
Immortal Loving Dad

Due to Heavenly Tribulation, Zhang Han crossed back to Earth from the Cultivation world. He Crossed back to the dat which Changed his life that Reckless car race, that day, He was seriously injured in the accident, lost both arms, and then struggled to survive for 5 years eventually choose to jump off a cliff to commit suicide. In the falling, he Crossed into the world of the cultivation world. After 500 years of cultivation, he finally reached the final Heavenly Tribulation, but coincidentally he Crossed back to car race day. Was this necessary way to pass the tribulation, or was it a temporary disorder that caused him to go back in time ? He didn't have time to think carefully about all this but was pulled back to his thoughts by a little girl voice - " Daddy~" Eh? When do I got a daughter? This time, with 500 years of cultivation experience and Magic Treasures. Zhang Han's first thought is to win this car race safely, and then open a restaurant, write songs, dating beautiful girls, find out who murdered his family? The most important thing is to protect his baby Daughter. This time, he will not fill!

DaoistooFk14 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

C7 Zi Yan’s Nervousness

Zi Yan nodded her head, picked up her bag and rummaged through her and said, I'll give my Emily a call."

Talking about the little girl, Zhou Fei was kind of emotional. She rolled her eyes at Zi Yan and said:

"Elder sister, somehow you can be at ease with the slovenly man taking care of Emily.  If she got sick or insalubrity, you would regret it."

"Emily is his daughter after all, he .. he would pay more attention right?" Zi Yan said uncertainly, taking out her phone and dialling Zhang Han's number.

"Du.. du.."

The phone rang a dozen times before it was connected. Her daughter's young and cheerful voice came from inside, "Mum I miss you so much."

Hearing her daughter's voice, the irritation in Zi Yan's heart was completely swept away. Her face also had a smile that was rarely seen by anyone as she said softly, "Emily, have you been having fun there these past few days?"

"Eh?" "Uh.." You, you are calling me wrongly, I am not Emily!"

"Then who are you?" Zi Yan smiled and said, Thinking that her daughter was joking.

"I am Zhang Yu Meng, Meng Meng. Mengmeng." Mengmeng's cheerful voice came out of the phone.

When Zi Yan heard this her expression froze. She subconsciously panicked: Zhang Yu Meng? He gave Emily a new name? Did he want to take Emily from me?

"Why did you change your name" Zi Yan suppressed his emotions and asked.

"Because, I'm Chinese, and Emily is foreigners name, so I don't want it."

"Oh, then have you been having fun these past few days?" Zi Yan was startled and asked.

"But, I'm so happy. I'm enjoying my life with my dad."

Enjoy life? It was only wished for her not having to suffer with him!

Zi Yan muttered in her heart.

From the little girl's tone, she could tell that she was actually quite reliant on her impoverished, vile, and stubborn father!

"How do you enjoy life?" Zi Yan asked.

"Ugh…" "Daddy, Mama asked me how we enjoyed life…"

Mengmeng did not know how to reply, so she quickly turned to her father for help.

Soon, Mengmeng's voice came through the phone again, "Dad said, we at the best, drank the best, played the best.. We are going to sit on the big bird later. Mom, let's hang-up now. Dad and I are going to enjoy life."

After saying this, Zi Yan's phone vaguely came a few words: "Hello, the plane heading to…"

Then, the phone was hung up.

Zi Yan was stunned.

Her daughter hung up on her?

Enjoy life?

Zhang Han you are really good at cheating children, in such dire straits, how can he enjoy life like that?

What did that last sentence mean? At the station? Airport? Or where? With his stubbornness, would he leave Shang Jing?

"Sis, sis, sis Zi Yan?"

Zhou Fei called out a few times, only to see Zi Yan turning her head to look at her, her eyes filled with confusion.

"What's wrong, sis?" Did Emily say anything? Has she been there long enough?" Zhou Fei asked curiously.

"Nothing." Zi Yan came back to her senses and replied, lowering her head, feeling upset.

