
Imagine Breaker in MHA

Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

Geraint124x · Anime & Comics
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142 Chs

Chapter 35: I Missed The Part Where That's My Problem

Chapter 35: I Missed The Part Where That's My Problem

Author: Geraint

A/N: To support me, pls donate to my Paypal.

Link: paypal.me/Geraint124x



I don't respond too much but I'll answer some questions if I can.


(MC's POV)

A day later, I decided to meet them during their patrol in the city and I brought them some homemade lunch that I prepared this morning.

We are currently in a park under a shade of a tree while watching people around playing with their child and pets.

I opened the lunch and showed to them.

"Look good! Did you made this?" Ryukyu curiously asked.

"Yeah, I borrowed the kitchen of the hotel I'm staying."

"Borrowed a hotel's kitchen? Is that the even allowed?"

"I'm exception since a friend of mine manage that place and I'm staying there for free."

I noticed Rumi took out a carrot and she was about to bite it raw, I immediately snatched from her hands.


"We're in public, Rumi!" I scolded her.

I took out a knife and peeled the carrot. Then I cut it into small batons and wrapped it with a tissue.


I passed it to her and she take it.

"Oh, thanks."

She can now eat the carrots easily.

I tried to remember my conversation with Ryukyu,

"Now, where am I? Oh, that's right, the name of the hotel I was staying was Yamagi Hotel and Resort which is just newly built here in this city."


I noticed that Ryukyu was silent while eating tempura and staring to me and Rumi.

"Mhmm! It's good."

After eating lunch together, it's already time for them to continue patrolling.

"You're supposed to be at your school today, not stalking us. Go back home already, Ichika!" Rumi tried to scold me while I'm cleaning up the lunchboxes.

"Don't call it 'stalking', Rumi. It's called 'Pursuit of Love'."

When I smiled and winked at her, she gave me an unpleasant look.

"Ugh.... Disgusting..."

"Pfffffft! Buhahahahaha!"

I burst out laughing because I already expected her reaction. Her abrasive personality is too much for this kind of things.

"Not funny, Ichika... You're giving me creeps."

"Well, you're one to talk for someone who chase after me from Osaka to here."

"Hey! That was... I was just interested on fighting you at that time. I'm not really..."

Rumi looks embarrassed and her face is red while looking frustrated.

"Then will you tell me how you feel about me right now? Don't you love me? Or... Do you hate me? Regardless, you have to give a farewell hug before I go."

"Shut up! Go away!"

She not used to it when I was the one who's doing the chasing. Instead, she gets angry and launched a powerful kick which I easily evaded.

Waving my index finger to her,

"Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! Too slow, Rumi. It will take more several years before you can hit me in this form."

"D*mn it!"

She became more furious and sent me a rapid fire of kicks.

It was hitting me but only my afterimages. All of it miss the target.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!"

"Ugh! This is frustrating! He's much more faster in his adult form!"

"Hahaha! It's futile! You'll never hit me!"

"These two..."

Ryukyu was watching us in the sideline.

I noticed that Rumi's kick are getting better.

She might be able to hit in my child form which is only has the Captain Falcon's abilities.

Jumping backwards several times before I noticed, there was dog sh*t that I was about to step on.

(Oh, Sh*t!)

I immediately stopped midair and floated but Rumi's kick hit me on the face.


I just dropped on the ground and decided not to stand up out of laziness.

Her kick has more power on it and I felt it in this form.

Rumi covered her nose,

"This shit smells! I'm surprised you evaded it, Ichika."

"I'm sorry!"

The owner of a pet dog apologized and immediately scoop up her pet's feces.

I evaded an unfortunate event but at what cost.

"Such misfortune..."

Rumi went towards me and squatted down as she pokes my cheek with her index finger.

"Still alive, ain'tcha? Get up!"

"Kiss me... And I might revive."

Rumi frowned as she pinched and shook my nose.

"You didn't learn, don'tcha?"

She let go of me and stood up, turning around.

"You have to get back soon or they might notice."

I stood up then brushes the dirt on my clothes.

"Okay, okay..."

She halted and turned towards me with serious expression.

"Ichika, I have a feeling that you're up to something big. I'm telling you this... If you ever turned into a villain, I'll be the one who will kick your ass and capture you!" she pointed at me.

Hearing her words of warning, I smiled.

"Don't worry, I won't become one if you're giving me enough attention... Now, where's my farewell hug?"

"Stop it! You're freaking me out!" she retorted.


