
Immortal Loving Dad

Due to Heavenly Tribulation, Zhang Han crossed back to Earth from the Cultivation world. He Crossed back to the dat which Changed his life that Reckless car race, that day, He was seriously injured in the accident, lost both arms, and then struggled to survive for 5 years eventually choose to jump off a cliff to commit suicide. In the falling, he Crossed into the world of the cultivation world. After 500 years of cultivation, he finally reached the final Heavenly Tribulation, but coincidentally he Crossed back to car race day. Was this necessary way to pass the tribulation, or was it a temporary disorder that caused him to go back in time ? He didn't have time to think carefully about all this but was pulled back to his thoughts by a little girl voice - " Daddy~" Eh? When do I got a daughter? This time, with 500 years of cultivation experience and Magic Treasures. Zhang Han's first thought is to win this car race safely, and then open a restaurant, write songs, dating beautiful girls, find out who murdered his family? The most important thing is to protect his baby Daughter. This time, he will not fill!

DaoistooFk14 · Anime & Comics
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C1 Rebirth




On a platform, hundreds of people were gathered, Screaming and cheering. There were dozen's of car's around the crowd, most of which were super sports car's.

The most eye catching place was the two car's that were about to leave.

One was the most expensive bright red Ferrari 488, worth more than Four million, while the other was the cheapest Mustang, worth Five hundred thousand. The two car's standing next to each other formed a stack contrast.

This was a Showdown between Shang Jing's new young master Liu Feng and Zhang Han, one of the former young masters.

Zhang Han leaned against the door of Mustang. His clothes were long and when he lowered his head, he covered his eyes with his bangs. People couldn't see his closed eyes, and from the cut on the lower part of his face, they could vaguely see the handsome face that young master Zhang had once worn, but now his temperament had turned into decent one.

As for Liu Feng, he stood among the crowd on the right side as if he was the moon surrounded by star's . His expression more it seems as if the whole world was under his feet.

" Let's go see the once aloof young master Zhang"

Liu Feng waved his hand and a sneer hung on the corner of his mouth as he led the way.

"Young Master Zhang?"

Walking up to Zhang Han, Liu Feng noticed no reaction from him, so he said in a weird tone, "What's wrong?" Are you asleep? The previously insufferably arrogant Young Master Zhang is now in such dire straits. Tsk tsk, the competition is about be begin, why are you still pretending to be cold, my Young Master Zhang!"

The moment he opened his mouth, the lackey's beside him who wanted to show off all chimed in:

"With his current appearance, I think he's just a poor beggar!"

"No, I don't think he's even as good as some who asks for food. He might be living off pig food."


At the side of the Mustang stood a fat, bespectacled man with a little girl three or four beside his lap.

The little girl looked like an adorable doll. She was dressed in a white dress and her delicate cheeks resembled those cute princess in fairy tales. Other than her messy hair, everything else was perfect, except at this moment, the little girl's clear eyes were filled with tears of grievances. Listening to the crowd berating Zhang Han, she was on the verge of tears.

Normally the little girl's cute look would have attracted a lot of attention, but now, it was all Liu Feng's time to act.

A burst of ridicule and abuse finally made Zhang Han have a slight reaction.

The moment Zhang Han opened his eyes, a blank look could be seen in his eyes. Seeing the actions of the people in front of him, his eyes narrowed as of he was looking down from the sky.

"You ants dare to bark in front of me?"

Zhang Han suddenly blurted out those inexplicable words.

The entire audience went silent for a moment, but the next moment, mocking laughter filled the air.

"Zhang Han, I think you must be fucking insane!"

"I'm afraid he did turn into a fool."


The crowd mocked him again, but when Zhang Han saw the seen in front of his eyes, he was stunned.

"Isn't this when I was racing against Liu Feng in the Wolf King Mountain in 2009?"

"Why am I here?"

"Aren't I undergoing the heavenly tribulation?"

"Could it be … I'm back?"

"I was reincarnated by the divine thunder of the Ninth Heaven?"

A trace of shock flashed across Zhang Han's eyes.

In Zhang Han's memory, five year's ago, the Zhang family was one of the eight great families in Shang Jing, Zhang Han father was the family head, so Zhang Han was not afraid of anything, but when his family was traveling on a plane, they met with a aeroplane accident, and his parents and his younger sisters were killed. Zhang Ming, his second uncle took the responsibility of being the family head, but he was still unable to stop the Zhang family from loneliness.

