

Hi, long time no see. " The short words that escaped from the girl's lips made Akala's body instantly freeze. It's been a long time, even too long. It felt like the voice didn't greet him anymore. Then what brought him back here? To the place where their story began. his lips felt stiff to answer that. "hi" he said as he immediately left. Binta is a little confused about what happened to this man, her little friend whom they had been separated for 6 years. Akala feels awkward to start a conversation with him, he immediately leaves because there will be someone he will meet in the park. Binta comes to Bandung again to continue her education here. And unexpectedly he met his little friend. I come to the garden just to see his best friend, Bella. Bella is Akala's best friend, who, unexpectedly, Derri also has feelings for her. "hi the bell" said someone while sitting beside Bella "La, how long has it been" asked Bella "It's jammed because Bel," said Akala, lying even though he was taking a long time due to pacing back and forth in the park thinking about Binta who suddenly came to Bandung. 6 years ago Binta went to Jakarta as a result of her parents' work, which demanded that she move to Jakarta. binta did not think that he would come home to death. He thought he would stay in Jakarta for the rest of his life. "why is Akala avoiding me? Does Akala not know me anymore?" That sentence had filled the beautiful girl's mind ever since leaving the garden. today, Binta's first day came to Jakarta. The first thing he did was take a leisurely walk around the beautiful city of Bandung. Binta comes to the garden where she used to spend time with Akala. and there he also decided that Akala would go to Jakarta, and there he met Akala again. His best friend .

Getkeysx · Fantasy
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13 Chs

chapter 8 The greatest fear

The rest bell rang, binta was planning on going to the cafeteria for a moment.

"Ta, canteen yuk," take gavina to binta.

"Let me go to the cafeteria. Make sure vin gives himself up," said binta.

"Ta, you don't have to worry about what happened to you yesterday. You can only focus forward. make yourself the best part of yourself. No need to think about what's not important." Gavina patted his back.

"Yes, vin, yes, let's go to the cafeteria, let's not go dancing" the woman laughed.

Binta tried to get to the cafeteria with all this trouble swirling around in her head.

The problem is that there is no point of light until now.

And what makes him think a lot right now is, where last night he heard his parents argue that his heart was beating so hard, it was like there was a struggle between his parents.

Binta's view is completely blank right now, luckily he has his hand in his hand. otherwise he doesn't know where he's going to hit people in the hallways.

"Ta," the gavina

But binta did not glance straight forward with an empty gaze.

"Ta," she called again.

However, asa sajua.

"Ta..., what are you doing?" Gavina wiggles the body to throw her gaze out.

"HMM, sorry, vin, I didn't hear you the first time, why?" said love.

"What's wrong with you? You got a lot on your mind? I see you've been feeling low. Was it about the same problem with fathur yesterday?"

"Vin's not, I'm sure I think of him" to try to be honest.

"If not for that what then? Let's be honest with you, so you don't give a shit.

"Maybe I'm just tired, just calm down" to try to give gavina a little explanation.

Gavina kept quiet, didn't want to bring it up, because she knew blove was hiding something from her.

"Vin," binta suddenly called gavina to listen.

"Yes, why ta?" he asked.

"If your parents are fighting, you wouldn't fight them. What are you going to do?" asked binta.

"Ha? - why? Your parents are in trouble? It's no big deal, you can't clean up your old man's house," gavina says.

"Yeah, no, my parents don't fight" she said.

"But if my parents fight, I don't think much of it, 'cause that's between the two of them, and going back to that one, if life wasn't working out for you, things would get a little messy. But it would strengthen the gift "the usual light of gavina would listen to her parents, and she didn't care so much about it.

Binta fell silent, listening to gavina's words, instead of being quiet but becoming increasingly afraid of what happened to her parents. He's overthinking, some idea why he overthinking both parents. There must be some covered in binta.