In the past when she was talking to his daughter, she had always been the one coaxing and begging her to hang up the phone. But now, the little girl didn't even ask her just hung up. The sudden change make her feeling sad.

"It's getting late, let's go back." Zhou Fei looked at her watch and said.

At this time, Zi Yan raised her head and said: "No, Little Fei, let's book a flight to Shang Jing as soon as possible!"

"Huh?" Zhou Fei was stunned for a moment before saying. "But the company has still two more meetings tomorrow, and tonight we even agreed to have dinner with Young Master Li."

"Postpone them all! We need to go back and get Emily back, she…" Zi Yan took a breath and said "She has learned something wrong there."

"Oh, okay." Zhou Fei nodded. She knew that Zi Yan had always kept her words with regards to the little girl, so she quickly took out her phone to book a plane ticket.

Actually it was Zi Yan who was misunderstood. Mengmeng wanted to chat with her mother, but the plane was about to take off. Zhang Han reminded her and hung up right after the little girl had said her goodbyes.

"Alright, Mengmeng. We are going to ride the big bird. We'll continue chatting with your mom when we get to the destination, alright?" Zhang Han said softly.

"Well, get on the big bird and talk to Mama when we arrive." Mengmeng was excited in Zhang Han's arms.

The little girl really liked flying because she could see the cotton-sugar-like cloud ☁️ outside the window.

But this time the Clouds were out of sight, because it was already night.

At 9:30 PM, the flight arrived at Xiangjiang International Airport on time.

Zhang Han dragged the luggage with his left hand and hug the little girl with right hand. On the other side of the Airport entrance Zi Yan,

who was wearing a face mask and Sunglasses 😎😷, and Zhou Fei were rushing towards the departure lounge. Her trip to the capital was destined to be a flight to nothingness.

Walking out of the airport, Zhang Han's eyes swept around the crowd before finally landing on a woman in the middle of the crowd.

The woman's appearance some what similar to Zhang Han's, except that her eyebrows where shaped like willow leaves, and her nose and lips were very small. She was Zhang Li, with a height of 1.7m, and she could be

graded over 80 points by her appearance.

Zhang Han walked over with a smile. As he got closer, Zhang Li looked at Zhang Han, who was dressed neatly and had his usual elegance, and his eyes reddened for a moment.


Zhang Li let out a soft cry as she hurriedly walked forward and threw herself into his arms.

"Wuwuwu .." Mengmeng was already  looking warily at the woman her father was staring at. When she saw them hugging each other, she immediately began to cry.

"Aiyo, what's the matter, Mengmeng?" Zhang Han let lot go of his sister and quickly comforted the little girl.

Only then Zhang Li noticed the Little girl. Looking at her cute and wronged face, Zhang Li smiled and asked, "Mengmeng don't cry, be a good girl. Auntie will bring you to eat good food later, ok?"

While Zhang Li was speaking, she wanted to hug the Mengmeng, but who knew that she would raise her small hands in protest.

"Go away, you evil woman. Daddy is mine and Mana's. No one else can hug him."

"Puchi …" Zhang Li was stunned for moment before she burst iout laughing.

Zhang Han didn't know whether to laugh or cry as she explained to Mengmeng what the word aunt meant. After knowing that Zhang Li was her father's younger sister, the little princess mood gradually improved.

Initially Zhang Li wanted to treat her to seafood, but Zhang Han rejected her directly. Firstly, he felt that eating seafood wood easily cause diarrhea for children, and secondly, he was worried about the restaurant outside.

With regards to food, Zhang Han's standard of taste was extremely high. He planned to plant the Thunder Sun Tree and personally nurture the ingredients for Mengmeng to eat. Before that, he could only let Mengmeng put up with it for the time being.

In the end Zhang Han choose a noodles restaurant. During the meal time, he learned that Zhang Li worked as a DJ at a bar in Tongluo Bay and only had one day off on Sunday every week.

