
Immortal Spider Harem

Peter Parker and his family are thrust into the world of myths as a ancient enemy is rising and friends become foes. Yet their family will also began to grow bigger as Peter discovered his past lives from Ancient Greece that make even the beautiful goddess fall for the Spider-Man. Please help the story by reviewing and giving ideas of who should join the Parker family

Nikhil_Tom_Biju · Others
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11 Chs

Chapter 1

The sun was shining high above the city of New York and it's friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, a.k.a. Peter Parker, was swinging through it in his red and blue spider suit that newly patched up from the epic fight with his nemesis Green Goblin yesterday. Which was a course in the Daily Bugle Newspapers, yet as usual the headline read 'Menace Spider-Man destroy city property.' Courtesy of Peter's biggest 'fan' J. Jonah Jameson, who was also claiming this on the large tv screen in time square that Spider-Man was a menace, but which Peter ignored as he swung through New York City looking for any trouble. He was doing so by himself because his wife and partner Mary Jane Waston, A.K.A. Spinneret, who had her own powers from being bitten by a spider herself, was at the doctors at the moment to run some tests to confirm what she found out about being pregnant. Which lighten Peter's day and couldn't keep a smile off from beneath his mask as he swung his patrol. Normally he would go to the problem, but today was the opposite because it in fact came to Peter because as he was swinging past the Empire State Building, he were almost knocked out of the air by some kind of large fireball speeding right in front of him.

Managing to save himself by landing onto the side of a building, Peter looked back at the fireball with first concern about it hitting the street and then smiled beneath his mask as the ball suddenly pulled out of its dive to the ground and flew back towards Peter. Revealing it to be not a ball, but a guy encased from head to toe in orange flames that didn't obscure the number four on his chest. "Hey Johnny, you need to watch where you going. There's plenty of airspace for the two of us." Peter joked expecting his friend to joke back, that was until he looked at his friend's flame-cover face and didn't see the usual cheeky grin on Johnny Storm's face, "Johnny? Are you alright?" To which the Human Torch shook his head as he finally spoke in a voice filled with worry and anxiety, "No, no I'm not alright, you need to come with me to the Baxter Building right now." "Why? what's going on?" Peter asked "Its my sister, Sue." Johnny replied.

As they flew/swung through the city as fast as they could Johnny explained what happened, "Reed and Sue was in the lab, which isn't a big surprise for the science nerd Reed is, anyway, Reed was studying an ancient artifact that the New York University had found at a dig site in South America or somewhere. It's some kind of tablet, the Tablet of Arachnid, that was cover in these strange spider symbols and might have some magical property or something, in any case Reed was examining it, thinking maybe that if he could unlock the tablet magic then it could give people the same spider powers as you, when something happened." "What?" Peter asked "Apparently the tablet was magical and yet is also the home of a spider entity name, as the tablet said, 'Arachnid'. Who been sleeping peacefully in the stone for centuries until being rudely awaken by Reed's meddling, Arachnid came out angry and was probably ready to destroy Reed, until…"

"Until what?" Peter asked feeling anxious at seeing the worry expression on his flaming friend, "Until it spotted Sue and decided instead of destroying Reed, it would punish him by cursing someone who he cares for. Which is my sister, his wife, who that damn Arachnid placed a curse upon her, it making her feel pain I can't imagine, Ben and I wanted to clobber and roast the bug but Reed stopped us as he begged with the entity for mercy. I'm not sure if Reed managed to do it or not, but Arachnid finally said that he would be willing to remove the curse from Sue under some conditions. The first of which surprised us because the bug told us to find and bring the 'Hero and man of the Spiders' to him, it didn't take long for us to realize that he was talking about you Pete." Peter took a moment to absorb this information before asking what was the other conditions, but Johnny said that Arachnid would explain the rest upon their arrival and in the meantime his sister Sue was still suffering in the pain of the curse, so picking up their pace slightly it didn't take long before the two finally arrived at the Baxter building.

"Finally you're back hotshot, glad you managed to find webhead." Ben Grimm, the Thing, said as Johnny and Peter landed on top of the landing pad, "How is she?" Johnny asked as the three headed inside "Still in pain but fortunately that the spider isn't impatient of yet." Ben replied as they race down the hall towards Reed Richard's main lab, who was standing near the door and looked relief upon seeing Peter. Who gap beneath his mask at the sight before him, which was of a giant black spider the size of the Hulk with glowing red markings across its body and hairy legs as it stood above the Invisible Woman, Sue Storm who was on the ground. Her eyes were closed and her mouth was opened, yet no sound came from her as she writhed on the floor and upon entering the giant spider, clearly Arachnid, looked at Peter with its multiple glowing red eyes as it spoke through its clipping pincers.

