
Imperial System: New World Pax Romana

Everybody dies. Ethan Specter came face-to-face with that reality when a refrigerator collided with him on his way to university. fortunately, his story didn't end there. With the help of help of a newfound power, The Imperial System, he must struggle to survive in a new world consumed by the flames of war.

Daoist_Goldenmoon · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 16 - An offer you can't refuse

Ethan and Amira walked hand-in-hand through Lorik while making their way towards the former village Chiefs home to speak with Magistrate Virgil

Along the way the two received words of gratitude and praise, as well as gifts. However it soon got to the point where they had to politely refuse since they were beginning to feel burdened by the amount.

Eventually, after escaping the crowd, they reached their destination

Virgil was outside the house speaking to a burly man with a long, fiery red beard.

Ethan recognized the bearded man as the village blacksmith since they had cooperated to defend against the bandit attack

"...so if you could help sort that out, I'd appreciate it greatly." said the Magistrate

"Of course. As long as it's within my abilities, I'm willing to help." replied the blacksmith with a courteous bow and took his leave

As they passed each other the bearded smith said respectfully "Sir Ethan."

Ethan couldn't help but wonder why everyone he met since the battle had begun calling him 'Sir', But his train of thought was interrupted shortly after

"Ah, Sir Ethan" Virgil said with a beaming smile before turning his gaze to the woman at his side

"This must be Lady Amira. A pleasure to finally make your aquantance." He said sincerely

"Hello Magistrate Virgil." Ethan said with a nod

"Magistrate." Amira replied humbly

"Haha, no need to be so formal. I would hardly consider us strangers after what we've been through together. Just call me Virgil."

"Alright Virgil, what is it you needed to see me for? I was told it was something important." Ethan asked straight away

Amira frowned when she heard him be so direct and elbowed him while quietly saying "Don't be rude."

Virgil couldn't control his laughter when he saw this scene

"Hahaha! It's no problem m'lady. It's actually that straightforward nature of his that makes him so trustworthy. Indeed, I have something important to discuss with you. But first, shall we head inside?"

Ethan and Amira followed his lead and entered the moderately sized home before taking seats at the kitchen table

"Now, before I tell you what this is all about I'd like to ask, what are your thoughts on Lorik? Do you like it here?"

Ethan thought about his question for a moment before replying

"It's a nice enough village for its size. And I'd say besides the old chief and the other troublemakers, I have quite enjoyed my stay."

Virgil nodded and continued speaking

"What about you Lady Amira? Have you enjoyed your stay as well?"

"I have." She stated honestly

By this time, a slight smile on Virgils face had grown into a wide grin that stretched from ear to ear

"Excellent. Then as you already know, the other day I arrested the former chief along with Luka and his gang. What you may not know however is that as the Magistrate responsible for this, the act of governing Lorik falls upon my shoulders until a replacement is found. Fortunately for me, A suitable candidate wasn't that difficult to track down."

"I see." said Ethan confusedly

"But what does that have to do with me?"

"What indeed..." Virgil replied, his smile never leaving his face

Now Ethan was even more confused. Why was Virgil telling him all this, someone unrelated to Lorik. It's not like he was going to be chosen...

Understanding hit him like a thunderbolt. While he thought it was impossible, it's always better to ask and make sure.

"You're not trying to suggest...?" He asked doubtfully

"Ha! I knew you'd figure it out."

"Figure what out?" Amira asked trying to follow the conversation

Ethan smiled and said "Our dear Magistrate here is trying to offer me the Village Chief position."

The news hit Amira like a ton of bricks as was evident by her jaw nearly hitting the table in surprise

"So what do you say, interested?" asked Virgil

"Honestly, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't. But I have to ask, why me?"

"Simply put, you have impressed me. Your Character, honesty, and ability to perform under pressure has earned not just my respect, but also the respect of everyone in Lorik."

Ethan then looked at Amira

"What do you think?"

After a brief pause

"I'm fine with it if you are. Whatever you decide, I'll follow you." she said

It seemed that the choice was obvious now

"Okay then, I accept." Ethan decided

"What will I be responsible for taking care of as chief?"

Magistrate Virgil explained that his responsibilities as chief were not overly complicated, Solving disputes, managing taxes, appointing guards, etc.

"And to top it off, you get to use this house as your own." He said with a smile.

"It seems the former chief was hiding his wealth quite deeply. He was even able to have a large personal bath installed. Usually only wealthy families inside a city would have an indoor bath."

"A bath?!" Ethan and Amira echoed

While she had heard of a bath, Amira had never seen, let alone used one before so her shock was genuine. How much would it cost to have one built, 5 Silver, Maybe 8?! The extravagance was to unreal!

As for Ethan, his reaction was one of excitement. He had been in this world for only a few days, but he was already tired of cleaning himself with rags. It got the job done, but it wasn't the same. Not by a long shot.

After discussing things for a while longer, Virgil handed Ethan the key to the house and said his farewells, Leaving the couple to explore their new home.

The house wasn't overly big. It had a small kitchen and dining area, a moderately sized living room with a fireplace, and a nice, comfortable bedroom. But the biggest asset was obviously the bathroom. A Large stone bath, roughly 6 feet wide and 2 feet deep sat squarely in the middle of the floor.

"It certainly is impressive, but how do we fill it?" Ethan asked

"Maybe there's a well in the back we can use?" Amira suggested

With that in mind they headed out the rear door and sure enough, a well was present. In addition it seemed that the tub could be heated, courtesy of a wood furnace under the foundation.

Once everything was located, Ethan suggested they go back to the Blue Moon Inn and collect the rest of their belongings

After locking the door they traveled the short distance and soon arrived at their destination

Ms. B who was doing her usual cleaning perked up as soon as the door to the inn opened

"Well if it isn't Mr and Mrs Village Chief." she said heartily

"You already know?" Ethan asked surprised

"Of course. You didn't think news like that wouldn't spread like wildfire did you?"

"No, I suppose not." He said

After a brief chat Ethan went to grab what was still in the room while Amira stayed to talk to Ms. B.

Once in the room he gathered up his armour and placed them in the System Storage. Then putting on his pack he collected whatever odds and ends were left before heading back downstairs

"Really? That bastard had a bath in his house? He must have been skimming off the taxes if he could afford something like that." Ms. B said with an angry frown

"But at least he's gone. I'm sure with the two of you in charge, things are bound to improve around here."

"What do you mean? Ethan is the one in charge." Amira replied

"That may be how it is officially, but in reality, your opinion will matter when it comes to big decisions. Especially among the ladies of Lorik."

"She's right you know." Came the voice of Ethan

"You can't expect me to have all the answers. I'm definitely going to need your help for certain things."

"You see? Even he knows what I'm saying is true." Ms. B said with a smile

"Now you two should head home before it gets too late."

The two said their goodbyes and headed back to their new home and the sun was getting ready to set when they got back

Once inside Ethan asked "Want to try out the bath?"

"Yes!" was Amira's immediate response

"Haha, Okay. Then let's get started filling it with water. When that's done I'll start the fire to heat it up."

Amira rushed out the back to get the first bucket of water from the well. Conveniently there were two pales so it allowed them to double the speed. Even still, it took them nearly 20 minutes of back and forth before it was full.

Once full, Ethan gathered some wood and his fire starter. Soon the furnace for the bath roared to life and the water began to heat up.