
If Fate Could Only

Violet Daniels is in love with Mason Jones that's no secret. They have broken up in the past but fate has somehow found a way to reconnect them. However, Violet has her doubts about it. Along with other issues, including a huge family secret, she tries to work through her problems but sometimes fate has other plans.

cheyenneo1017 · Teen
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6 Chs


"I told you I didn't want to talk to you, Vanessa. I could care less about what you have to say." Mason says trying not to yell for the sake of my "sleep" not being disturbed. I pretend to be asleep still so I can hear more of their conversation or more of his part.

"Does it matter where I am? No, I'm not at his house. Okay If you go there you are going to look stupid because I'm not there." He tells the girl. I am guessing Vanessa was his girlfriend or ex-girlfriend. He notices that I have awoken and I silently cursed myself for blowing my cover.

"Vanessa I am not doing this. I have to go." He says then pushes the end call button. "Sorry I woke you." He says apologetically

"No, I meant to wake up this early," I told him.

"Early? It's almost 12 in the afternoon." He tells me.

"That's early." I joke. "Good thing I am off of work today," I tell him.

"Well since you're up I guess I can leave." He says.

"Already? Aren't you hungry." I ask.

"Well, I am always hungry but aren't your parents home?" He asks.

"Nope, they won't be home until 9 tonight. So I am basically alone all day." I tell him.

"Well my day is completely free so I guess I can hang out here. I have a major hangover anyways." He says plopping down on my head turning on my tv.

"What about school?" I ask.

"I've decided to make today skip day. I'm too tired and hungover." He says shrugging.

I shrug too then I get up to shower and brush my teeth. I sit in there thinking how strange it was to be hanging out with my ex-boyfriend in my room. When I finish up washing, I realize that I forgot my clothes in my room. I open the door and ask him to hand me them. He picks them up but he forgot the underwear.

"They are in the first drawer," I tell him. He hands me a pair of thongs, bold choice. I look at him and he has a stupid smile on his face. I roll my eyes and shut the door.

"I figured those would look better on you than all the other less revealing ones. Your boyfriend can thank me later." He tells me.

"Haha very funny but I don't have a boyfriend," I tell him through the closed door.

"Wait you're actually single? I figured you would be in a happy and healthy relationship by now." He says surprised.

"Are you implying that you thought I would just move on so easily?" I ask finally opening the door.

"Well yeah. You should because I did." He tells me.

"I did too." I lie

Those words hurt me more than him leaving me did. I hate them more now that he is the one saying them. I smile to cover up the pain he just caused. I stay silent while I angrily searched for my brush. I turn around and he hands it to me. I take a look in the mirror and I didn't like how this shirt fit so I looked for a new one. He silently watched me running around like a mad woman with a stupid grin on his face. I go into the bathroom and shut the door to change my shirt.

"Why are distracting yourself?" He asks

I take a look at the shirt I replaced the old one with and decide the other one was better so I change it again. "I'm not. I just needed to change my shirt. That's all." I lie

"Come on Vi, I know you find a way to keep yourself busy when something is bothering you, was it what I said?" He asks.

I open the bathroom door "Nope." I lie then walk over to my vanity plugging in my blow dryer.

"Okay so you don't care that I have moved on with another girl? It doesn't bother you to know someone had me in the ways you never did?" He asks with a stupid smirk. I slam the blow dryer down.

"Okay, what the fuck Mason? Why did you just say that? Why are you acting like a dick all of a sudden?" I snap trying not to cry.

"To get a reaction out of you. It's funny." He laughs.

"Are my feelings a joke to you? And does it look like I am laughing? Just because your little whore dropped her panties for someone else doesn't mean you have to be such a bitch about it towards me. Truthfully I don't blame her." I nearly yell.

"That was uncalled for." He says silently

I laugh "And what you said wasn't?" I challenge giving him a cold stare.

"This is why I hate you. You do shit to piss me off, purposely." He fumes walking out of my room.

"I do shit that makes you mad? You are the one who started this. I was doing fine before you had to mention the way she touches you." I say while going after him. He went to my living room and paced back and forth. The way he was acting was beyond strange, even for him. With the way he was moving around and yelling, it seemed that his hangover has suddenly disappeared. He stopped and looked at me.

"So you admit that you are still in love with me?" He asks.

"What? No, I was just repeating your words." I tell him.

"Okay, so it doesn't bother you one bit that another girl had me before you did?" He asked.

"Nope." I lie. He takes a step closer to me. My heart went out of my ass as he entered my personal space.

"So, you don't feel anything when I am this close?" He asks. He is now testing me to see if I will surrender but I have surrendered enough in the past. This time I am standing my ground and I will not give in to his devilish games.