"Ah Peter Parker, the Spider-Man of this world. Thank you for coming."

"In a different circumstance I might be flattered to be known by a giant spider, but the fact that you are hurting my friend is not one of them." Peter said, not really surprised somehow that a Spider entity knew his real name, and glancing down at his prey Arachnid replied "My apologies, one moment." And a beam of red light shot from the spider's eyes that hit Sue, who immediately stopped her thrashing and panted for air as Arachnid order Sue to "Stay there." Then looking at Peter he said "No doubt that you been informed about what going on here." Peter nodded "My friend Reed mistakenly woke you up from your nap and you're debating on how to punish him." Arachnid nodded its hairy head "Yes, I am. He foolishly messed with something that he shouldn't have and must be punished, turning him into dust would've been too merciful and while making his wife hurt for eternity seems better, I'm not without some kind of grace and mercy. I am willing to forgive Reed Richard for his blunder of my sleep, but he still must be gravely punish."

"Which since I'm here, you want me to be part of, I take it." Peter added "Yes, because of you being the Spider guardian of this modern world, you are entitled to carry out my decided punishment." Arachnid said "And what would that be? Punch the snout out Reed, web him up to the wall as I kiss his wife in front of him?" Peter asked, he was only joking on the last part and Reed knew he was, yet the giant spider pincers rose in to the equivalent of a smile "Actually yes, along with bedding his wife." To say that this surprised the fantastic four and Spider-Man would be an understatement, "What did you say, punk?" Ben was the first managing to speak smashing his fist into his rocky hand. "I am willing to forgive, if Peter Parker have sexual intercourse with this woman Susan in front of her foolish husband." Both Reed and Peter was about to open their mouths to argue with Arachnid, until the spider stopped them by adding "Otherwise I'll just resume the former torturing." And shot another beam to make Sue start thrashing again, "NO! STOP!" Peter and Reed shouted together and Arachnid halted the pain as the two heroes looked at each other to share a silent conversation.

Both of them knew that there wasn't any real choice because of the spider power it couldn't be beat by any attack they do, plus angering Arachnid more might resulted in Sue getting hurt even more. Also if Peter could save his wife and if it had to be done by him having sex with her just this one time, than Reed wouldn't hold it against him since really this was a no choice decision at all. So taking a deep breath and with much effort to get the words out Reed said "Ok Arachnid, we will agree to your deal that I will be forced to watch Peter Parker having intercourse with my wife." Johnny and Ben was appalled and about to argue until Reed gave them a look that asked if they had any other better objects to the situation they were in. When they remained quiet Arachnid spoke "Excellent, now we should be in the proper place for this." It's eyes suddenly flashed white and when he could see again Peter found himself in a bedroom with Reed beside him and Sue laying on the large bed. From the look of the room, it was Sue and Reed room, who Arachnid launched a stream of webs at to shove Reed into a corner and pinned there with a web over the mouth to keep him quiet. The Spider entity then used its magic to pull the blinds close, turn the lights off and summoned several lite candles to illuminate the dark room, "To set the mood, also this will help you two to get into it as well." It said firing beams of pink light this time at both Sue and Peter, who could've dodge it but took the hit since he had to, at first he didn't feel any different until his eyes landed on Sue as she climbed off the bed and finally got back to her feet.

Which Peter noticed were attached to a nice pair of long legs that was connected to a body that was still hourglass shape with only a slight wideness of her hips from when Sue gave birth to her children. Who had inherited her blonde hair that she wore long as it fell around her beautiful fair heart shape face and stopped just at her D-size and perfectly rounded breasts that were quite noticeable beneath her blue fantastic suit, which gripped her body and her look even more beautiful in Peter's eyes as they ran up and down Sue's form while feeling the bulge in his pants grow.

Sue in turn also was eyeing Peter who own suit outlined the mussels in his arms, legs and she could just make out the six pack of his chest. She also noticed the bulge below his waist and felt herself beginning to get wet at the mere thought of seeing, Reed was momentarily confused as to what was going on until Arachnid, shrinking to a tarantula size spider had appeared on his webbed shoulder to explain in a whisper. "I have put a powerful love spell on them, right now their eyes are only for each other." Reed knew this was true since not once did his wife even glance his way, her gaze upon Peter as did his. "The spell is not only making them lust for each other, but it also take every single feeling that they had for the other and enhance it tenfold. From school-crushes to genuine love is merged into the purest form of love, plus also with the love spell I put a spell to raise their hormones." Reed gave the bug an alarmed look, "Don't give me that, they're going to be having intercourse, so it's only natural to get the two into the right 'mood' and a couple of 'boons' like body 'sensitivity' and some 'others' will help them out. Oh and if you have any small hopes of someone barging in, then forget it because I put both a repelling charm on the door to make someone turn around and leave knowing not to disturb this. Also it would take them a long while to even get to the door because of the time spell I put on the room."

