
Imagine Breaker in MHA

Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

Geraint124x · Anime & Comics
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142 Chs

Chapter 27: Meeting The Goddess Again

Chapter 27: Meeting The Goddess Again

Author: Geraint

A/N: To support me, pls donate to my Paypal.

Link: paypal.me/Geraint124x

Thank you very much, it will be a quite big help to me.


(MC's POV)

Waking up as I yawned, when I opened my eyes.


I was surprised, seeing myself in a familiar dark room. My body was in my adult form.

"This place..."

"Hello. We meet again, rude human."

A beautiful woman with long snow white hair and blue eyes spoke to me.

Of course, how can I forget the goddess who sent me into that world. She is wearing a white dress but this time it's ordinary.


Standing up as I scratch the back of my head.

"Yeah, it's been a while. Will you return back now my hair into It's former color?"


"Then why am I doing here? Did you brought me up here?"

"Yeah, I call you up here to tell you something."


A grin appeared on her face,

"What do you think?" she looks proudly of herself.


"I mean, I want you to praise me!"

"Did you just call me up here because of that?"

"I said, praise me! I already took a bath unlike last time! It's not easy to be a goddess because it's a lot of work!" she complained to me.


I moved towards her then patted her head gently.

"Yosh, Yosh. You're a good girl."

"Hehehe... It's not!" she angrily screamed.


Suddenly, her dress got ripped off into pieces and disappeared, leaving her completely naked.

"Oh, that's right. Your right hand. I forgot."

She covered her private part with her arms and she looks very embarrassed.

I was just stunned while looking at her.


She faced behind and squatted down.

Seeing her like this, I sighed.

I can see that she's pouting because of me.

I took off my coat and covered her back.

"Here... Covered yourself with this."

When she turned slightly and glanced at me, she looks a little mad.

She wore my coat and covered herself then she looked at me, eye to eye then smiled with slight blushes on her cheeks.

"Actually, I want you to call me beautiful but I give up. You're more denser than I thought."

"What a narcissist girl."

"I'm a goddess of beauty, love and fertility, Venus."

"It doesn't suit you. You just don't have that kind of air around you."


"When the first time I came here, I can already smell something fishy on you. Your kind of acting stiff and--"

"Shut up! I'm a newbie, alright?! That was my first time doing a reincarnating job. In the first place, that wasn't supposed my job! My colleague, goddess of reincarnation got wasted from drinking too much and I was the only one who was available goddess at that time. I did her job in her place and I was clueless of what I'm going to do! I just tried to imitate her! It was supposed my rest day, you understand?"

Seems like this goddess had it hard.

"I see..."

I understand now why she stinks of alcohol at that time. Deities really loves alcohol.

I remembered, there was something I want to ask her about my Cheats and this only my chance.

"Then about my Cheat, Captain Falcon Transformation."

"Yeah, I saw it. It was completely destroyed but the ability remains."

"I discovered that it's the same as Shazam, or also known as Captain Marvel. I can turn myself into an adult superhero."

"Well... about that."

She looks away, acting suspicious.

I just stared at her.

Knowing now that it wasn't supposed her job, I already have the suspicion.

The two cheats are normal and I'm familiar with them but Captain Falcon Transformation? The never heard anything about it.

"You did something, right?"

"Ah! This is my fault for giving you a 4th cheat!"

"Huh? 4th Cheat?"

"Yeah, it's called 'Genius Intellect'. Remember when I turned your hair to pink color?"

"Yeah." I nodded.

"At that time, I just want you to become smarter and make you realize how beautiful I am... But now, I realized it was a mistake. No matter how much I make you smarter, you won't call me beautiful. Even with Genius Intellect, you're still dense. I give up! The name 'Ichika' really suits you."


This girl is ridiculous.

Of course, I'm aware that she wants me to call her beautiful but my pride won't let myself do that. I felt like I'm defeated if I say that to someone like her who is proud of her beauty. Sorry for being an assh0le but I won't say that praise to her.

"Well thanks, I'm having fun creating a lot of things but what about my Captain Falcon Transformation? Just the name enough made it feel weird--"

"Hey! Stop calling it weird! I'm the one who modified that--Ah! I messed up!"

When I heard the word 'modified', I immediately grabbed her cheek and pinched it.


"Aw aw aw! Stop it! It hurts!"

"No wonder some abilities are different and it didn't feel right! Turn it back to normal!"

"No! The costume looks lame and as a goddess of beauty, I modified it!"

"I don't care about your sense of beauty! Just turn it back!"

"It took me a long time before I gave it to you, ya know? Aw aw aw!"

"I don't care!"

"I even added some Captain Falcon abilities."

"No! Turn it back!"

"I hate that costume! I like Falcon' dandy charm more!"

"Shut up!"

"Okay! Okay! I'll turn it back! Please let go of me!"

I let go of her cheeks which became a little bit swell.

"In Falcon's form, I exactly look as old as my father--All Might. I want to look younger."

All Might is already in his 50's.

"As you guess, it's a power of Shazam. It enables you to transform into an adult superhero. I modified the transformation and some of it's abilities so you wouldn't notice."

I felt disappointed of her.

"Now, turn it back."


She suddenly grabbed me on my face.


She pulled and kiss me on my lips.


Electricity flows onto my body and I felt electrocuted.


She pushed me away as she let go of my mouth.

Both of us are breathing heavily.

"Hey! That was my first time!"

I felt a little embarrassed.

"It was my first time too!" she retorted.

*Pant* *Pant*

"I thought I'm gonna die for that!"

"The superhero abilities remains in your child body and you just haven't awaken some of them. That why, I fixed and changed your ability to turn into adult superhero. Just say the name 'Shazam' and you will able to transform."


I felt happy and excited about it.

"Anyway, I hate that costume. You may now leave."


"Take this."

A bright stone with amber color appeared on her palm then it flew towards my direction.

It landed slowly in my left palm.

"What is this?"

"A mind stone."


I was completely shock and trembled.

"Don't worry, it's just a low-grade Mind Stone and I have a lot of them in my backyard."


I felt disappointed.

The people are fighting a war over that stone then you realize that you can just find it anywhere just like pebbles.

"Let's meet again next time. Bye~ bye~"

She waved her hands at me with smile.

The stone in my palm lit up and shrouded my vision with bright light.



I felt like someone was shaking me.

*Ichika-kun! Wake up!*


The first thing I saw is Toru's floating uniform.

Looking around, I noticed that we are the only one who's remaining in classroom.

Everyone has already go home.

"I came back here and you're still sleeping. I tried to wake you up but you're not responding! I was really worried!"

Standing up from my seat, I noticed something from palm and it was a stone with amber color.

I was surprised when I realized that it wasn't a dream.


"Sorry for making you worry. Let's me treat you something."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course!" I smiled.

She was fidgeting while saying,

"There is this new Cafe just opened yesterday and I want to visit it because they have a lot of cute cats. How about we go there?"


She really loves cute things.

"Let's go."


(To be continued.)

(A/N: The forbidden hero is back in Japan. Guess who? I'll fix my mistakes later.)

Umu umu