
Immortal Loving Dad

Due to Heavenly Tribulation, Zhang Han crossed back to Earth from the Cultivation world. He Crossed back to the dat which Changed his life that Reckless car race, that day, He was seriously injured in the accident, lost both arms, and then struggled to survive for 5 years eventually choose to jump off a cliff to commit suicide. In the falling, he Crossed into the world of the cultivation world. After 500 years of cultivation, he finally reached the final Heavenly Tribulation, but coincidentally he Crossed back to car race day. Was this necessary way to pass the tribulation, or was it a temporary disorder that caused him to go back in time ? He didn't have time to think carefully about all this but was pulled back to his thoughts by a little girl voice - " Daddy~" Eh? When do I got a daughter? This time, with 500 years of cultivation experience and Magic Treasures. Zhang Han's first thought is to win this car race safely, and then open a restaurant, write songs, dating beautiful girls, find out who murdered his family? The most important thing is to protect his baby Daughter. This time, he will not fill!

DaoistooFk14 · Anime & Comics
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"It's quite a coincidence. I was just about to book two tickets on the internet and found out that my bank card was out of  money, then you transferred some money." Zhang

Han said with a smile.

"Oh… "Hmm?" Zhang Li asked in surprise, "Buy a plane ticket?" Brother, could it be that you …"

"Yes, I'm going somewhere else." Zhang Han said.

"You're finally willing to leave Shang Jing? Zhang Li's voice was slightly trembling, and her tone was filled with joy.

"That's right, just like you said, even if I stayed in Shang Jing, I wouldn't be able to find anything. Once I become stronger, everything

would naturally come to light." Zhang Han said with a smile.

"It's good that you understand." Zhang Li's eyes were reddened. "Where are you planning to go?"

"Xianjiang." Zhang Han replied, "You can take care of what's on you hand and come to Xiangjiang as well, and enjoy life with your brother."

"I'm in Xiangjiang." Zhang Li slowly said.

"Oh, I'm flying at 6 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. I'll be arriving at Xiangjiang international airport at 9:30. You can come and pick me up then." Zhang Han said.

Zhang Li hesitated for a second before replying, "Okay, wait! You just booked two tickets. Who are you with?"

"With my daughter."


The sound of a cell phone falling to the ground came out, followed by an incredulous tone of Zhang Li, "What did you say? Your daughter?"

"Yes my daughter, Your niece." Zhang Han shook his head in amusement.

"How is this possible? Why didn't I know? Are you for real? You didn't lie to me?" Zhang Li voiced a series of doubts.

"Of course it's true. Even I'm a bit surprised." Zhang Han replied.

"This…. Oh my god, did I become an aunt?" Zhang Li mumbled in confusion.

"You'll know when we meet tomorrow."

"No, I want to see it now. I'll send you a video call invitation." Zhang Li answered and hung up the phone.

Soon after, a video invitation was sent on WeChat.

After he picked up the call, Zhang Li saw Zhang Han dressed neatly like the young master from back then. She was momentarily stunned, the tears unconsciously appeared in her eyes.  

"Alright, you're already so old, why are you still crying?" Zhang Han said with a slightly emotional smile.

"Am I still your younger sister anyway? I'm happy to see you pull yourself together." Zhang Li wiped of her tears, adjusted her mood, and said, "Where's my niece? Quick, let me take a look."

Zhang Han walked to the bed side with his phone in hand and aimed his camera at the sleeping little princess.

"Such a cute and beautiful little girl ." Zhang Li gently said, "Brother, who is my sister-in-law? To give birth to such a beautiful child, she must also be very beautiful, right?"

"Eh …" Zhang Han was afraid that he would disturb Meng Meng's sleep so he replied softly, "Let's talk about it after we meet."

Although the sound was soft, the little girl seemed to have heard it too. She twisted her and kicked the blanket away, revealing her short legs. She was still wearing her diapers on her butt.

Zhang Han gently covered the girl with blanket and walked to the other side of the room to talk with Zhang Li for almost an hour before hanging up the video call.

Returning to his bed, Zhang Han took off his clothes and laid them on the side. He looked at the cute little girl beside him and gradually fell into a deep sleep. He slept soundly that night.

The next day at dawn, Zhang Han was awakened by a burst of wailing sounds.


Zhang Han was so frightened that hi s whole body started to tremble. He hurriedly opened his eyes and saw the little girl beside him crying heavily.

"What's wrong, darling? Don't cry, don't cry. Come, let daddy carry you." Zhang Han quickly pulled the little girl into his arms.

"Wuwuwu ..." "Ce, there, there big monsters chasing me, I was so scared…" Mengmeng crying like the rain dropping.

Hearing this, Zhang Han immediately understood. He said softly, "Meng Meng that was a dream. You were dreaming."

"Wu.. wu.. wu.." "Afraid.."

Zhang Han tried to coax her, but nothing came out of the blue. He raised his right hand to distract her attention and said,

"Mengmeng there is no need to be afraid. Big monsters are all stupid and ugly. Look at how daddy beat it, heh! Look at my first, Peng,

the nose of the monster is crooked, look at my two fingers, ha! The monster's eyes got knocked flying by them, look at my pal, pa! I killed the big monster with a single slap!"

Seeing that the little girl stopped crying because of his actions, Zhang Han felt slightly relieved and said, "well, the big monster was

beaten to death by dad."

"Wow, dad is so amazing." Tears could be seen at the corner's of Meng Meng eyes, but she no longer cried.

"Of course, your father is the best." Zhang Han said proudly.

