
Immortal in the World of Magi

Dropped into the world of The Warlock of the Magus World, Michael, alongside his trusty aide, a Mother Box from the DC universe, will have to supersede what he imagines a human is capable of. AN: If there are any errors please comment on it.

BloodDemon9 · Book&Literature
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18 Chs

Chapter 12: Runic Blood Warrior

"Son, pass me the bucket."

In a separate laboratory, a large carcass was hung on metal hooks. Its blood was dripping onto a crystal bucket, the vitality withholden.

"Father, are you sure I can contain such a large sum? The Galloping Mane is quite the fierce creature, completely on par with a grand knight. I just want to make sure, I don't want any accident occurring."

Michael looked at his father worryingly. In the past he had remained quiet throughout both experiments, and if he did act it would be in secret. But now he had to make sure everything ran smoothly or else it'd be him that would be killed.

"Don't worry, I have a Kind Holding Fruit I traded with someone a while ago. If I mix it in, not only will it make the process painless, but you would be able to handle a higher quality Runic Blood Pattern."

His father cared for him quite a bit. This Kind Holding Fruit was a very scarce resource, and it was useful for many Magus-level potions.

'Mother Box, analyze the fruit and build a model, afterwards, run a simulation using the Galloping Mane's vitality-preserved blood, the Kind Holding Fruit and the Runic Blood Warrior's Ritual.'


Not even a minute later there was a successful response. Now Michael was more confident, his facial expression oozing with excitement. He grabbed the materials and helped his father in the refining process. Although his practical experience was nonexistent, he had enough knowledge to not fuck up too bad. This was a good opportunity to participate and gain some experience since his father was presiding over it all.

"Alright, son, sit in the center. You know the drill, concentrate on the Green Heart Meditation and connect it to the Runic Blood Pattern. You are going to sense a weak will coming from the Pattern. Make sure to take hold of it and become its owner. If you feel the will is too strong, just shout, I will still be able to help you fend it off."

"Okay, father I understand."

Michael sat in a lotus position and readied his mind. His father passed him the Galloping Mane's heart and he got to work. His every move was incredibly precise and even more careful than before. His spiritual force was embedded into every rune along with the blood mixture. This ritual was an example of the work of Magi over millennia. They created and altered the creations of the universe, enhancing and corrupting at their whim.

Michael was stuck in his soulscape, opening his soul to foreign entities. Although this would put him in his weakest state, it was necessary for this next step. Michael felt a warm sensation going through his body, his every cell etched with a newfound power, the runes forming an array throughout his entire body.

At this moment he felt a faint will and then it suddenly emboldened. The will of a lion headed horse galloped through his body before entering through his glabella, aiming for Michael's soul.

Michael's figure was free floating in his soulscape, while a small sun floated right behind him. As soon as the galloping figure appeared in the soulscape, it was trapped by the rising sun into an illusion. The Galloping Mane appeared in a vast desert, scorching rays fell upon it, weakening the creature. The arid sand began to siphon the horse's energy and it wasn't long before it fell weakly.

Contrary to his father's expectations, Michael did not show an inkling of struggle throughout, a peaceful expression rested on his face. The Runic Blood Pattern settled into his being, the only indications were at his extremities, his palms, his feet, and on the back of his neck. Five small, blood red, vortexes were the only symbols inscribed on his flesh.

Michael gazed upon his new tenant resting in his soulscape. The Galloping Mane lay in the air while a bright, golden sun was branded into its forehead.

Michael came to and noticed something different, an odd sensation coursing through his frame. Michael allowed his meditation technique to run through his subconscious, a new understanding flashed through his mind. He felt that he could control the flow of vitality in his body, it was the same source that was used to create a life seed in a knight. Though it seemed similar, the Runic Blood Warrior was a higher level inheritance than even the Branded Swordsman, from which the knights stemmed from.

Through the Runic Blood Pattern he also felt a connection to the most hidden parts of his body. Training control in the future would be much easier and give greater results. Michael clapped his hands and cracked his knuckles, an intense boom and pops resounded throughout the room raising a smile from both Michael and Arthur.

'Mother Box, show me my stats.'


Name: Michael Mayor (Augustus Fent)

Strength: 3.43

Agility: 3.22

Vitality: 3.51

Spiritual Force: 1.65

Bloodline/Race: Human

Talent (Soul/Body): 1/3

Profession: Runic Blood Warrior (Apprentice)

'The future looks swell.'

"Father, I need to train for a bit as I need to become accustomed to my new strength. Then, I'll bring Fernando along to train with me. Oh, and that brings me to something I wanted to ask you; what do you plan on doing for now?"

Michael stood up and walked towards his father.

Arthur contemplated for a bit as he looked around the laboratory.

"Son, I know I haven't been a good father all these years. Since your mother died, I have holed myself up in misery. I have left you out to dry, while I too had given up on myself. The misery made me long for death, but the family and you kept me from it. But now, I want to advance, you have rekindled that desire for the truth in me."

Arthur nodded to himself and continued.

"I want to become a Rank 2 Magus, even though I may not have the talent, there are ways. Just like you, if a Magus is involved there will always be a way."

His father's eyes brightened as he became resolved.

"Good, father, I wish the best for you, if you need my help just ask me. I know you don't view me as your equal, yet, but you have to let me help you just like you helped me. What's the point of us being family if you don't accept their help because of pride."

Michael admonished him a bit. He was a bit ruffled as Arthur had refused his help, though, thinking it was the best not to antagonize him, he let it be. But now, hearing his father's desire for advancement, Michael felt he had to invest in him a bit, a Rank 2 Magus would pave the way for success.

Arthur looked at his son's resolute eyes and nodded, for the power of a Rank 2 Magus and the synergy in his family he would lower his ego and open his eyes to the possibilities.

"Alright then father, I'll be on my way. Oh, and I have one more favor I need to ask for. Can you get another beast for me and Fernando to use in the meanwhile."

Michael looked at his father hesitantly. It was not often that he directly asked people for favors, and that was even in his past life, but he had just done a whole spiel on this subject, he had to thicken his face and go on.

"Yeah, I know how blood warriors work. I'll go out tomorrow and bring a beast. You won't direly need it for another week. Just don't consume the vitality too quickly, alright, I'll get some for you tomorrow."

Michael and Arthur both walked out of the laboratory in stride, their minds full of unfulfilled ambitions.