
Im the only Player in DC

Another FF from the Gamer series. This time in DC.

Kriuswerr_PL · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Chapter 1

Waking up on the beach in bloody clothes with cement shoes on the feet. He was quite a drastic experience for Wade Stone. Who, now panicked, looks around the bird and his thoughts.

(Wade)-,,What the fuck...What the fuck...What the fuck...Where the hell am I ... I remember ... I remember ... fuck ... why don't I remember how I got here .... wait ... My name is Wade Stone ... And I'm 21 ... I live. ..with my parents? .... why can't I remember ... wait ... FUCK !! ...."

As Wade cursed and tried to remember recent events ... he looked around. Starting with the city behind him, the architect of which did not look like Warsaw or any other city he knew ... It wasn't, a city similar to New York ... but he had been to Europe before. However, when he looked at the center of the lake or bay in which he was. It all became clear to him, but he was still shocked no less.

(Wade)-,,Wow...If ... Fuck ... There's no other T-shaped belie ... In the middle of the bay ... though it could be a reenactment ... Does anyone out there ... fly ... I'm in DC ... And more precisely Jump City .... Hopefully not in Teen Titans Go .... It wouldn't be so bad ... But let's respect each other ... Okay ... Breathe ... go away ... Transmigration .. ..Masturbation ... Okay ... Let's have a look ..."

Wade began examining his body, but in addition to a bloody white T-shirt with a hole in it, surrounded by dried blood in several places. A unbuttoned leather jacket, torn dirty jeans ... and concrete feet. His body was no different from his previous one. He checked his face, crawling closer to the water so that he could see his reflection in the water.

(Wade)-I still look like before ... Fuck ... I was hoping to be at least ... handsome ... That my face would do 90% of hitting on DC women for me. But it's the old unattractive me ... but with concrete shoes ... I have to find a rock and free my legs ... Fuck ...-said Wade

Wade wasn't handsome, it wasn't tragic. However, he had no girlfriend all his life and was a loner. He had black short hair, similar to Dante from DMC. Blue eyes, and a 5/10 or 4/10 guy in general.

Wade took the stone closest to him and began to slowly crack the stone open. However, it was really difficult, and for 15 minutes Wade thought about this new world. He concluded that he had to transmigrate his alternate version from this world into his body. Therefore his appearance is as before. However, the fact that he had concrete shoes and clothes seems to have recovered from multiple shots. They assured him that he had occupied another person's body. Or Rob is making fun of him ... But probably the first option.

However, once he managed to break the cement block in half, creating stone boots ... heavy ... but boots. He saw something that caused tears to appear in his eyes. A semi-transparent gray screen appeared in front of his eyes.

[Due to excessive exercise, STR increases by 1 point.]

That simple screen made Wade knelt ... with difficulty ... But still. He dropped the stone, and he started wiping his tears away and he talked.

(Wade)-Ehh...God...Thank you .... I always fucking dreamed about it ... I mean ... I would change a few details ... okay better not to complain ... Thank God ... Jesus ..... * deep Breathe .... How a man dreams of something like this ... And finally he gets ... no wonder he feels like this .... Jesus ... Many hours of reading FF and Novel are not wasted. System ... Eeee.. Status.


Name: Wade Stone


Class: None

Title: Random Victim

Race: Human


STR-37 [Standard male human 30-60]








The statistics were quite simple, Wade knew himself that he was ... not very fit. So the statistics are not so surprising. However, the title "Random Victim" aroused Wada's curiosity.

(Wade)-hmmm... ,,Random Victim"....It may mean that I was accidentally involved in the shooting, or someone attacked me and got rid of the evidence .... Or something like that ... on the title ... works.


,,Random Victim"-You're an accidental victim .... not interesting ... you were unlucky. [ NO Profit]


(Wade)-Nothing interesting ... But weird I don't have an assistant ... mostly ... wait ... let's try first...System what functions do you have?





(Wade)-Nothing???Okay ... Turn on the menu.



1. Status




(Wade)-I have Demo or Beta versions ... Not that I would complain ... but it looks ... okay ... maybe it's better ... finally Beta versions, they may have too strong skills ... yes ... I can have unbalanced abilities ... Or I got the base system ... Heh ... Never mind ... turn on Gacha functions.



[Class Gacha](1 free spin)

[Random Gacha]

[Skill Gacha]

[Bloodline Gacha]

[Weapon Gacha]

[Armor Gacha]

[Magic Skill Gacha]






(Wade)-Wow....Really a lot of kinds .... Stupid idea ... but good for me ... If System is not an assistant but a tool without AI ... This is definitely a good recovery ... But there is a risk ... weapons ... But all in all, it will go to your inventory. So I have nothing to worry about.

(Wade)-Let's try this free Gacha ... Use Class Gacha.

[Class Gacha ticket used ... Draw ... Received class "Martial arts master"]

As soon as the gray window pops up, Wade felt as if someone had thrown a stone at his head. After which information began to flow into his mind about many kinds of kicks, strikes that belonged to many different martial arts.

(Wade)-Martial arts theory in seconds ... It hurts ... Never mind ... Show Status.


Name: Wade Stone


Class: Martial arts master [lvl.1]

Title: Random Victim

Race: Human


STR-37 [Standard male human 30-60]








Wade was slightly confused, but saw the mere acquisition of theoretical knowledge. It increased his intelligence by 4 points ... What made him happy. However, aside from a slight headache, he couldn't seem to make a difference.

Then Wade finished releasing his feet from his stone boots. After which he started looking through his pockets, and to his surprise, he found his ID card lying loosely in his pocket. And the apartment keys, with the address and apartment number in a jewel.

(Wade)-Okay ... I already have the basics .... I better go to this address and we'll see .... Jump City Diagon Alley 21 .... Hehehe ..... If not for this sign on the roundabout ... I would have thought it was a crossower ... But luckily it's just an egg ester ... Or the mayor of the city has a sense of humor.

Wade, following the signs, looked for the address on the jewel. Luckily it was early morning, and apart from the cars, the streets were empty.

Fortunately, Diagon Alley was close to the bay and the Teen Titans base. So Wade didn't have to look long to find his apartment. It turned out that Wade lives in a studio apartment in a two-story residential complex.

His apartment was small, with a bathroom, kitchen, hallway and bedroom. In the kitchen, which was small. There was a small table with one chair, a little ice cubes, a kitchen section and a cat picture ... Nothing fancy ... Bathroom and room was small too. But that was not what Wade was looking for, he entered the room and, after inspecting the apartment. He looked for clothes. He is dressed in a black T-shirt with the Monster energy drink logo, a leather jacket and jeans. Wade sat up in bed and said to himself.

(Wade)-At least I have a roof under my head ... This is something ... Gacha is my only hope ... But I don't know how to get a Ticket. And I don't have an Assistant ... So it remains ... heh ... doing what I can. Namely developing the Class. Master of Martial Arts ... After all, since I'm in DC. It should be taken advantage of. However, I have to increase the level of the kalsa. Because I do not have a list of skills ... it makes it difficult ... But I have theoretical view ... Heh ... So training .... The system gives me the opportunity to self-improve ... But everything requires effort .... So let's eat and over Zatoke ... An atmospheric training place and maybe I will see Raven or Star ... Hehe ... Raven is better.