Reed raised an eyebrow at Arachnid who continued to explain "Let's say that sixty full minutes had past inside this room, while outside it would just be only one long second. So even if your flame/rocky friends learn where we had teleport to, by the time they get to this room, the fun will be already way over. A course all depends on how well those two perform in satisfying not only me in your punishment, but with each other, now let's sit back and enjoy the show." Arachnid finished and Reed looked up in time to see Peter and Sue starting to slowly approach each other.

When they got near enough Sue reached out to grab the hem of the spider mask and without him resisting she pulled it smoothly off to reveal the handsome face of Peter Parker, Sue ran her fingers through his short yet naturally messy brown hair before trailing her hands down his face. Running her thumbs across his hazel brown eyes and upon coming to his strong chin Sue moved to rest her hands on her chest as Peter took his turn to cup her face in his large hands, just this action and seeing the love that was usually meant for him made Reed's stomach twist and he so wanted to extend his hands out to push the two away. But the webbing was strong as vibranium or adamantium and the magic of it thoroughly restrained Reed from using any of his elastic powers, Arachnid also performed another spell to keep his eyes open while not irritating him as he continued to watch Peter and Sue.

Who may have been under a love spell, but was still mostly themselves because of Peter, still staring into Sue's blue eyes, saying with genuine sadness "I'm so sorry that is happening Sue." And she responded "Don't be Pete, it's not your fault and between this and the alternative, I have to admit that this is better and that fact that it's being done with you and not someone like Stark makes this way better. So thanks Peterhmm…" Sue was stopped by Peter, upon hearing that she didn't blame him, leaning down to capture her lips with his and her eyes almost rolled up into her head as she reacted with her arms snaking back up around his neck as she kissed back. To say Reed was getting annoyed would be both true and above it since he never like seeing his wife kissing other men, Ben had practically tie him into a knot when she kissed Namor and yet like then Reed couldn't do anything but watch as Sue and Peter's kiss grew gradually more passionate.

Their mouths opening so the two could go a few rounds of tongue twisting before they finally pulled away from each other panting hard from their lack of air, Peter's hands had moved from Sue's face to her waist and pulled her body close to him as he rested his forehead against Sue's. Who ran her fingers again through the back of his hair as she commented between her breaths, "My. Goodness. Where. Did. You. Learn. To. Kiss. Like. That?" This made Peter chuckle "I Had. Some Practice." Sue smirk "Well obviously, you had kissed women before. But if I had known that you could give this kinda kisses, I would have tried to get you under the mistletoe at the Christmas parties." The two laughed at this and didn't hear the growling coming from the man in the corner as they rejoined their lips together for another round of making out. During which the two heroes hormones rose an octave as Peter moved his hands down from Sue's waist and took hold of the perfectly rounded cheeks of her ass and gave them a squeeze that brought a squeak from Sue. Who broke the kiss to playfully slap his arm, "Peter Parker!" She said yet in a sarcastic way and smiled to show that she was playing with Peter, making him smile back as he again squeezed her butt and leaned his head down to buried his face into the side of Sue's neck.

"Oh Peter." Sue said with a soft moan escaping from her lips that formed an open O shape as Peter's lips tickled her skin and was followed by his teeth gently nipping it, which made Sue's moans grow gradually louder as she placed her hand back onto his head in order to keep it against her neck and raised one of her legs to wrap it around his as she felt the large bulge in his pants rub against her stomach. Even if his mouth wasn't webbed shut Reed was quiet in utter shock as the scene of his wife and friend holding each other as if they had done this before like two long time lovers, a course this was going to be their first and only time doing this yet it still angered Reed more as Peter left hickeys on Sue's neck, squeezed her ass and making her let out the moans that he usually brought out of his wife. Who was fully enveloped in the love spell that made her clung to her Spider lover and ran her free hand across his back, she probably wanted to feel the skin under the costume because Sue soon proceeded to let go of Peter's head and moved her fingers down his chest to slip beneath the hem of his costume shirt. Sensing what she wanted Peter raised his arms above his head as Sue pulled the shirt up and off to reveal the upper body of Peter Parker, which the shirt didn't deceived in being perfectly built as a warrior during ancient times would have. This even included the baker dozen of scar tissue dotting across his torso from his many battles in defending New York City, for a moment Sue marveled at the scars and burns with her fingers running across the line and circles on his six pack abs.

Even in his angry state Reed couldn't help but stare as well at Peter's back that was had more scars on it than he and most of the superhero community had combined, Reed knew there would've been probably more if not for Peter's healing factor and that theses were the only ones that had been deep enough to leave the scars.

