem Alert, i will probably have a harem for the MC Ps English isn’t my main language

Adrianix1234 · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

17. Christmas and back to classes

The 25 of December was great, I spent my day relaxing, Harry got his invisible cloak, i got presents from everyone in the study club, i had to send books as gifts cause i didn't leave the castle (from the Gate) and then i spend my time with Tonks, while having a Game to see who could get a laugh out the other one with our transformations (She lost it when i transformed into a bat with Snape's face)

I kinda flirted with her but I'm not that good with women, i mean i did get her to blush when i transformed myself into what i would look like at 17

A couple of days passed and the students returned and suddenly the atmosphere cot depressed, but what would you expect when there was at least 50 people that got cleansed of love potions by the wards, everyone was thinking they were lucky (cause of those 50 only like 5 were forced to have sex, and two of those five were part of a "prank" cause their partner wasn't the one that potion them, they both had sex together under potion, obviously the school had to get those 4 students expelled (3 Slytherin and surprisingly a Hufflepuff who thought it would be funny to potion people that didn't get along at all to one another)

Forgetting such depressing theme the school is slowly changing, you could get more and more groups of people from different houses being friends

When classes started i realized something… i was bored, no like literally super bored, if at 10% of my capabilities i got everything theory and practice at the first try, now i only had to see it and learn it, think of ways to improve it and then improve it, during the first 10 minutes of class, which last and hour each…

Professor McGonagall asked me what had happened that had such a sudden change in performance

Obviously everyone else wanted to know so when i said "I broke the curse… all 16 levels in the 6 aspects"

Obviously the other first years started bombarding me with questions

So i answer to the best of my abilities but still

By that afternoon all the school knew about it,

Some people thought that were i got my shapeshifter abilities from some said that it wasn't impressive, i think someone started a cult to worship me as a joke (or at least i hope it was one)

Harry was so mad that he lost that he got into an intensive training with the technique till like 1 and a half weak later he was the second one to break the curse and now i couldn't be more grateful about it cause more time like that and it would have made my personality twist.

I think the best example that i had is Aizen, the guy was so perfect that he had to create Ichigo because he had become bored and he wanted a challenge, not only was he creating a rival but also an equal…

And that's exactly what i have with Harry, a Friendly rivalry like Kakashi and Might guy

I had to create a Teacher skill for me because the Study club kinda transformed into a explaining the classes by me or Harry

I had come to the point that i got tired and dragged Harry to the gate and said to him

"Hey, do you think we should give the A rank technique to the study club members, so that they can unlock the curse faster, cause I'm getting tired of being asked questions without being able to reject cause you would be a prat"

"I was hoping you would say that"

So the next Sunday we went and presented it

"Okay, so Harry and me are kinda tired of being asked questions so we created this techniques that will help you break your curses faster, they still work even if you have never received the curse but it won't be as impressive but with hard work you still get results" i finished watching Tonks, and all the other girls that weren't first years "But you have to sign this magical contract that will prevent you to ever sharing it with everyone else

The techniques that i gave them are the General one that is slower but raises the 6 attributes and the 6 specialized ones that focuses in only one attribute all are rank A

Obviously all of them signed, but Hermione was kinds annoying cause she wanted to be fair and share the technique with everyone, which maybe i should because it isn't impressive as it could be (i mean i have a S and SS ranked version, maybe i should put the B version to the public, cause when one person broke their seal at 16 level and it will happen they will probably create one that is A version and will distribute it and they will gather fame that i could use for when i conquer this verse…)

But anyway i had to do it because just a couple of weeks later and the difference was noticeable…

But i will do it to my terms so i enchanted a book that will give the Rank B techniques to people with good ideals, that aren't racist and believe themselves superior to everyone else and it will give an C Rank version to those that have malicious thoughts and beliefs, then i had to enchant it so that you can't talk about the techniques with anyone, you just have to learn it from the Book, then i wrote my name as the author and pug the books of the techniques in the Library with the Intent of gift it to Hogwarts Library, so now it can't be stolen another couple of weeks and more and more kids were raising the learning curve, only the bullies and lazy people were still the same