
Imperial System: New World Pax Romana

Everybody dies. Ethan Specter came face-to-face with that reality when a refrigerator collided with him on his way to university. fortunately, his story didn't end there. With the help of help of a newfound power, The Imperial System, he must struggle to survive in a new world consumed by the flames of war.

Daoist_Goldenmoon · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 15 - A Brewing Storm

Elsewhere in the Kingdom of Syrena, while the battle at Lorik was taking place, a late-night discussion was taking place in the Throne Room of King Alexandr Syrena Nostos

King Alexandr was in his forties, with coal coloured hair that was graying at the sides. His eyes were light green with flakes of gold around the pupils. His broad nose and wide jaw matched with his stern expression that made him appear imposing.

"My Lord, reports of increased bandit raids have been flooding in from the southwest near the edge of the forest of despair." stated a distinguished looking minister in dark blue robes.

"We have also observed increased military activities at the northeast border from the Empire."

"Price, I understand why you're worried about Embershroud, but why are you bringing up bandits at a time like this?" Asked King Alexandr

"Shouldn't you just leave that for the local authorities? Or are you going to start bringing every petty issue before me?"

"I wouldn't dare my King!" shouted Minister Price Olivier

"Then what is the meaning of this?" The King frowned

King Alexandr wasn't usually this short tempered, but he had been awoken for this emergency meeting in the middle of the night only to hear about bandits.

"The thing is..." Price hesitated

"My Gods! If you don't hurry up I'm going back to bed!" Roared King Alexandr

"We believe the two events to be related!" Said Price frantically

King Alexandr then went silent, causing a shiver to run down the spine of everyone present

"Related?" He finally asked

"Explain. And make it quick."

Minister Price then explained as quickly as possible that they had intercepted messages from Embershroud to the leader of a large bandit group in the southwest.

The messages contained instructions concerning a series of attacks that were to take place in order to disrupt the Kingdom internally.

"Okay, the Empire is encouraging bandits. Nothing new there-"

"My Lord! It's more than just simple encouragement. Over a dozen groups, bandits numbering in the hundreds, have begun attacking villages and towns. We believe this is only a precursor to invasion!" Interrupted a Military Officer

"What do you mean, Louis?" Alexandr Questioned, deciding to ignore the outburst of his general

"The buildup at the border, My Lord." said General Louis Costanza

"My scouts have reported that a large force has been gathered there. The numbers in the reports are staggering. I myself didn't believe them at first."

"Tell me, How many men do they have?"

"Somewhere between 350-380,000 my King!"

If he had not been sitting, King Alexandr might have fallen down he was so shocked. That many?! Impossible! That was nearly three times the number of his Syrena troops!

"What do you suggest-"

Before King Alexandr could even get out his question


The doors to the Throne Room swung and a bloodied soldier ran in carrying an urgent message

"Who dares?!" yelled a guard but he went silent when he saw the state the man was in

"Urgent Report, My Lord!" stated the soldier while kneeling before the king

"Speak!" Shouted Alexandr

"Sire, Fort Broc has fallen!"

An audible gasp escaped every mouth in the room.

Fort Broc had fallen?! Impossible! There were nearly 25,000 men stationed there. It was the most fortified location in the Kingdom besides the capital. Not only was it well built, it also had a mountain at it's rear to act as natural defence.

"What about the army there?! did any manage to escape?" questioned General Louis

"No my General! Besides myself, who was ordered to deliver the message, all others fought and died to the last man in order to slow the Embershroud Army."

It was a disaster! The worst case scenario had occurred, and to make things worse, they had been taken completely by surprise!

"Assemble the Army!" Yelled the King

"We must do whatever it takes to stop them! I don't care if you have to give swords to the commoners!"

"As you command!" shouted the officers and they left to go prepare for the coming battle for the survival of Syrena

Once the room was cleared of everyone but the King and his Minister he ordered solemnly

"Price, I want you to take my family and escape the capital. Head west and find a safe location to hide them."