"Oh Pete, you suffered so much, took all theses wounds so innocent people wouldn't and yet Jameson still calls you a menace over the Iron broadcasts, why does he hate you so much?" Sue asked running a finger over a particularly large scar that she could guess came from a battle with either venom or rhino. "He had always hated me from the moment I rescued his son Jonah and thought I stole his glory of being the hero." Peter replied shivering as the softness of Sue's touch to his body, "Jameson hates you for preventing him from attending his son's early funeral? That got to be the most stupid reason I heard, especially a starting point of career where he basically blame you for everything that happens, grr… I swear I'm going to break Jameson's nose." Sue said with growl and fire appearing in her eyes as Peter chuckled "As much as I would like to see that, I hope you aren't planning to go do it right now." He asked jokingly and Sue playfully slapped his chest "Well not right now, but the next time I see him. Anyway, since you're have no shirt on, I guess we should make it even." And with that Sue proceeded to remove the top half of her suit, until it joined Peter's on the floor and leaving her in just her pants and the black bra that hid her breasts. Unlike Peter, Sue's fair skin had almost no scars and to him seem glow in the candle light as Peter's hands moved, almost without him thinking of doing it, to touch the flesh and see if it was as soft as it looked.

He wasn't disappointed and genuinely surprised that his own girlfriend Mary Jane's skin didn't feel this soft unless she just got out of the shower, Sue Storm's skin felt exactly like that yet without a drop of water needed as Peter ran his hands slowly up her arms. While in turn Sue moved hers down his chest and when they reached their destination, the shoulders for Peter and the waist for Sue the two, as if being mind reading telepaths, in unionize wrapped their arms around each other and pulled the other towards them. So in a second Sue's bra cover breasts got sandwiched in between their pressing bodies, which fitted practically into place like a piece of a puzzle going into the right spot. The two might've actually laughed at this if their eyes didn't connect and both were almost lost in each other gaze until their bodies acted almost on their own accords as Sue stood up slightly on her tiptoes to raise her slightly shorter self up the half head distance between her and Peter. Who she again pressed her lips against and he responded in kind by returning the quickly heated kiss while burying his fingers this time into her long blonde hair as he felt her tongue rub the bottom of his lips to once again ask for entry that Peter immediately granted.

The two had a battle of the tongues that Sue quickly lost and as for his reward Peter moved his not in hair hand down her body until coming to her thighs, and grabbed her leg to lift it up and wrapped it around his waist. Sue, who arms moved out of the way of her leg and went to slip around Peter's neck, balanced on the toes of her other foot still on the floor for a moment before her lover then grabbed that leg and Sue found herself wrapped around Peter. Who, without breaking the kiss, blindly carried his lover forward to the bed that she had only shared with one man, the guy stuck in the corner unable to make a sound of protest as Peter climbed onto his side of the bed and laid his wife onto the mattress. Pulling away from the kiss, that made Sue groan at the loss, Peter proceeded to kiss Sue's neck, turning her groans into moans, and then moved down to her large orbs, that had been hidden beneath the black bra until Peter used his spider super strength to tear it right off with his teeth.

Sue couldn't help but giggle at the mesmerized look on Peter's face as he looked at her now expose breasts, "Like what you see Pete? Oh what am I saying, a course you like them. Since you always give them a sneaky glance every time we are together and don't try to deny it." Peter smiled slyly "Alright then I won't, they are just the perfect size and shape to match a beautiful woman like you. And I won't lie that I, along with practically every man in New York, had dreamed about playing with these incredible melons of yours Sue." Sue giggled again "Yes, well now your dream has become true and since this will be the only time, I recommend that you enjoy theses 'melons' as much as you can. So go ahead Pete and play withhh…!" She had stopped speaking since Sue immediately moaned as Peter at once grabbed her breasts and gave them a hard squeeze.

They were like re-inflatable balloons or squishy toys because upon letting go of the squished breast they almost immediately returned to perfectly round orbs that was only different from before because of the now visible red handprints on them. Which soon got an overlaying stack of prints as Peter began to 'play' with the fun bags that he smashed together and occasionally gave them a slap to redden the fair skin flesh, as for Sue her groan and moans grew louder especially with the smacking that she never really experienced before. Because while Reed could morph the size of his hands, he wasn't really too hard with her and she in turn had never really like rough sex, but probably because of the love spell her normal inhibitors were removed and opening her eyes to things that she didn't come to mind. Such as being manhandled and finding herself getting turned on by the dominance way Peter was handling her, yet he was still treating her with respect and compassion as Peter would ask after a few slaps if she was okay. To which Sue found herself replying with a "Yes, please continue. Punish my melons." Or "Oh Yes Peter! Play With My Breasts! I Know That You Like Theses Bouncing Orbs With The 'Sneaky' Glances You Give Them And No Doubt Of Daydreaming About Them! Now You Are, So Go Ahead And Playyy…!"

