
If we parish

Part One Romina, aka Reo wasn't a stranger to heartbreak. She watched her life fall apart before her eyes and chose to run away. In an attempt to escape, she transfered to a boarding school and found herself running into the arms of Alexa. In a world where fairy tales don't exist, only the demons in your head, they learn to help each other. A traumatic incident occurs and Reo finds herself questioning everything she thought she knew about herself. She gets drunk in revenge and becomes the deadliest version of herself.

Onika_Sileku · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 6 Romina's love trap for Scott's love

"Take off your jacket you are wet". I said as I took it off.

"So are you". I place both of my hands on her cheeks

"I am here to take care of you too you know and this is my way of thanking you". While looking into her eyes I said.

"I'll go take my clothes off where is the bathroom?"

"The first door on your left when you walk out of the dining room, while you're there call Amanda and tell her you are safe but be back tomorrow".

"I will fix us something to eat". I washed my hands at the kitchen sink, took out onions, tomatoes and chillies to make both of us soup so we don't catch a cold. I stood there wet and cooked the soup and baked bread.

I went and changed as I waited for the bread to bake which is 45 minutes. On my way back I went to check on Juno.

I knocked on the bathroom door and said. "Are you still alive in there?"

"Yes, I just need some clothes".

"So you were just going to stay there until when?"

"No, I was about to call but you knocked on the door".

"Get yourself wrapped in a towel and follow me".

Juno seemed calm and nice when Reo was around. Every answer was polite, there were no unnecessary arguments, it was as if she was trying to attract her and be nice to her.

We went upstairs to Alexa's room. "This is her bedroom. You will be wearing my clothes until yours gets dry. They are in that black bag". I said and left the room. "Wait, what about you Reo?"

"I have a dress somewhere here, get dressed and come down stairs. I will put our clothes in the dryer while I wait for you to make dinner". I left the room leaving her staring at the door. She loved how controlling I was at times.

I took a dress that I wore at Alexa's uncle's funeral and waited for Juno in the kitchen with a bottle of wine.

"So now we're drinking?"

"A glass of wine won't hurt".

An hour later I dished the soup with the bread and poured the first glass of wine for me then Juno.

"I didn't know you had secret talents… baking? Since when".

"Since birth". said and laughed.

"How did you know I like hot stuff? Thank you for this meal, it is nothing I've tasted before".

"My nose is dripping. How can you love this?" Juno laughed.

"I don't know, it's good for your health".

"Do you want to play domino after I'm done washing the dishes?"

"Do you know how to pay?"


"Me too". I said we laughed.

"I thought you were about to say something better than me, Karaoke?"

"I've never done karaoke in my life".

"Neither have I".

"Come then we both virgins at this there's a karaoke machine in the room you were in please bring it I'll get the snacks".

"They say eyes are the window to one's soul but yours are mysterious".

"Drink a glass of wine and you will start seeing things". I laughed when I heard her comment.

"Every time I look into your eyes I just find hope".

"Why wine, when you know my situation with alcohol?"

"I want you to enjoy alcohol with a heart full of joy and taste the difference."

"Is there a difference?"

"Only you would know the answer to that".

"I don't feel like karaoke".

"You're my guest, what is that you feel like madam, my castle is yours".

"Please surprise me".

"Well follow me Miss". We walked out the back door speaking in British accents. Juno let out a laugh. I stared at her while she was laughing. I'd never seen her this happy.

"I'm glad I make you uncomfortably happy". She quickly stopped laughing and blushed.

"You don't you I just enjoy your company, you didn't try to change me, you gave me a second chance though I was mean and arguing with you in every way possible… warned you every way that I was bad news I guess…"

"Our hearts beat for the same thing?" I interrupted her and stood up in front of her smiling, she brushed my eyebrows with her thumb and she cupped my face and pulled me in for a deep hug.

I took a deep breath in as the scent of my late lover went through her nostrils triggering all the good times we had together. I pulled in Juno as the thought of Alexa disappeared and said.

"It's time to let you go". Juno heard me and pulled out of the hug and said.

"I'm sorry".

"For what?"

"For not letting".

"No that wasn't for you it was for me".


"See this is where Alexa and I had our first date it was amazing".

"Do you think you will be able to date again?"

"Yeah, but first I want a dick inside of me, I'm sure it's different then fingers".

"I wouldn't know never have hooked up with a girl before".

"I never had a dick in".

"You made that clear". She said I let out a laugh.

"Did I make it clear that I wanted it?"

"Yes you did, did I tell you that it has lots of other things you might not want at a young age?"

"Don't you think I know that?"

"Just had to make sure".

"Well, are you sure now?" I ask, letting out a laugh. Juno scooped me in her arms and said.

"I think it's time for me to pleasure you". I just laid still in her arms and looked at her as she carried me inside. "Okay time out you are heavy and this is as far as I will go". "What, it's not even ten steps".

"I'll do you a favor and lock the doors for us". I laugh.

"You're hilarious whatever you say Miss".

We headed back to the dining room and poured ourselves the second glass of wine. "This is it for me, I am doing a test on Monday so I don't want to drink that much".

"I know the difference now, between drinking alcohol for depression and all that messed up stuff I do".

"Oh mind if I ask you to tell me?"

"So I realized that I rush the alcohol and not enjoy it now I am relaxed and enjoying every sip of this wine".

"I am proud of you and the choices you've been making".

"Thank you for believing in me".

"It's 1 am we need to sleep, you will sleep in the room opposite my room which used to belong to Alexa".

"Goodnight". And she kissed my forehead.

Around 7am

"Morning sunshine". She greeted me with a smile on her face and made her way to my bathroom and washed her face and teeth. I sat on the bed waiting for her to come out of the bathroom and.

