

The next morning, at the office, four figures sat across each other. Chenfeng Yue, Jason Yue, Sonny Yue and Andy Yue.

"Why they called a meeting suddenly ?", Chenfeng Yue was anxious.

"Isn't it obvious dad ? Andy has returned and I have long declared that Sonny will be my heir.", Jason Yue was stern. "They say it My Nepotism, But I say it their Jealousy".

"Yes, you are right. My brothers. These assholes betrayed the family before, but I allowed them for the sake of Qingxue", Chenfeng Yue was angry.

It was true. The patriarch of the Yue family had Five Children. Chenfeng Yue, Changsheng Yue , Zhenfeng Yue and Qinxue Yue. Four decades ago when the competition between the four families was at the prime. The Yue family was on the verge of losing. The other three families were united against the Yue family.

at that time Changsheng Yue and Zhenfeng Yue separated their businesses for the fear of losing them. Chenfeng yue and Qingxue Yue stayed by the side of the patriarch.

The patriarch was helpless. So he was forced to sacrifice his most talented son Chenfeng Yue. As a result the family became the first family of Beijing but abandoned its original medical heritage.

But When the family won the battle and was established as the first family, Changsheng Yue and Zhenfeng Yue returned. At that time the new head of the family Chenfeng Yue refused to forgive these traitors.

Refused and Agitated, Changsheng Yue and Zhenfeng Yue started public critizing of the Yue Family. The patriarch could not sit idle but he had given his power to Chenfeng and he knew his son's temper. At that time, Qingxue Yue requested his brother and told him not to forgive them ever but for the sake of Yue family take them in. Chenfeng Yue after much hesitation, took the traitors in .

Now they are considered a part of the Yue family. In the outside , the family is united but on the inside the relations are broken beyond repair. Nobody meets with each other except for any property or business related reason.

But these people suddenly called for a family meeting. Chenfeng Yue and Jason Yue can chose to ignore it but then these shameless people would mock them.

"I am sure they want to prevent Dad from naming Sonny the heir. ", Andy reached a conclusion.

They all nodded.

"But this cannot be tolerated. If not for Jason's strength, I am afraid he would have been long deposed as the master of the family ", Chenfeng sighed. Though it was humiliating for family members to be like this but its the truth.

"Alright, I will meet them. You two will also join the meeting. Dad, you will preside the meeting as the our eldest family member", Jason Yue was calm and expressionless.

It was agreed.