Not only was the DJ's job hard, the environment wasn't too good. It was a mess, and Zhang Han didn't want to let Zhang Li do it, but she said it was her hobby.

Zhang Han give up advising when he found that it was a dead end. After dinner, it was already close to 11pm, and the little princess was sleepy. Zhang Li took a taxi, wanting to let Zhang Han stay in her own rented apartment, but Zhang Han gave up on that idea after learning that her sister was sharing a rented apartment with someone else.

He called Zhang Li to stay with him at Fuji Hotel at Tongluo Bay.

Of course, Zhang Han with the purpose of enjoying the quality of life, paid a retainer of five hundred thousand yuan and stayed in the presidential suite of one hundred and eighty thousand yuan a day.

This caused Zhang Li to be stunned for a moment.

"It's seems like my brothers condition isn't as bad as I thought."

And then she felt angry:

"Alright then, I punctually transferred him 5000 yuan every month, and now he casually spent 500,000? How could this be being cast out of the family?" It's seems that the Zhang family has some sympathy after all. They left him some money."

After entering the room, Zhang Han placed the sleeping little princess in the master bedroom and returned to the living room. After a simple explanation about the sport's car, Zhang Li found out where the money came from.

The siblings had not seen each other for a few years, so naturally they talked a lot. They chatted until around one in the morning.

When Zhang Li asked about Mengmeng's mother, Zhang Han didn't give her a clear answer. Zhang Li didn't insist on asking, when she felt sleepy after a long conversation, she went to the second bedroom room to rest.

Although Zhang Han was sleepy, he had more important things to do. He braced himself and went to computer desk to turn it on.

He picked up the pen from the drawer and started thinking.

"Once the Thunder Sun Tree is planted, I can regard a mountain as my territory and nourish it to turn the land into spiritual soil. Other than growing other seeds, I can also plant some fruits and vegetables, but the area has to be considered. The bigger is the area, the lower is the spirit in the soil. I need to figure out what I require. Oh, no, it is what Mengmeng needs."

Zhang Han picked up the pen and began writing on the paper:

"If Mengmeng wants to drink milk, I have to raise a cow. Not only that, but there also food like chicken 🐔🍗, ducks and Fishes 🐟. Then this is poultry area.

"Mengmeng's stable food, rice and flour. I need to grow rice and wheat 🌾, as well as this fruits and vegetables. I need to set aside this growing area.

"At the peak of the mountain, aside from cultivation requirements of the Thunder Sun Tree and the Yuan Qing Tree, there is no need to grow others. They are reserved for residences."

"The farming area and poultry area are at the back of the mountain. Oh yeah, keep some pets 🐶 for Mengmeng to play with, and leave a pet area as well."

"In front of the house, there's a playground area, swimming pool, a golf course and so on."

"Appearance has to be put into consideration. We need to setup an ornamental area, plant some flowers, plants and trees as some high

degree of ornamentation. We can also make a gigantic fish 🐠 🐟 tank, raise some rare fish, make a pond, raise some lotus flowers, and build a courtyard on the water, wouldn't it be nice to admire the scene like this?"

"It would be best to make an area with seawater 🌊, but the difficulty is a bit too high for the current situation. The people from the front and back mountains will leave two empty areas as a backup, that's enough."

After he finished writing all of these, Zhang Han read through from top to bottom and was stunned.

"The poultry area, the growing area, the residential area, the pet area, the playground, the viewing area, the seawater area, the reserve area."

Putting aside the last two, the first six was far too much. The project was simply too vast. The Thunder ⚡ Sun Tree 🎄 simply didn't have that much energy!

After planting the Thunder Sun Tree, it would treat the mountain 🏔️🌄 as it's territory and release the first wave of energy to transform the territory. The territory would charge the

Thunder Sun Tree and once the Thunder Sun Tree absorbs enough energy, it would release its power to transform the territory again. With that cycle running, the Thunder Sun Tree would combine with the territory and become a precious land.

However he only had three chances of reformation!