
Immortal in the World of Magi

Dropped into the world of The Warlock of the Magus World, Michael, alongside his trusty aide, a Mother Box from the DC universe, will have to supersede what he imagines a human is capable of. AN: If there are any errors please comment on it.

BloodDemon9 · Book&Literature
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18 Chs

Chapter 2: A Okay

Michael's newfound 'cheat' made him calmer and more confident, and the sense of urgency began to dim. Looking around the large room again, he spotted a small dark wood desk. Nothing lay on it, though its drawers may hold something.

Getting himself off the bed, successfully this time, Michael walked barefoot towards the small desk. The soft fur carpet made Michael click his tongue in wonder, even on Earth, a place laden with overabundance, he had never lived in a palace with such luxury.


A small screech was made as Michael pulled the drawer back. It seemed that plastics and metal had not reached the precision or utility they did on Earth.

The only thing in the top right drawer was a small accumulation of dust. Michael looked into the bottom right drawer, three thick leather-bound books were placed there, spines sticking out while a stone held them against the drawer's wall. Taking them out, he repeated the process with the last drawer.

A glass bottle full of dark purple ink, a quill, an empty notebook full of yellowish parchment, 3 thick textbooks, and a greenish purple stone the size of a small bowl were finally laying on the desk.

After throwing a cursory glance through the textbooks, Michael was stumped for a moment before looking towards the Mother Box on the corner of the desk. Reading Michael's mind the Mother Box floated in front of Michael's face, before beginning to melt slowly, transforming into a pair of eyeglasses. A small smile painted on Michael's face, his countenance becoming one of a scholar.

It was time to test the computational and analytical ability of this so-called supercomputer.

'Analyze everything in these books and place em' in a data bank, separating all the information into different files. Also, make an alphabet of the new language and directly implant it into my memory.'

A light haze, projected from the eyeglasses fell upon the books and journal. It seemingly only took about 10 seconds before a holographic screen appeared in front of me. There were four titles bolded, they read as follows: Geography, History, Compendium of All Things and Those in Between, and Magus & Warlocks.

Geography was self-explanatory, History held all the history of the Twilight Zone, The Compendium held information on things such as minerals, herbs, and beasts, while the Magus & Warlocks held information on, well, on Magi.

Slowly a feeling of bewilderment began to cloud Michael's mind and his eyes became dazed and unfocused. A load of information began to be implanted into Michael's mind, the alphabet, connotation, tones, and linguistics that had to do with the Twilight Language. If it wasn't for the Mother Box aiding in the process, he would have most likely lost consciousness for a few days at the very least.

About 30 minutes had passed, and when Michael finally came to, his eyes grew a shimmer once more. His body though, began to ache, and a feeling of fatigue slowly took over Michael's body, he had not made it onto his bed when he fell unto himself and rested on the rug.

In a building not far from Michael's, only 3 meters more in height, a middle-aged man sat on a grandiose seat. It was adorned with carvings of spiders and the lunar phases. A small smile played on his face, while his eyes looked out of his window with a cold, calculative gleam.

"Hehehe, enjoy that Silent Death Spell, my dear nephew, hehe."

Back in Michael's room. His rag-like body gained its consciousness once more, the wooden chair was pushed aside by his fall while his body half leaned on it, his ribs resting on a thin edge of the chair seat.

"Huuh, fuck, man."

Michael raised himself from his position and rubbed his aching ribs and worn neck. The amber glow had disappeared and now only the light glimmer of some furniture illuminated the room.

'I guess some time has passed, huh.'

Closing his eyes and attempting to recollect, Michael began to go over the familiar yet foreign memories of a language he did not know before.

Opening his eyes once more, Michael stood on the chair and sat on it as he planned to practice speaking first before he went out. The thought that there would be people outside that would worry about his presence urged him to go out and appease them and free them from worry.

"Hell, hello, my name is Michael, what is your name? Oh ye, yes, I do like to eat too. I would like some meat, pla, please."

And so Michael continued, assimilating his newfound memories and attempting to speak it as fluently as he could. The Mother Box was extremely helpful at implanting the information and allowing it to become familiar and masterable quickly. Though that may not be the case for everything, languages are simple compared to other things, especially when you already have 20 years of experience speaking and formulating sentences.

It wasn't until the dawn of a new day and the amber glow greeted Michael's face that he decided to stop, pleased with his progress. Now, it was time for the important stuff, Twilight Zone, Magi, Warlocks? This was the important and interesting stuff. Even then, Michael had ignored it and focused on the language side of things. That was mainly due to Michael's quirk, he had a great ability to focus on one task and see it through without distractions. Still, it occasionally caused him issues, like when he would forgo important, urgent, things simply because he was doing something else.

'Mother Box, analyze my memories and compare it to the information from the bank, am I in the world of The Warlock of the Magus World?'


'So that's how it is. It sounded familiar.'

Plans and thoughts spurred in his mind. The Mother Box was like Leylin's AI Chip, but better and with more functions.

'Wait what year is it?'


It was currently the year 5799 about 13 years after Leylin Farlier, the Guardian of the Realm, established the Nature's Alliance Academy. Thanks to the unification of the Twilight Zone, Nature's Alliance Academy held a large amount of Meditation Techniques, suitable for him to study.

Filled with fervor for the future he walked towards his wardrobe and picked out a cream-colored casual shirt, underwear, and some black pants. Finally, he wore socks and ankle-high leather boots.

Opening the wooden door, its frame that was bolted onto the stone made a bit of a sound.

'Hmm, this place is missing complex and intricate mechanisms. This is mostly what made Earth what it is. Maybe it's due to the influence of magic that the people of this world did not develop in the same way?'

His room was the only one on his floor, the topmost fifth floor. Walking across the short corridor, Michael arrived at a spiral stairway that led down to the rest of the floors.

'Thankfully this entire place is made of some sort of stone, or else all the wood floorboards would've been creaking.'

While walking carefully down the stairs, Michael finally spotted more people. Young men and women walked around, the women in maid outfits, while the men wore rough cloth garments. From their Western features, it seemed they didn't deviate from the mainland throughout all these years. While he looked at everyone they in turn looked at him curiously as well.

He had said that he was going to cultivate a meditation technique to get a head start before he headed off to the Academy, and now 2 days later he appears with an odd thing on his face.

"Young master Augustus, would you like to eat at the moment?"

A young maid, about 17, with auburn hair swiftly approached Michael as he was making his way down. Her inquisitive thoughts were quickly suppressed as she remembered her duties.

"Yeah, make me something."

Michael wanted to drive her away, as he wanted to explore on his lonesome, but the pangs of hunger suddenly began to assault him. This was good too. Getting acquainted with the cuisine was definitely a must.

Walking down two more floors, Michael arrived at his kitchen and dining room area. This tower was really inconvenient, his room was on the top floor while the dining room was on the 2nd floor, and the living room on the 1st. The 3rd and 4th held the sleeping quarters for the servants. The beautiful architecture was beginning to feel inefficient.

The backward world made Michael excited about the possibilities, he could introduce higher levels of technology, efficient production, and a supreme management system.


Thinking over the knowledge stored in his mind, Michael calmed himself. He was not the most educated person in his past life, the actual science and intricate methods were absent in his mind, and only the faint familiarity with the use of such items remained. His creative mind, inspired by the modern world, was also still there. Maybe, he might be able to use it in the future, after all, he did have the Mother Box, the supreme existence among tech.