
Family meeting

The same day in the evening. The family meeting was arranged to be held in the Courtyard.

At the head of the table sat Chenfeng Yue, who presided over the meeting. On his side sat Jason Yue , current master of the family, On his other side sat Sonny Yue, the probable future heir. Andy Yue sat beside his brother.

One by one everybody came. Everyone brought their personal bodyguards with him. Chenfeng Yue frowned seeing the hostility. Andy Yue was shocked. He could not believe that it was his own relatives.

Soon the meeting started.

Zhenfeng Yue spoke first.

"Master, as a member of the Yue family, naturally I am concerned about the future of the family. My elder brother Chenfeng and you, my nephew maintained the family with an iron fist. Its by your virtue that the family has reached at its peak."

Everyone nodded.

he continued, "But what I am worried is that whether your son Sonny will be able to maintain the family. He is too rash and hot tempered. "

Changsheng Yue then stood up, "I also have the same opinion as third brother. I have a proposal."

Chenfeng Yue frowned but kept his calm. Jason Yue was furious. These insolent bastards question his decision. It is tantamount to challenging him.

Changsheng Yue continued, "Also you have grown old. Its time that you take retirement and practice on your cultivation. I therefore propose that Master Jason Yue step down from his position and give the mantle of the family to Our two grandsons Ti an Yue and Dong yue. "

Chenfeng Yue , Jason Yue , Sonny Yue and Andy Yue gasped, Surprised by their Audacity.

Zhenfeng said, "I support his decision. the younger generation should take charge of the family. We old guys should step back. Those who are in support of this proposal please stand up."

One by one they stood up. those who supported them are Dai an Yue, Son of Changsheng Yue, Wanyu Yue, Daughter of Zhenfeng Yue, Ti an Yue, Son of Dai an Yue and Dong Yue, Son of Wanyu Yue.

Jason Yue said coldly, "If you want the younger generation to take the mantle, then why do you disagree with sonny ? "

Chenfeng Yue also raised his voice, "moreover Sonny assisted the master . he knows the family business more than Ti an and Dong."

"but first brother, You are forgetting that Both You and Jason held the power of the master because of your strength." , Changsheng sneered.

They both frowned.

Zhenfeng continued, "Ti an and Dong both are you in the later stage of the valley and they will soon become Heavenly Master."

This was like a bomb to them. They cannot understand how those two can cross the later stage of valley. They started cultivating just one year before Andy. How can they progress in such a short time.

Both Jason and Chenfeng didn't thought of the possibility so they didn't bother to see their Qi fluctuation. But as they saw they found that it was true.

"yes and Sonny even left his practice. " Dai an said coldly. "he doesn't have the strength to compete with them. "

"Yes ! first brother, You might be the master of the family but after your and Uncle Chenfeng's death I am afraid that If Sonny becomes the heir. He and your younger Son Andy might get killed", Wanyu Yue finally opened her mouth.

It was a direct threat.

"Hold your tongue !", Sonny Yue was losing his cool.

"Sonny don't ! ", Chenfeng Yue told him in a stern voice. He knew Sonny's temper. If he lost his cool then he wouldn't think twice before attacking.

Jason Yue also advised him to stop. He decided to play it safe.

He stood up. He slapped the table angrily and said, "I am the master of this Family. I command this family right or wrong. You wanna fuck with me. I think you know that I have the power to kill you little cockroaches."

Everyone was stunned except Ti an Yue and Dong Yue. They surged their Qi and was about to attack Jason Yue but then...

"Don't do it. You will be killed." Dai an Yue reminded. "They are far more powerful."

Ti an Yue and Dong Yue calmed down. Jason also noticed their audacity but didn't say anything

Jason Yue spoke, " Alright, I am still alive and Until I die, You won't get the command of the family. Dad, I will take my leave now. " and he walked away to his mansion

"You heard the man. Now If you again dare to contradict the master like this. I guarantee that he won't be soft on you. " , Chenfeng Yue coldly reminded, "this meeting is over, all of you go."

Chenfeng , Sonny and Andy walked away.

"It seems that First brother has to be removed for us to get the family assets. Okay , we'll see...", Wanyu Yue snorted.

Back in the mansion no.1, Chenfeng, Jason, Sonny and Andy all looked gloomy.

"This...this can't be ignored Jason. They have already shown their true colours. I am sure that Ti an and Dong try to act against Sonny and Andy.", Chenfeng Yue sighed.

"Not when I am alive. Dad we are both in the high realm of Soul master and Spirit master respectively. They also know this. Will they still come after us ? ", Jason Yue was very angry.

"Yes, but we can't underestimate them. If they can become Valley masters in Just one year without the Martial inheritance of the Yue Family, I am sure they have used some other means. Most probably Evil cultivation.", Chenfeng was confused

"Yes probably but we can't sit idle. Andy I know that You want to study medicine and I am not stopping you but I wish that you improve your cultivation. Then You can face them.", Jason Yue was tensed.

"Okay Dad I will. I'll leave tomorrow morning.", Andy told Jason

"But where to ? ", Chenfeng Yue became sad. He didn't want his grandson to leave but he also has no choice.

"This, I will tell you tomorrow. Lets have dinner though, I am starving", Andy replied.

Everyone nodded. After dinner, Andy went to his bed.

"Ancestor, If you are hearing...I would like to meet you.Please" Andy Closed his eyes and thought.

He soon fell asleep. When he opened his eyes, he found himself in this strange paradise. His scanned the place and suddenly he found Qingdi Yue standing with a faint smile.

"Well, what's the matter ?", Qingdi Yue asked

"Ancestor, the situation of the family is not good, our own people want to backstab us for the family property. I have to improve my cultivation and I also want to learn orthopedy and medicine but I can't do this here. I will be watched. I need your help.", Andy Yue was calm.

"I see, Although you have the capability but you need someone to guide you.", Qingdi Yue thought for a while.

"Yes, I have a way. Go to Chongqing city and find ZHONG WU."

"who is he ancestor ? ".

"That's for you to find. Good Luck", Qingdi Yue bade goodbye.

Andy nodded helplessly.

. . .

Andy Yue woke up.

"Well Chongqing city it is. Fine", Andy Yue thought and went to sleep.