
Immortal in the World of Magi

Dropped into the world of The Warlock of the Magus World, Michael, alongside his trusty aide, a Mother Box from the DC universe, will have to supersede what he imagines a human is capable of. AN: If there are any errors please comment on it.

BloodDemon9 · Book&Literature
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18 Chs

Chapter 11: Fernando

Arthur focused as he carved the inscriptions with his utmost focus. The mixture was a darker hue than the last, as it was done using the refined blood of an Onyx Bull. Since it was from a larger, more powerful beast, Arthur had enough material to refine the blood, which would produce an even better effect.

About a minute later, the runic array began to crawl and merge into Fernando's body.

Perspiration accumulated on Fernando's brow, the young man was currently experiencing a mild pain. Learning from the past experiment, Arthur made a mild anesthetic to prevent large amounts of movements as that was an issue before.

This time the process went without a hitch. Fernando lay in a pool of his own sweat, panting as he looked at his surroundings, a changed man. With a knight's strength his possibilities were endless, his mind spun captivating fantasies.

Next, was a full body check up and tests to make sure that the process was both a success and that the Runic Blood Pattern provided what it had claimed.

"Fernando I know I had told you beforehand that I would turn you into a knight if you helped me with an experiment. I wasn't sure if you would survive, but you did, so I can't really let you out of this cavern anytime soon. You understand, right?"

Arthur looked towards Fernando, looking for his reaction. He hoped everything would go well and that this Fernando fella would be obedient for the meantime.

"Yeah. I can stay here for a while; I still need to get used to my new strength."

Fernando looked thoughtful for a second, his father was a knight so he should be able to protect his family in the meanwhile. Thinking of his new strength he felt a smile tug at his face, when he returned home he would show his father that even with his shitty talent he could very well be just as strong as him.

Michael was also looking at his response.

'This kid better not act up or he'll have to die.'

The next couple weeks would be enough time to understand his character and from there he would act accordingly.

Arthur looked towards his son.

"You are next. I am going out to get another beast, you show Fernando around and get him settled in, alright?"

"Yeah, alright, I'll see you in a bit then."

Arthur left the laboratory and made his way out of the cavern. Fernando looked around the lab nervously unsure of what to do or say next. Now that the original excitement was gone, he felt out of place in this strange cavern.

"Fernando, right? Follow me, I'll show you around the place."

Michael went around the building. He showed him the laboratories, the restrooms, the bedrooms, the garden, and the kitchen and pantry area. They sat on the table since Michael wanted to ask him some questions and get to know him.

"Who are you guys? Arthur said he was performing an experiment and that he would be able to give me the strength of a knight if I followed him."

"Why did you follow him? He said it was an experiment so it's not certain, so, then why did you follow him here?"

"I, I wouldn't have had the chance of becoming a knight otherwise. My father is a knight and so was my grandfather. I come from a long lineage and it has been only me who has not had enough talent. My older brother could have, but…"

Fernando looked at the kitchen table, his face downcast.

"What happened to your brother?"

Tv shows and other forms of entertainment were fictional and would get boring. Now he looked at the kid attentively, curious about his life's story.

"He was bitten by a jade-fanged snake when we were out playing. It happened like 4 years ago and I can't forget it, it was I who wanted to go out to play, not him."

Fernando winced as he mentioned his brother's tragic fate.

"So you blame yourself, huh. It's not good to live that way. Your brother may be dead, but you carry his spirit, when you act make your brother proud."

Michael thought of his own family. It's not difficult to share some advice once in a while.

Fernando looked up and nodded heavily. He was young, 13, so he was still quite impressionable and open to advice.

"Fernando, I also need to explain some things about the experiment to you. FIrst of all you are not a knight, you are a Runic Blood Warrior, a subclass of Magi."


Fernando looked surprised, even in the subterranean realm, Magi were still quite a rare sight, tales of their unfathomable spells filled bard's stories.

"Yeah, Magi. The guy who brought you here is a Magus as well. Okay, onto the next point. In the meantime, although you don't have a life seed or access to life energy, you still have the strength of a knight in your body. That means that in a battle of attrition you'll win nine out of ten times. It also means that control of your body is vital. Later on I'll share a technique to enhance your strength when you attack, but not now, for now you need to become accustomed to your new strength, look at the sides of your chair."

Fernando had already disfigured the wood he had been holding onto, a tantamount to his strength and his lack of control.

"Oh, yeah, I'm sorry."

Fernando removed his hands and rested them on his lap, afraid of ruining anymore furniture.

"Alright, I'll take you to your room and I'll pass on some exercises later."

Michael got up and led him to his new room, a practical replica of his. He had not told him everything, specifically the method for advancement as he did not trust him enough.

Michael left him there to familiarize himself, while he returned to his to prepare himself mentally.

After some poses, he sat in a lotus position and began to cultivate the Rising Sun Cold Autumn Meditation Technique.

In Fernando's room, he too had begun to meditate the Green Heart Meditation Technique. Arthur had told him that it would be the key to his changes.