Which Peter did until Sue's breast were red as tomatoes and he figured it was the right time to continue on as he planted a surprisingly gentle kiss onto each of Sue's nipples. This made Sue's heart flutter as her Spider lover moved from her breast, planting kisses across her stomach that tickled and made Sue giggle like a schoolgirl. Even more when Peter stopped to stick his tongue into her bellybutton, 'He can be a goof sometimes. But he's my goof.' Sue thought with a smile as the love spell continue to strengthen her feelings for the Spider-Man, who's handsome face was now in between her legs that was still cover in her suit. Which had endured a lot of punishment from punches to blades and flames, yet it was now practically a pair of tear away pants for a stripper because Peter, in almost one fluent movement, tore the superhero fabric off to expose Sue's bare shaven legs and the black panties underneath.

Which was the next casualty in the war of clothing versus spider strength as Peter, with one finger, pulled Susan's underwear clean off. When his eyes saw what the panties were covering Sue swore Peter thought that he had found the holy grail or something, this confused Sue for a moment because Peter clearly have seen a woman's vagina. Such as his wife's Mary Jane and even other women who he had dated, then she realized that as the love spell was candy coding Peter in her eyes, it was doing the same to him and since Peter had only dreamed about this moment it was taking him a second to determine if he was in a dream or not. With Reed staring at Peter with an angry fire at him staring at his wife private parts, Sue, starting to see the dilemma of finally seeing her naked form but not fully willing, sat up to cup his face to draw his attention as she gave him a short deep kiss. Before pulling away but keeping her face close Sue whispered so quietly that Reed couldn't hear "This isn't a dream, and while you might think that you are defiling me. You're not Pete, you are being a hero saving my life from a evil and if given a choice between you and someone who isn't as noble, like Stark. Then I would spend a hundred days with you in this bed then one with the likes of another one else."

Peter was still seeing a conflict as he answered just as quietly "But I just realized that it might be your period, or Arachnid have no doubt as a further punishment made you extremely fertile. So if I come inside you, then you might become…" Sue stopped him with a finger on the lips "Yes, it both my period and that there isn't any reason that Arachnid would be satisfied with just us in bed. But Pete, that pain he put me through was beyond any measure of pain I had ever experienced and I was almost driven mad. So I say that taking your potential seed into my fertility womb is a price to pay to avoid another round of pain is not too bad…" Sue said caressing Peter's cheek "And if you become pregnant?" She smiled at him "We'll come to that bridge when it comes, but for right now I think we should return to the road to it." Giving Peter one more kiss Sue laid back down on the bed and Peter again gazed down at the pink lips in between her legs.

Which he noticed that had large amounts of juices leaking out from the folds, 'She's that wet for me?' Peter managed to think before both he used his enhanced spider senses to smell/confirm this and his hormones skyrocketing to make Peter act nearly on instinct for the next part of this episode of the Spider and Invisible Woman. Starting with Peter reaching out to touch with his thumb the top of Sue's pussy, who, because of her body's senses being heightened already from Peter's slap fest on her breast and the body sensitivity boon, moaned and her body shuttered with goosebumps as a surge of her juice came out to stain nearly a foot of the mattress. 'I… I came from just him touching it. Oh I'm in for a ride.' Sue said in her head while a moan came through her lips and her body would've arched as Peter's index finger ran down the surface of her lips if he didn't placed his free hand on Sue's stomach and pinned her to the bed with ease as he continued to tease her. Which was throwing Sue more over the edge and she stain several more feet of the bed as she came harder when Peter finally inserted his digit through her hole.

A boon that Sue guessed Arachnid have bestowed upon her was the ability to stay conscious from the amount of pleasure that she was sure receiving would put any normal girl into a pleasure coma. 'And it just his fingers!' Sue screamed in her head as Peter proceeded to finger fuck her with every few minutes adding another finger until all his four fingers were going halfway deep into Sue Storm's pussy. Which had now drenched his whole hand in more juice than Sue thought possible from a finger fucking and it just the hand, there was still the bulge that Sue could see in Peter's pants as he finally pulled his hand out of her. He probably thought to wait for a while to let her recompose herself and was surprised by Sue tackling him until Peter found himself laying on his back on Reed's side of the bed. Who just like Peter thought at the same time 'What is she doing?' As they watched Sue, now on top, grab hold of the edge of Peter's suit pants and pulled them down and the two married members of the Fantastic Four eyes widened as the bulge in Peter's pants got exposed. Inch by inch until enough was freed to let it spring out and almost give Sue a black eye as it stood straight up, Sue's mouth was agape as she gazed at the hunk of manhood that was Peter's cock. Standing at a length of maybe a foot and so thick that when Sue reached out to wrap her fingers around the shaft, they couldn't close even to halfway around it "Amazing!" Sue marveled as she began to run her hand up and down the monster.

