
Immortal Loving Dad

Due to Heavenly Tribulation, Zhang Han crossed back to Earth from the Cultivation world. He Crossed back to the dat which Changed his life that Reckless car race, that day, He was seriously injured in the accident, lost both arms, and then struggled to survive for 5 years eventually choose to jump off a cliff to commit suicide. In the falling, he Crossed into the world of the cultivation world. After 500 years of cultivation, he finally reached the final Heavenly Tribulation, but coincidentally he Crossed back to car race day. Was this necessary way to pass the tribulation, or was it a temporary disorder that caused him to go back in time ? He didn't have time to think carefully about all this but was pulled back to his thoughts by a little girl voice - " Daddy~" Eh? When do I got a daughter? This time, with 500 years of cultivation experience and Magic Treasures. Zhang Han's first thought is to win this car race safely, and then open a restaurant, write songs, dating beautiful girls, find out who murdered his family? The most important thing is to protect his baby Daughter. This time, he will not fill!

DaoistooFk14 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

C2 Fantastic

Awesome skills


Suddenly the bikini beauty waved down the colourful flag in her hand. Under the cheers and screams of the crowd, the two car's shot forward like lightning.

People ran to the election screens and watched the contest between

the two cars from the point of view of the mid-air remote-control-aircraft.

"Brother Feng's starting speed is so fast!"

"Of course.  The two

car's are not even on the same level."

"Not really. After all, Brother Feng has the strength as a professional. As for that Zhang Han, he hasn't touched a sports car in Five

years, right?"

From the screen, Liu Feng's Ferrari was ten meters  ahead in five seconds. Don't look down on these ten meters. In the competition, being a bit ahead of others means that he

had the initiative and greater advantage.

In the first half of the winding road, the two cars drove through various fine drifts one after the other. As far as the other side of the mountain, one could hear the sound of tires rubbing against the ground.

"Liu Feng is indeed the car King of Las Angeles. He has his own unique of understanding and talent. These few simple bends are just right."

A bald middle-aged man was in the middle of a discussion. He was a professional sports car commentator. As he was talking, he suddenly exclaimed in surprise:

"Eh!" I didn't expect that Zhang Han would be much better at drifting than Liu Feng. Having a good grasp on distance and strength, he really have some skills!"

From the camera the speed and precision of the blue Ford Mustang was smoother than Ferrari's.

Gradually, the distance between the two cars grew closer and closer. Seeing that Mustang was about to overtake him, Ferrari began to sway from side to side to obstructing the other car from overtaking him.

This also slowed down the process of the Mustang.

"Yeah, Liu Feng's card is pretty good, but they have to be careful around this long bend. If he is not careful enough, he might get overtaken." The baldy stared at the screen and said.

The two cars entered the long curve one after another. While they were drifting, Liu Feng was controlling the car to avoid allowing Zhang Han car to pass.

After seeing this, the baldy praised,  "Not bad, not bad. This move is very eye-catching."

"Of course, he's my Big Brother Feng after all!"

"How can that Zhang Han be a match for Big Brother Feng?"


"Next is a straight stretch of track. After this is the last and most difficult section of the Wolf King Mountain, the nine twists and turns,

the first half of the road will definitely calls for their full speed, and the speed need to be reduced by half before the bend is reached, otherwise there will be a risk of death." The baldy stroked his chin as he spoke.

Sure enough, the two cars entered the straight runway and sped forward at full speed.

 At this moment, a hint of a cold smile flashed across the eyes of the fatty who was standing in the corner.

At this moment in Mustang, Zhang Han had a similar smile on his face.

"Sure enough, the break system is malfunctioning?"

In his previous life, he was seriously  injured when the car flipped around the corner due to not being able to slow down. The reason why the car was destroyed  and he was almost killed was all due to the actions of his former subordinate, Dong Hu.

Dong Hu was the one encouraged him earlier. A few years ago, he was a drifter, coincidentally following Zhang Han, who might be young and frivolous, but was very nice to his subordinate Dong Hu. With his help, Dong Hu was able to get some work done in a used car shop, have a car and a house in Shan Jing, and saved more than 5 million yuan, lead a nourishing life.

However, when Zhang Han was met with misfortune five years ago, he did not say a single word of greeting. Only until a few days ago did he pretend to communicate with him, all for the sake of today's competition.

"However… Actually, I don't even intend to slow down!"

Zhang Han chuckled.

As a rule, it was difficult to drift without a brake, but there was no absolute in this world. Zhang Han's precise control of his power could break this shackle.

At this moment, Liu Feng was still controlling the car to block Zhang Han's position until it reached the entrance of the nine twists and

turns. Then, Liu Feng slowly moved the car to the right.

"You found that you can't slow down?"

Liu Feng sneered. Looking at the Ford Mustang that surpassed him, his eyes were filled with anticipation for the car's destruction.

 On the other end, the people  watching carefully on the screen gasped in shock!

"He's not slowing down? Did he not want to live? The nine twists and turns are famous for its danger, If your not careful, you will fall

of a cliff!" The bald man frowned.

"Damn isn't Zhang Han being too bold?"

"I think he really has lived enough!"

"He just wants nothing but a death and another life time. He probably got over it too."


In the back corner, at Dong Hu's feet, the cute little girl could only see the legs of the many people in front of hers. However, when she

heard the ridicule from the crowd towards Zhang Han, she started to cry out of



"Shut up! "Stop crying or I'll hit you!"