"Not a thing." I lie. My heart feels like it's going to pop out of my chest. The lust I feel towards him is high right now but I know that I couldn't show him how much I wanted him. We both have entered a staring contest it feels like and neither of us wanted to break it. We are both stubborn which is why we didn't work in the past.

"So you wouldn't mind if I kissed you?" he asks. I actually considered it for a moment but I wouldn't let him have his way this time. I take a step closer and lean into his ear.

"Not this time," I whisper and walk away. I go into the kitchen and fumble through the cabinets looking for some alcohol or something to calm my nerves. He walks into the kitchen and sits.

"Why didn't you let me kiss you?" He asks. I guess he still wants to push buttons.

"Because Mason I am not going to be your rebound. We are not doing this again. If you want to be friends that's fine but I will not sit here and be your blowup doll." I tell him pouring the whisky I found. He just stares at me as I take a big gulp of the whisky. He walks over to the counter and grabs a glass and pours himself some.

"Since when did you start to drink this shit?" He asks wincing from the burn the whisky leaves.

"Since my life became a shitty mess," I respond

"There is a party tomorrow night and I would love it if you would accompany me. I am sure your friends would love to see you." He says after minutes of silence.

I don't know, I have to work tomorrow morning." I tell him.

"So, the party isn't until tomorrow night. I will pick you up around 10. For now, I will retreat back to my own shitty life and leave you alone." He says getting up to leave. Before I could object, he says "And don't even try to get out of this because I already told everyone that you were coming. You wouldn't want to disappoint." He finally leaves, leaving me alone in my thoughts.


After Mason left, I cleaned up the mess we made from last night then did some school work. By the time I got done with my schooling, my parents came home. They of course found something to yell at me for but I just tuned them out like always. I decided to take a hot bath around 11. Just as I was about to get in I got a text from Mason.

Mason: *Hey*

I decided to purposely leave him on read. That didn't work too well though since iPhone loves to tell people when their messages were read.

Mason: *Are you purposely ignoring me?*

Me: *Yes*

Mason: *I'm sorry about earlier I was just pissed about the whole Vanessa thing*

Me: *Oh it's normal to act that way towards someone who has been nice to you even though she shouldn't have been*

Mason: *I thought I was going to have to remind you that*

Me: *Haha, what do you want? To tell me that you and Vanessa just finished making sweet love and are going to Fiji to get married and run off into the sunset?*

Mason: *Oh yeah Me, Her, and her mistress will all be running off to Fiji together. We both decided that I will have her Monday's, Friday's, and Sunday's and he will have her the rest of the week. I would ask you to accompany me on my off days but you're too busy being a sarcastic grouch.*

I laugh because that was a really cheesy comeback. I had to hand it to him, he was really funny. I decided to not answer him and continue my evening. Taking a hot bath was like soaking in a worry free pool. I practically felt my stress releasing as I sunk lower in the water. I sat there for about an hour then my fingers started to look like raisins so I got out. I realized that I forgot my towel on my bed so I walked out to get it. When I opened the door, I was surprised to see Mason watching tv.

"What the fuck Mason. Can you at least call before you come?" I yell at him silently hiding behind the door with my head sticking out.

"I did. I called ten times but you didn't answer so I figured you were either showering or asleep. I decided to come over because I couldn't sleep." He says throwing me the towel I left out there.

I roll my eyes as I shut the door and I put on my pajamas. It's really hot so I put on something light and of course Mason made a dirty comment. Its always hot in my house which is so irritating when your parents don't use the central air they pay for. I told him that I had to work in the morning so I went to sleep. I looked at the time and it read 12:30 am.

I finally drift off letting myself fully relax and moments later I feel...arms? I felt someone grab me. My eyes shot open immediately open to a dark room. I look at the time and it reads 3 am, it felt like I just closed my eyes. I look over my shoulder and I see Mason sound asleep. He must have gotten used to cuddling with Vanessa and must have mistaken me for her. I gently remove his arms and scoot to the edge of bed.

It's weird to be spooning with someone you just argued with literally this morning. It's also weird to be sleeping the same bed as him but I know why he is here. His mom and dad have a rather...complicated relationship. When his dad leaves on business, his mother brings in different guys each night. Even though his father is a complete dick to him, Mason still doesn't want him to get hurt. His father never liked Mason just for the simple fact that his mother was a gold digger when they met.

He had accidentally gotten her pregnant and got stuck with a money sucking whore which is why he resents Mason for it. His mother is the most selfish piece of shit ever. She literally only thinks about herself. I have always hated her and she knew it.

I stay up for a little while then I drift off to sleep. I feel Mason's arms pull me towards him. I was too tired to fight back so I just went back to sleep until I heard my alarm clock.