She walked away and went towards Ryukyu.

"I prefer your younger form more than that creepy adult form, you stupid..."


My eyes widened hearing her mumbling.

As I turned towards her for a moment.

(Don't tell me...)

"What did you just say?"


"Are you some kind of Shotacon?"

"I'm not! The way you act flirty around me in that adult form makes me feel sick and uncomfortable. Just go back home!"

She continued her patrolling with Ryukyu.



After separating from Rumi and Ryukyu, I decided to visit the orphanage where I came from.

Walking through the alley way, I transformed back to my child form.


Lightning struck me from above and I returned back to a child.

"I should call the orphanage caretaker first so she can welcome me."

Picking up my phone from my pocket, I can't feel it from my pocket.


I left all my things in my adult form's pocket including my ATM and smartphone. This is the one of the problems I have with my transformation. I have to take all off my things first before transforming.

As I sighed,


Lightning struck me again.


I went to a mall and buy some souvenirs for all the children in the orphanage. I even hired a delivery service truck to bring the goods and snacks to the orphanage.

After signing the receipt of the delivery before they send my things off, I decided to go by foot to the orphanage.

I walked by the alleyway again and transformed into my child form.


Lightning hit me from above.

As I walked out of the alleyway on another path,


In front of a Family Mart, I saw a petite, fair-skinned girl with a slender build. She has triangular, lazy-looking onyx eyes with notably long lower eyelashes and rather small eyebrows.

Her hair is short, around chin length, and is dark purple in color with an asymmetrical fringe, and two reflections shaped like heartbeat monitor waves on either side of her head. Her ears has this flexible, plug-like earphone jacks hanging from each of her earlobes at the end of two thin cords.

She was wearing some kind of elementary uniform.

I can see that she was staring at a poster from the transparent glass wall of the store.

"Isn't she... Ummm.... What's her name again? I think it was... Umm..."

I tried to remember the information from my past life.

"Was it... Kamaboko Gonpachiro or Shakariki Gengoro? I'm not sure..."

Not being sure, I tried to approach her from behind.

(Let's see what is she looking at...)

I glanced at the poster and it was an announcement of different top musicians playing at some kind of event.

"Are you interested too?"

Gonpachiro was looking at me.

"Not really, I just got curious at what are you looking at. Is that some kind performance event."

"Yeah, most of the popular singers and composer in Japan will be in this event including my parents."

"I see... so your parents are musicians too."

"Yeah, I was looking forward to it but..."

She looked down and I saw a little bit of sadness from her expression.

"What's wrong?"

"That man won't be performing on this event too."


"He was a musician who just appeared two months ago and he already became popular not only in Japan but also around the world. In just a small span of time, he already released a lot of songs like 'Never give you up' and 'Can you feel my heart', and he immediately captured the top most of the best musician in Japan. He was such an amazing musician and I really look up to him but unfortunately... he never performed on any live events and he always refuse to appear in the public."

Hearing that, I was silent knowing whom she's talking about.

"So... you're a fan of him."

She became excited look as she looks at me with twinkling eyes.

"Yeah, of course! I love all of his songs! Each songs give different kind of feelings that it felt it was made by a lot of people! That makes him really talented! He's also a pianist and a composer which most of his music pieces already captured a lot of people hearts and they love it! All of his music are masterpiece that he became the most popular musician in Japan!"


My eyes rolled and looked away from her out of cringe.

"I was looking forward that he might show up in this event but no luck. I wish he showed up someday and perform live for his fans."

"I see... then good luck."

She gave me a disappointed look.

"For someone famous and we'll known, you don't know anything about him? You should at least heard about his songs in the television or listen to the people around who talk about his masterpiece. He's the current trend right now even more in the internet!"

I felt annoyed,

"I missed the part where that's my problem."


"I guess you're not a fan of music."

She looks a bit down hearing what I said.

"Well... you can say it like that." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Well, you should at least listen to his song once. His artist name is Fujiwara Ichika and you can find a lot of his songs in the Internet. You can check it if you have time."


"Okay, nice talking with you but I have to go. I hope you will like his songs just like me!"

She walked away in hurry.


Holding my head in pain, feeling the nausea of remembering the suffering of practicing singing all of that songs and edit them myself while doing my projects in my workshop every night.

The song played itself in my head like some flashbacks.

(Play: Rickroll but make it Anime)

(To be continued.)

(A/N: I thought a lot before writing this chapter so that it won't get bad but I don't know. I'll fix my mistakes later.)