"Good morning, goddess".

"I suggest you get covered up, you have guests".

"Guests?" I was confused and quickly wore the dress I wore last night.

"What do they want?"

"They won't speak or leave without speaking to you".

We rushed down stairs, I saw familiar faces. "Awu, isn't it a lovely couple". I am…I interrupt...

"I don't give fuck and his muse… I don't give a fuck, get to the point what do you want from me?" I asked and sat down opposite them.

"It's pretty obvious why we are here".

"I wouldn't have asked you if it was obvious I would have kicked both of your fake asses out, period!"

"We heard that Alexa left everything under your name and surname".

"And, start talking to ladies we don't have all day".

"We want everything she left you or you are dead or we make your life a living hell just like we did to Alexa".

"Tell your father that's not happening y'all have to kill me first then maybe you will get everything remember we are not all the same and I think it's best if y'all get going".

"We are not going until you're dead." They said and transformed into their demons. Juno wasted no time. She transformed and told them to leave immediately and they transformed into human form and they ran out.

Juno held my hand for comfort. "I think we should get going, we will drive, it's too cold for a bike".

I said loosening my hand from her grip and going to the laundry room to get our clothes. After a while I went back to the dining room , Juno was still standing there staring in my direction.

I gave her clothes. "Thank you, don't you think I need a better explanation to what is happening here"?

"I will tell you when I am ready".

"I hate it when you say that".

"Well I hate you for not being patient with me, you're not the only one with problems and some happen to be bigger and more deadly than others". I said and stormed off to my room and cried as soon as I got there I couldn't hold them back anymore.

Juno slowly followed me, she knocked at the open door. I didn't look up, I just looked down.

"Hi I am Juno once upon a time I met this girl she has the most beautiful soul I have ever met in my entire life, she and I became friends that was unusual because I never let anyone in or be nice as time when on she and I became each other's comfort I loved the person I was becoming day and night I don't normally sleep but as soon as she and I shared a bed and talked I felt sleepy and I trusted her because as time went on I realized she is the strongest person I have met."

" I liked how unapologetic she is, she was funny. I felt like it was meant to be for us to meet… people will fight and argue at times but please don't shut me out. For once in my life I felt alive while sober."

I didn't move an inch where I was sitting. I was sitting on the floor against my bed facing the window.

Juno waited hoping that I would say something. "All I am saying Romina is that I don't want someone else to lose herself while I gain my strength, you were the one who helped become a better person now let me be there for you too, we are both going back to school soon I just want to make the best out of all the bitter moments".

"I understand I am sorry for what I am putting you through". I said and got up and walked to her and we hugged. We walked downstairs holding hands. I went through the garage while Juno was standing next to her bike. I drove out the wagon so they could also put the bike inside before we left. I decided to change the passwords for the security cameras installed that are connected to a smartphone.

2 hours later

We arrived at bobs house, "I thought y'all weren't coming back welcome, welcome okay quick question who the fuck are your parents because I am 23 and I don't have such a ride bitch you wealthy?"

"I don't know either."

"You don't?"

"Are you done with your 21 questions? I'm hungry".

"Well you have a visitor".

"Visitor? I hate surprise visits".

"He goes by the name of Scott".

"Does that ring a bell?" Deep voice asks behind us. Amanda and Juno left us alone. "Yeah it does".

"I didn't mean to eavesdrop but I heard that you are hungry. This would be the perfect date we can have breakfast at my place".

"Okay I'm down let me change". I told the girls that I will be going out with Scott and will be back later.

The girls were cool with it. We arrived at Scott's place and he has a personal chef. "What would you like to eat"?

"Anything other than cereal, an omelet and blueberry muffins with sesame seeds please". He laughs

"You are the cutest".

"Is that what you say to all girls before you fuck them, unfortunately that doesn't turn me on ''.

"I don't bring anyone to where I live I usually fuck them at their places and it's usually something like. Do you want to cuff me to you and let me muff you." I laugh so hard. "No!!! I can't believe they go for that because it doesn't turn me on, I just want to run. Did the chef hear what I felt like eating?"

"Yeah, Bruno heard you, lucky for you blueberry muffins with sesame seeds are my favorite too and they are always fresh from the oven Bruno went to get them. Do you want anything to drink"? "No, I'm fine". "Why did you ghost me for a week?" "I don't want anything to do with you". "But here you are having breakfast with me, the only thing you need is to be in my t-shirt and walk around here half naked".

I blushed and smiled. "I'm only here to make a deal with you".

"Which is?"

"I need the food first. I'm starving. Where is he? With the muffins"

'' Hi here, now talk".

"Wait, I have to say thank you first". Scott smiled and patiently waited. He was amazed by my ways of appreciating every little thing.

"Thank you sir, they look delicious. I am very excited to eat them".

I took a large bite of the muffin and I caught Scott staring at me.

"What are you looking at and want a piece".

"No, eat I have mine".

"You're crazy I'm not about to finish this muffin alone, who knows what y'all put in this thing". Scott bursts out in laughter.

"Eat, stop laughing".

He took a large bite on my muffin.

"You're amazing, I have never had so much fun in a long time".

"Ooh the omelet smells amazing thank you kind sir, now let us eat. Thank you for the food, it's amazing, so here's the deal: you are going to leave me and never talk to me again".

"Deal, I am just thankful that you came after you ghosted me".

"I didn't mean to judge you but you can be a good guy to everyone you know".

"Yeah, but these girls just threw themselves at me so to teach them a lesson I do it".

I nod, raising my eyebrows.

I spent the whole morning with Scott, he was slowly falling for me but I didn't want to trap him yet I wanted him all in...