"But my Lord, what about you?"

"I must stay and oversee the preparations. We should have 3 days, 4 at most before they reach this city. If I don't make it, I want to at least know my family is safe."

"My Lord-"

"Silence! Do as I command!" Thundered King Alexandr

after a slight pause

"You have my word sire, I will allow no harm to come to them!" Minister Price said with a bow. He then rushed off to execute his orders.

"Sigh...Is this truly the end?" Wondered the King when he was finally alone



It was nearly midday by the time Ethan awoke

"You're awake?"

The sweet sound of Amira's voice entered his ears

"Yes. Good morning...or is it afternoon?" He asked

"It's not yet midday." she replied

"I see." Ethan said. "Should we go get-"

As if perfectly timed, there was a knock on the door

"It's me." came the gentle voice of Ms. B "I brought you some breakfast"

After bringing in their meal and chatting for a bit she informed Ethan that he had received a couple messages.

"Both Janessa and Magistrate Virgil sent word for you. It seems your orders are complete, despite the chaos. As for what the Magistrate wanted, all he said was that it was important. He should be over by the former chiefs home."

"Thank you. We'll go see them soon."

After some parting words Ms. B left while Ethan and Amira ate their meal and then headed out to Janessa's Fabrics

"Sir Ethan and Lady Amira, welcome!" Janessa greeted with a wide smile when the two entered her shop.

"Hello Janessa." Ethan replied

"Hello Ms. Janessa." Said Amira

The trio exchanged some more pleasantries before Janessa handed Ethan his two custom made outfits.

One was a set of cotton clothes made for travel while the other was a set of fine silver coloured robes with a purple trim.

"What material is this?" He asked when he saw the robes

"Silk, obviously." said Janessa wryly

"But isn't that-"

"Come. Let's go get you changed Lady Amira." Janessa said, completely ignoring what Ethan wanted to ask.

Before disappearing into the back room with Amira she turned and said "Wear the robes. you'll thank me later."

Ethan sighed but did as he was told and changed into the robes.

The silver and purple robes were light and comfortable

While looking at himself in a nearby mirror he couldn't help but admire the quality.

"Are you excited to see his face?" Janessa asked Amira as she helped her change into a set of Purple robes with silver trim.

The two sets of robes had been designed to be a mirror image of each other

"Maybe...I don't know." Amira said shyly with a beet red face

"Haha! Don't be nervous. You look amazing! I would be surprised if he even remembered his own name after he sees you." Janessa said confidently

After finishing with the wardrobe change

"By the way, Here's a special gift from me." She handed Amira a small package

"What is it?" Amira asked curiously

"It's just a little something for nighttime. 'Battle Wear' so to speak." Janessa said with a laugh

Amira was going to ask what she meant but didn't get the chance

"Come on. We can't keep him waiting."

Janessa grabbed her hand and led Amira back out into the shop

Ethan was still looking at himself when he heard movement behind him

"So, what do you think?" asked Janessa slyly

What Ethan saw struck him dumb.

Standing before him was no longer the girl he had rescued but a Goddess

"I-i..uh...wow." was all he could manage

"Hahaha! See? Didn't I tell you he'd be speechless?!" Janessa said with roaring laughter

Amira Blushed as red as a rose when she heard those words

"You look amazing." Ethan finally said with a nervous smile

"Thank you. You as well." she replied

They spoke for a while with Janessa before saying their farewells but before they left

"Here, the rest of your change." Janessa said as she handed Ethan a pouch full of Bronze Coins, 50 in total.

Ethan opened the pouch and put his hand inside

"You don't need to count it." she said

"I wouldn't cheat you."

"I know." He said as he handed her back 10 Bronze Coins

"What are you doing?" Janessa asked in a surprised voice

"You did more than I asked, so it's only fair that I pay you extra. And don't think of returning it. I won't accept." Ethan said with a smile.

He then left with Amira to go find Magistrate Virgil, Leaving Janessa in a state of shock