Dong Hu glared and shouted.

How could a three or four-year-old understand so much? She was frightened by Dong Hu that she was cried even louder.

Dong Hu's face was filled with anger. He raised his hand to

hit the little girl, but when he saw the numerous gazes directed at him, he

withdraw his hand and laughed awkwardly.

"What a cute girl."  

When a twenty-something year old woman saw the pitiful crying little princess, she couldn't help but run over to console her.

"What!?"What did I see?"

At the front of the crowd, a cry of disbelief came from the baldy man's mouth.

The Ford Mustang didn't slow down at all as it rushed straight into nine twists and turns! The first curve was a semicircle,  and the Mustang turned and crossed it with an ornate drift, not slowing down to the second curve.

The second curve was ninety degrees, and the third was a conical curve. The degree of difficulty is high because the two curves were very close together, it was very easy for them to fly out of the conical curve at high speeds and destroy themselves.

In everyone's eyes, Ford Mustang was still moving at full speed, just like a ghost chariot. It turned right around the second bend and

entered the third.

"It's over!" This speed cannot be reduced at all!" The bald man sighed, pity in his eyes.

He saw the Ford Mustang, which was over speeding, spin at 360 degrees before it reached the third turn.

After the first turn, the car entered the bend. The second turn, the car crossed the conical bend. After the third turn, the car has already started to move towards the fourth turn!

"My, my god!"

"What kind of driving skill is this? Three turns and 360 degrees, how did he do it …"

"He's the first one to step into the nine twists and turns and not slow down!"

"Zhang Han, he …" Does he want to write a legend in Wolf King Mountain?"

Everyone was dumb struck. They watched in amazement as the Ford Mustang took beautiful turns, maintaining their full speed through all nine curves.

After turning a corner, the Ford Mustang was like a wild beast, quickly advancing forward.

At this time, Liu Feng's Ferrari gave off a feeling like a snail. Only then did it slowly make its way past the fourth bend.

A few minutes later, with a violent rumble, the Mustang pulled back onto the platform, still at full speed. At ten ornate 360 degrees, it stopped, facing the steep slope ahead.


Zhang Han got off the car and leaned against the door. His body was still messy, his hair still messy, and even his movements were same as before. However, at this moment, the way everyone looked at him changed.

"7 minutes and 30 second, this is a terrifying record, unprecedented." The bald man said in awe, "If he had also driven the Ferrari, the time would be shortened!"

"Isn't the fastest record in Wolf King Mountain 10:20 seconds?" Heavens, Zhang Han is too awesome!"

"If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it at all. Ai, if Brother Feng lost to him, he would probably explode!"


Everyone was shaking their heads in lamentation, while Dong Hu's expression turned ugly. When he turned around and saw the little girl, whose tears fell like rain, calling 'Daddy', a smile appeared on her face. He

picked up the little girl and walked towards Zhang Han.

"As expected of my Brother Han, awesome!"

Dong Hu flattered.

"Heh, your car is still the best. Otherwise, I wouldn't have

been able to win." Zhang Han said with a faint smile.


At this moment, the little princess in Dong Hu's arms was struggling nonstop. Her voice was soft and there were still tears hanging from the corner of her eyes. She looked pitiful as she stretched out her slender arms for a hug.

Zhang Han subconsciously held the little princess and said with a sweet smile:

"Little girl, why do you call me dad?"

However, the little girl was too tired from crying. After standing there for a long time, she fell asleep in Zhang Han's arms.

"Isn't this your daughter?" Zhang Han asked lightly.

"How could I have such a cute daughter? Ha-ha, Brother Han isn't she your daughter?" Dong Hu said with 

a smile.

"How could I have a daughter?"

"Then I don't know. In short, you brought this little girl here, and she always call you daddy. Didn't you ask me to take care of her just now? Did you forget?" Dong Hu asked curiously.

My daughter?

Zhang Han, face which is hiding under the fringe of his bang, had a strange in his eyes. A daughter appeared out of nowhere. What was going on?

Before he could think too much, Liu Feng's Ferrari drove back with a loud bang.

The car stopped by the side of the road. After a while, the pale-faced Liu Feng got out off the car.

He stared at the Zhang Han with thirty percent shock and seventy percent hatred in his eyes as he strode over like a meteor.

At this moment, there was a complete silence on the stage. Everyone's gaze was fixated on that spot.

"Do you dare to have another match with me!?" Liu Feng said while gnashing his teeth.

"Hehe, I have no interest in wasting my time with a defeated opponent." Zhang Han smiled and said, "Give me the car key."

When Liu Feng heard this, his eyes turned red. His right hand tightly gripped the car keys as he said with hatred:

"We'll have a match in a month!"

Judging from his posture, He wouldn't let him go until Zhang Han agreed.

 "Fine, fine, fine, Give me the car key." Zhang Han stretched out his hand.

Liu Feng placed the car key in Zhang Han's hand with a sad and indignant expression. This was the new car that he had just brought! The first time it started running, it was courted by some one else.

Zhang Han took the key and got on the  Red Ferrari, then placed the little princess on the passenger seat. He started the car and drove a hundred metres away before stopping by the roadside, looking at the rear-view mirror.

After the completion, the crowd left in small groups.