
Chapter 18

The third day of classes at U.A. started out with every student and staff member getting overwhelmed by a literal wave of journalists and other press members. However once inside the safety of the U.A. barrier, the pushy news people became nothing more than a fading memory to most.

"I hope you're all well rested from yesterday's battle trial." Aizawa said as he entered the classroom. "I took the liberty of looking at your marks and evaluation. You're welcome, by the way." he continued as he pulled out a stack of papers. "A few things; Bakugou." he called out.

The blonde teen turned his sharp gaze up in response to hearing his name. "What?"

"Stop acting like a 7-year-old. You're wasting your own talent."

"Tch... I know." the violent boy grumbled.

"And Midoriya."

Said green-haired teen startled and nearly jumped out of his seat. "Y-yes?"

"I heard that you pulled off another dangerous stunt yesterday. But for whatever reason you seem to have come out relatively unharmed. Still, don't rely on luck or the help of others when you hurt yourself. If you keep going with the excuse that 'I can't control my Quirk', then you won't get very far. Fix this problem asap. Once you've cleared that hurdle, you'll be much more flexible in the use of your Quirk." instructed Aizawa.

"Yes sir!" nodded Midoriya.

"Lastly, Kumagawa."

[Yes Aizawa-sensei?]

"While your strategy was sound, realize that there is such a thing as 'taking it too far'. We don't need anyone having a heart attack during class just because you thought it'd be funny to make it look like you lost an arm or something."

[I will take your advice to heart Aizawa-sensei. Never shall I utilize an illusion in the way you described.] the teen nodded in response.

'Somehow I doubt that.' he thought as he put the papers away. "Now let's get on with some more mundane stuff. Pick a Class President."