"Dad, I want to drink milk. I'm Hungry."

"Daddy will prepare your milk" Zhang Han got up and poured a glass of milk for the little girl.

The fragrance of the milk was faint. Zhang Han glanced at the milk powder and smiled disdainfully. "Mengmeng when we settle down, dad will raise a cow for you to drink pure milk every day."

After saying that, Zhang Han handed over the bottle in his hand. Meng Meng then took a big gulp of milk from the bottle and asked in puzzlement:

"What is a Cow?"

"Cows are Animals that produce milk." "The milk powder you drink is made from milk." Zhang Han explained. "Children also need to drink milk to grow up, because milk consists a lot of nutrients."

"I, I, didn't I grow up drinking my mother's milk?" Mengmeng did not understand.

"You drank your mother's milk until you were a year old. After that, you drank milk." Zhang Han replied.

Fortunately, Zhang Han had strong kinship. If it was another lerson or a child from another family who kept asking questions about a hundred thousand things, Zhang Han would have long been annoyed and would say:

I am an Immortal Monarch Han Yang, how did I was the one to answer your one hundred thousand questions. Get out of my way.

But facing his own daughter, Zhang Han had no other choice. His answer was both weak and enjoyable. There were some tricky questions that even Zhang Han didn't know how to answer. He could only answer them casually.

At nine in the morning, the manager of the used car website arrived as promised. After the transaction, Zhang Han rejected manager's idea of treating him to meal.

When he returned to the hotel. He threw away all the bank cards in his wallet, leaving only one new card with two million yuan.

The other card's were all bound with a lot of automatic payment items, so Zhang Han didn't want to use them. The next few days, Zhang Han and the little girl would stay at the hotel, waiting to head to the airport in the evening to got to Xiangjiang.

Under normal circumstances, one had to apply for a Visa to go to Xiangjiang and could not stay there for long, but Zhang Han didn't need to go through all that complicated maneuvering. Not only did he have a room Xiangjiang, he also had the right to permanently residence in Xiangjiang. As the former powerful young master, it could a joke if he could not make such a slight mater done.

After having a simple lunch in the restaurant, Zhang Han looked at the sumptuous food and considered making a bigger mountain as his

base. He personally cultivate the ingredients and they are more better than those in the restaurants outside.

"Meng Meng needs a lot of nutrition when she grows up. Naturally, the food she eats must be of highest quality. It seems that she still needs to prepare a detailed plan.

Now that Zhang Han started to think about things from the point of view of the little girl, it had to be said that after having his daughter, Zhang Han mood changed.

Around 4 pm, Zhang Han took a taxi to Capital International Airport and arrived around at 5pm. He waited in the departure lounge. It was obvious that the little girl was excited about the trip.

At Zhang Han's destination, Xiangjiang, in an office of the Royal Entertainment Building, a subsidiary of the Imperial Group.

"Sister Yan don't be too anxious. After all, we have only just returned, the competition is so intense, they can't arrange anything for us

in a short period of time." A lady with a ponytail said to Zi Yan.

"I know."

Zi Yan, who was sitting on the sofa by the window, looked out of the window with a tired expression on her face. She shook her head slightly and said.

"But waiting for the company to arrange it would take at least half a year  before they arrange a character. The news of my return has already been reported. If I don't do anything within half a year, then the fans will be very disappointed."

"Tomorrow, Young Master Li will invite you to dinner at Amber Restaurant. His father is a member of the board of directors and holds a

high position. If he asks, there won't be any problem with the movie." The woman said.

"It's not that simple." Zi Yan sighed somewhat irritably.

 The entertainment circle was a complicated place. It was just like Young Master Li's dinner. The purpose was obvious. If they agreed to his conditions, then the character matter could be settled quickly. But was this result something she wanted?

Zi Yan had always rejected this kind of 'deal'. Back then, she had, signed a contract with the imperial group for five years, and relying on her beautiful appearance and her moving singing voice, she made a name for herself after three years of hard work and the company's nurturing.

In the fourth year, the star changed to actress. She kept showing up in movies and dramas, and her reputation grew. She even had the

chance to become a movie queen in the fifth year. However, that incident with Zhang Han happened in the fifth year.

Originally, when Zi Yan was pregnant, she immediately wanted to retire, but the company did not allow it. Helpless she persisted for a few more months, went to North America after the contract expired, and returned tfive years later.

After signing the 3 years contract, the company did not give her any resources. After all, everyone was still queuing up, yet you, a has-been star, still wanted to cut the queue?

Especially since there were still many people pointing fingers at her, and the word 'has-been' would float out from time to time. This made Zi Yan feel even more stifled in her heart, wanting to use her own strength to prove everything.

"Sis, let's drink some water. We'll definitely be able to take it slow. I believe in you." The ponytailed woman said as she handed over a glass of water.

"Thank you, Little Fei." Zi Yan smiled and said.

The ponytailed girl beside her called Zhou Fei, and she was an orphan. When she grew up, she entered the management business and suffered a lot, but she felt warmth from Zi Yan and had her heart set on her ever since. Even

when Zi Yan is hiding in North America, she had always been there.

Right now, not only she acting as a Zi Yan's manager, she was also an assistant and a babysitter. She was very good to Zi Yan, but she had a sharp tongue👅😜😛 for outsiders.

"Why are being so polite to me, sis? Why don't you have an album? The company has recently collected a lot of songs, so you should go and discuss with the Lady Mei.  I'm sure she'll agree to give you a choice. Zhou Fei said.

"Let's talk about this later."