Which she and her husband knew would have a hard time going in, because while Reed could stretch his dong to different size. He usually tended to keep it at the size it was before Reed got his powers, which were also half a foot shorter and thinner than the beast that their friend somehow possessed. 'It could alter Sue's vagina dramatically and even damage it beyond repair!' Reed panicked and attempted to break free from his bonds, yet they held firm and the muffle screams Reed let out was barely more then a tiny squeak through the webbing and Arachnid chuckled at the attempts. As for Sue, she too thought of Peter's manhood damaging her pussy, yet instead of being scared the love spell made Sue get excited about taking something that was bigger than her husband's and was so without any powers of elasticity.

Letting her mind fall back into the lust fog Sue positioned herself in the 'Usual' Oral position between Peter's legs and opened her mouth to run her tongue across the length of Peter's shaft, who let out a pleasant growl at the feeling of Sue attending to him. Which grew from a growl to a groan as Sue moved to run circles around the head of his cock, while not leaving the now wet shaft unattended as she grabbed her still reddish breasts and sandwiched it in between them. "Ah Sue!" Peter's head dropped back onto the pillow as she closed her whole mouth over his mushroom head. He clutched the bedcovers as Peter felt a skillful tongue work the top while her breast worked the middle and one of Sue's hands went to play with his ball base. It took almost everything Peter had not to come within minutes, which was a bit surprising since he spent hours fighting villains without breaking and yet against his blonde lover he was struggling to survive her blowjob attacks. Sue could see this on Peter's face and though she knew that he would come soon by her tongue, Sue knew that he will last longer in the main event. 'The question is, will I?' Sue thought as she stuck as much of Peter's cock down her throat, gagging slightly but not pulling out as she felt Peter tense and let out a yell as he finally let go. Experience from MJ had Peter react to reach out and grab hold of the back of Sue's head, keeping her down even as a stream of his hot white seed came out of the top.

Sue held on as the force and sheer amount of seed that shot out of Peter almost forced her off, but she gripped Peter's thighs tightly and did the best she could to gulp down as much of the delicious liquid as she could. But there was so much that some managed to escape out of her mouth and ran down the 2/3 part of Peter's shaft she couldn't stuff down her throat, which also felt like fire was scorching the tunnel and yet instead of pain Sue felt a surge of pleasure go through her body starting in her filling up stomach. Which felt full with a least a gallon of seed by the time the jets stopped and Peter let go of Sue's head to let her up to swallow the good amount of seed still in her mouth and then take in deep breaths of airs, Peter stared stunned at the beauty of Sue Storm who still looked amazing even after being practically choked by his cock. Which was still hard and cover in seed that had fell off of Sue's chin before she could lick it up with her tongue and splash against her breasts, that rose, fell and jiggled as Sue refilled her lungs. Once she did Sue looked down at the meat she sucked on and with a hungry look in her eyes Sue leaned back down and proceeded to lick Peter's cock clean, which she did quite quickly and let out a sigh as she scooped up the bit of seed on her chest and it went down her throat.

"That was delicious, a nectar that can drug a woman with its taste. I would so much want to milk you for more Peter, but my stomach isn't the only one screaming for your seed…" Sue looked at her lover with a seductive smile as her fingers drew circles on his chest, "Now that we had the appetizers, it time I believe for the main course, would you prefer that I serverrr…!" Sue was cut off by Peter, this time, letting his instincts take over and grabbing her he easily rolled them across the bed until again Peter was on top of Sue. Who was denied a chance to speak by Peter kissing her with a passion that was better than the rest so far, she wrapped her arms around his neck and returned the favor to battle his tongue with gusto while feeling something massive touch her thigh. Sue shivered a bit in nervousness but she knew there was no going back now, as much as it would hurt she still wanted it more and moved one of her hands from Peter's neck, down his chest and grabbed hold of the massive cock. Guiding the head to the entrance of Sue's pussy that really felt too small in size and Peter broke the kiss to glance down between their bodies at the sight and then looked back up into Sue's eyes with worry and wonder if she wanted this.

