
Immortality Martial Arts: I Started with the Five Animals Health Fist

Upon awakening, Su Changkong found himself transmigrated to a world thrown into chaos by war and rampaged by demon monsters, where his martial arts talent was mediocre. However, Su Changkong discovered that as long as his own "life span" increased, his talents and potential could also be "limitlessly" enhanced! Cultivating the Health-preserving Fist technique and practicing the qi of longevity! The path to immortality is littered with corpses, and Su Changkong embarked on a Martial Arts path where he would not perish, even if heaven and earth were to be annihilated!

It's really not Xu Xian · Eastern
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346 Chs

Chapter 32 Amazing Debut! Leave with a Flick of Sleeves!_1

Translator: 549690339

Bai Shao silently swallowed his saliva, not daring to question Su Changkong further; he still had doubts in his heart. Could there really be such a formidable young warrior amongst their White Jade Gang?

"The Young Gang Leader... The Young Gang Leader is dead!"

From other directions, people also noticed the decapitated corpse of Shi Hanshan, and the martial artists of the Black Cavalry Gang let out wails of grief.

Shi Hanshan, the Young Gang Leader of the Black Cavalry Gang, had led over a hundred elite troops to launch a surprise attack on the White Jade Gang, only to die here?

"Retreat! Retreat!"

Some of the Black Cavalry Gang's martial artists shouted loudly, knowing that the situation was beyond salvage and that they must withdraw!

Neighing sounds!

One horse after another neighed, as the martial artists of the Black Cavalry Gang pulled tightly on the reins and turned their horses around, fleeing into the distance.