Zhang Han suffered a blow because of the idea of his family was murdered. He started to investigate Zhang Ming privately, who had always hated his father, but he was found out. Plus, Zhang Han had offended a lot of people before, he was kicked out of the Zhang family by Zhang Ming.

It had been Five years now, and Zhang Han was unwilling to leave. He had wanted to investigate the matter thoroughly, and his day's had been tough, but he had persisted all the way until the incident at Mount Dashan.

He remembered when he ran a race in the Wolf King Mountain. He was heavily injured and lost his both arms. He had led a disabled man's living for five years before jumping of a cliff. He didn't expect to enter the cultivation world by accident.

When he first come into contact with Immortal Cultivation, Zhang Han awakened his innate divine ability – Wen Boa's nose. His nose could smell the scent of a treasures in a certain range.

Relying on this sacred art, Over 500 years of time, Zhang Han had forcefully accumulated all kinds of treasures and his cultivation has reached the stage of tribulation and ascend to the Immortal World.

But who would have thought that when transcending the heavenly tribulation, it would be too weak to withstand a single blow due to it's unstable foundation?

"Why not five years ago?"

A hint of disappointment appeared on Zhang Han' face.

The failure of perform filial piety had always been Zhang Han's biggest regret. Before his family members left, he was young and reckless, causing his father a lot of trouble. He even said a lot of things that made his mother sad. Nothing could be reversed anyway.

Filial piety stands out all the moralities. Zhang Han was a traitor, but his love for his parents was no less than that of others.

Even during the next five hundred years of cultivation, Zhang Han would always say something in his heart:

The tree wants peace but the wind does not stop, the child wants to perform filial piety but the parents are not alive.

"Zhang Han"

A cold voice interrupted Zhang Han's thoughts. He looked up and saw Liu Feng staring at him with a pair of cold eyes.

"Five year's ago you chased me out of Shang Jing's City! Five year's later, I, the Los Angeles car King Liu Feng, have returned, but you, Zhang Han, are worse off than a dog! "Remember, I, Liu Feng, will make you Zhang Han, Leave Shang Jing today!"

"Oh, so powerful?" "No, I don't want to compete anymore!" Zhang Han refused in surprise.

Liu Feng was surprised, and the muscles in his face trembled. He felt as his fist had just struck the air, causing him to feel terrible.

"Zhang Han!" I'm putting a little bonus on you for this contest. "Liu Feng waved the Ferrari key in his hand and said, "As long as you win against me, this car is yours."

"Then I will find it hard to refuse." Zhang Han said it with a beaming smile.


Liu Feng sneered, raised his hand and ordered everyone: "Setup the Screen!"

As he said that, the people behind him set up several television screens. At the same time, remote control aircrafts appeared in every corner of the mountain. They switched on the screens and the footage of the aircraft came back, projecting the entire trail.

"Get ready!"

Liu Feng nodded to Glasses-man, who was sitting behind the mustang, and sat in Ferrari.

However, just as Zhang Han was about to enter the Mustang, a timid and childish came from behind him.

"Dad do your best! Defeat the bad guys!"

Zhang Han froze for a second, then turned around and looked at the little princess who was standing at the fatty's feet.

"Why would such a cute girl casually call someone 'dad'?"

Zhang Han shook his head in amusement.

"Brother Han, you can definitely win!" fatty clenched his fists towards Zhang Han with an encouraging look.

"With your blessings, your car will bring me luck" Zhang Han looked at him for a second and then sat down in Mustang.

A tall beauty wearing a bikini walked to the front of the two car's with two small flags in her hands and raised them high.

"Get ready!"

The engine's of the two car's roared angrily at the same time.

Within the Ferrari, the corners of Liu Feng's mouth curled into a proud smile.

The fatty behind him revealed a thoughtful smile.

At his feet, the adorable princess eyes were filled with fear and worry. Tears welled up in her eyes.

And Zhang Han, who was inside the wild horse carriage, had a cold smile in his face.

"You're colluding with him to harm me?"

"Unfortunately, I'm no longer me of the past."

"Even if I don't have any cultivation right now, how can me provoked by ants like you"