Seeing this Sue realized that Peter truly loved her, and it wasn't because of the love spell, she saw that this man, her brother's best friend, loved her so much that the thought of hurting her even in making love was sin. Cupping his cheek Sue kissed Peter gently and then brought her lips to his ear as her limbs wrapped around his neck and waist "Take it slow and steady, I forgive you." Knowing that there would be nothing else to say or do, Peter took a deep breath and began to move his hip forward. At first it seemed that Sue's pussy wouldn't allow entry, but one of the boons that Arachnid placed on Peter was mixing a special substance into his cum that was still leaking from the tip and when it touched Sue's lips it mixed into the flesh. Which immediately started to loosen up and the doors to Sue's pussy began to open up, spreading wider and wider apart with each centimeter of Peter's giant mushroom head. A another bonus of the cum boon was that instead of feeling the pain that she should've felt, Sue felt just an intense tingling sensation that was the absence of pain as Peter, after about ten minutes of slow pushing, finally managed to get his crown through the opening lips.

Which immediately closed around the base like the end of a balloon, tightly trapping Peter Parker inside of Sue Storm, who was breathing hard as she could feel that her opening was stretched unnaturally and wondered how it was possible that Mary Jane had managed to take this monster's head and not be hospitalized. 'A great woman… if she could take Pete, then I can to.' Sue thought with determination even as she gave a squeak when Peter shifted his body and moved his cock so it got pulled out a bit. Instead of coming out, the crown got trapped by her tight opening ring and it pulled Sue's whole vaginal passage out a bit. She couldn't help moaning out loud as that was the first time she felt something like that and the sound made her husband scream in anger, yet neither of Spider-Man or the Invisible Woman noticed the barely noticeable sound as they looked into each other eyes. Peter's filled with a question about if he could continue the 'exploration' and Sue's with approval as she bury her head into Peter's shoulder and held on for dear life as he started pushing forward again, "You're… So… Tight." Peter growl as he started to do short but hard thrusts that allow his crown to slowly spread apart the walls of Sue's vagina, which was helped by cum boon and the fact that her pussy was drenched in her own juices.

This helped in the little bits as Sue's opening was spread wide again to let half inch by half inch of Peter's monster to slide into Sue, who was seeing stars as she silently and grudgingly thanked Arachnid for a painless boon because she was feeling amazing pleasure mixed with the surges of electricity that locked her to Peter. While in her mind there was nothing but three things, the pleasure, the thing causing the pleasure as it went inside her and the man who it was attached to. Who took a break from breaking the first half of his lover pussy to let Sue catch her breath, "I'm sorry." He whispered in her ear and Sue heard the sorrow of hurting her creeping into his voice, which she stomped out by pulling her head off Peter's shoulder and pulling him into a kiss that relayed the message that she was alright. Getting it Peter continue onward, doing test of moving forward a bit and then pulled back to see if the walls would close, but the electrical pleasure acted like a taser on the mussels of Sue's pussy keeping them open while gripping his shaft tightly enough so when Peter pulled back her whole vagina was stretched out a bit.

This actually helped accommodate more of Peter's cock that was now going in inch by inch, until at last the mushroom crown reached the end of the vagina tunnel and made contact with the wall of Sue's cervix. Who moaned with joy, excitement and was astonished when she peered down between her and Peter's bodies to see that he just managed to fit his whole length inside of her. 'By Galactic, Pete, you are big!' Sue yelled in her head, she wanted to say it out loud but her mouth got occupied with another round of kissing with her Spider lover as they waited for the needed time for Sue's body to adjust to having so big inside her. Which her pussy was gripping so tightly that it felt like the pair were one and would stay so until the end of this crazy event, who spectators, a pinned to the wall Reed and a on the shoulder spider Arachnid, gazed with mixed feelings at the lovers on the bed. Arachnid let out a quiet smirk since he knew that while Reed was a Fantastic stretchable hero and scientist, he wasn't really that fantastic in the bed with his wife and that on the times he would leave his lab to even snuggle with her. Reed funks in the area of love, while Peter excelled in it even just being a friend to Sue and it why, to just him, he was slowly removing the love spell since it wasn't needed anymore as proof by how Peter and Sue kissed, love spell free.

