
Impaler In Boruto ( R-18 )

The story follows the adventures of a man who died and got reincarnated as 'Rey', an adopted son of tenten during the starting of boruto. Follow Rey on this erotic yet action packed adventure and guide him in fulfilling the wishes of every naruto lover. ........... ........... What to expect from the story? 1) A cunning mc? ( Done ) 2) A few OP abilities? ( Yes) 3) A lot of action? ( Done ) 4) A lot of erotic seggs scenes? ( goes without saying. ) .......... .......... There will be no netorare, meaning none of the mc's women will cheat on him. The mc will not not spare the girls within his same age group, So if you don't like this, hope you find another good story. The image used on the cover is not mine, so if the creator wants me take it down, just say so and I will do it. . . Visit the patre0n page for advanced chapters and many other benefits. ( patre0n.com/vas_yl ) Replace 0 with o. ....... ....... Benefits are: 1) Advance chapters 2) Exclusive r-18 posts 3) Exclusive images of characters 4) You can request personal r-18 chapters based on your own preferences. 5) You can message me. 6) You can decide in which direction you want the story to go. . . Enjoy

Impaler · Anime & Comics
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The attack exploded and even with Naruto minimizing its destruction, the shockwave caused by that  was more than enough to fling Rey away, causing him to lose consciousness.



The next thing he knew, he woke up in the hospital with a worried Tenten and Sarada by his side.

" Rey, Are you okay? " Tenten's worried voice entered his ears as soon as he opened his eyes.

Sitting up and he moved his arms a little bit and said while smiling.

" Perfectly alright. " Causing Tenten and Sarada to sigh in relief.

Rey then asked what happened after he was unconscious, causing Tenten to explain that although Naruto managed to save everyone, he was captured in the end and taken away.

As Tenten explained the situation, Mitsuki entered the room and explained how Boruto ran away after hearing what had happened and Hinata was worried and looking for him.

Rey didn't know how but he knew that something important was about to happen and he felt that he needed to be a part of it no matter what.

Rey trusted his gut instinct and alongside Tenten and Sarada joined them in their search operation.

Although Tenten initially said that Rey should take some rest but upon assuring her that he was absolutely fine, she didn't stop him again.



It took them almost 10 minutes to find the whereabouts of Boruto, which lead them to the roof of the hokage's building where the four kages, Shikamaru, Sasuke and Boruto stood.

There was also a portal in front of them through which the four kages entered, but before Boruto and Sasuke could enter, they heard the worried voice of Hinata.

" BORUTO... "

Hinata's voice caused Sasuke and Boruto to come to a halt and turn to look at the six people standing behind them. ( Hinata, Sakura, Tenten, Rey, Sarada, Mitsuki. )

Initially no words were exchanged as Boruto and Hinata understood each other's emotions and at last Boruto said.

" I am going with them!"

Hearing his words, Hinata smiled a little and said.

" I leave your father in your hands, Boruto. "



Just as Boruto and Sasuke were about to turn back and head into the portal, Rey stepped forward and said.

" Lord Sasuke, A word please. " Saying that Rey moved to the side under the confused gaze of everyone present on the rooftop.

Sasuke looked at Rey for a moment before following him and after exchanging a few words with Rey, he walked back in front of the portal with Rey following behind.

Seeing that Tenten's eyes widened, but before she could say anything, Rey spoke.

" Mom, Just trust me.

Okay? " But that was not enough to stop Tenten's worries.

" Y-You can't. " She said but her words fell on deaf ears as Rey started walking into portal.

" Don't worry, they both will be under my care. " Sasuke said before finally jumping into the portal along with Boruto, leaving Tenten and the others rooted to their spots.



Rey smirked inwardly as they were inside the portal, he had successfully managed to make Sasuke agree to take him along. As for how he did it, it was pretty simple, Rey knew no matter what excuse he prepared it won't work but luckily he had the perfect thing to make him agree.

Rey didn't beat around the bush and directly said " I need you to take me along with you, Just think of it as paying me back for saving Sarada's life earlier. "

His words caused Sasuke to narrow his eyes and think for a moment before he said.

" You might die there. " However Rey matched Sasuke's gaze, showing he wouldn't back down, causing Sasuke to nod at last.



Rey alongside the others exited the portal right above two otsutsuki duo, the raikage took the lead and launched an attack using his sword, causing the weird looking tree's branch to which Naruto was tied to get sliced off.

Rey and Boruto cut the smaller branch on each side of Naruto, freeing him from the bindings.

However Naruto couldn't control himself and was about to fall directly on the ground but Sasuke caught him and landed safely with him.

While the four kages were fighting the two otsutsuki, Naruto was quickly briefed about the situation which included why Boruto and Rey were there and basically Boruto and Naruto making up with each other.

After the small talk, Boruto informed Naruto to not use Ninjutsu against Otsutsuki Momoshiki as it would only end up being absorbed by him.

By that time they finished their talk, the four kages alongside Sasuke had managed to capture the big dude, Otsutsuki Kinshiki. While Otsutsuki Momoshiki was also cornered.



" We have taken care of your friend already.

I would surrender if I were you. " Sasuke said but Momoshiki didn't react to his words and turned to look at Boruto.

" Is that your kid, Fox? " Momoshiki said as he activated the dojutsu of his eyes.

" I see.

It seems like you are burdened with a rather interesting fate.

What a pity, Fox.

Even though you possess so much power yet not the jutsu to pass it down to the next generation.

Let me show you how my clan does it. " Momoshiki voiced as he raised his hand towards Kinshiki, causing him to burst out of his confinement with a sneer on his face.

By the time he reached Momoshiki's hand, he was converted into nothing more than a weird fruit, which was immediately gulped down by Momoshiki.

" Damn it. " Although Sasuke had moved quickly, he still wasn't fast enough to prevent it, resulting in Momoshiki getting a power up.

" Too late " Momoshiki said as a huge shockwave came from his body, pushing Sasuke and everyone back.



As the dust settled, a completely new Momoshiki appeared, he had a third eye on his forehead, his horns had grown longer and strange black markings appeared on his body.

" Fox...

You are next. " Saying that Momoshiki disappeared from his spot and within a few moments he knocked out the four kages with a single hit each.

' What power!! ' Rey didn't know if he should be terrified or amazed by such level of power. He knew that the kages were the best of the best among their peers who had trained for their whole life, yet they couldn't even last a single hit.

' And he isn't even the main villain. ' Rey believed that ' Kawaki ' was the main villain as in the starting scene of the manga, Konoha was shown destroyed and he was fighting the main protagonist 'Boruto'.

' Can I ever reach that power level? ' Rey thought as once again the feeling of powerlessness filled his heart.



Rey didn't know if he could or couldn't, but he knew one thing for sure and that was 'he didn't want to feel that feeling of powerlessness again'. That was also the reason that even after knowing he could die by coming here, he still came.

If he wanted he could have just stayed in the village and spend all his time chasing after skirts. Sooner or later he would achive elite Jonin level if not kage level. He could very well make a harem and live that life of bliss as long as he lived.

However he was risking it all to never feel that powerless again.

' It's not a matter of 'Can I' or 'Can I not'.

I will achieve that level of power and then I will surpass even that, No matter what!! ' Rey promised to himself.

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Benefits are:

1) Advance chapters

2) Exclusive r-18 posts

3) Exclusive images of characters

4) You can request personal r-18 chapters based on your own preferences.

5) You can message me.

6) You can decide in which direction you want the story to go.

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