
Immortal Fairy Xu

-Warning, this is Fanfiction of ATG, this is not an original- In the depths of despair, abandoned and betrayed, a voice echoed through her shattered existence: "Arise, child, and step into the light. Your soul, untouched by the taint of this world, is destined for greatness. Embrace my legacy, for I have awaited your arrival since the cataclysmic clash of divine and demonic forces. Come to me, and all that I possess shall be yours." The voice carried a soothing warmth, reminiscent of a mother's embrace. Could it be her long-lost mother calling out to her from beyond the veil of darkness? Overwhelmed by loneliness, she yearned for companionship and solace. "Mother, is it truly you? I beseech you, I cannot bear this solitude any longer. Take me with you, and let us find solace together," she whispered in her heart, her final plea before the birth of a celestial fairy.

No1Girl · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Chapter 6: Ghost of the Past

"Master, are you awake?" Qingyue whispered softly, her eyes watery as she gazed at her sleeping master. She had just woken up on her master's right side, while Lingxi remained lost in dreamland on the left. Qingyue carefully lifted Lingxi's arm and leg off her master, gently placing Lingxi in a corner of the bed. Turning her attention back to Xu, Qingyue rested her head against Xu's chest, cradling Xu's right hand under her back and placing Xu's left hand over her own chest. Embracing Xu's slim waist, she thought to herself, 'Master's scent is so refreshing and sweet, reminiscent of my mother's. I feel a deep fondness for my master due to the similarities in their scent and gentleness.' Qingyue closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep, comforted by the rhythmic beats of Xu's heart.

In the depths of her slumber, Qingyue found herself transported to the past, reliving the heart-wrenching moment that had scarred her young soul. She stood in their humble home, shivering as the bitter chill of the winter air seeped through the cracks. Tears streamed down her rosy cheeks as she watched her mother, the person she adored more than anyone else in the world, prepare to leave.

"Mama?" Qingyue's heart pounded with desperation, her voice filled with fear and longing. She clung desperately to her mother's legs, pleading with her to stay. But her mother's expression remained stoic and distant as if carved from ice. There was no warmth in her eyes, no hint of the love and tenderness Qingyue had known throughout her young life. The woman she idolized, whose embrace used to bring her comfort and security, now seemed cold and unfeeling.

"Qingyue, I have to go," her mother replied curtly, her voice devoid of any affection. "You must learn to be strong on your own. I can't always be here for you."

The words pierced Qingyue's heart like shards of ice, sending waves of anguish through her fragile being. The trauma of this moment would forever haunt her, shaping her thoughts and actions in the years to come. She refused to let go, clinging desperately to the hope that her mother would change her mind, that she would turn back and embrace her once again.

"Mama, please!" Qingyue's cries grew louder, her voice echoing through the desolate room. "Don't leave me here all alone. I need you."

But her pleas fell on deaf ears. With a final, detached gaze, her mother pried Qingyue's trembling hands away, leaving her feeling empty and abandoned. The door closed with a resounding thud, sealing Qingyue's fate and plunging her into a world of darkness and longing.

Qingyue jolted awake, her body drenched in a cold sweat. Gasping for breath, she realized it had been a dream—a haunting nightmare that had transported her back to the painful moment of her mother's departure. She frantically scanned her surroundings, searching for solace and reassurance.

"Master!" Qingyue called out, her voice trembling with a mix of confusion and fear. "Master! Lingxi!"

Silence engulfed the room, amplifying her sense of unease. She hurriedly got up from the bed, only to stumble and fall headfirst onto the icy floor. Pain radiated from her forehead as she saw stars dancing before her eyes. With a throbbing headache, she struggled to regain her composure and push through the pain.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Qingyue muttered, tears streaming down her face as she fought to stand up. "Master, please come back. I need you."

A gentle voice broke through her anguish, resonating within her very being. It was Xu, her master, her pillar of strength. The voice calmed the storm within Qingyue, offering solace amidst the chaos.

"Listen to me, Qing'er," the gentle voice echoed, carrying a soothing aura. "Master is not going anywhere without you or Ling'er."

As the voice enveloped her, the room transformed, dissolving into a void of darkness. But bit by bit, the darkness gave way to vibrant lights and familiar warmth. Qingyue opened her eyes, finding herself in Xu's embrace, tears still streaming down her cheeks.

"You will be alright, Qing'er. It was just a nightmare. Master is here and will always be here," Xu whispered, her words carrying a soothing melody. Xu gently patted Qingyue's back and caressed her hair, providing a comforting presence.

The tears continued to flow as Qingyue released all the sadness and fear that had consumed her. She clung to Xu, finding solace in the reassurance that her master would never abandon her. In that moment, the wounds inflicted upon her delicate soul began to heal, and a glimmer of hope flickered within her.

Lingxi, still sound asleep in the corner of the bed, remained unaware of the emotional journey Qingyue had just traversed. With a few fingers in her mouth, she murmured, "So tasty."

But Qingyue, now nestled in her master's embrace, felt a renewed sense of determination. She vowed to herself that she would confront her past, heal her traumas, and forge a future that would honor both her mother's memory and the unwavering support of her master.

I hope you all enjoy this chapter and comment on anything you guys or girls want to correct me on either the grammar errors, any cringing phrases, or unnatural speeches.

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