Leaving just their pure love for each other that actually seem to grow on it own as the two pull apart and Sue answered again the question Peter was going to ask, "I'm okay, there wasn't any pain and I'm ready for you to move." Understanding and immediately complying with a smile Peter took hold of Sue's hip and felt her nails dig into his back as she groaned in disappointment as he pulled his cock out. As before the shaft tugged and pull the walls of Sue's pussy a bit, making her groan louder, as it came out until only the head, trapped by the vagina ring gripping the base, remained inside. Then Peter thrusted back into Sue, emulating a scream of pleasure from her as the crown hit her cervix and sent a surge of pleasure through her body. Which she received again and again as Peter pulled out and shoved back in, he first started slow as his cock worked on molding Sue's pussy to allow him to move with more smoothness with each thrust. Once he was certain that he wouldn't damage the now open channel, Peter picked up the speed and force of his thrusting that made Mary Jane practically submit to his dominance within minutes and wasn't disappointed by Sue screaming for more. After sometime Peter felt that he was coming close and Sue too because she felt Peter's thrusting become erratic and his cock was starting to get bigger in size. She knew what was going to happen. Peter was going to unleash torrents of potent cum in to her unprotected womb. Sue remembered that she accepted a life as the mother of his children when this arrangement from pain began. She would gladly bare the fruits of this union with Spider-Man in her womb. When the realization hit her, Sue went in to another squirting orgasm as she screamed her love for Peter Parker. Who in turn announced his love as he pushed in as far as he can in to Sue and started to release his seed. Sue's ejaculate washed his groin and large scrotum while her walls pulsed deliciously around the monster cock that was impregnating her with streams of seed going straight into her womb.

Each time Peter pumped a new batch of cum in to Sue, her walls milked the cock as they were milking it for more cum. He was emptying his huge balls in to Sue and Peter was filling her with seeds on and on. Sue had come down from her orgasm and now was feeling the huge scrotum that rested on her ass contracted and relaxed each time Peter pumped more and more cum in to her. She could feel the hot thick liquid spraying against her cervix and this brought a moan from Sue each time. As Peter grunted with each filling, Sue felt the excess was now escaping from the tight seal she had around the base of his cock and running down the divide of her ass, on to the bed. As Sue basked in the post orgasmic bliss and the feeling of being inseminated by her lover; she wondered how can a man cum this much. And how unlikely it was to not to get pregnant from something like this. There was a primal untamed pleasure about realizing that she was being bred by this man who, just hours ago, used to be just a friend and now was more. After more than five minutes of pumping seed in to Sue, Peter was starting to go soft and he pulled out the deflating monster from her well stretched walls. Sue let out a moan of disappointment as the cock head got pulled out of her opening with a 'plop' sound. Her opening remained opened as if it didn't want to let go the memories of her lover.

Who fell onto the bed beside her and she immediately moved to feeble curl up against his chest, hearing the pounding of his heartbeat as he tried to regain his breath like her. "Th… That was A… Amazing." Sue panted feeling the essence of her lover leaving her pussy and wish it could stay it. The two had completely forgotten about Arachnid until they jumped at hearing his voice in their heads, "It was and just the beginning, I'm not satisfied yet. So here a little pick me up." And the two heroes bodies glowed with a pink light as felt their faded strength return, Peter looked at his blonde hair company with a rai smile "So do you want the top this time?" Sue returned the smile as she felt Peter's cock grow hard again against her stomach, "Sure. It's is my turn." The two laugh as again they rolled across the mattress until Sue was again on top and lowered herself down onto the cock that, for the next several hours, pounded away inside her permanently damaged pussy and filled it with more seed as Peter and Sue did different positions like a kneeling bodyguard, the sinner and lying groundhog.

After what seemed like an eternity Peter and Sue finished with a missionary position and again was holding each other when Arachnid spoke, "Okay, I'm satisfied." Sue was rubbing her belly as she imagined the kid that would grow there, because there was no doubt in her mind that she was now pregnant with Peter Parker's child.

Sue smiled at the thought and nuzzled her face into Peter's chest even as sad thoughts about having to get up and out of Peter's arms so soon filled her head, until Arachnid surprised as Reed suddenly disappeared. "Where did he…?" Peter started to ask before Arachnid answered "Just transported him to the end of the hall just outside the door, the time spell is still in place and will break when you open the door. So can relax and enjoy each other a bit more before you have to face stretchy. We'll see each other again soon, bye." The spider entity said with a pincer smile as it vanished in a flash of light, leaving the two heroes truly alone. Sue sighed sadly "Well one crisis averted, but I'm not looking forward to the talk with Reed." Peter gave her a reassuring squeeze "Don't worry, I'll be there by your side, and technically he can't blame either of us. Because the only ones that he can are Arachnid and himself for messing with that artifact." Sue frown turned upside down and said with hope in her voice "Thanks Pete, and I'll protect you from the evil eye Reed will be giving you and the wrath that you will get from MJ." "She'll understand the reason and won't be too upset since it was to save you from hurting because of your husband stupid mistake. Well I think we should probably get cleaned up before our doomsday spouse meetings, want to take the shower first?" Sue raise an eyebrow and lip "Do that mean you don't want to help wash by back?" She said in the most seductive voice that only an idiot would miss the significance, 'Like Reed.' Sue giggled as Peter quickly picked her up into his arms and carried into the bathroom.